How To Use Moodily In A Sentence

  • The business which he had built up so zestfully in the autumn had enfettered him, and was shaping his leisure moments like an inexorable machine, and the realization of it gave him moodily thoughtful moments during the remainder of the week. A Son of the City A Story of Boy Life
  • He sets up a typewriter on a rickety wooden pontoon and moodily bashes away, staring out over the lake.
  • The incidental music is moodily atmospheric though played rather fleetingly.
  • Darion found Bonnie on her balcony the next night, playing moodily with a moonflower off the vine that clung in an intricate arrangement around the French doors leading out.
  • in the bar, a youngish, sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic
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  • As he scrubbed shampoo quickly through his hair (he wasn't a dawdler showering type), he stared moodily out the small window out at the ocean.
  • Ralph Rashleigh was moodily contemplating the probable issue of this, his second appearance at the bar as a capitally criminal offender, when one morning, as he walked for the short allotted space in the prison yard, a turnkey halloed his name most lustily, and he went to the hall door. Ralph Rashleigh
  • Some children pass by, staring out of the back of a station wagon moodily.
  • He stood at the window, moodily staring out.
  • Buried under a layer of quilts he alternated between moodily staring at the paper, morosely changing channels, or just being a great big ill-tempered miserable lump.
  • Seated in his silent parlors, walking moodily through the beautiful rooms, haunted with memories of the splendid "anonyma" whose reign is yet visible, he dreams of his wasted past, his lonely future. The Little Lady of Lagunitas A Franco-Californian Romance
  • She found him sitting in the lounge, staring moodily off into space.
  • Moodily, she scuffed the toe of her boot against the deck rail.
  • On the little porch sat a big man with grizzled whiskers, smoking a brier-wood pipe, his beamlike legs crossed and his arms folded as he moodily watched the launch. The Launch Boys' Adventures in Northern Waters
  • With moodily indifferent interest Elliott scarcely more than glanced up at the horseman's approach across the open plot of raw earth, hard-packed to a cement-like surface by the endless passage and repassage of countless hob-nailed, heavy-booted feet, but with that first glance his forehead began to smooth a little. Then I'll Come Back to You
  • I do my best to look like a roguish flâneur, staring moodily at the passers-by. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • I moodily chomped on my buttered toast and took sips of my orange juice.
  • “lambskinnet,” played moodily, their mouths glued to their pipe-stems; they were tail-on-end to fling down the cards for pick and shovel. Australia Felix
  • Buried under a layer of quilts he alternated between moodily staring at the paper, morosely changing channels, or just being a great big ill-tempered miserable lump.
  • ‘Zheng’ begins with the looped rhythm of crackle, the needle loudly gouging into the vinyl surface, while a pipa moodily strums and plucked tones count time metronomically.
  • At the head of the table sits a brooding Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, moodily attacking a chicken dish.

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