How To Use Montagu In A Sentence

  • In an attempt to prod my memory, I now began to repeat his name silently as I bent my steps homeward—Alexander Montague, Alexander Montague. Nevermore
  • It was widely believed that Montagu was secretly pulling the strings behind the prime minister.
  • Nicoli had told her the society in London would accept her if Montague approved her.
  • This was the famous blackland prairie, incredible farming territory, and we've never been able to find out why they sold out and migrated 70 miles north to Montague County, bordering Oklahoma. Requiem For A Tiny Town
  • John Montagu made the very first sandwich in England in 1762, he couldn't have imagined that it would still be very popular almost 250 years later.
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  • But fifteen minutes later Sarah Montague introduced a further segment on dormice by saying their decline had been partly due to "cool summers". OPEN THREAD..
  • I would all our simoniacal patrons, and such as detain tithes, would read those judicious tracts of Sir Henry Spelman, and Sir James Sempill, knights; those late elaborate and learned treatises of Dr. Tilslye, and Mr. Montague, which they have written of that subject. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The suits are made from pure merino wool and woven in the British mill first used by Montague Burton over 70 years ago and feature intricate detailing such as trouser brace buttons and an embroidered Burton "B" on the under collar. Archive 2008-09-01
  • He contrasts the love themes of Romeo and Juliet with those which accompany the bitter struggles and fights between Montague and Capulet.
  • Lord Montagu was one of 92 hereditary peers selected to remain in the Upper House under a deal struck with the Government in 1999.
  • Halifax Bay (immediately to the north of Cleveland Bay) perpetuates the title; "Mount" Hinchinbrook (from his course Cook could not see the channel and did not realise that he was bestowing a name upon an island) commemorates the family seat of the Montagus; Cape Sandwich Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Montague has learned from Beckett; in both there is the iron resignation and sadness of a Roman patrician, a Cicero, or, better perhaps, a Seneca.
  • I have placed him in that lousy college which they call Montague; I had rather have put him amongst the grave-diggers of Sanct Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Perhaps Julian Montague is just playing a huge practical joke on us all. Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America « Reading Copy
  • Orlando Montagu, tall, besuited and seated next to his father at Alfred's, recalls being "maybe 19" at the time, when he noticed that an Italian sandwich shop was playing on the family's coat of arms in its advertising. Lord Sandwich's Sandwiches
  • Montague suggested a perspicuous way to capture the principle of compositionality formally.
  • It was widely believed that Montagu was secretly pulling the strings behind the prime minister.
  • Montague says they are doing everything they can do to control the beetles, and that includes implementing preventative measures at the mill yard.
  • Many, such as Fielding's cousin Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, would go on laughing at Richardson, the anxious arriviste, for his ‘low’ pretensions to gentility.
  • While in this line alone, she seems to say the name Montague isn't important, she loves him for him, the two young lovers seem to know they cannot escape their names. The Power of Your Name
  • An awfully nice man, and very knowledgeable," he added, addressing Montagu. A BODY SURROUNDED BY WATER
  • In fact, in our most recent post extolling the boundless virtues of her curvaceousness we described Hendricks as “the perfect counterpoint to heroin (or laxative) chic as well as Montagular inflation – a real, natural woman who exudes elegance and stylish sophistication.” Hendricks: Don’t Do It!
  • The "advantages" which Wortley Montagu enjoyed, conferred by her gender and class, allowed her to move with relative ease in aristocratic Turkish circles, and caused her to dismiss earlier travellers 'versions of the Levant as fictitious (Montagu 146). Colonial Correspondence: The Letters of George Bogle from Bengal, Bhutan and Tibet, 1770-81
  • They speculated that since the arms include an annulet, denoting a fifth son, they were probably for the Earl's uncle, William Montagu of Oakley, ‘a shadowy person’ who was the fifth son of Lord Chief Justice Sir Edward Montagu.
