How To Use Mopping In A Sentence

  • Staff were faced with a huge mopping-up operation and workmen were called in to repair the roof.
  • After a night of no sleep and mopping the flat, I had a delightful day of dealing with various squads of plumbers.
  • One moment she was mopping the floors with her balai espagnole ... and the next she was lying helpless on the cold wet tiles. Troisième age - French Word-A-Day
  • Had my whole house done in "saltillo tile" - and sealed and protected with a shiny sealant - now, a few years later - the sealant is blistering off - and exposing the original surface - which is being stained by the mopping!! has anyone ever SANDED DOWN and refinished tile by tile? if so, how and with what products available in Guadalajara? Saltillo tiles
  • This is not to imply that Hydrogen Guy was being unchivalrous, letting Helium Girl handle all the hard work of mopping the parking lot with a pair of muscled thugs.
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  • The wound proper is cleared of all foreign material either by clipping with the scissors, curetting or mopping with cotton or gauze pledgets. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • ‘Splendid little creature,’ gasped Mr Griffiths, mopping his brow once more.
  • The clock is ticking for him to find the natural father before Cally adopts the baby and he'sleft mopping up the gunge. Watch this
  • They were mopping up after a crisis that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one we lived through recently. Times, Sunday Times
  • So there I was, mopping up the utility room and drying it off with paper kitchen towels, running around every room with a plughole or toilet pouring bleach down it, and opening every window in sight to get some air in.
  • Martin dribbled up so fast that the ball girl who was mopping the court on that end had to scurry away and avoid getting hit. - Basketball - Sacramento vs. Minnesota
  • Muttering under his breath, he gets a sponge from the kitchen and starts mopping up the wine from the table before it can spill onto the floor.
  • When Bruce first encounters him, he is humbly mopping a warehouse floor.
  • The groom is seen mopping his brow with a handkerchief.
  • IF you're constantly mopping sweat from your brow, it could be a sign your diet needs some attention. The Sun
  • Tail the endlessness of the eating with the table cleaning, the floor mopping, the wipe-down of the bathrooms, the kitchen scrubbing and you got one giant circle of nothing. Hair
  • He moved closer, the torchlight unwavering, then he dabbed it across the floor in a mopping circle around his feet. THE LAST RAVEN
  • There are three different application techniques for modified bitumen: torching, hot-mopping and cold-applied.
  • If you hate mopping as much as I hate mopping, which is a Super Duper High Depth of Hatred, then perhaps Scoomba is an excellent value for me? One Bright Star (1B*) Reignited
  • Each quiz answer now sounded like part of a comedy sketch as we answered the previous question, by the end I was mopping my eyes, weeping with helpless laughter.
  • She was told the caretakers would provide a basic service including sweeping and mopping where necessary of halls, landings and stairs and cleaning of accessible windows.
  • Unfortunately, the weapon mopping up after the Cold War is very lethal, costs a few hundred bucks and is everywhere.
  • It was such a hot day that he had to keep mopping his forehead with handkerchief.
  • The kids were asleep, the house a tip after a 10-hour marathon of sheet-changing, brow-mopping and providing endless supplies of cool drinks and constant assurances that poppa was on his way.
  • A perspiring signor rose, mopping his forehead with a white linen handkerchief, his brow furrowed with worry. THE FAMILY
  • And, when it comes to your finances, courage is often needed to admit mistakes and begin mopping up a financial mess.
  • But it was hard work out there in the heat although Woods was working hard, occasionally mopping his perspiring brow with a towel.
  • There he was, mopping the deck after that freak storm that had just hit, whistling a bawdy melody that he'd heard in a barroom once, when he spotted her.
  • I was pointed up to the first floor of the building where some cleaners were mopping up.
  • Mopping up the attention, he adopted his most oratorial voice to declare that people must hold the Government and the EU accountable by voting No.
  • You can also make a killer Carolina-style barbecue "mopping" sauce for game by adding it to some apple cider vinegar and a little ketchup. How to Make the Ultimate Dry Rub for Wild Game
  • I finally thought to get off on the fourth floor and descend a flight of stairs, only to find that a custodian had roped off that end of the third-floor hallway for mopping.
  • And then it was onto mopping up a split drink (Kiwitini apparently, squidgy green gack), which somehow left a much whiter patch on the cream carpet.
  • Mop sauce gets its name from a utensil similar to a small string mop that the chuck wagon cook would use to baste meats, literally mopping on the sauce while cooking.
