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How To Use Moody In A Sentence

  • He was moody and unwilling to make the usual politenesses.
  • But I was going through a reclusive and non-communicative phase, and his efforts to talk to me, to establish genuine communication, were met with a stony and moody silence.
  • Despite the dark tint and moody atmosphere of the show, the set lights up in fluorescents and strong blues and yellows, and the colors come through strong.
  • And wait till you see those moody sunsets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Originally from Sacramento and now based in New York, this fivesome makes moody rock textured with all manner of influences from dub reggae to funk.
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  • Brown will be back to his spiteful, nasty, moody, blackheart self BEFORE the end of the month. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • They're equally comfortable with energetic rock as they are with slow, moody and melancholy tunes.
  • The fee rollback will lead to a $7.5 billion widening of the state deficit over the next year and a half, according to Moody's.
  • Terms: Maturity: Nov. 5, 2020; coupon: 3.5%; reoffer: 99.189; date: Nov. 5, 2010; spread: 75 basis points more than midswaps; debt ratings: Aaa (Moody's), triple-A (S & P) and AAA (Fitch); denominations: € 1,000; listing: Luxembourg; interest: annual. New Securities Issues
  • The sky overhead was overcast with great gray clouds, and the atmosphere was actually kind of moody.
  • The rest of the movie is a lot like that: moody and unpredictable, using lots of close-ups and jerky documentary-style zooms and fast cuts.
  • When you need that Mike Pinder string sound for your Moody Blues sound-alike or that Kraftwerk human choir thing, dial up the M-Tron!
  • The song is moody and weighed down but not indolent: Propelled by a polyrhythmic drumbeat, it reveals emo-core and math-rock leanings.
  • Despite the figurative grotesquerie, which is more nuisance than threat, it is a painting of nothing — no thing as such but atmosphere — a moody, indeterminate matter expressive of an interior mental state conjured through paint and paint alone. Ensor Unmasked
  • Following the collision he became moody and headstrong, his speech delivery was very slow and he walked with a slow shuffling gait.
  • As part of a "recalibration" of municipal debt, New York City-based Moody's raised New Mexico's rating to Aaa with a stable outlook, from Aa1 with a stable outlook. Jacksonville Business News - Local Jacksonville News | Jacksonville Business Journal
  • It's dark and moody, yet one of the most impressive releases so far this year.
  • a moody and uncheerful person
  • The surrealistic adventure game that will enthrall games of all ages with its moody atmosphere, you'll encounter engaging narrative and a cast of colorful characters.
  • The second half is loaded with these 3 A.M. smoking cigarettes-on-your-balcony brooders, and you'd think it'd get bogged down worse than a fat-farm delivery bus in a flash flood on a dirt road, but it just gets… y'know, moody.
  • He is aggressive and moody, often verbally nasty to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Philip was a serial philanderer who did not bother to conduct his affairs very discreetly, which infuriated the moody and jealous Joan.
  • But in the 1893 campaign in Chicago, Moody was the first evangelical preacher that I know of who invited Roman Catholic prelates, priests, and bishops to share his platform.
  • He was miserable and moody, frustrated and just plain rude, insulting anyone who gave him the slightest reason.
  • Lately he had been as moody as an adolescent and about as helpful.
  • Terms were as follows: Maturity: Oct. 15, 2020; coupon: 6.625%; price: par; yield: 6.625%; spread: 416 basis points more than Treasurys; settlement: Oct. 8, 2010 (T+3); call: noncallable until Oct. 15, 2014; ratings: Ba1 (Moody's Investors Service), single-B-plus (Standard & Poor's Ratings Services). New Securities Issues
  • The smell in the wards and the moody patients made him keep his distance and caused him to lose his appetite for lunch.
  • It is a reapply moody air conditioner freeze up homes that can apologise their contravention molly for cabins and quietly forge the facials of aging, as in outrig and tightness. Wii-volution
  • There is the moody Macanudo Fumoir for those who like to smoke cigars, and the buzzy Claridge's bar for those who like to drink.
  • Moody's has profited from a steady stream of debt issuance that has reinvigorated the bond market and, in turn, the market to rate the debt. Moody's Net Climbs, Raises Guidance
  • Ian preferred moody songwriters who slowly strummed guitars and wallowed self-indulgently in their own impenetrable deepness.
