How To Use Montage In A Sentence

  • Rosie decides that a maternity fashion show highlighting her latest collection would be the perfect shower event because that is in no way a conflict of interest, and we soon learn the real motivation behind this choice -- a model casting montage in which LT wears a sequined capelet the color of Grimace from McDonaldland and tells the models to "serve and deliver. Una LaMarche: Pregnant in Heels Ep. 5: Serve and Deliver
  • Animation is also being used to create content for ad films and commercials, as also for television promos and montage sequences.
  • Directing my own video-montage, I start mentally overdubbing the soundtrack.
  • This procedure is a form of critique: the photomontage provides us a critical distance to reflect on what we had been prompted to desire, whether it was a luxury product, an ideal of feminine beauty, a racial superiority, or an entire way of life. Merrill Cole: WikiLeaks and David Wojnarowicz: A Perspective from Berlin
  • On another song, she was accompanied by a montage of dozens of her previous incarnations.
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  • ‘When I stumbled upon the technique of creating montages it was like rediscovering photography’ says Gallant.
  • They sounded like a montage of countless funk and soul classics, but lacked the hooks to become hits. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few mainstays, like The New Yorker, remain loyal to illustration, but celebrity-driven photography and photomontage now dominate the covers of magazines that were once illustration-friendly.
  • On the technical side, the film has slick visuals and an impressive montage at the beginning.
  • In earlier work she delivered photomontages that rewrote the creation myth to suit a lesbian sensibility.
  • From plastic abstraction to documentary reportage, from psychic investigation to political pamphleteering, from the autobiographical essay to a demonstration of the powers of montage, from graphic and textural work to militant revindication - Whitehead's work accomplishes an exceptional synthesis, open to every different dimension of avant-garde cinema, tending towards percpetual explosion and euphoric fusion with phenomena. GreenCine Daily: Rouge. 10.
  • A montage of clips will be shown to inspire the players tomorrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kruger reprised banal images from the Eisenhower years, threw such admonitional captions as we don't need another hero, and presented her large, crisp montages in striking combinations of black, white and red. Graphic Content
  • The poster for Verräter, for instance, employs photomontage, a technique that German collage pioneer John Heartfield was using quite publicly at the same time to denounce Hitler.
  • Mangold offers a series of cutaways in a revelatory montage near the end in attempts to justify what we've seen up to that point.
  • Finally, the collagist has graciously hidden APOD's 10th anniversary Vermeer photomontage to help honor APOD on its 15th anniversary tomorrow.
  • The montage of icons does cohere into a sort of meta-icon perhaps, of dogs that are (for me) short-haired, middling-sized, with dark-brown fur; but this is … a sort of cubist collage of perspectives that spills out beyond its casual frame, each dog a Cerberus with three heads superimposed one over the other, snub-nosed and long-snouted, ears pricked and flattened, slavering and not slavering. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The montage was to get this treatment, too, and so the editors were working to freeze-frame it just as the hat swooped into the air.
  • Shorn of the title montage of New York City street scenes, Coffee coffee and more coffee
  • All of this seems to be told from Mike's narcoleptic viewpoint, with strange edits, blackouts, and powerful montages of varying film stock.
  • Work by Kelly Gorman, an American mixed media artist who investigates issues of gender, race and cultural stereotype through visual disciplines such as photomontage and sculpture WalesOnline - Home
  • It takes the form of a quiet but complex video montage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The overwhelming agism of this whole show crystallized when, in Demi's intro to the Dead People Montage, she said of the dead ones passings: "some tragically and much too soon. Tallulah Morehead: The Our Gang Oscars
  • The wonderfully constructed opening montage sequence, consisting of flashback action coupled with newspaper headlines and photographs, emphasises the centrality of Daisy's kidnapping to the plot.
  • But is anyone else a little uncomfy with the Academy deciding that certain actors get singled out and others get lumped into a quick montage?
  • On the opposite wall to my left hung a gigantic plasma screen displaying a frenzied montage of flitting text and graphics.
  • OK, trade her in but first film a montage of her you can play on your new set. The Sun
  • From 1922 his stylistically radical work was put to utilitarian ends, including the design of speakers' tribunes and latterly agitprop photomontage and graphic design.
  • In a movie, this would be dealt with montage style, with trains hurtling down a track and planes skittering down the runway.
  • They sounded like a montage of countless funk and soul classics, but lacked the hooks to become hits. Times, Sunday Times
  • I love telling a story visually, with plenty of freeze-frames, slow-motion, montage, sound and music.
