
How To Use Monstrance In A Sentence

  • Besides heavily ornate vestments, stoles, monstrance, pulpits, bells, paintings, representations of the Way of the Cross and statues of saints are among the major attractions.
  • Tabernacle signified in the Middle Ages sometimes a ciborium-altar, a structure resting on pillars and covered with a baldachino that was set over an altar, sometimes an ostensory or monstrance, a tower-shaped vessel for preserving and exhibiting relics and the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The Taipei Society's remonstrance didn't just target those in power.
  • They nuzzled the bloody bodies, pressed their faces against the curs ' short-haired skulls, exhaling remonstrances and reassurances into the ruined ears.
  • Many of them suggest ritual objects of a kind that stand like monstrances on an altar.
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  • Barbarians accustomed to place their freedom in gratifying the present passion, and their courage in overlooking all future consequences, turned away with indignant contempt from the remonstrances of justice and policy, and it was the practice to signify by a hollow murmur their dislike of such timid counsels. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He spent the hours of travel in coining caustic remonstrances against being treated in the way he had been, but when he arrived and found her having tea in the hotel drawing-room looking quite fresh and young, he decided to postpone them, and all he said was: “Well, Fanny, you look quite bobbish.” On Forsyte 'Change
  • No sooner were we reseated in the carriage than I began a pathetic remonstrance with Mrs Damer upon the impropriety of her allowing her mad-cap of a sister to turn everything into ridicule and make a laughing stock of everybody.
  • Mrs. Charmond, however, with the almost supersensory means to knowledge which women have on such occasions, quite understood what Marty had intended to convey, and the picture thus exhibited to her of lives drifting away, involving the wreck of poor Marty’s hopes, prompted her to more generous resolves than all Melbury’s remonstrances had been able to stimulate. The Woodlanders
  • The object held by the angels at the base shares the metalwork-like form of a monstrance.
  • But when a quarter to nine struck, and he saw old Thomas beginning to fidget about with the keys in his hand, he thought of the Doctor's parting monition, and stopped the cornopean at once, notwithstanding the loud-voiced remonstrances from all sides; and the crowd scattered away from the close, the eleven all going into the School-house, where supper and beds were provided for them by the Doctor's orders. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • In the hill town in the Maremma, though few go to church, they still decorate the pavements with flowers for the Corpus Christi procession, school children still scatter rose petals before the monstrance and the Madonna.
  • He drew only Panurge aside, and then, making to him a sweet remonstrance and mild admonition, very gently represented before him in strong arguments, that, if he should continue in such an unthrifty course of living, and not become a better mesnagier, it would prove altogether impossible for him, or at least hugely difficult, at any time to make him rich. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • On the float were placed [the sacred things] which the Mindanaos had plundered: on each slope lay the chasuble, choristers 'mantles, frontals, and other sacred ornaments; on the ridge stood the chalices, monstrances and patens; and at the edge were hung the chrismatories and small bells. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Copes and monstrances are unknown in the charterhouse. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The boys begin by carrying in the monstrance, a huge, gilded altarpiece that holds and displays the Sacrament.
  • If Harris or Elliston persist, after the remonstrance which I desired you and Mr. Kinnaird to make on my behalf, and which I hope will be sufficient -- but _if_, I say, they _do persist_, then I pray you to _present in person_ the enclosed letter to the Lord Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • 'Taihoa' is their reply to remonstrance.
  • Earlier, we might have argued, but we had already seen how little effect remonstrances had on these two.
  • To have risked his life in her rescue, at such a moment, seemed to him nothing, could he but more certainly have ascertained her own wishes, and real situation: but as she attempted neither resistance nor remonstrance, he concluded Bellamy spoke truth; and if they were married, he could not unmarry them; and if they were going to her friends, they were doing all he could now exact. Camilla
  • Indeed, the Artful, presuming upon their close attachment, more than once took occasion to reason gravely with his companion upon these improprieties: all of which remonstrances, Master Bates received in extremely good part; merely requesting his friend to be "blowed," or to insert his head in a sack, or replying with some other neatly-turned witticism of a similar kind, the happy application of which, excited considerable admiration in the mind of Mr. Chitling. Oliver Twist
  • For generations, parishioners have donated many items such as our beautiful stained glass windows, silver chalices, ciboria, monstrance, statues and crucifix.