  • He had handled his Indian scouts and dealt with the "bronco" Indians, the renegades from the tribes, in circumstances of extreme peril; for he had seen the sullen, moody Apaches when they suddenly went crazy with wolfish blood-lust, and in their madness wished to kill whomever was nearest. The Rough Riders
  • You will find them in moody mahogany colours or shot with pink or green. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sounds particularly great in the car, when tootling round the Peak District on a moody afternoon.
  • Now the texting between them has finally stopped but he's moody and angry with me. The Sun
  • He was unlike the moody Michael Angelo; unlike the gentle Raphael; unlike the fastidious Van Dyck who came long afterward; he was hail-fellow-well-met among his associates, though often given over to dreaminess.
  • He also didn't seem paralysed, and while he was oddly moody in his last weeks, nothing seemed physically wrong.
  • Abetted by moody cinematography and crackerjack editing, it moves like a shot.
  • It veers from moody French film music to something much darker when he tackles his true subject, prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • His heart, which had seemed all frostbound for months, melted, and that hunger for love -- home-love, mother-love -- which was, perhaps, at the very bottom of his moody complex youth, found a voice. The History of David Grieve
  • You can be moody and swing to extremes, be aware and remain balanced.
  • And wait till you see those moody sunsets. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a common man were to dare to be as moody, as contemptuous, and as misanthropical, the world would laugh at him.
  • Some of what would have been considered normal childhood behavior - squirming, being moody - is now pathologized.
  • Given Japan's massive pool of savings and the fact that its debt is almost all held domestically, Moody's said the growing fiscal problems were not likely to cause an immediate crisis in the Japanese government bond market in the near- to medium-term but said that such pressures will grow over the longer term. Moody's Lowers Japan's Debt Outlook
  • Lewis was aggressive, eccentric, moody, and brilliantly clever.
  • He was miserable and moody, frustrated and just plain rude, insulting anyone who gave him the slightest reason.
  • He is fat, lazy, moody, gluttonous, horny and pretty much constantly drunk or high on hashish.
  • She painted all her pictures (whether of the Annunciation or Cyclops 'cave) solely in moody red and black. Turning Antique!
  • At primary school she was bright and engaged but since moving to our local comprehensive she has become lazy and moody. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are less irritable and moody and better able to weigh the information. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Beehive State finished first overall thanks to AAA credit ratings from both Moody's and S&P, as well as debt per capita of only $447, according to Moody's. The United States Of Debt
  • He went through the meal in moody silence, mechanically eating what was before him. THE APOSTATE
  • Her parents had rowed bitterly and friends said she was often upset and moody because she was unhappy at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Terms: Maturity: Nov. 4, 2015; coupon: 3.745%; reoffer: par; date: Nov. 4, 2010; spread: 225 basis points more than midswaps; debt ratings: A2 (Moody's), A+ (Fitch Ratings). New Securities Issues
  • The postcard itself was a moody affair, a dark sepia scene of a cityscape that was gloom itself.
  • Clinic combines standard rock instruments with a moody, vintage organ creating a sound that's difficult to describe from a standard rock setup.
  • Compare and contrast with Tom Moody, who also likes lo-fi music and computer graphics, but who is some kind of gentrified punk rock snob lacking any redeeming qualities, including passion. Ethics by Artistotle
  • The loan was rated AAA by Moody's, which judged the £80m Real Madrid paid Manchester United for Ronaldo and the £56m fee to AC Milan for Kaka a gilt-edged security - as safe as US government debt - for what that's worth. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Sure, there are potential problems and challenging aspects: Cancers can be overly moody and needy at times; Capricorns can be distant and controlling; and they can both be willful and unyielding. Virginia Bell: William and Kate: Star-Crossed Lovers or Soul Mates?
  • Wander through a moody grove of ancient sequoias on an easy 1/2-mile loop.
  • That he's moody and unpredictable just makes him more interesting. The Sun
  • Depending on the mood and intention of the photographer, a cloudy sky can be printed dark and moody or light and airy.
  • At primary school she was bright and engaged but since moving to our local comprehensive she has become lazy and moody. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than other parrot species, Amazons are well known for their strong or often moody characters.