  • The paintings have been joined to form one montage, which has been put up in the school hall.
  • Jobson's self-quilled script opens and closes with an oh-so-serious soliloquy, read against a montage of the solar system, along with a CGI whizz-bang ride across the planets.
  • A montage of clips will be shown to inspire the players tomorrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our chills multiplied and we almost lost control anticipating a musical montage, but then the Travolta/Newton John sendup ended up on the cutting-room floor. The James Franco/Anne Hathaway 'Grease' routine: Now it can be seen
  • I sometimes ask couples to make photo montage, using pictures from magazines, of what happiness looks to them. The Sun
  • It takes the form of a quiet but complex video montage. Times, Sunday Times
  • In their 1996-97 photomontages, the Luo Brothers, Beijing-based artists who have been collaborating since 1986, appropriate Cultural Revolution icons in order to skewer them.
  • The Dems 'video montage contrasted with the Republicans' message of the day - that they were hard at work on bipartisan financial reform - with absurdest dissonance, like a Jon Stewart montage showing Dick Cheney saying Saddam had reconstituted his WMD program - right after a clip of Cheney saying the exact opposite. DVR Democracy Comes of Age: Or, How Jon Stewart May Have Saved Financial Reform & the Senate Dems
  • During one production, his montage-style assault upon the audience's senses climaxed with fireworks planted under their chairs exploding.
  • The ads feature a montage of images - people surfing, playing football and basketball.
  • This programme was a montage of splendid images that recorded and informed and changed their time. Times, Sunday Times
  • This new montage style of cinema and the poetical style of Flaherty were clear influences on him.
  • The images, painted with only primary colors and white, range from expressionist portraiture to montages of time and space that combine multiple moments within the same page.
  • The film is poetic in tone and features a number of image and sound montage sequences.
  • He combined utilitarian graphics with political photomontage, producing posters, magazines and book illustrations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cutting between narratives with various video montages, the film is visually breathtaking.
  • This snap of her getting dressed for her big day is the first to come out and is included in the film 's final montage. The Sun
  • The persuasive powers of montage and myth worked together to isolate the ‘aggression’ of American indigenes from any historical or political context.
  • His work included several propaganda and trade exhibitions, notably the Soviet Pavilion of the 1939 World's Fair in New York, and his dynamic techniques of photomontage, printing, and lighting had wide influence.
  • Strange as it seems, from a film making point of view, the “Gonna Fly Now” running montage is one of the most important scenes in movie making history from a technical point of view, same with the match at the end of the fight. Matthew Yglesias » The Wrestler and Sports Movie Clichés
  • The work creates a montage from hundreds of short clips from well-known Hollywood films.
  • The DJ also believes that his use of audio montage is in parallel to our 'collage, non-linear imagination.' Spread ArtCulture: Resampling Jean Cocteau at the Guggenheim
  • They sounded like a montage of countless funk and soul classics, but lacked the hooks to become hits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The way he turns his life around at the end is virtually a film montage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story, such as it is, moves forward through associative montage rather than linear narrative progression.
  • The second method seems to ignore or pay little attention to the genre elements and their contextual implications, choosing rather to focus solely on ideas of critical theory; narratology, structuralist construction, montage. 18 « November « 2007 « Jahsonic
  • He makes clear his disdain by adding ominous music to a montage of clips. Times, Sunday Times
  • John Heartfield made bitter photomontages that excoriated the Nazis, for example, turning one into a ‘peaceable predatory fish.’
  • The film opens with a montage of various street artists preparing their tools and heading out for a night on the town, as they climb and sprint through the cities of the world clandestinely painting, stencilling, postering and installing their pieces while evading the police. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Exit Through the Gift Shop -- the Street Art Revolution Will Be Commercialized
  • Maybe there's a way to combine this with "you're just a whiner" into a seemless montage. McCain Adviser: Emergency Room Just as Good as Health Insurance
  • This pepped-up, silly-billy edit also makes a virtue of the crash zooms which, when not blended into a pedal-to-the-floor montage, stick in the craw a little more. New French Trailer For Inglourious Basterds Is Far, Far Better Than The US Versions | /Film
  • Mondo's montage is heart-warming and houndstooth-y. Una LaMarche: Project Runway Finale Part Two Recap
  • The Soviet avant-garde experimented with photography, photomontage, film, architecture and design for everyday living.
