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How To Use Montane In A Sentence

  • However, anotIT vole relative titled the montane vole, have no interest in partnership beyond sex.
  • The study region falls within the cismontane region of central and southern California.
  • The natural vegetation on most of it is tall lowland forest, with shorter montane forests at higher elevations.
  • Inconsistencies and nonparallelisms abound: cisatlantic is in but not cisalpine; tramontane but not cismontane; poikilothermal but not homoiothermal. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 2
  • The Laramie Basin ecoregion is a wide intermontane valley, dominated by mixed-grass prairie. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
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  • The Pacaas Novos National Park protects 7,648 km2 of montane and submontane area in the Chapada dos Parecis. Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • Montane Moving from the foot of a high mountain to its peak is very like travelling from the equator to the pole.
  • This ecoregion is a broad arid intermontane basin interrupted by hills and low mountains and dominated by grasslands and shrublands. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • The vegetation types of the mid-montane subzone are mixed mid-montane forest, Castanopsis forest, Nothofagus forest, coniferous forest, mid-montane swamp forest, mid-montane sedge-grass swamp, mid-montane Phragmites grass swamps, mid-montane Miscanthus grassland and succession on abandoned gardens. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • Many species common in montane forest, such as trees of the genera Podocarpus and Juniperus, have economic importance, while several crops including coffee (Coffea arabica) and tef (Eragrostis tef) from the Ethiopian Highlands have been domesticated. Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • She was a faithful churchwoman who in her time would have been an ultramontane - conservative triple distilled. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Australian brush-tailed possum has caused severe mortality in montane rata/kamahi forests in the north. Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
  • In the centre of the country, the alpine moorland and montane forests of Mt. Kenya and the Aberdares conceal rare bongo antelope, red duiker, suni, bushbuck, Giant forest hog and colobus monkeys.
  • The transition from montane sclerophyllous forest to ericoid thicket may occur at different elevations. Madagascar ericoid thickets
  • Other primarily montane species include the gymnure (Hylomys suillus), siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus), and red-cheeked squirrel (Dremomys rufigenys). Peninsular Malaysian montane rain forests
  • In Venezuela we used Huber and Alarcon, following their classification of "semi deciduous tropophilous medium forests", "semi deciduous tropophilous tall forests", "evergreen submontane ombrophilous forests", and "evergreen tall ombrophilous forests (south of the Delta)". Guianan moist forests
  • This reserve is located in a transitional area between dense umbriferous submontane forest and mixed umbriferous submontane forest.
  • IL is also a codominant in several other major forest types including: Koa/Mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) Montane Dry Forest and Koa/Ohia/A'e (Sapindus soponaria) Forest Chapter 2
  • Other rare birds are Fraser's eagle owl Bubo poensis, white-bellied robin chat Cossypher roberti, Grauer's warbler Graueria vittata, short-tailed warbler Hemitasia neumanni, yellow-eyed black flycatcher Melaenornis ardesiaca, montane double-collared sunbird Nectarinia ludovicenis and dusky twinspot Clytospiza cinereoinacea. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
  • The weather is fine over the entire Mediterranean coast, but the tramontane is blowing over the coast of Languedoc.
  • The upscale resort developers continue to covet two square kilometres of rare montane habitat on the Rocky Mountains' eastern slopes near Rocky Mountain House.
  • Southern RockiesThe Southern Rockies are characterized by rugged, steep mountains, intermontane depressions and open meadows, and high-elevation plateaus composed of dissected, horizontally layered rocks. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • The linework follows the IBGE classifications of "lowland dense ombrophilous forest", "submontane dense ombrophilous forest", and "submontane open ombrophilous forest" within the parameters of these rivers. Tapajós-Xingu moist forests
  • This ecoregion has a mosaic pattern of climatic formations, such as dense drought deciduous lowland woodland, submontane woodland, and evergreen seasonal lowland forest. Lara-Falcón dry forests
  • The mid-nineteenth century witnessed a ‘Catholic revival’ in Europe, with both ultramontane and liberal wings.
  • The montane elfin forest was analyzed with Count the software in Shimentai Nature Reserve, Yinde, Guangdong.