  • Town Counsel Gerald Moody said the town could then foreclose, which is uncommon because people will usually find the money to keep their homes and property. The Milford Daily News Homepage RSS
  • After all, he has been making a similar kind of moody and elliptical music for years, with precious little acclaim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leanne could be willful and moody, Superintendent," she said. AFTERMATH
  • The auction came one day after Moody's warned Spain of a possible downgrade to its triple-A rating, a move that was described as unsurprising but nonetheless unfortunate in its timing. Spanish Bond Auction Dispels Worries
  • At 19, I was put on a new drug called amiodarone, which stopped the attacks and didn't make me moody. Home | Mail Online
  • Keith had seemed moody all morning.
  • The 12 songs here reveal a band that's cocksure but never cocky, moody but never melodramatic and musically adept.
  • I must apologize for my son's behaviour -- he isn't usually this moody.
  • The night before, her moody, unpredictable husband had held a knife to her throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • In such a supposed case, I felt by anticipation the horrors of the Highland seers, whom their gift of deuteroscopy compels to witness things unmeet for mortal eye; and who, to use the expression of Collins, — — “heartless, oft, like moody madness, stare, The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Behind the News Moody's and Fitch are set to 'recalibrate' muni ratings. Changes to Muni Ratings Could Puzzle Fund Investors
  • He is a stupid, moody, moronic little kid who thinks he's all grown up, when he's just sad and lost and bitter.
  • While moody floral midi dresses mixed with tougher pea coats makes for a classic yet current look. The Sun
  • It shows on "How I Got Over," the artiest in a string of moody, noncommercial albums that the Philadelphia hip-hop institution has squeezed out through the otherwise conservative Def Jam Recordings in recent years. Album review: The Roots, "How I Got Over"
  • His problem was rather the reverse, namely that he became aggressive, ill-tempered and moody.
  • Small dashes of bright primary and secondary colour taint the heavier earth tones, but recede into the moody hues of the whole at a distance.
  • Ruth is always moody when she's cleaning, it make me wonder why she took this job in the first place.
  • He tolerated me and loved me when I was being moody and difficult.
  • The first single is a moody yet uplifting electronic groover. Times, Sunday Times
  • By refining the image in the darkroom, a photographer can make the same image appear dark and moody or light and airy.
  • While moody floral midi dresses mixed with tougher pea coats makes for a classic yet current look. The Sun
  • The subterranean world is beautifully rendered, full of moody atmosphere. The Sun
  • Parents should back off when their teen is moody - teenagers very often don't even know the reason for their mood change and it can go from sad to happy, from obstinate to cooperative within a short time.
  • Today, sitting in a chintzy room of London's Dorchester Hotel, wearing a moody suit and smoking so much you'd think he was being sponsored, Bardem seems on the point of collapse.
  • Is this really a song about an abuser rationalizing his violent behaviour - or just a guy saying look I'm moody and hard to live with?
  • Household income, even adjusted for inflation, has increased, which would suggest that well-being has improved, " says Scott Hoyt, senior director of consumer economics at Moody's Analytics.
  • It's a moody blend that makes me think of bands like the Rheostatics or other folky, 70's inspired bands.
  • She's childish, sullen, moody and volatile, prone to outbursts of jealousy, weeping, rage and laughter.
  • Dark and moody - but in a good way. The Sun
  • The slow movement is wonderfully moody and rhapsodic.
  • By 1750 writers had begun to question the religious strictures laid down by men such as Samuel Moody.
  • It has moody lighting and decorative sculptures, and, most innovatively, a workspace that is egalitarian. Times, Sunday Times
  • A sodality of soreheads under the black flag of the Underground Literary Alliance had no other apparent purpose than to complain at tentshows that Moody and his whitebread buddies, a circle-jerk of class entitlements with names like Dave Eggers, Jonathan Lethem, and David Foster Wallace, had gobbled up all the royalties and review space, all the MacArthur baubles and Guggenheim buzz in Bookie World. In the Desert, Prime Time
  • The man, later identified as Alvarado, walked over to her car, knocked on her window and repeatedly said, "Moody Street," police said. The Daily News Tribune Homepage RSS
  • The style takes a while to get adjusted to since the novel starts on a very light note despite its grim underlying events, Portier being a very self-deprecating and wry narrator, while his two companions in the investigation, Chevalier Ilario and sorcerer Dante start as the overdone cliches of "fop" and "brilliant but moody outsider sorcerer". Today in Fantasy: February 8, 2010
  • And she closed the door somewhat forcefully to leave Charles in his moody meanderings.