  • So we have a former foreign Minister, now a trade Minister, overseas with Mr Peters, mopping up the mess and bagging him at the same time.
  • He started mopping up the mess and picking up pieces of glass.
  • Robyn took a deep breath and then slowly continued on her present mission in retrieving the rouge mop which she immediately returned to the janitor who politely thanked her and began mopping the place he had just been scrubbing.
  • Duncan was coming closer with the brush and a big bucket, emptying ashtrays and mopping things.
  • I was soon left mopping my brow. The Sun
  • Then I noticed Bill mopping at a slight drip from under the rear left wheel arch.
  • As dawn succeeded darkness, mopping up continued.
  • A second equally good story describes mopping up an oil spill at sea.
  • Her face burning, Rena sits back down once the waiter finishes mopping up the tablecloth.
  • A perspiring signor rose, mopping his forehead with a white linen handkerchief, his brow furrowed with worry. THE FAMILY
  • And after mopping uselessly at the scalding coffee that I'd inadvertently spat on my arm I sat back down to figure out how the bejesus I'd picked up the extra million or so visitors.
  • Government forces are mopping up the last pockets of resistance.
  • He's logged 2 1/2 years at Enron, mopping up one of the biggest financial cesspools in U.S. history.
  • Not by my bed mopping my fevered brow but, for much of the time, tucked up beside me in a queen-size bed in a luxury hotel.
  • Why he couldn't have done that is beyond me, it was muggins here who had to spend an hour mopping the floor - not to mention all the other nonsense I have to do in the mornings anyway.
  • Trixie was mopping Steve's breakfast off the Catalac's deck.
  • As it happens, summer mounted a last minute insurrection and the day was unreasonably hot, with everyone dressed for the wrong season and mopping their brows.
  • You can use all that exercise after walking to and from work, emptying the trash, washing the giant picture windows, and mopping the dining room.
  • They were mopping up after a crisis that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one we lived through recently. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sat on the edge of the stage, dangling his legs, mopping his face. MR STARLIGHT
  • Mopping up continued through the night as frantic efforts were made to disinter the troops buried in the tunnels.
  • She delights in mopping it up with the melted cheesey bread before it has time to congeal.
  • Duncan was coming closer with the brush and a big bucket, emptying ashtrays and mopping things.
  • he gave it a good mopping
  • I don't know where the time went, but before long it was 10, and then 11 and the barman was calling time, collecting up glasses and mopping the tables.
  • Overwhelmingly, it's the taxpayer mopping up the mess as obsolete computers are dumped into the municipal waste stream.
  • Henry, after the requisite period of lying deathly pale in bed and mopping his face on the sheets, recovers.
  • Today, when the world is drippy, puddly and weeping with rain, leaden with clouds and hazy memories of sunshine, one stays home and tends to domestic gardens, such as laundry, stove-scrubbing, and floor-mopping.
  • The way of public management of sexuality perhaps will shift from mopping up to regulation.
  • Sometimes when we were mopping the deck, an activity in which Catherine and Nicholas were exempted from, the two would dance around singing the sea chantey that Patch, the singer of the group, had taught us a few days before.
  • For those who looked to the media for information, traps were continually sprung, and now the journos are engaged in mopping-up operations. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Behind the newspaper headlines of a crackdown in South Africa, of so-called mopping-up operations in Namibia, of the repeated invasions of the People's Republic of Angola, behind the headlines that speak of the exploits of bandits and puppets against the peoples of Mozambique, Seychelles, Madagascar, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Lesotho, and of incursions into Botswana and Swaziland, lies a story of massive human suffering and death. Speech by Thabo Mbeki, Representative of the ANC, at the special meeting of the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid in Observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Sharpeville Day)
  • When cooked, leave to stand for 15 minutes to cool a little, then serve in bowls with boiled or mashed potatoes, for mopping up the juices.
  • Duncan was coming closer with the brush and a big bucket, emptying ashtrays and mopping things.
  • Through new vistas of business, it was looking at mopping up revenue to become one of the Fortune 500 companies, the Chief Postmaster General of Tamil Nadu circle said.
  • But if these combined to pull out the winner, the real stars of the show were the ageless Tommy Turner, mopping up languidly at the back, and Ricky Gillies and Hugh Murray dominating in midfield.
  • Without IPU we will see weeds such as groundsel and mayweed slipping through the net, and some mopping up in spring may be required. FWi - All News
  • ‘Thank you mum,’ he says, mopping his brow in mock relief.