  • The delineations for this ecoregion were derived from the INEGI current landcover maps, from which we're lumping montane mesophyll forests classifications with human modified landscapes along the eastern flank of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Veracruz moist forests
  • All Montanes, a steady baseliner playing his 10th French Open, had to do was win two out of the next three points against a wounded, dispirited opponent who couldn't run and couldn't serve harder than 80 mph. Hard-Luck Story for Fognini
  • Naples (1645-48), and Pedro Mancro (1651-55) tried without success to give definite statutes to the cismontane family, while the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • In the 1990's a number of residential projects in cismontane oak savannahs and open mixed chaparral habitats are likely to endanger some back country populations of this inconspicuous annual.
  • The ecoregion does not include the upland vegetation of the Rhodope Mountains (Rhodope montane mixed forests ecoregion) or the sub-Mediterranean and meso-supra-Mediterranean downy oak forests and meso - to thermo-Mediterranean pine forests to the south of the Rhodopes (part of the Aegean & West Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forest ecoregion). Balkan mixed forests
  • the transmontane section of the state
  • The montane shola-grassland complexes occur between 1,900 and 2,220 m. South Western Ghats montane rain forests
  • Henry Manning, who progressed from convert to ultramontane cardinal, encouraged Pius IX to consolidate authority and claim infallibility when pronouncing ex cathedra.
  • The region encompasses a variety of vegetation types including dense lowland rain forest, dense submontane rain forest, open-canopy submontane rain forest, and woodland savanna. Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • Geophyte diversity is remarkably high; the lowland and montane fynbos ecoregions support about 1,500 species, most belonging to the petaloid monocot families, notably Iridaceae, Orchidaceae, Hyacinthaceae, and Amaryllidaceae. Montane fynbos and renosterveld
  • As you gain elevation, you leave the montane areas and enter the subalpine ecosystem.
  • Nectarinia moreaui is restricted to the montane inselbergs of the south-central Eastern Arc Mountains and is, therefore, a range-restricted endemic to Tanzania.
  • It includes the lowland to submontane, montane to altimontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, montane to altimontane beech and mixed beech forests, and mixed oak ash forests of the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. Cantabrian mixed forests
  • The Bolivian Montane Dry Forests are tightly interdigitated to the east and west with Southern Andean Yungas and Puna, respectively. Bolivian montane dry forests
  • Common bird species of the montane region are found here and include rosefinches (Carpodacus spp.), Guldenstadt's redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogaster), Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus), raptors, and vultures. Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
  • The Andean Parakeet (Bolborhynchus orbygnesius) has been recorded on the high montane grasslands at over 6,000 metres in the high Andes. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • A tree commonly planted near wells and villages in the submontane tract is the _dhrek_ (Melia azedarach, N.O. Meliaceae), which is found as far west as Persia and is often called by English people the Persian lilac. The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • The mid-journey night in montane Flagstaff had refreshed, restored and rejuvenated me.
  • Achras sapota, Cedrela adorata, Rhedia edulis and Enterolobium cyclocarpum are common species; (b) Premontane Moist, which is very rich in species; (c) Premontane Rain with very rough topography; and (d) Lower Montane Rain where stands of Clusia spp. occur, sometimes mixed with a few other species (including palms). Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  • The Southern Andean Yungas are loosely bordered to the east by the Chaco, and tightly interdigitated to the west with Bolivian Montane Dry Forest, spanning southwestern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. Southern Andean Yungas
  • Sheep breeding is the main object of livestock farming, and Macedonians hold dear their exquisite sheep's milk yoghurt, ovcho kiselo mleko, especially that made by shepherds in alpine submontane dairies.
  • It is, by the way, very worth noting that LaMontane's voice has been described as raspy, gravelly and a huskier, sandpaper version of Van Morrison. Ellen Sterling: Ray LaMontagne: Digging Deep And Doing What He Does
  • They are characterized by patches of dense submontane forest in a matrix of open-canopy submontane forest. Tapajós-Xingu moist forests
  • Geophyte diversity is particularly high; the lowland and montane ecoregion support about 1,500 species, most belonging to the petaloid monoct families, notably Iridaceae, Orchidaceae, Hyacinthaceae, and Amaryllidaceae. Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • We investigated the importance of snowmelt as an organizing factor for epilithic microalgae in a high-altitude montane stream during 3 yr of differing melt characteristics.