  • That sense of justice which guides every party in our just Austrian land, does not entirely exclude her either; at the same time, this _very same sense of justice_ must render all her remonstrances unavailing. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Volume 2
  • For the last section of the procession, including Macquarie Street past the state parliament, the sacred host in its gold monstrance was enshrined on a silk-lined float drawn by ten deacons from St Patrick's College at Manly.
  • A woman had a squirrel that came out and scampered about on the table, foraging amongst the serving dishes without remonstrance from anyone. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • "Wife," I answered, "I will not sacrifice this calf," and in spite of all her remonstrances, I remained firm.
  • Could we suspect a Committee of Members of Congress of a joke appreciable by mere members of the human family, could we suppose them in a thoughtless moment to have carried into legislation a mildened modicum of that metaphorical language which forms the staple of debate, we should make no remonstrance. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 33, July, 1860
  • Soon after disengaging himself with perfect good humour, he had a sensation of the ferule in his back; immediately afterwards, of the hook entangling his ankles; then of the umbrella generally, wandering about his hat, and flapping at it like a great bird; and, lastly, of a poke or thrust below the ribs, which give him such exceeding anguish, that he could not refrain from turning round to offer a mild remonstrance. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
  • All afternoon, people have come and gone, kneeling before the blessed sacrament in the golden monstrance on the side altar.
  • In more than one instance, eminently peaceful individuals, affecting the jaunty and war-like Beauregard cap, were hauled up with that true military sternness which is deaf alike to entreaties and remonstrances. Memoirs of the War of Secession
  • His uneasiness when the whip was used, testified by clamorous complaints, made the whole scene so amusing that the depredators were allowed to depart without a word of remonstrance.
  • Besides heavily ornate vestments, stoles, monstrance, pulpits, bells, paintings, representations of the Way of the Cross and statues of saints are among the major attractions.
  • The Count de Beaunoir still continues to be particular, in what he calls his adoration of me; but his tone and style are too romantic to authorize me in any serious remonstrance. Anna St. Ives
  • After mutual compliments had been exchanged, they proceeded to a long consultation concerning Vivaldi, and it was agreed, that their efforts for what they termed his preservation should no longer be confined to remonstrances. The Italian
  • By Mr. Allen of Westport, remonstrance of Ephraim ovsterbedsin Gifford and others against any legislation in regard to 'Westport aiver. leasing the natural oyster beds in Westport River. Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • The prophet Hud remonstrated; but his remonstrances went for nothing, and the indignant monarch and his courtiers suddenly found their visages simious, their tongues chattering, and their lower portions furnished with tails -- a species of transformation, which, so far as regards visage and tongue, is supposed to be not unfrequent among courtiers to this day. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • The king stripped it of its powers of remonstrance and registry, and he invested those powers in a new Plenary Court to be appointed by him.
  • We might show how reason is here overpowered and dethroned; how the remonstrances of virtue, already decayed and emaciated, become vain and futile; how man, bent upon sensual gratification, rushes on, brutifies himself, inflames his passions but the more, An Address to the People of North Carolina, on the Evils of Slavery. By The Friends of Liberty and Equality
  • It seemed to me to be hung up in a kind of monstrance which stood above the Tabernacle. The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • In this image, the bishop carries a monstrance under the shelter of a portable baldachin decorated with the images of various saints and martyrs.
  • It may be suggested, in tones of some remonstrance, that things like "though pierced by the cruel acerb," or "thy fleetingness is bigger in the ghost," or "her gabbling grey she eyes askant," or "sheer film of the surface awag" are not taking Nature naturally. The Victorian Age in Literature
  • Incensed by the government's flouting of basic legal principles, the parlement of Paris, seconded by the provincial courts, condemned royal policy in a flood of remonstrances.
  • But, at length, having become insensibly accustomed to her, he listened to her remonstrances with no less patience than his mistress.
  • Mrs. Charmond, however, with the almost supersensory means to knowledge which women have on such occasions, quite understood what Marty had intended to convey, and the picture thus exhibited to her of lives drifting away, involving the wreck of poor Marty's hopes, prompted her to more generous resolves than all Melbury's remonstrances had been able to stimulate. The Woodlanders
  • England should not have stood by and seen a feeble people robbed without raising a note of remonstrance.