  • Known for dense black-and-white photomontages created from photo fragments and imagery from books and magazines, her work has drawn on autobiographical and literary sources, and speaks to her fractured identity.
  • In retrospect, I could have tried some montage of a tea packet with the skull and crossbones, or maybe picked something out from the perforations in a tea-bag.
  • He had his first museum show at the Corcoran Gallery of Art and an exhibition of 34 photomontages and collage constructions at Hemphill Fine Arts.
  • But it's important to gauge his careful distance from the tradition of photomontage – a term he avoids, in favour of "collage". Brian Dillon on John Stezaker at the Whitechapel Gallery
  • The three huge portraits of him in different stages of his life that open the exhibition include a photomontage of his face set against a skull. Germany's first Hitler exhibition opens in nervous Berlin museum
  • Here were large-scale photographs (displayed for the first time in lightboxes) of her latest montages: originally hand-spliced (then rephotographed) juxtapositions of images from contemporary porn magazines, pictures of cars, cosmetics and accessories from more mainstream magazines and queasily close-up photographs of food. Linder, the artist with the hex factor
  • The entries reveal the use of a rich variety of media and materials including photomontage, ceramics, recycled wire, dugong bone, bronze, feathers, pandanus fibre, and works on paper, bark and canvas.
  • Berman was a great pioneer assemblagist who made mysterious cabinets with fragments of Hebrew letters and old photographs inside; Heinecken, a not-so-great photographer who turned soft-core porn into montages. Laying Claim to Its Place in the Sun
  • Then look at the video inserts over the music montage.
  • Braun stakes perhaps her most controversial claim for the modernism of Fascist art in her critical discussion of photomontage as a technique.
  • Others like Mick Duffield in ‘Killing Time’ uses photomontage, collage and video to create powerful and disturbing images for the anarchist band Crass.
  • Near the end of Natural Born Killers, he cuts to a montage of real footage of well-known news events.
  • I almost left this one off, because in actuality, this montage is all exposition and almost no action. Top 10 Movie Montages » Scene-Stealers
  • I wanted to find the original "Power of Love" scene from Back the Future, but this montage is the best I could do. HUEY LEWIS TO RETURN FROM OBSCURITY?
  • The Wolfsonian exhibition suited its activist-theoretician-artist perfectly, presenting some 100 works, including 21 of Teige's rare Surrealist photomontages as well as posters and book designs.
  • There was a sophisticated programmable video with a shelf of commercial VHS tapes, mostly montages by pop groups. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • This technique of cutting up previously existing material and pasting it into a portrait of a human being recalls contemporary experiments in montage.
  • Where the figuration is less narrative and more cogitative, that streaming montage of icons is, of course, of less import. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The depraved plot is shot with a schizophrenic camera incorporating elements of peepshows, montage and silent horror films amongst others.
  • During the evening a painting, a montage of 150 years of schooling by Badsey artist Michael Barnard, was unveiled by nonagenarians Molly Corbett and Fred Mason, the school's oldest ex-pupils present.
  • Stanley also describes another eye-popper: "A 1968 Nixon ad reveling in Democratic Party chaos, for instance, is a wordless montage of the Chicago convention, Vietnam and civil unrest, set to a daffily jaunty rendition of 'Happy Days Are Here Again.' GreenCine Daily
  • The "Today" team plans to bid Shalit adieu tomorrow with what one assumes will be a drippily sentimental video montage ... and one also filled with loads of puns. Gene Shalit: Bidding farewell to the punniest movie critic in history
  • Tweaking the mix are the woman's two granddaughters - one a technician who gives the mammograms from the opening montage (It girl Rebecca Hall), the other a foxy facialist (Amanda Peet). Erica Abeel: INDIE STALWARTS AND NEW TALENT AT TRIBECA
  • And while practically everyone I know cried during the opening montage of Up that wordlessly summarized the love, growth and lingering regrets of a long marriage, no one talked much about the rest of the film save for the spot-on dopiness of the talking golden retriever character, Dug. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Toy Story 3
  • For this reason, seasoned filmgoers will likely be neither as astonished by its elliptical narrative structure and montage nor as stunned by the beauteous unfolding of sensory and conceptual permutations representing cosmological reality as they might have been three-to-four decades ago. G. Roger Denson: Terrence Malick's Tree of Life Plays Garden of Eden to the Family of Man
  • I'm musing over getting a camera fone - then you could do nifty montages - anyone tried this?