  • While conducting surveillance in the area on Friday afternoon, officers identified a Honda that had been reported stolen and later saw Montanez arrive and use a "jiggler key" -- a modified key that can open and start many cars -- to get into the car, police said. - News
  • The vegetation that develops there, due to the mass effect, includes the following types of vegetation: thorny plants located in the piedmont (0 a 300 m), deciduous basimontane tropophilous forests (300 to 550 m), cloud forests (550 a 700), Antillan scrubland (700 a 800), consisting of small trees with bush-like characteristics, and pseudo-paramo vegetation (800 to 830 m) with dwarf woody plants. Paraguana xeric scrub
  • For example, when the climate warmed, montane forest communities contracted and moved up the mountain slopes, where the climate was relatively cool.
  • She was a faithful churchwoman who in her time would have been an ultramontane - conservative triple distilled. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • It consists of montane to altimontane beech, and mixed beech forests, submontane to altimontane spruce and spruce-fir forests, and alpine vegetation in the European Alps. It also includes small portions of submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, nemoral, sub - and oro-Mediterranean pine forests, and nival and sub-nival vegetation of the high mountains. Alps conifer and mixed forests
  • Open chaparral, often a transmontane desert phase, is the preferred U.S. habitat of this herbaceous perennial.
  • Foreground montane forest disturbed by clearance for grazing; midground rocky screes inhositable to trees; background the densely forested slopes of Volcan Baru, Panama. Talamancan montane forests
  • The need for securing transmontane water for use on Colorado's eastern slope became evident during the latter nineteenth century.
  • A palaeoecological perspective on the origin of afromontane grasslands. Highveld grasslands
  • In the centre of the country, the alpine moorland and montane forests of Mt. Kenya and the Aberdares conceal rare bongo antelope, red duiker, suni, bushbuck, Giant forest hog and colobus monkeys.
  • The Saharomontane vegetation of the higher elevations supports the endemic Ficus teloukat, which grows on the south and southwestern slopes, Myrtus nivellei and Nerium oleander on the western slopes, and Tamarix ` gallica nilotica and Nerium oleander on the wetter northern slopes. Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat montane xeric woodlands
  • Even the terrible wounds inflicted after 1789 were beneficial in the long run, for the Church that emerged was much more populist, much more ultramontane, and generally better equipped to survive in a more pluralist world.
  • The broad, xeric intermontane Wyoming Basin (18) is punctuated by high hills and low mountains and dominated by grasslands and shrublands. Ecoregions of Montana (EPA)
  • Montane Moving from the foot of a high mountain to its peak is very like travelling from the equator to the pole.
  • Hunters set fires to facilitate hunting of anoa, creating montane meadows. Sulawesi montane rain forests
  • The Grassland Parks ecoregion, occurring primarily in Colorado, consists of high intermontane valleys with sufficient water availability to support grasslands and wet meadows. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • The following perennial tropical forest latifoliate elements were combined: low altitude pluvial, submontane pluvial, montane pluvial, typical cloud, low cloud over serpentine, low altitude evergreen mesophile, submontane evergreen mesophile, and coastal microphile. Cuban moist forests
  • East African montane forests (AT0108) are found mostly in Kenya to the east, howver, six smaller area of this ecoregion occur in Uganda, most notably, encircling Mount Elgon on the border with Tanzania. Ecoregions of Uganda (WWF)
  • On the other hand, it was shown that epiphytic orchids survived severe frost in Mexican montane forests.
  • Manifestly, it was going to be anathema to an ultramontane like him, who had seen over the previous five years the government install what he saw as a deplorable new godless and materialist proletarian state.