  • The emotional damage they suffered had left them moody, uncommunicative and sometimes violent. Archive 2009-11-01
  • But there are times and places when a natural landscape, without any artificial illumination, looks just as rich and moody in the afterglow of sunset.
  • As for the moody magnetism Method actors devote all their energy trying to perfect, Allen can take it or leave it.
  • Think of wireless as a moody teen, a powerful lunk brimming with potential - but hardly reliable.
  • The record, at times, is a circus of sounds, an ornate hodgepodge of moody keyboards and skronky guitars, wordless angel chorales, ambient electronics, airy woodwinds and overcharged fuzzboxes.
  • The locale is timeless, exotic and mysterious, and the light moody and evocative.
  • The moody landscapes with splashes of garish neon, the darkness and shadow - all that translates very well from the console.
  • You will find them in moody mahogany colours or shot with pink or green. Times, Sunday Times
  • he sat in moody silence
  • Ultralight aviation was pioneered in 1976 by John Moody with a 10 horsepower go-cart-powered engine.
  • Dark and moody, these compositions provided the blueprint for his first main solo project.
  • But with kids today more interested in gloomy mortal Bella locking lips with the moody and misunderstood vampire Edward in the “Twilight” books and movies, vampires are no longer slumbering in coffins. VAMPIRE NEWS FOR OCTOBER 4 | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The challenge now is for Turkey to once again register larger primary surpluses and continue to reduce its debt levels in order to further bolster its resilience to external shocks," said Moody's analyst Sarah Carlson. Moody's Lifts Turkey Outlook
  • It was probably either a misunderstanding or she was moody for another, unrelated reason.
  • After it he'd become withdrawn and moody, his formerly friendly nature turning acerbic and harsh.
  • The Moody's move suggests global markets turn increasingly positive about China's medium-term fundamentals, so it's a big positive for commodities and related currencies," BofA Merrill Lynch China economist Ting Lu wrote in emailed comments. China Jumps on Down Day
  • PARK CITY, Utah - If you watch "Californication," you know that Hank Moody is the definition of self-destructive. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Last month, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services cut its long-term counterparty credit rating to BBB, which like Moody's new rating is two notches above junk status. Jefferies' Credit Rating Moves Closer to Junk Territory
  • We tend to fuss and complain about it, we are moody and irritable: it can get scary even for us.
  • While moody floral midi dresses mixed with tougher pea coats makes for a classic yet current look. The Sun
  • The firm led the sale itself, and the bonds were rated A1 by Moody's Investors Service, A by Standard & Poor's and A+ by Fitch Ratings. Goldman Sachs Sells
  • Christian Moody has been about as good as a walk-on can be, but it's a lot to ask him to play 20-plus minutes on a Final Four-level team.
  • The moody, minimal, electronica of Natja and the gentle strumming of Diving Horses (with Dot Allison's plaintive, spine-tingling vocals) are the same; demanding repeated listening.
  • Mr Harbage said the prosecution accepted Susan Moody had been "unwell" at the relevant time but the extent of that illness was "open to dispute". Political Correctness Watch
  • I would smile, put on a front - and then act irritable or moody or depressed. Positive Parent Power
  • They feature moody, hypnotic backdrops topped with his breathy intoning.
  • During a review of the autumn series Johnson emphasised the leadership qualities of Jonny Wilkinson and Lewis Moody, while Nick Easter's return to full fitness and form has seen his name catapulted into the frame. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • I would smile, put on a front - and then act irritable or moody or depressed. Positive Parent Power
  • He can be quite moody - a lot of people are very loyal to him but a lot of other people found him very frustrating.
  • Spring comes soon, and the eldest son suddenly turns moody and peevish, unwilling to eat or go to school.
  • They believed he had been working in collaboration with Detective Chief Superintendent Bill Moody, the operational head of the Obscene Publications Squad. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Imagine the moody dronings of God Speed You Black Emperor, or Spaceman 3 and then add beautifully moody and sullen vox courtesy of Aurelio Valle.
  • Chef Mike Moody can't wait to offer some flavorful nightly specials that will feature seafood and plenty of flavor.
  • Where Ubud is moody, introspective and green, Manggis is bright, beachy and the perfect place to "chillax" (chill out and relax). Undefined
  • She was moody and grumpy while her parents made their best efforts to be cheerful.
  • He became moody and unreasonable, flailing out at Katherine at the slightest excuse.
  • The single large figure sprawls diagonally across the canvas in dark, moody browns and blues.
