How To Use Moral philosophy In A Sentence

  • His reputation stemmed from the publication in 1726 of Fifteen Sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel, in which he defines his moral philosophy, affirming an intuitional theory of virtue.
  • In the academic practice of moral philosophy and the philosophy of science, Simplicio's voice has been hard to hear, but Toulmin wants to amplify it and insist on its pertinence.
  • But if the doctrine of the human form brings unity to our conceptions of mankind, and sees the terrene man as a globe of societies and churches, its effects upon moral philosophy are not less important, for it embraces kindreds and tongues in one fraternal whole.
  • We seek validation of our experience and moral philosophy, but virtually meager acknowledgement is posted by other bloggers. WWJ(or M or C or B or H or P or S)D?
  • Dworkin argues persuasively that in defending the antisegregation principle Bork necessarily engaged in moral philosophy: he chose from among various linguistically and historically defensible rules the one that seemed most "principled. Reagan's Justice: An Exchange
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  • He returned to his alma mater to write a doctorate in moral philosophy.
  • In moral philosophy he followed the Stoic teachings and gave opinions on virtue, evil, the soul, and emotions.
  • The above canon of influentials is heavy on theology and philosophy, also on moral philosophy.
  • That order of learning is as follows: logic, mathematics, natural philosophy, moral philosophy, metaphysics.
  • He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford.
  • It is the question of where moral philosophy is supposed to fit into our thinking: into our deliberative and justificatory practices. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I am surprised that he did not cite as evidence in support of his case the moral philosophy of his own Monklands District Council.
  • I am surprised that he did not cite as evidence in support of his case the moral philosophy of his own Monklands District Council.
  • In moral philosophy, feeling shame has generally been considered a natural disposition or sensation, and the fear of incurring it an universal motive for action or forbearance from antiquity onwards.
  • Either way the technical difference between moral philosophy and ethics is so minimal as to be irrelevant.
  • They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.
  • This is the most common moral philosophy used in business and remote transactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the most common moral philosophy used in business and remote transactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.
  • He returned to his alma mater to write a doctorate in moral philosophy.
  • In the tradition dominant in the United Kingdom, North America, and Australasia moral philosophy became increasingly scholastic and removed from the ethical concerns of real people.
  • Vives 'philosophical reflections on the human soul are mainly concentrated in De anima et vita, published in 1538, which provides the psychological underpinning for many of his educational ideas and can be characterized as a prolegomenon to moral philosophy. Juan Luis Vives [Joannes Ludovicus Vives]
  • Both theories are exercises in analytical moral philosophy which aspire to provide rational principles to support particular conceptions of just social arrangements.
  • The roots of ethnology lay, in turn, in the traditions of natural history, moral philosophy and humanism.
  • Surely they're old enough to learn about ethics and moral philosophy, tailored to their age.
  • I am surprised that he did not cite as evidence in support of his case the moral philosophy of his own Monklands District Council.
  • Adam B. USe of the term forseeable is absolutely standard when applying the principle of double-effect - central to area of moral philosophy in relation to war etc. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford.
  • Rasputin's representative work "A Farewell to Matyora" is such a moral philosophy fiction which puts forward the relationship between progress and morality.
  • I think that was a rather jejune period in moral philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • More recent moral philosophy exhibits a certain boredom with Moore's approach.
  • Rasputin's representative work "A Farewell to Matyora" is such a moral philosophy fiction which puts forward the relationship between progress and morality.
  • I don't think you have a good grasp of either Singer's or the Bible's moral philosophy -- or of what the "hobgoblin" quote meant, for that matter. Questioning "dignity."
  • In a lesser writer such use of anecdote could give way to whimsy, presenting quirky characters as allegory, tailoring encounters to fit a preconceived moral philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford.
  • The desirability of the effects and the legitimacy of the causes are questions left to esthetics, psychology, and moral philosophy.
  • This article is mainly in the background of multi-subject of political philosophy, legal philosophy and moral philosophy, analyzing the famous American scholar Dworkin's Rights Theory.
  • Moral philosophy reposes on natural law precepts as common presuppositions, but its advice will be true only in the main.
  • They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.
  • Of course, declaring ourselves all utilitarians won't look good with either the natural rights crowd or the current mainstream of moral philosophy which is mired in deontological intuition-pumping. Empiricism and Dogma, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It is the question of where moral philosophy is supposed to fit into our thinking: into our deliberative and justificatory practices. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Utilitarianism in moral philosophy is the view that morality should be aimed at promoting wellbeing.
  • In these letters the fundaments of Reid's epistemology, moral philosophy, and philosophy of science can be found and used to clarify his published remarks.
  • Their economic prescriptions are born of a moral philosophy that says debt is bad and more debt is worse.
  • Is not the opinion of Aristotle worthy to be regarded, wherein he saith, “That young men are no fit auditors of moral philosophy, because they are not settled from the boiling heat of their affections, nor attempered with time and experience”? The Advancement of Learning
  • Both theories are exercises in analytical moral philosophy which aspire to provide rational principles to support particular conceptions of just social arrangements.
  • He argued that Kantianism and utilitarianism, the two major traditions in western moral philosophy, mistakenly placed the foundation for morality in legalistic notions such as duty and obligation.
  • The highly flexible nature of the studia humanitatis encouraged the study of a variety of new disciplines, such as classical philology, literature, history, and moral philosophy.

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