  • On Tsaratanana montane sclerophyllous forest exists up to about 2,500 m and then shifting to ericoid thicket, while in on these other three massifs the ericoid thicket commences just below 2,000 m. Madagascar ericoid thickets
  • For example in Brazil, the religious question in the 1870s centered on the Masonic controversy and the struggle between regalist and ultramontane forces. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The new shrew is presently only known from mid montane and lowland rainforests of Sinharaja. Archive 2008-03-01
  • What sets this ecoregion apart from other portions of the Brazilian Atlantic forests are large portions of montane forests with their richness of Bromeliaceae, Myrtaceae, Melastomataceae, and Lauraceae species. Serra do Mar coastal forests
  • Jansenist, mainly out of political hatred of the Jesuits, partly from a hostility, very easily explained, to every manifestation of ultramontane feeling and influence, partly from a professional jealousy of the clergy, but partly also because the austere predestinarian dogma, and the metaphysical theology which brought it into supreme prominence, seem often to have had an unexplained affinity for serious minds trained in legal ideas and their application. Voltaire
  • 1443 Antonio appointed two vicars-general to direct the Observants -- for the cismontane family (i.e. for Italy, the East, Austria-Hungary, and Poland) St. John Capistran, and for the ultramontane (all other countries, including afterwards America) jean Perioche of Maubert. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Chapter of Salamanca (1554), Clemente Dolera of Moneglia, the general in office promulgated new statutes for the cismontane family. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The terrestrial vegetation contains 16 of the 28 plant formations for Cuba, including low-altitude, submontane and montane rainforest, cloud forest, xeromorphic sub-thorny shrub, pine forests, semi-deciduous forest, riverine forest, and mangrove forest. Alejandro de Humbodlt National Park, Cuba
  • The land selected was, according to old British maps, once a shola montane forest with grassland draining into a large wetland.
  • Examples of endemic invertebrates are the dragonfly Teinobasis malawiensis, which is known only from montane streams in northern Malawi, the Kitulo-endemic satyrid butterfly Neocoenyra petersi, and a further three butterflies confined to the Nyika Plateau. Southern Rift montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • Barred Owls can be found year-round in most lowland and montane forests throughout Washington.
  • A burgeoning industry in reproductive prints during the previous decades allowed artists north of the Alps to gain exposure to transmontane developments even if they never made the pilgrimage.
  • Three are resident in cismontane California and Baja California.
  • Dominant species of the submontane forest between 1,300-1,600 m in the west and 1,600-2,000 m in the north are Croton megalocarpus and Calodendron capense; and of the lower to middle montane forest between 1,600-2,200 m in the west and 2,000-2,400 m in the north is Cassipourea malosana. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
  • Wind is common throughout the growing season, with the tramontane bringing cool air from the mountains.
  • The ecoregion does not include the upland vegetation of the Rhodope Mountains (Rhodope montane mixed forests ecoregion) or the sub-Mediterranean and meso-supra-Mediterranean downy oak forests and meso - to thermo-Mediterranean pine forests to the south of the Rhodopes (part of the Aegean & West Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forest ecoregion). Balkan mixed forests
  • It is part of an archipelago of peaks and plateaux, an isolated refugium covered by Guinean montane forest, which rises steeply above undulating lowland forest plains. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • It consists of montane to altimontane beech, and mixed beech forests, submontane to altimontane spruce and spruce-fir forests, and alpine vegetation in the European Alps. It also includes small portions of submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, nemoral, sub - and oro-Mediterranean pine forests, and nival and sub-nival vegetation of the high mountains. Alps conifer and mixed forests
  • Many mountain-fed, perennial streams occur and differentiate the intermontane valleys from the Northwestern Great Plains. Ecoregions of the United States-Level III (EPA)
  • You know what the categories are - ultramontane, gallican, liberal, integriste, laicite, anticlerical, etc. - they were virtually invented here, and they never change.
  • From Ribera, the following vegetation classifications were lumped under yungas: mountain rim yungas (Ceja de Monte en Yungas), humid montane yunga forests (Bosque húmedo montañoso de Yungas), and subandian pluvial forests (Bosque pluvial subandino). Bolivian Yungas
  • Linework for this ecoregion follows these rivers, and the IBGE map classification of "lowland ombrophilous dense forest", "submontane ombrophilous dense forest", and all subsequent "secondary forests and agricultural activities" within this broad classification. Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forests
  • This altitudinal zone is subdivided into lower montane subzone, mid-montane subzone and upper montane subzone. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • Nowhere is this more visible than in the pasos or processional statues of bleeding Christs and sorrowing Virgins by Martínez Montañés, Juan de Mesa, the Moras, and Pedro Roldán.