  • How can you, when every crucifix, monstrance, rosary, statue of the Virgin Mary or picture of the Sacred Heart that you see reminds you of the abuse that you suffered? Fr. Benedict Groeschel blasts American Psychological Association
  • Rather than take chances, Orléans struck a deal with leading parlementaires by promising to restore their right of remonstrance before the registration of laws in return for annulling the will.
  • His remonstrance confirms me in my decision and serves to vindicate my claims, severally and as a whole.
  • A great chest was filled with the ornaments of the churches -- sacred vessels, such as chalices, patens, monstrances, censers, chrismatories, etc. -- which we have now most carefully returned to their owners; so that your Reverence was enabled to fill four floats with these ornaments, in the solemn procession which his Lordship held in Manila on Trinity Sunday, in thanksgiving to God for the victory. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • It consisted chiefly of a dialogue between the two lovers; and the boy, with a wonderful ease and grace and skill, mimicked the shy coquetries of the girl, her fits of petulance and dictation, and the pathetic remonstrances of her companion, his humble entreaties and his final sullenness, which is only conquered by her sudden and ample consent. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 31, October, 1873
  • They are as stanch and resolved in their hatred of the domestic institution as when we abolished the accursed slave traffic; as when, at a vast sacrifice, both of money and of colonial prosperity, we struck the last fetter from the last English slave; as when the women of England, half a million strong, sent out a generous if not a wise remonstrance to the women of America. London: Saturday, January 17, 1863
  • Before registering, the parliaments had the power to send the king remonstrances pointing out flaws or drawbacks in the new laws.
  • With a muffled skreigh the mare leapt forward, seized the bit 'twixt her teeth, and _ventre à terre_ pursued the others in spite of her rider's remonstrances. Border Ghost Stories
  • I have this day had to disrate William Thompson - Cook & Steward in his capacity as Steward from his slovenly and dirty habits, we have now been 22 days at sea during which time has never once washed out the Cabin or Pantry although I have frequently requested him to do so, but finding all remonstrances in vain.
  • There is no remonstrance that carries its message so clearly as a reversal order which upholds due process.
  • In the aureole above the globe, around which the snake is wound, symbolising his victory over world and sin, Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance would be resereved on Maundy Thursday/Good Friday. Catholic Bamberg: St. Michael's Abbey
  • When the Orthodox would say something outrageous, the Vatican would make remonstrances privately, but never in public.
  • Is the list mainly a catalogue of wayward institutions that, depending on their own histories and practices, have given greater or lesser heed to the AAUP's remonstrances?
  • Both the name ostensorium and the kindred word monstrance The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The German mother broke out in angry remonstrance, indicating that she had neuralgia and the _backfisch_ a cold in the head. Dangerous Ages
  • Commons, that "their remonstrance was more like a denunciation of war, than an address of dutiful subjects, and that their pretension to inquire into state affairs was a plenipotence to which none of their ancestors, even during the weakest reigns, had ever dared to aspire. A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon For the Use of Schools and Colleges
  • He next entered the service of Charles V; then embarked on a privateering expedition, for which Queen Elizabeth provided one of his ships, till the remonstrances of foreign powers led to his arrest.