  • In the sunken seating and lounge area at the back of the bar, stained oak floorboards, recessed spotlighters and black walls create a moody, atmospheric ambience by night.
  • Moody's said it made the decision mostly because of what it called the deterioration of Dubai's broader economic outlook. Top Dubai Firms
  • Analysts at Moody's Investors Service warned in a November report that limiting bonuses would be a "pyrrhic victory for taxpayers. Fannie Counsel Is Internal CEO Candidate
  • NEW YORK—Moody's Investors Service placed Italy—the euro zone's third-largest economy—on notice Friday, warning that its sovereign rating may be imperiled by a weak economy and rising interest rates, just as Europe struggles to contend with a raging debt crisis that threatens to engulf Greece. Moody's Puts Italy's Rating on Watch
  • Terms: Maturity: Oct. 30, 2018; coupon: 9.5%; price: par; yield: 9.5%; spread: 751 basis points more than Treasurys; settlement: Oct. 19, 2010; call: noncallable for four years; ratings: B3 (Moody's), triple-C-plus (S & P). New Securities Issues
  • You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
  • Many times one gets the impression he would rather live life as his schizoid alter ego, a sulky, moody 12-year-old trapped in a man's body.
  • The man was moody and irritable as the hours passed, tired of waiting for a crazy gnome in a sailing contriv - ance, who probably would never return anyway. The Gates of Thorbardin
  • On receiving news that Moody's had turned its India outlook from stable to positive, the rupee rose four paise.
  • Think dark and moody when hitting the high street and layer up with rollneck jumpers. The Sun
  • Moody's downgraded Buena Vista's credit rating in June to junk from 'low credit risk, ' citing 'uncertainty about the city's willingness to meet its obligations.'
  • Lone, his face moody, his eyes clouded with thought, rode beside him, while Jack trotted loose-jointedly at Swan's heels. Sawtooth Ranch
  • Moody argued that Paul was no universalist but rather a missionary.
  • Ricky Allen Moody, 58, was murdered Oct. 23 at his Claysville business, Motors & Cash, a title pawn and car sales shop on U.S. 431 near Claysville Junior High School. Sand Mountain Reporter: News
  • There are some reasons for skepticism about the Moody's estimates of the cost advantages of the hybrid system, most notably that the spread between jumbo mortgages, which are not bought by Fannie and Freddie, and conformable mortgages that go into the Fannie and Freddie pools has generally been just 25 basis points. Dean Baker: Arithmetic and the Fannie/Freddie Fix
  • Sitting at desk - mean and moody. The Sun
  • Under moody skies, we follow a rock trail past giant granite boulders and stands of bamboo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moody people are very difficult to deal with.
  • Though the Liars' cuts are supremely inaccessible, moody pieces, their chaotic, indecipherable babel plays against Oneida's monolithic tower.
  • But to contend with leukemia, Zubrod knew, was to contend with its fieriness and brittleness, its moody, volcanic unpredictability. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • She merely offered him a moody look, eyes dark, expression dour.
  • Under moody skies, we follow a rock trail past giant granite boulders and stands of bamboo. Times, Sunday Times
  • One managed a good snap at Moody's face before the pins from Ooljee's laser decussated its field, sending it flaring into oblivion. Cyber Way
  • Leanne could be willful and moody, Superintendent," she said. AFTERMATH
  • Sometimes he's fun to be with; at other times he can be very moody.
  • From a grown up grilled cheese featuring cheddar, fontina, and basil on artisan bread, to the lemon ricotta pancakes, Sweet Laurette's delivers a taste sensation that would be right at home in the big city, with a heart that anchors it to the moody Northwest. Wendy Diamond: A Pet-Friendly Victorian Vacation in Port Townsend
  • Moody melodies vie for attention with swing, ballads and jazz.
  • He also jokingly refers to himself as the moody, bohemian member of the group, which is pretty much how most folks remember the man behind that amazing, ulcerous voice. Cobain's Journals: The Writer Behind The Rock Star
  • He can be rather moody at times.
  • Don't be moody now, I can't stand it,’ she pleaded, looking suspiciously bright-eyed.
  • After it he'd become withdrawn and moody, his formerly friendly nature turning acerbic and harsh.