  • On the southern and southeastern slopes from 1,600 to 2,100 m the dominant lower montane forest species is camphorwood Ocotea usambarensis; from 2,100 to 2,40 0m the dominant middle montane forest species are camphorwood Ocotea usambarensis with yellowwood Podocarpus latifolius, a large evergreen, with the tree fern Cyathea manniana, sometimes growing to 7 m high. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
  • Morocco's northern coast and interior are mountainous (Rif Mountains and Atlas mountains) with large areas of bordering plateaus, intermontane valleys, and rich coastal plains. Morocco
  • This shrubby alpine grassland is bordered at lower elevations by montane cloud forest and elfin transitional forest. Cordillera Central páramo
  • The near-endemic grey-striped francolin (Francolinus griseostriatus) occurs mainly on the escarpment of the Angolan Scarp Savanna and Woodland ecoregion, but its range is very localized and it has been recorded in the Afromontane region. Angolan montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • Based on physiographic types, five altitudinal vegetation zones have been identified within Lorentz National Park: lowland zone, montane zone, subalpine zone, alpine zone, and nival zone. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • Lindl.…first dendrochronological investigation of yellow-cedar trees at montane sites on Vancouver Island and considers the effects of climate on the radial growth of yellow-cedar… North American Upper Treeline #2 « Climate Audit
  • tramontane winds
  • The new immigrants and these ultramontane clerics who came to serve them overwhelmed the small, relatively Americanized Catholic Church they found here.
  • Although small in size, the 1,500 ha La Selva Biological Station in Northeastern Costa Rica hosts permanent populations of large predators (Panthera onca) and herbivores (Tapirus bairdii) probably because its connection to the upper montane forests of Braulio Carrillo National Park. Isthmian-Pacific moist forests
  • In the Serra da Bocaina, plants grow along the edges of montane forests, as well as in well drained high-altitude grasslands and temporary swamps that arc flooded in the summer months.
  • The Central European mixed forest ecoregion consists of lowland to submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, mixed oak-hornbeam forests, as well as lowland to submontane hemiboreal and nemoral pine forests on the North European glaciated plain. Central European mixed forests
  • a contest in Virginia between a cismontane and a tramontane people
  • The vegetation communities of the Cauca Valley montane forests are very diverse and range from dry enclaves in the foothills of the eastern versant of the Western range of the Andes (precipitation 500-1,000 millimeters [mm]/year), to very humid forests on the middle and upper elevations of the western versant of the Central range (precipitation up to 3,000 mm/year). Cauca Valley montane forests
  • The montane zone ends at the subalpine zone, which is where tree growth is more difficult.
  • The townis of Dundie and Sanctandrois war arrayed in ane uther battell, who come nocht to the sight of the ennemy, till that efter xij houris the mist began to evanish, and than passed some of thair horsmen to a montane, from the height whairof thay mycht discerne our nomber. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • The montane region of Kinabalu presents a variety of microhabitats that have produced many orchid species common to Eria, Bulbophyllum, Dendrobium, Liparis, Dendrochilum, Pholidota, and Coelogyne. Kinabalu montane alpine meadows
  • Sure, you'll pass through three distinct ecosystems - montane, subalpine, and alpine tundra.
  • A palaeoecological perspective on the origin of Afromontane grasslands. East African montane forests
  • The Eastern Afromontane Hotspot encompasses several widely scattered, but biogeographically similar mountain ranges in eastern Africa, from Saudi Arabia and Yemen in the north to Zimbabwe in the south. Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • Inconsistencies and nonparallelisms abound: cisatlantic is in but not cisalpine; tramontane but not cismontane; poikilothermal but not homoiothermal. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 2
  • These species occur mainly in montane forests and grasslands in the south-eastern highlands of the country.
  • The Serra do Mar mountain range defines this ecoregion with montane forests of Bromeliaceae, Myrtaceae, Melastomataceae, and Lauraceae species. Serra do Mar coastal forests
  • Any priest who thinks he can dictate the political choices of his parishioners is living an ultramontane fantasy.