  • But when a quarter to nine struck, and he saw old Thomas beginning to fidget about with the keys in his hand, he thought of the Doctor's parting monition, and stopped the cornopean at once, notwithstanding the loud-voiced remonstrances from all sides; and the crowd scattered away from the close, the eleven all going into the School-house, where supper and beds were provided for them by the Doctor's orders. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • Clinton the elder here withdrew, and had scarcely disappeared when two voices were heard in the hall, in a kind of clamorous remonstrance with each other, which voices were those of Father Magowan and our friend The Emigrants Of Ahadarra The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • Younger sons of noble families proverbially come off second best in this country, but if one of them found his only 'appanage' was a mine, he would surely with some justice make a remonstrance. Some Private Views
  • Among all those things, the first place is given to a great golden monstrance which is worth eleven thousand ducados. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Amongst the intricate arabesques little angels'-heads were embossed, and on one side a group of cherubs was bearing a "monstrance" with the sacred Host through silver clouds. Marzio's Crucifix and Zoroaster
  • When no remonstrance of hers availed to prevent the constant increase of expenses, Elizabeth saw that her assistance, instead of helping the family to get out of debt, was simply the means of providing toys for experimentation, and that she was being quietly but persistenly euchred out of all that her heart cherished. The Wind Before the Dawn
  • Quelques uns les Scavent, les autres ce contenteront de Scavoir que des le tems que jeu l'honneur de faire quelque Sejour chez feu le Duc d'Albemarlea Londre qui fust alors establis du Roy Charle II. vice Roy de Jamaique, par la Relation qu'on me fist de la beauté, bonté, et richesses de L'Amerique Angloise, J'en concluse une Ideé si advantageuse, que Sur les fortes invitations de ce Seigneur je l'aurois Suivis en ce Voyage avec empressement, si je n'eusse esté detourné par les fortes remonstrances de mes parents qui voulloient que je m'etablisse dans ma Patrie, et nonobstant touttes les douceurs que j'y pouvois avoir, il me resta pourtant toujours quelque amorce et quelque chose d'attirant pour les pays Susdits. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • The monstrance is rather new, made in sterling silver by Goudji Lourdes : Pèlerinage National
  • The pope in his distinguishing robe and tiara carries a monstrance containing the holy Eucharist, as clerics process before him and the laity behind.
  • It was during her remonstrances at his delay that the alleged assault took place.
  • Why am I permitted to fatigue you, as the representative of a slaveholding State, with the discussion of the "_nugae canorae_" (for so I think them) that have been forced into this debate contrary to all the remonstrances of taste and prudence? American Eloquence, Volume 2 Studies In American Political History (1896)
  • ‘Every lie you tell me is as obvious as that one,’ she replied without a hint of hurt or remonstrance.
  • The treasury contains a ten-foot high, 400 lb. shimmering gold "monstrance" that is paraded through the streets of Toledo on Corpus Christi day. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • In accordance with her last wishes, diamond flowers and leaves from her tiara surround the container for the host of a monstrance made in 1874 for the Church of the Sacre Coeur at Issoudon.
  • It begins instead with a rather daring remonstrance of God.
  • In the midst of an eloquent and impassioned remonstrance with the Sceptic who, even when overwhelmed by the disasters of a present world, renounces all trust in futurity, she weaves some touching reflections upon a catastrophe, the remembrance of which will ever fall with surpassing sadness upon the spirit of a great people. A Review of 'The Sceptic; a Poem'
  • Sensing no remonstrance from the two humans he knew to be nearby, he began walking, slowly, drawing Roman's mount along in his wake.
  • Actually it's called a monstrance and it contains a consecrated communion wafer (the big size that only priests get to eat), which by now has magically become the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the form of bread. (there was a time when people chopped each other's heads off over a disagreement about whether it contained any blood) "the abuse took place in the 1970s; the police were informed and acted" - Jack Valero : The Latest Updates
  • To this remonstrance, which was delivered with a very significant countenance, the mousquetaire made no other reply, but that of echoing his assertion with a loud laugh, in which he was joined by his confederates. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Nonetheless, reliquaries and monstrances continued to be made, the former usually as caskets with glass sides, although traditional forms also survived into the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • The pope in his distinguishing robe and tiara carries a monstrance containing the holy Eucharist, as clerics process before him and the laity behind.
  • In this period the feast of Corpus Christi was first introduced (1312), and thereby a new metal vessel, the monstrance or ostensory, made necessary. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The ostensorium (ostensory, monstrance) is a glass-framed shrine in which the Blessed Sacrament is publicly exposed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Here he is flanked by two holy nuns and mystics, St. Lutgardis of Tongeren (a Cistercian) and St. Juliana of Liège with the monstrance. Neuzelle Abbey
  • So different from that rascal Woods, who treated some of the men as if they were dogs, and allowed many a poor sheep to go shorn to its pen cut and bleeding from overhaste, with never a word of remonstrance. Fifty-Two Stories For Girls
  • The monstrance containing the Eucharist came in procession from the North Cathedral, down Roman Street and across the Lee to make its way to Daunt Square.
  • This, under the circumstances, has been justly characterized by one of the witnesses as an expression of remonstrance or expostulation.
  • Details from a monstrance designed for St. John Cantius church in Chicago by one of their parishioners and realized by Granda. Arts from Granda

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