How To Use Montessori In A Sentence
As a girl in a small Italian town in the 1870s, Montessori excelled in elementary school and wished to continue her education, which girls were discouraged from doing at the time.
From the time your child is an infant until he is about 3, he has what Maria Montessori called an absorbent mind.
Testing for Kindergarten
As any Montessori kindergartener can handle serving, eating, and cleaning-up after himself, a teacher shouldn't need to be an educational wizard to turn the daily at-desk breakfast routine into a teachable moment on personable responsibility.
Jacqueline Edelberg: Chicago Schools Serve Up Breakfast, But Not Everyone's Happy
Dr. Marline Barron, Director of Etonkids and former President of American Montessori Association, guided teaching in January.
Plus and minus within 1000 in sync with Montessori math education.
At Mia's Montessori, each child's love of learning is carefully nurtured.
Maria Montessori advocated respect for the mind of the child, within the prepared environment, as the way to stimulate curiosity, inquisitiveness, and life-long learning.
Aware of the latest European reform trends, Schwarzwald adapted ideas from popular educators such as the Austrian Franz Cizek (1865 – 1946), Italian Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) and the German Hermann Lietz (1868 – 1919), applying their creative individual education practices.
Eugenie Schwarzwald.
Shakta Kaur Khalsa has been practicing and teaching kundalini yoga for 24 years, and has been a Montessori teacher for almost as long.
In designing the Scouting program, Baden-Powell drew ideas from the Japanese warrior's code or "bushido", on the Victorian "ragged schools" movement, and the educational methods of Montessori.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
In designing the Scouting program, Baden-Powell drew ideas from the Japanese warrior's code or "[[bushido]]", on the Victorian "ragged schools" movement, and the educational methods of Montessori.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Maria Montessori advocated respect for the mind of the child, within the prepared environment, as the way to stimulate curiosity, inquisitiveness, and life-long learning.
If early education is worth studying at all, the educator who devotes his attention to it will find it necessary to define the differences in principle between the Montessori programme and other programmes, and to carry out careful tests of the results obtainable from the various systems and their feasible combinations.
The Montessori Method
As any Montessori kindergartener can handle serving, eating, and cleaning-up after himself, a teacher shouldn't need to be an educational wizard to turn the daily at-desk breakfast routine into a teachable moment on personable responsibility.
Jacqueline Edelberg: Chicago Schools Serve Up Breakfast, But Not Everyone's Happy
The company has been very successful in their sales generated from primary schools, Pre-Schools, Montessori schools and playgroups all around the county.
Instead, the Montessori classroom is conceived as an environment designed to encourage independence and a sense of personal empowerment.
The prepared environments and the role the teacher the classroom distinguish Montessori from other educational approaches.
Five-year-old Franczeska "Cheka" Brindle, a kindergarten student at Round Hill Montessori Primary School, recently put her mother on the spot.
The Roanoke Times: Home page
A short stroll from the Montessori school and one street over from the big Victorian house with the pool where they give lessons to all the neighbourhood kids.
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Preparations are underway and excitement is mounting as the children of the Village Montessori Pre-School are getting ready for their Christmas outing.
The Montessori environment, though wonderful in many ways, often is just an approximation of what we already have in our homes.