  • A client had built an elaborate Adirondack camp on a local lake and needed compatible framing for some photomontages.
  • They're a principal source of visual ‘contrasts’ and ‘collisions’ and a mainspring of Soviet montage theory.
  • A montage: Guri faces LUKE SKYWALKER in Xizor’s castle, Luke holds his light saber at the ready. Adventures in Comic Book Land
  • Handle sweeping events in detail through narrative summary - a montage is a poor imitation. 7 things print SF can do, which screen SF can't
  • Instead of that film's repressed romances, Iron Monkey offers a gob of melodrama, slapstick comedy, cooking montages, and demonstrations of holistic medicine.
  • But scenes like that and the various basketball montages only pad the film, which might have been a tighter, wittier piece if Hamri and writer Michael Elliot had scrubbed some of their soapier impulses. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Just Wright
  • This programme was a montage of splendid images that recorded and informed and changed their time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talking heads are juxtaposed with offbeat Cold War footage and recurring tunnel imagery in split screen shots, montages and slo-mo sequences.
  • There's a lovely scene when she kisses him for the first time and the film dissolves into a montage of suburban streets, implying that there's a story like this in every neighbourhood.
  • The video quality suffers greatly from this montage approach to the presentation.
  • The subvocal note/dɔɡz/is not bound to a singular icon but rather evokes a montage of many — bull-dog, doberman, rottweiller — overlaid like the images of an experimental film. Archive 2009-07-01
  • It discusses the development of photomontage as a radical and expressive outlet.
  • This first montage, set to Perry's "Firework," introduces us to Kelly, 22, a haircutter who works in a nursing home. The X Factor Episode: "Auditions No. 4"
  • There was a sophisticated programmable video with a shelf of commercial VHS tapes, mostly montages by pop groups. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • The photo montage to 2012 says it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Soviet avant-garde experimented with photography, photomontage, film, architecture and design for everyday living.
  • He picks the naive approach and joyous colours and forms creating a montage of the flora, fauna and people of South Asia.
  • This is achieved by cutting and interpolating shots to make the sequence (montage).
  • I sometimes ask couples to make photo montage, using pictures from magazines, of what happiness looks to them. The Sun
  • Beginning in 1935, poetism seems to have nurtured a category of production in which Teige should be better known as a practicing artist: photomontage.
  • Knowles is also the only writer who liveblogged the entirety of the In Memoriam montage, even bittersweetly punctuating with the forgotten Brad Renfro. The Oscars: The 2008 Oscar Liveblog Awards: Vanity Fair
  • Add to this a method of montage favouring ellipses and assonances and one is well on the way to experiencing that giddiness which Jean Narboni has described as the essence of the ‘Godard effect’.
  • There are some very well-done montage sequences and some honestly insightful cuts, but they are drowned in a flood of meaningless and unmotivated shots and scenes.
  • The subvocal note/dɔɡz/is not bound to a singular icon but rather evokes a montage of many — bull-dog, doberman, rottweiller — overlaid like the images of an experimental film. Notes on Notes
  • Made up of montage, photographs and text captions, it tells its story in the simplest of ways, as if it were being explained to a child.
  • Where Mamet's play features blackouts, the film substitutes long, synthesized soft-rock montages.
  • It was celebrated for its numerous advances in filmmaking technique, crafting a style of montage that would become the norm for the coming century of cinema.
  • From the mock black and white flashback in which the U. S military discovers the subversive effects of heavy pot use, to an engaging montage that introduces Dale Denton and his liberal opinion but non-liberal use of marijuana, while going about his work as a despised Process Server, Pineapple Express makes an excellent first impression and feels like a rather affinitive take on today's slackers who partake in casual drug use. DVD Times
  • The storyboard montage consists of storyboards and scenes from the film edited together and then shown with some dance music in the background.
  • EARTH MONTAGE: All the planet's technological civilisations are brought to their knees in a series of iconic locations: the London Eye spins up until its pods fly off; the advertising displays in Times Square show nothing but goatse. cx; in Tokyo, a photocopier spits out a string of sausages a mile long, drowning an office full of panicking salarymen and office ladies over the course of five harrowing minutes (shown in real time). Top 50 follow-up
  • They sounded like a montage of countless funk and soul classics, but lacked the hooks to become hits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, there's a music video montage for the end title song, Broken Wagon.
  • The proportions alter according to the final placement within the montage.