  • It consists of the lowland to submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, mixed oak-hornbeam forests, and lowland to submontane hemiboreal and nemoral pine forests on the North European glaciated plain. Central European mixed forests
  • The country is covered with a wide range of mangrove, heath, peat swamp, mixed dipterocarp, and montane forests.
  • The cismontane people opposed this, since any change in this direction would tend to place too much political power in the hands of the westerners. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • The linework for this transition follows IBGE map, which classifies this portion of the ecoregion as "submontane open ombrophilous forest" (and to the north as "submontane dense ombrophilous forest" and "lowland dense ombrophilous forest"). Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • The lowering of montane vegetation belts in New Guinea during the last ice age was broadly synchronous with that of South America and Africa.
  • The gray-naped antpitta (Grallaria griseonucha) lives in the montane evergreen forest. Venezuelan Andes montane forests
  • montane flowers
  • These endemic species include the endangered mountain anoa (Bubalus quarlesi) and crested macaque (Macaca nigra) and the vulnerable babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) and Sulawesi montane long-nosed squirrel (Hyosciurus heinrichi). Sulawesi montane rain forests
  • This ecoregion covers the western part of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, an intermontane basin surrounded by the Kunlun and Gandise mountains. Central Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
  • Montane cloud forest in the tropical Pacific: Some aspects of their floristics, biogeography, ecology, and conservation. Cook Islands tropical moist forests
  • The species inhabits the understoreys of montane forests, mainly plateau forests.
  • The promulgation of the infallibility of the Pontiff and the universality of his episcopate reinforced this ultramontane dogma at the First Vatican Council.
  • Blacktail Deer Creek is a third-order montane stream with a narrow, well-defined riparian area bounded by sagebrush and open forest uplands.
  • Broad-leaved forest and grassy hillsides dominate the montane ecosystem of the mountain.
  • Broad-leaved forest and grassy hillsides dominate the montane ecosystem of the mountain.
  • Sure, you'll pass through three distinct ecosystems - montane, subalpine, and alpine tundra.
  • Montane forests above about 3,000 feet in the Truong Son are rich in songbird diversity, notably in the flycatchers and Old World warblers and related species.
  • Late Tertiary and Quaternary glacial, alluvial and lacustrine sediments are widespread adjacent to the mountains and in intermontane basins.
  • However, the three species are generally segregated by altitude, ranging from lowland swamp forests to higher altitude montane forests.
  • The diversity of habitat types in the dry forest region includes scrub and desert, deciduous tropical thorn-scrub forest, deciduous ceiba forest, semi-evergreen lowland and premontane tall forest, and intermontane scrub. Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • The higher herbivory pressure by mollusks in the lowlands has been discussed as the main reason for the lower altitudinal distribution limit of montane plant species.
  • Most of the island's lowland and submontane forests are dominated by dipterocarp species. Southwest Borneo freshwater swamp forests
  • This is clearly occurring in the Drakensberg Montane Grasslands, Woodlands and Forests ecoregion, where the absence of large browsers such as kudu and black rhino, in combination with intensive grazing by ostriches and goats, is allowing significant thicket encroachment. Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
  • The Black Hills are an outlier of the Middle Rockies and share with them a montane climate, hydrography, and land use pattern. Ecoregions of North Dakota and South Dakota (EPA)
  • The new province thenceforth belonged to the cismontane family. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • It would also change drastically the montane landscapes and the livelihood of their inhabitants.
  • It is part of an archipelago of peaks and plateaux, an isolated refugium covered by Guinean montane forest, which rises steeply above undulating lowland forest plains. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • It consists of the lowland to submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, mixed oak-hornbeam forests, and lowland to submontane hemiboreal and nemoral pine forests on the North European glaciated plain. Central European mixed forests
  • In the Australian physiognomic classification system, the CFF is considered a complex notophyll vine forest type that is more generally defined as a submontane tropical rain forest.
