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How To Use Moral hazard In A Sentence

  • The bankers have benefited from a stacked deck, or what's known as "moral hazard. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Foreclosures and Guilt: The "Home Loan Moral Hazard Scorecard"
  • Through establishing simple model, we analysis the moral hazard problem in different supervising levels of insurer and in different wealth levels of injurer.
  • I don't think that what we as central bankers are doing is a moral hazard in that we are not rescuing specific institutions and therefore not giving stimuli to other institutions to "misbehave" in the future. 'Mixed Feelings' From on High
  • His first instinct was to explain the risks of moral hazard rather than to stem contagion. Times, Sunday Times
  • This problem is sometimes called moral hazard, by analogy with insurance where the phenomenon is well known.
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  • And he wrote about the moral hazard that seemed to him intrinsic to voyaging. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This problem is sometimes called moral hazard, by analogy with insurance where the phenomenon is well known.
  • The pattern of bailouts since 1995 has distorted the operation of financial markets by creating moral hazard.
  • However, we saw that problems of adverse selection and moral hazard would inhibit the organization of private insurance markets.
  • Saint Hayek was unequivocal in arguing for universal health care in Road to Serfdom, as it is a “genuinely insurable risk,” ie, no moral hazard. Matthew Yglesias » Obama at the House GOP Retreat
  • The Federal Reserve's successive bailouts have created a huge moral hazard problem.
  • These oscillations are the real moral hazard.
  • Hellmann, Murdock, Stiglitz ( 2000 ). Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough [ J ]. The American Economic Review , Vol.90.
  • insurance companies are exposed to a moral hazard if the insured party is not honest
  • This problem is sometimes called moral hazard, by analogy with insurance where the phenomenon is well known.
  • We are using IMF as shorthand for the entire grouping of moral hazard intensifiers we listed at the outset!
  • However, we saw that problems of adverse selection and moral hazard would inhibit the organization of private insurance markets.
  • But moral hazard reduces the ability to reallocate risk among different economic agents.
  • In other words, lower the amount insured below the actual value of the house to prevent moral hazard.
  • But there are plenty of services that are not catastrophic in nature, and we should not finance them as they contribute to moral hazard, overutilization, and drive up healthcare costs. Wonk Room » What Does The Hospital Deal Mean For Health Care Reform?
  • However, on the condition of the manager market failure in China, managers' choice hazard and moral hazard will arise when managers from outside market enter the family controlled enterprises.sentence dictionary
  • However, he accepted that, if the excess of the insured value over the market value were so great that it suggested a moral hazard, the underwriter would not insure the vessel.
  • While they were struggling to bring the banking crisis under control, they found themselves simultaneously having to persuade a sceptical governor of the necessity of rescuing the clapped-out Northern Rock, and eventually much of the rest of the banking sector, while he was still lecturing the City about "moral hazard". Can you overrule the King of Threadneedle Street?
  • This behavior is termed moral hazard . In practice, not all risks can be insured, and the insurability of a given risk depends on a number of factors.
  • The business end of Hanky Panky Paulson’s bazooka is glowing red hot as it continues to fire round after round of high explosive moral hazard contains an up to 85 billion dollar, two-year bridge loan from the Fed to the world’s largest insurer, AIG, to be guaranteed by the US taxpayer via the US Treasury. All Roads Lead To Hyperinflation | Disinformation
  • However, we saw that problems of adverse selection and moral hazard would inhibit the organization of private insurance markets.
  • Then adverse selection and moral hazard have become the key problems of venture investment.
  • In the end, an optimal principal agent contract between non-life insurance companies and professional agent is designed to avoid professional agent's moral hazard in marketing.
  • To discourage moral hazard the interest rate should be at a penalty rate and, reflecting the rising risk, increase with the amount borrowed.
  • This moral hazard sent them lending billions to property developers and investing billions in junk bonds.
  • The existence of deposit insurance increased moral hazard for banks because insured depositors had little incentive to keep the banks from taking on too much risk. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Debt relief, too, is imbued with moral hazard: the worse a government behaves, the more it is rewarded.
  • The fact that insured depositors would not monitor these narrow banks would minimize moral hazard because the assets of the narrow banks bear almost no risk anyway. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Based on the previous prevention of moral hazard, we should dissert the theory of personal insurance interests, and take the principle of consent which is definite and operational instead.

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