  • And blooming Hyde, with eyes fo rare i And Montague beyond compare: 4o Such ladies fair would I depaint. The Works of the English Poets.: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical
  • No people of color could spent the night in Montague County. Requiem For A Tiny Town
  • The Montague people in 1759 paid £1 10s. for their "conk," and also on the purchase year gave Joseph Root 20 shillings for blowing the new shell. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • Congress, accordingly, adopted a resolution favoring the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms.
  • (Montagu Williams, _Round London_, p. 79.) "The prostitute really loves her _souteneur_, notwithstanding all the persecutions he inflicts on her. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • At the left of Montague sat Somers, lord keeper; older, of more steady demeanor, of fuller figure, of bold face and full light eye, a politician, not a ponderer. The Mississippi Bubble
  • Ungrateful Lady Mary Wortley Montagu called her quondam lover, The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
  • Mr. Andrews has succeeded in casting singers who are particularly skilled actors, especially Mr. Randle, whose baritonal tenor is almost crooner-like, and Pamela Helen Stephen as Penelope, Diana Montagu as his old nurse and Ruby Hughes as Minerva. Mirror-Image Operas Enjoy Identical Good Results
  • O'Shea: Who are the major characters in Montague Terrace and in creating the story have you each developed affinities for certain characters? Talking Comics with Tim: Warren & Gary Pleece | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • After his death, certain of his biographical and other writings were brought out by his son, Montagu North, but otherwise his works awaited discovery by nineteenth-century antiquarians and twentieth-century scholars.
  • This past Friday marked a resumption of their collaboration to a certain extent, when Warren launched the new webcomic, Montague Terrace, at ACT-I-VATE. Talking Comics with Tim: Warren & Gary Pleece | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Montague's sword unstrung the arm that upheld it, and the next instant the pastor was surrounded by friends. Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader
  • Our third breeding harrier, Montagu's, is found mainly in eastern England. Birdwatch: Pallid harrier
  • Into this walks Frederic Montague, a jeweller and purveyor of precious stones who is invited to stay.
  • Langholm Terrace is designed around the original lodge and stables of Buccleugh House, once owned by the Duke of Montague.
  • The scenes of fighting and horseplay among the Montagues and Capulets compelled the story forward, with swords clashing in time to the music.
  • We're in a really healthy place for profitability and for future growth," said Dan Montague of Autofacts, the forecasting unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers, who predicted 12.5 million units of sales in the next year, a modest increase he calls "another stair-step up. Strong December Auto Sales Boost Hopes For 2011
  • Birds of prey include kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), and steppe eagle (Aquila rapax). Alai-Western Tian Shan steppe
  • Whether you've read the script a thousand times, or don't know your Capulets from your Montagues this show is delightful.
  • Into this walks Frederic Montague, a jeweller and purveyor of precious stones who is invited to stay.
  • Lord Montagu was a noted "automobilist" of the day, who published an illustrated magazine called "The Car. Alanat News
  • And after the trull has gadded about the country with young Montagu in all manner of disguises?" he continued. A Daughter of Raasay A Tale of the '45
  • Montague published his findings in the October 2004 issue of Neuron, and a cottage industry was born.
  • Vous me voyez done aujourd'hui, a la fois tres flatte de me retrouver en votre presence, a la demande de M. Montague; rassure d'avoir affaire a un auditoire que j'ai motif de croire sympathique; et fort soucieux de ne pas le decevoir. The Algerian Issue
  • Yes, Miss Montague, if we can only work it up it will be a beautiful case -- a _beautiful_ case, "he concluded, with singular enthusiasm. True Love's Reward
  • `Charlie tells me you are working on the assumption that Callendar is a swindler ," Montagu said. A BODY SURROUNDED BY WATER
  • The paper is entitled Gollumjapyx smeagol gen. n., sp. n., an enigmatic hypogean japygid (Diplura: Japygidae) from the eastern Iberian Peninsula, the authors A. Sendra, V. Ortuno, A. Moreno, S. Montagud and S. Teruel describe the species, originally found 25 years ago but now supported by more data, as: Archive 2007-01-01
  • The first merchant bankers approached were Samuel Montagu.