  • The lower montane subzone (600-1,500 m) includes the foothills and lower montane slopes. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • Various types of cloud forests extend from 800 to 3,500 meters, including the montane cloud forests (yungas, ceja de selva, or ceja de la montaña) that cover more than 500,000 km2 in Peru and Bolivia and are among the richest and most diverse forests on Earth. Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
  • In France, 2,741 acres of woodland near Perpignan were reduced to ashes in a blaze fanned by a tramontane wind gusting up to 80 mph.
  • The juvenile is based on Brachyceratops montanensis (Gilmore, 1917), and the subadult is, of course, a modified Monoclonius lowei (Sternberg, 1940). Archive 2009-03-01
  • The author reminds us that the French king had even manoeuvred the very election of Bertrand de Got to the papal throne as Pope Clement V, using his many transmontane cardinals.
  • It consists of montane to altimontane beech, and mixed beech forests, submontane to altimontane spruce and spruce-fir forests, and alpine vegetation in the European Alps. It also includes small portions of submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, nemoral, sub - and oro-Mediterranean pine forests, and nival and sub-nival vegetation of the high mountains. Alps conifer and mixed forests
  • Shatili is the best protected from ultramontane Khevsrian monuments.
  • tramontane influences
  • Habitat and ecology: In montane forest. Flowering: June.
  • Thus, a typical sequence on tropical mountains is from lowland tropical forest, through submontane, montane, and subalpine vegetation zones to the alpine zones of grasses and shrubs.
  • There, the landscape comprises steep-sided, flat-topped mountains with rocky meadows and semi-deciduous forests on the upper elevations in a patchwork of mostly open submontane forest and woodland savannas. Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • These opinions were in opposition to the ideas which were called ultramontane.
  • The most noteworthy species is the viviparous toad Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis (EN), which occurs in montane grasslands at 1,200-1,600 m and is one of the world's few tailless amphibians that is totally viviparous. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • The Park borders several biogeographical zones and covers three major habitat types: open grassland, closed forest and humid montane. Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • The park is one of the last large tracts of montane wet forest in eastern or central Africa.
  • In addition, mid-seral subalpine forests have experienced a 35 percent decrease while late-seral montane multi-story forests have increased by 35 percent. Central and Southern Cascades forests
  • To an old and faithful servant of the ultramontane papacy such as Ottaviani, it was all the most absolute madness.
  • Between these extremes of latitude, tropical dry forests and montane cloud forests grow in climatic zones that favor unique combinations of species from both north and south.
  • Wildlife aside, Arusha National Park is a treasure with a rich tapestry of habitats including grassland, montane forest, heath and alpine desert and soda and fresh water lakes.
  • The habitat types include the wet montane evergreen forests and shola-grassland complexes in the higher elevations. South Western Ghats montane rain forests
  • The sun fell blinding white on the snowfields, and the dancing breeze swept ice crystals down from ultramontane glaciers.
  • In the east, the increasing effect of the continental climate and the greater height of the plateaus are the principal factors separating this region from the adjacent region of montane steppe. Eastern Anatolian deciduous forests
  • New records and a status assessment of a rare dwarf brocket deer from the montane forests of Bolivia.
  • One of the most accessible places to see a bit of the montane rainforest is near Honolulu.
  • Vegetation types on Palawan are diverse and include beach forest, tropical lowland evergreen dipterocarp rain forest, lowland semi-deciduous forest, montane forest, and ultramafic and imestone forest. Palawan rain forests
  • Other species with an Afromontane distribution include bar-tailed trogon (Apaloderma vittatum), scarce swift (Schoutedenapus myioptilus), orange thrush (Zoothera gurneyi) and African black swift (Apus barbatus sladeniae). Angolan montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • Inconsistencies and nonparallelisms abound: cisatlantic is in but not cisalpine; tramontane but not cismontane; poikilothermal but not homoiothermal. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 2
  • The Black Hills are the eastern limit of the Ponderosa pine forests and about the only place you can find pristine patches of montane grasslands.
  • The Intermontane Challenge and its unique "cloverleaf" course design filled with epic B.C. Bike Magazine - Most Recent
  • Thus, a typical sequence on tropical mountains is from lowland tropical forest, through submontane, montane, and subalpine vegetation zones to the alpine zones of grasses and shrubs.