  • They even managed to resist the temptation to "mop" from Barneys ( "mopping" is voguer lingo for stealing; the wearing of mopped clothes is a prerequisite to "walking a ball"). Pater Is Burning! Rad Dads in Drag
  • Immediately she was on her knees with a rag, mopping up the spilled Cuervo.
  • He moved closer, the torchlight unwavering, then he dabbed it across the floor in a mopping circle around his feet. THE LAST RAVEN
  • A clean mop head should be dipped into the germicidal solution before mopping has begun, and if more solution is needed, it should be poured on the floor.
  • IF you're constantly mopping sweat from your brow, it could be a sign your diet needs some attention. The Sun
  • Often it's as simple as damp mopping with a solution of ammonia and water and rinsing to remove oils, makeup, or other substances.
  • He sings the same song to her every morning, right after she finishes mopping up the last of her soupy sambar with a masala dosa.
  • He's kind of mopping up the floor with his critics as well as Jeanne Moos shows us. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2009
  • Mopping up extra 124% Liz Dolan DOOR-to-door brooms and buckets seller Betterware is cleaning up in the recession.
  • Then he started to sweat profusely, mopping at his face and neck with a large red handkerchief.
  • They were mopping up after a crisis that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one we lived through recently. Times, Sunday Times
  • An elderly man who had been mopping around the counter looked up from his tedious chore and smiled at whoever had walked in.
  • Henchmen are known as the ‘can do’ guys, the utility workers who have no problem mopping the nuclear missile silo one moment and then getting beaten up by superheroes the next.
  • I ripped a paper towel from the roll, mopping up the mess I had made.
  • Startled, Andrew looked up at the clock and realized he had spent forty minutes sweeping and mopping, and he had been mopping the same spot for the past ten minutes.
  • Eventually she pulled away a little, mopping her cheeks with her wrist.
  • In anticipation, we could take the following steps: (a) keep mopping up forex inflows and tie up optional contracts for longer-term forex credit; (b) better align oil and gas pricing to international prices; (c) push for an agreement on GST implementation timelines in the first half of 2010 when states would be less apprehensive about their finances.
  • People die everyday, mopping floors, washing dishes.
  • Direct intervention through the purchase of foreign exchange was constrained by the costs of "sterilisation" - a reference to mopping up the excess rand through debt. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • As I don't, I scoffed the lot with a good deal of plain rice for mopping up.
  • The surprise is that it took me until this morning to realise that my overall lethargy and turgid headache were probably more to do with caffeine withdrawal than the regiments of lymphocytes still engaged on mopping up operations inside.
  • If you have got a full cup of coffee on the go, expect to be mopping it up on a twisty road. The Sun
  • So I spent the next half hour mopping the kitchen floor.
  • They were mopping up after a crisis that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one we lived through recently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thereafter only mopping-up operations remained in Spain; a mutiny in his army was quelled, and the ringleaders executed.
  • It's another thing to wake up and find a pile of laundry on the kitchen floor in front of the refridgerator and recall mopping up a major leak. Konagod
  • The newcorner was slim, and Rogers felt that he might break him between his hands if he could only get a proper grip; but the drunken drover -- for it was he -- was as sinuous as an eel, and a moment later Joe was on the broad of his back with the 'darbies' on his wrists and a trooper kneeling on his chest, while the drover, transformed into Detective Downy, stood over them, mopping his face with his big false beard. The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
  • Unfortunately, the weapon mopping up after the Cold War is very lethal, costs a few hundred bucks and is everywhere.
  • She stood up, mopping her brow with the back of a skeleton wrist.
  • Roy stops mopping her face with a towel and looks up at Jody.
  • The FCC data reveal a couple of things: First, the telecom companies have been more successful than the cable companies in mopping up the remaining dial-up subscribers with their cheap ADSL offerings. Residential Broadband Grew 22% During 2005 | Impact Lab
  • Whoever takes control, will more likely begin mopping up this mess. Gates: Next president likely to take 'sensible approach' to Iraq
  • The case went to Theatre soon after that, and leaving a nurse on guard by the man with the facial injuries, Augusta tiredly disposed her little team for what she called mopping-up operations. Tulips For Augusta
  • I was soon left mopping my brow. The Sun
  • Joan began mopping up sauce messily with a heavily-buttered roll while Kenny fastidiously dipped slivers of unbuttered bread into his. JUST BETWEEN US
  • The final round would be what Mchunu described as a mopping-up operation in areas the IEC had been unable to reach. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • She came home from work in the hospital pharmacy to find him doing the laundry or mopping the floor.

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