  • Marquis Montagu may have used, he certainly did use the Gryphon, issuant out of a ducal coronet, as this appears alone for his crest, on his garter plate, as a crest for Montagu, he having given the arms of that family precedence over his paternal coat of Nevile; the king - maker, likewise, upon his seal, gives the precedence to Montagu and The Last of the Barons — Volume 12
  • By the time of Montagu's death in 1800, any female intellectual might be labelled a bluestocking, whether or not she could claim a link to the original circle. Archive 2008-03-01
  • He'd instructed Crabbs to contact Heathcote Montague, man of business to the Cynsters. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • Brace and Montagu are firmly convinced that man evolved from a true brachiator; hence he is a "made-over ape."
  • Warren Pleece: Montague Terrace actually showcased in the last edition of Velocity, no. 6 way back in '96 as a place we could develop countless characters, stories and interlink them into some grand scheme. Talking Comics with Tim: Warren & Gary Pleece | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • With this cat? quoth Panurge; the devil scratch me if I did not think it had been a young soft-chinned devil, which, with this same stocking instead of mitten, I had snatched up in the great hutch of hell as thievishly as any sizar of Montague college could have done. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • I carried George Montagu thither, who was in raptures, and screamed, and hooped and hollaed, and danced, and crossed himself a thousand times over. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
  • Two years later that policy was partly brought to fruition in the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms when dyarchy, that is to say a dual system of government, was introduced into the provinces, whereby the Governors ruled their provinces with the aid of Cabinets, chosen from Indian Legislatures, but at the same time certain subjects were reserved and among them law and order, so that there might not be too abrupt a transition from unitarian government to responsible government in the provinces. Changing India
  • For Montague, that shows the scope for growth on the Continent - and the potential for Tiphook.
  • Then answered Ponocrates, My sovereign lord, think not that I have placed him in that lousy college which they call Montague; I had rather have put him amongst the grave-diggers of Sanct Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 1
  • Though a few women penned their observations of non-European societies prior to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (most notably Lady Wortley Montagu), this new wave of lady explorers traveled globe not as mere appendages to their male kinfolk, but as scholars in their own right. Lady Explorers | Edwardian Promenade
  • The demob suit also gave rise to the phrase ‘the full monty’ after Montague Burton, as some former soldiers were only given a two-piece suit, while others were given a waistcoat as well.
  • When Montague persisted as to what the current policy line was, Stevenson responded that, "If the CFP is not reformed substantially, then we retain the possibility of withdrawal". A reversal of roles
  • In the book Steam Cars 1770-1970 Lord Montagu of Beauleiu and Antony Bird describe this tricar as follows.
  • Montagu was extremely impressed by the splendours of the French court.
  • Indeed, when this series was shown in New York in 1895, the critic Montague Marks declared, ‘We do not hesitate to say that these prints will be reckoned among the most artistic of the century.’
  • So much so, to give you one example, that in the great province of Madras, when the Montagu report was put into operation, it was thought necessary to protect the other Hindu castes from the monopoly which the Brahmins might otherwise secure, and so they actually enacted that 28 seats in the Madras legislature must be filled by Hindu members who were not Brahmins. India
  • Montague is now the Duke of Neo-Verona, while the Capulets lay in the dust. Japanamania: Romeo x Juliet »
  • Soames had been her mainstay throughout thirty-four years chequered by Montague Dartie, had continued her mainstay in the thirteen unchequered years since. Swan Song
  • In 1741 he became a prebendary of York Cathedral, and married Elizabeth Lumley, a cousin of Elizabeth Montagu, but his domestic and family life was not happy, and of their several children all were stillborn but a daughter, Lydia.
  • Northumberland, distinguished his own retainers, however, by the special request of the ancient Montagus. -- a Gryphon issuant from a ducal crown. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • By the wagon on Thursday there set out for Southampton a lady whom you must call Phillis, but whom George Montagu and the The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2

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