How To Use Moorish arch In A Sentence
Seen from the outside the spacious terraces led through wide Moorish archways into luxurious suites.
Wide Moorish arches, high vaulted ceilings, marble floors, Italian mosaic swimming pools; it'll be like a palace.
In addition, the top areas of the main windows are decorated with stone tracery describing trefoils, quatrefoils and Moorish arches.
Most of the buildings on Cypress sported facades of English Tudor half-timber-ing, which made Pine Cove an anomaly among the coastal communit-ies of California with their predominantly Spanish-Moorish architec-ture.
Practical Demonkeeping
In addition, the top areas of the main windows are decorated with stone tracery describing trefoils, quatrefoils and Moorish arches.
The architectural part of the complex was reborn as a post-Victorian mélange, in which Moorish arches soar above Gothic vaults.
In addition, the top areas of the main windows are decorated with stone tracery describing trefoils, quatrefoils and Moorish arches.
Moorish archways and arabesque screens slip a lattice of shadows across the comings and goings in the lobby.