  • In those days, at least, fourteen was the age where girls were their most hormonal, rebellious, sulky, moody and bitchy
  • Terms: Maturity: Nov. 1, 2016; coupon: 10.0%; price: 98.897; yield: 10.25%; spread: 874 basis points more than Treasurys; settlement: Oct. 28, 2010; call: noncallable; expected ratings: Caa1 (Moody's), triple-C-plus (S & P). New Securities Issues
  • Lately he had been as moody as an adolescent and about as helpful.
  • Our analysis of the larger culture was characterized by the kind of apocalyptic imagery made popular by the nineteenth-century evangelist Dwight L. Moody.
  • They tend to be immature, moody, self-centered and evasive of responsibility.
  • The notes, which are also noncallable, were rated B3 by Moody's and are expected to be rated B-plus by Standard & Poor's. CIT Prices First High-Yield Bond Since Its Bankruptcy
  • Without access to the original paperwork, however, "you can really be hard-pressed" to find the information you need, says James H. Guarino , a partner at Boston-area accounting and consulting firm MFA - Moody, Famiglietti & Andronico LLP. Tips for Solving the Cost-Basis Mystery
  • Also, Moody's Scottish background - in the books, he sometimes uses the word "laddy" - might be a nod to one of the most belligerent of the Protestant Reformers The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women
  • It's the fourth of four original Batmobiles built by George Barris back in 1966 and is known as the "dragster" version because of its 427ci Holman and Moody V8 underhood and dual parachutes attached to the rear. Autoblog
  • inclined to be moody
  • In 2005, I remember meeting a girl when I had just seen "Batman Begins", the moody psychological picture that reinvigorated a tired franchise.
  • David's mother was unstable and moody.
  • They create nothing but dark and moody antiheroes living dark and moody lives in dark and moody science fiction and fantasy worlds, where ironic quips have taken the place of actual human qualities like self sacrifice, love, and hope. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • Terms: Maturity: Nov. 4, 2015; coupon: 3.5%; reoffer: 99.824; date: Nov. 4, 2010; spread: 135 basis points more than midswaps; debt ratings: A1 (Moody's), single-A-plus (S & P); denominations: € 50,000; € 1,000; listing: Luxembourg; interest: annual. New Securities Issues
  • The subterranean world is beautifully rendered, full of moody atmosphere. The Sun
  • On others, as in the case of "I'll Never Leave You," we took the separate harp and woodwind tracks and created a new version of the song that was quite moody and emotional and perfect for where I wanted to use it in the film. Joseph Vella: The Art of Harry Nilsson
  • Ennis is the man in this relationship - inexpressive, moody, and witheringly practical - and he tells Jack that their summer together is a one-time thing.
  • The term deflation, which is more appropriately used to describe a period of sustained price decline, may be too strong a word" for China, said Moody's Economy. com analyst Sherman Chan, because the "contraction in prices is expected to be short-lived. China's Price Rises Slow, but Deflation Risk Is Low
  • While a moody soundscape sounds like a scary stagger away from consciousness, Pip chats about self-harm.
  • But his stock-in-trade is moody, gargatuanly stringed incidental music for hysterically overblown movies like Moulin Rouge and Plunkett and MacLean.
  • He was moody lately but somehow he just could not shrug off the black cloud that was hovering over him.
  • David Duchovny reprises the role of Moody, the bawdy, cocksure and terminally lovesick belletrist transplanted from his native New York to Venice Beach. Rob Fishman: Californication Season 3: Sneak Peek And Review
  • She is overawed by the moody magnificence of Glencoe, and entranced by the beauty of Edinburgh.
  • Direct from Dublin, it's a blend of fancy footwork, furious fiddling and moody lighting and stage effects.
  • Even songs like The Joker sound moody and soulful.
  • The bonds have a Moody's AAA rating.
  • Moody's Investor Service projects higher operating costs based on the quickly escalating price of metals, forgings, other materials and labor needed to construct reactors. The Business Case Against Nuclear Power
  • And as he sat in moody silence she stole away, and begged some good broth from her godmother, who had always enough and to spare. The Fairies and the Christmas Child
  • It is a horde of hungry hunters, moody and snapping at each other, carrying one of their number, her blood making them even hungrier.
  • The moody-looking guy approached Tori rather tentatively, closing the gap till he was a mere foot from her, before drawling in a voice that reeked of liquor, ‘Are you Tori Roberts?’
  • The poem touches on loss, and has its own moody tinge, but an unmitigated sadness is not the effect.

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