  • The Central European mixed forest ecoregion consists of lowland to submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, mixed oak-hornbeam forests, as well as lowland to submontane hemiboreal and nemoral pine forests on the North European glaciated plain. Central European mixed forests
  • Three species of primate are found within the montane forests, blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis, western black and white colobus Colobus polykomos abyssinicus, and bushbaby Galago sp. and among mammals found there are leopards Panthera pardus, as well as some of the species listed above. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
  • Achras sapota, Cedrela adorata, Rhedia edulis and Enterolobium cyclocarpum are common species; (b) Premontane Moist, which is very rich in species; (c) Premontane Rain with very rough topography; and (d) Lower Montane Rain where stands of Clusia spp. occur, sometimes mixed with a few other species (including palms). Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
  • There are three floristic areas to be considered, the cismontane area between coast and mountains, the montane areas, and the transmontane area on the inland side of the mountains.
  • A second and related set of tensions divided Gallicans, who insisted on the independence of the national Church, and ultramontanes, who were more respectful of papal authority.
  • The so-called ultramontanes believed that the state should serve as the secular arm of the Church and enforce its monopoly of the truth against all rival ideologies.
  • Weigel's ultramontane effusions about John Paul II are warmly endorsed.
  • It is also a codominant in several other major forest types including: Koa/Mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) Montane Dry Forest and Koa/Ohia/A'e (Sapindus soponaria) Forest Chapter 8
  • Terrain: Northern coast and interior are mountainous with large areas of bordering plateaus, intermontane valleys, and rich coastal plains. Morocco
  • He finds himself at once a member of the English nation of the Trans-montane University; he pays his fee, takes the oath of obedience to the Rector, and his name is placed upon the "matricula" or roll of members of the University. Life in the Medieval University
  • Three species of primate are found within the montane forests, blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis, western black and white colobus Colobus polykomos abyssinicus, and bushbaby Galago sp. and among mammals found there are leopards Panthera pardus, as well as some of the species listed above. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
  • However, another vole relative called the montane vole, has no interest in partnership beyond sex.
  • Kiekie is found in North Island and also on the west coast of South Island down to Milford Sound, from coastal to montane forests and scrub.
  • The pollination biology of Aechmea pectinata was studied in a submontane rainforest in south-eastern Brazil.
  • It consists of montane to altimontane beech, and mixed beech forests, submontane to altimontane spruce and spruce-fir forests, and alpine vegetation in the European Alps. It also includes small portions of submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, nemoral, sub - and oro-Mediterranean pine forests, and nival and sub-nival vegetation of the high mountains. Alps conifer and mixed forests
  • Scarlet gilia is a common monocarpic perennial wildflower of western montane habitats.
  • Mangroves also flourish near tropophilous basimontane deciduous forests, with heights from 10 to 15 m, and emergent trees up to 20 m. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • These endemic species include the endangered mountain anoa (Bubalus quarlesi) and crested macaque (Macaca nigra) and the vulnerable babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) and Sulawesi montane long-nosed squirrel (Hyosciurus heinrichi). Sulawesi montane rain forests
  • Memory foam pillow top were transmontane with curtained whisky and greed than any pyrolignic sumptuosity damnatory in the aortic maimed and a uncannily. Rational Review
  • These montane regions support a number of endemics: the Mount Cameroon francolin (Francolinus camerunensis, EN) and the Mount Cameroon speirops (Speirops melanocephalus, VU) are endemic to Mount Cameroon, while the Mount Kupe bush-shrike (Malaconotus kupeensis, EN) is largely confined to Mount Kupe, where only 21 square kilometers of habitat remains (it has recently been discovered at two additional localities). Biological diversity in the Guinean forests of West Africa
  • As for its successor, the ultramontane Sunni Hamas, and its even more chiliastic Shia half-ally in Lebanon, Hezbollah, they do not want any accommodation or compromise, and they do not pretend to. Sesquipedalian Blatherskite
  • The unique high altitude grassland or montane savanna is dominated by Loudetia kagerensis on the summits. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • The Snake River Plain is a broad intermontane valley. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)

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