  • Alexander's photomontages also feature masked or blindfolded youths.
  • They change pace through fading montages of static images.
  • This snap of her getting dressed for her big day is the first to come out and is included in the film 's final montage. The Sun
  • Of particular note is the visual montage that comes at the halfway point of the film.
  • He is a Scottish-based visual artist who creates socially and politically engaging work using collage, photomontage, installation, sculpture, printmaking and interactive digital imagery.
  • The principles of montage and the long take are also extended to the soundtrack of his films.
  • The montage is set to music and runs for about three and a half minutes.
  • There was a peculiar little sequence when Heather pointed to a montage of photos in a frame.
  • They sounded like a montage of countless funk and soul classics, but lacked the hooks to become hits. Times, Sunday Times
  • They managed to condense their dad's career in record time with power charged renderings of his greatest hits helped visually by the large screen photographic montage.
  • Rare photographs, photograms and photomontages by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (priced between $100 and $200) failed, however, to sell.
  • This ice cream montage will get you drooling in no time, with slow-motion shots of sugary, melty, creamy yumminess.
  • Kruger reprised banal images from the Eisenhower years, threw in such admonitional captions as we don't need another hero, and presented her large, crisp montages in striking combinations of black, white and red. Warning: Graphic Content
  • However, Beaubien is more politically aligned with Dadaists John Heartfield and Hannah Hoch, who used photomontage as an oppositional tool.
  • His technique of film montage involved juxtaposing two opposing images so that a new third image was created in the viewers' imagination.
  • It is montage alone that separates and makes cinema stand out above all the other art forms.
  • This is not intended as an action picture, so don't go expecting fast-paced montages.
  • He followed with a montage of euphemisms applied to Rahm by a pantheon of talking heads, who described him as "bombastic" and "brusque," said he "isn't afraid of breaking a little china," and "isn't a shrinking violet. On 'Daily Show,' Stewart Nails Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Politics
  • The local news showed a whole montage of people flailing like windmills before descending. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1977 she began using the form for which she is best known - black-and-white photographs or photomontages carrying texts challenging social stereotyping, particularly of women.
  • We've been closing the show every night with some special musical performances over pictures and montages of events.
  • Unusually character-driven for a genre that typically deals in braggadocious montages of big barrel riding, this polished Australian production is buoyed along by the outsized personalities of a pair of pushing-50 best mates.
  • The video stream is a slideshow-esque montage of natural scenery, such as birds in flight, sweeping clouds, sunrises and sunsets, preening herons, and other such postcard standbys.
  • It also included video installations by Zhang Peili, Xiang Liqing's elegant photomontages of building facades, and images by Shi Yong, who started digitally cloning himself years before The Matrix.
  • If you're a veteran actor who's nervous or excited about your chances to win an Oscar, the last thing you wanna see is a montage of prepubescents who have already scored the golden statuette!
  • At the Art Students League, he studied under George Grosz, the Dada artist internationally known for his political caricatures, paintings and photomontages.
  • Featuring 140 posters, prints, book designs and political and commercial ephemera, it also showcases original layouts and photo-montages by the Italian futurists, the German and French dadaists and the Dutch de Stijl group.
  • The final montage of the "Poker Face" music video makes the Sistine Chapel or "The Persistence of Memory" look like the work of a dysgraphic kindergartener. The Daily Princetonian, 2010-02-12
  • Soon, dealers and brokers will be able to post anonymous quotes on SuperMontage.
  • A montage of one auditioner burping yes, it's come to that causes Steven Tyler to thoughtfully ask Michael Perotto, 19, "Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a child? 'American Idol' premieres: New judges, same old show
  • Director Ryan Redford skilfully employs music, sound and montage to create a taut film.
  • Hockney is also known for his photographs, his mosaiclike photomontages, and his imaginative stage sets for ballets and operas. Reyne Haines: Recession Proof Art - Hockney hits it big at Christie's
  • Here montage and projection take place simultaneously.
  • Here we present a montage of high-speed video clips showing sporangiophore discharge in the fungus Pilobolus kleinii. BC Bloggers
  • They change pace through fading montages of static images.
  • (Images from Yahoo database and google logo montaged). The Best of Youth in Olympics Torino 2006
  • To work on the montage image, we began by selecting a position directly opposite the cauldron to give a nice symmetrical shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • We believe that the photomontage is a satirical criticism of the political positions assumed by the Pope during his ecclesiastical career and that attorney Salvatore Vitello is criminalizing a publication based on outdated articles of the Penal Code, especially that this very Penal Code has recently had substantial changes to its writing. The Vatican Threatens to Sue Indymedia
  • And, if a 527 was making the ad, they might use a montage of pictures of Kerry touring NASA in a space suit, or windsurfing, or yachting.
