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How To Use Moral sense In A Sentence

  • But Morse's unerring moral sense is not recuperable to law and order rhetoric.
  • Moral insensibility, which is decidedly more congenital than contracted, is either total or partial, and is displayed in criminals who inflict personal injuries, as much as in others, with a variety of symptoms which I have recorded elsewhere, and which are eventually reduced to these conditions of the moral sense in a large number of criminals -- a lack of repugnance to the idea and execution of the offence, previous to its commission, and the absence of remorse after committing it. Criminal Sociology
  • Exactly the same difficulty arises, when we endeavour to account for the development of the moral sense or conscience in savage man; for although the _practice_ of benevolence, honesty, or truth, may have been useful to the tribe possessing these virtues, that does not at all account for the peculiar _sanctity_, attached to actions which each tribe considers right and moral, as contrasted with the very different feelings with which they regard what is merely _useful_. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • We dare not contemplate an Atlantis, a scheme out of which our coxcombical moral sense is for a little transitory ease excluded. English literary criticism
  • America has the moral sense and willingness to reform and change so as to become a better nation. Dr T.P.Chia 
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  • It may be, then, that I have the makings of a soulless, bloodless, heartless academic in me; it may be that I have no moral sense, no conscience, no shame.
  • Even, however, when we have put aside the vast number of venereally infected people who may be said to be, in the narrowest and most conventionally moral sense, "innocent" victims of the diseases they have contracted, there is still much to be said on this question. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • Man is gifted with a moral sense by which he distinguishes good from evil.
  • A government spokesman also adjured German companies to use their "moral sense" when doing business with Iran and that "the government is expecting some sensitivity from businesses. Abraham H. Foxman: Europe's Contradictions on Iran Sanctions
  • The dominie was a poor creature, whose necessities compelled him to abide in our neighborhood, though his moral sense was greatly shocked at the crimes which were often perpetrated around him. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3, July, 1851
  • The famed diarist George Templeton Strong, for example, wrote that “the gorilla is superior to the Celtic in muscle and hardly their inferior in a moral sense.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • By declaring him sane, the jury implied that he had a moral sense.
  • The law, in short, lags leagues and ages behind the moral sense of the community, so encumbered with its baggage train that it can never fetch up lost ground. The Subterranean Brotherhood
  • In short, whenever any thing is done which universal experience shews to be hurtful _to ourselves_, (not to others) it is invariably denominated an act "contrary to common sense;" but whenever it involves hurt _to others_, it takes another character, and becomes a breach of the "moral sense. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • The process of building a new society requires - perhaps as much as the development of new institutions-the cultivation of this moral sense.
  • Are we free to modify Our moral sense by rational reflection and conscious goal-setting or not?
  • The station of kings is, in a moral sense, so unfavourable, that those who are least prone to servile admiration should be on their guard against the opposite error of an uncandid severity.
  • Your moral sense, your conscience, has gone walkabout. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, we can see the extent of the influence of moral sense theories on Kant's ethics in the way that moral feeling continued to figure in Kant's moral thought long after he rejected moral sense theories as heteronomous. Kant and Hume on Morality
  • Such bloodstained enormities pass unnoticed now in a media pummelled into numbness by a government at last bereft of any moral sense or shame.
  • Man is gifted with a moral sense by which he distinguishes good from evil.
  • If it turns out that Dean reported this guy to the cops, then he at least has more moral sense than several members of the American hierarchy.
  • Perhaps there are non-moral senses of the term ‘corruption’.
  • We need to know that it is, precisely, human beings who do these things in certain circumstances, not monsters (except in the moral sense) or demons or devils.
  • The conception that its business is to appraise, to judge in the legal and moral sense, arrests the perception of those who are influenced by the criticism that assumes this task. Perfecting the Power to Perceive
  • And I rejoice that I was left to deal with the Bible alone; for if I had had some theological "explainer" at my side, he might have tried, as such do, to lessen my indignation against Jacob, and thereby have warped my moral sense for ever; while the great apocalyptic spectacle of the ultimate triumph of right and justice might have been turned to the base purposes of a pious lampooner of the Papacy. Science & Education
  • As Butler's fictional author of the Book of the Machines notes, ‘I cannot think it will ever be safe to repose much trust in the moral sense of any machine.’
  • In men of genius the moral sense is sometimes obtunded, if not altogether absent. Religion and Lust or, The Psychical Correlation of Religious Emotion and Sexual Desire
  • Schoolchildren, with the natural moral sense of the young, have always detested "clypes".
  • We have a moral sense that we use to make moral observations, in the same way as we use our physical senses to make physical observations.
  • Bellow has a strong sense of morality, so his works demonstrate a strong moral sense, ethical optimism and rejection of the denigration of human life.
  • Are we free to modify Our moral sense by rational reflection and conscious goal-setting or not?
  • moral sense
  • The quality you most admire in a man? Intelligence, moral sense.
  • Our moral sense dictates a clear-cut preference for these societies which share with us an abiding respect for individual human rights. The Good Fight
  • They also have acquired a ‘natural moral sense’ that inclines them to perform the social duties required for the species to flourish.
  • The word contrition itself in a moral sense is not of frequent occurrence in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • In 2001, when the Swedish Academy awarded Sir Vidia Naipaul the Nobel prize in literature, it described him as the heir to Joseph Conrad: "The annalist of the destinies of empires in the moral sense: what they do to human beings … the memory of what others have forgotten, the history of the vanquished. The Masque of Africa: Glimpses of African Belief by VS Naipaul
  • There are still people with some moral sense left. Christianity Today
  • But higher still than the activities of art, the intellect in its purity, and the moral sense in its purity, are not distinguished from each other, and both ravish us into a region whereinto these passionate clouds of sorrow cannot rise. Uncollected Prose
  • America has the moral sense and willingness to reform and change so as to become a better nation. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • By declaring him sane, the jury implied that he had a moral sense.
  • Like most war photographers his moral sense was often sorely tested. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only a theory that is completely certain should be allowed to undermine this moral sense.
  • We have Pizarro's answer, which confuses together the positions of moral realism, moral sense theory, and moral infallibilism one can be a moral realist but not a moral sense theorist, or a moral sense theorist but not a moral realist, or both, or neither; and one can be either without believing that there is a 'royal road to moral truth'; or Anderson's bizarre argument about the probability of God's existence; or Kosslyn's odd talk about God and Supersets; or any number of others. Not-so-dangerous Ideas and Very Dangerous Hyperboles
  • Creator has given to his creatures, have cultivated only one, the sense of touch, -- leaving out entirely that chief sense, which connects and confirms all others, -- _the sense of the invisible_, the _moral sense_. Atheism Among the People
  • Man is gifted with a moral sense by which he distinguishes good from evil.

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