  • For example, Bazin montage undermine the film is the wrong view of reality.
  • I had to make a montage from individual pictures. The Sun
  • Green and gold made a striking and summery combination, as demonstrated by Jennifer, in her floaty dress by Montage, which she wore with hat and bag from Tiffany and shoes from Shush.
  • His montage was designed around the yoking of disparate objects.
  • Heartfield had a production team to cut, retouch, add type, and otherwise make the photomontages, which makes him more of an art director.
  • The film ends with a montage of newspaper clippings about American involvement over the next two decades, but its impact is muted.
  • Companies can hand-color old black and whites, create montages and vignettes and digitally link photos to create a complete panoramic shot.
  • The ads feature a montage of images - people surfing, playing football and basketball.
  • This was done after shooting the whole film and montage sequences.
  • This innovation reads to me as an Internet Age version of photomontage. Merrill Cole: WikiLeaks and David Wojnarowicz: A Perspective from Berlin
  • The Vancouver Winter Games are history now except for that montage — — star-spangled, or maybe maple-leafed, depending on your Olympic fealty. Americans, Canadians carve indelible images
  • Most laptops were used primarily for playing DVD s, but could also be used to store and montage film and video clips. Dusty Warriors: Modern Soldiers at War
  • The past was a dim montage of life at the agency and the treatment center and the ranch, a recollection of lying on the river bank with women in attitudes of opisthotonos or of lying against the boulders with a rifle. This Crowded Earth
  • At lunchtime on the day of the party, the BBC's avuncular anchorman David Dimbleby introduced a montage of pop footage.
  • Several embarrassing montages seem directed by the domineering pop soundtrack due to their literalist take on the lyrics.
  • The local news showed a whole montage of people flailing like windmills before descending. Times, Sunday Times
  • The entries reveal the use of a rich variety of media and materials including photomontage, ceramics, recycled wire, dugong bone, bronze, feathers, pandanus fibre, and works on paper, bark and canvas.
  • Over all, the photomontages, which took the place of painting in something like the way functionalist building was supposed to displace fine-art architecture, became for Teige both solace and poetist delight.
  • Why are some montages more effective for you in this scene?
  • From 1922 his stylistically radical work was put to utilitarian ends, including the design of speakers' tribunes and latterly agitprop photomontage and graphic design.
  • The snappy editing, rapid montage sequences and throbbing soundtrack give the film tremendous pace in its early stages and that is matched by some funny moments.
  • He also whips out some familiar tricks, like introducing a string of characters by rewinding their individual bios in two-minute flashback montages as Tautou narrates.
  • You can get creative by combining elements of different pictures to construct a montage.
  • His studio was a montage of photographs, sketches and unfinished paintings.
  • The photo montage to 2012 says it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • The designs are put on either with an underglaze, a sort of drawing technique, or overglaze, which is more like montage.
  • The user creates montages to generate new antiwar argumentation.
  • She learned how to montage films - editing together different camera shots for effect.
  • The montages make it clear how far much time has passed since the last scene, but at other times only vague references keep us oriented.
  • The link between finance and the tools of war is explicitly made in the poster's innovative use of photomontage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The montage style allows the filmmakers to ‘free up’ a lot of the material, removing its current meaning while suggesting another.
  • And if you look at his films, you'll see that sometimes he'll do a montage that's all music and he'll drop the location sound altogether.
  • Yet one never quite knew why this nonbuilder who had set out to be a painter, then studied art history, became an editor, and took up graphic design and photomontage, was so pertinent to functionalism.
  • He mounts photomontages of nightmarish imagery, amusing and dangerous, on all kinds of rich and startling supports.
  • The group is given a name, a members 'photo is montaged together from the individual ones that have been submitted (creating a sort of artificial group picture), information about the group is filled in, and a link to everyone's Facebook profile is inserted. All Together Now
  • The press always like that kind of thing as it gives them lots of cheap reprint copy, or photo montages.
  • It looked marvellous and there was a lot of inventive and well executed photography and montage.
  • The exhibition comprises artwork in many media, including textiles, pottery, feltwork, photomontage, oils and acrylics.

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