How To Use Monsoon In A Sentence

  • There are marked changes in the abundance, activity and composition of almost all components of the pelagic system of the Banda Sea, related to the monsoon-induced alternation between periods of upwelling and downwelling (see Zijlstra and Baars, 1990). Indonesian Sea large marine ecosystem
  • The Indian monsoon is now under way. Times, Sunday Times
  • I returned to my hotel to sit at the window and watch the grand son-et-lumière that night, the opening show of the south-west monsoon.
  • The failure of the monsoon would destroy harvests on which 1000 million people rely.
  • We get only very little rain during the South West monsoon.
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  • Spending has been jump-started by a drop in interest rates to 30-year lows as well as by the best monsoon since 1988.
  • To attract holidayers to the State during the Southwest monsoon, brochures detailing the various facets of the monsoon have been brought as in previous years.
  • Mianyang city belongs to eastern subtropics monsoon climate region, moderate climate, and distinctive four seasons.
  • On the other hand, when armed with a large umbrella or a well-fitting raincoat and perhaps a pair of gumboots, it is possible to enjoy the monsoon rains, and take time out to splash through muddy puddles and wade through waterlogged roads.
  • In this tropical climate, there is a rainy, monsoon season from May to October.
  • In Assam four weeks of rain, ahead of the monsoon season, have devastated huge areas, making 5m people homeless.
  • Blown in on the north-west monsoon without aid of any chart or astronomical observation, a thousand mariners, tide-driven, converge on the coral reefs.
  • He talked about landslides in previous monsoons that had opened gaping chasms in the cliff behind the village.
  • Go in the first week of the holidays to beat the monsoon season. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the monsoon season the villagers divert their occupation to fishing and agriculture.
  • These disasters are part of a trend, as monsoon floods have grown more frequent in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The southwest monsoon has been very weak in the first month of this season.
  • As my train arrived, the monsoon abruptly stopped, the sun came out, leaving me gently steaming on platform five at Reading.
  • Now, the tears were coming out as fast as the fat monsoon raindrops outside were coming down.
  • As monsoonal rains poured down, the Gulf Country of Queensland, and extensive areas of the dry centre, were turned into vast inland seas, isolating pastoral stations and causing heavy cattle losses.
  • The Indian monsoon is now under way. Times, Sunday Times
  • He arrives in monsoon season hoping to catch a newborn calf on camera. The Sun
  • In the east, the water is mainly oceanic with relatively minor dilution from direct monsoonal rainfall and runoff from small streams.
  • Caisii Mao/ Demotix Boys played football in a waterlogged field after heavy monsoon rain hit Dimapur, in the northeastern state of Nagaland, June 27. Early Monsoon Showers
  • `It used to get like this in India before the monsoons came. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The wetter south-west season runs from May-November and the north-east monsoon from December-April.
  • Conditions varied from steady 10-12 knot south-westerlies to almost dead calm, interspersed with vicious rain-squalls out of the south - typical Monsoon weather in the northern Gulf at this time of the year.
  • The wetter south-west season runs from May-November and the north-east monsoon from December-April.
  • The term monsoon, or "monsun," I may explain, is derived from an Arabic word, _mausim_, meaning "a set time, or season of the year;" and is generally applied to a system of regular wind currents, like the Trades, blowing in different hemispheres beyond the range of those old customers with which ordinary voyagers are familiar. On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
  • We arrived by sea plane in monsoon conditions, but the sheer beauty of the place amazed us - the journey alone was worth the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further south, the monsoon has delivered torrential rains. Times, Sunday Times
  • That hat could shelter a small village from a monsoon. The Sun
  • On the southern Dhofar coast, monsoon rains provide a fertile climate in which bananas and citrus trees proliferate.
  • The rain teemed down as the summer monsoon dragged on and the locals claimed they hadn't seen the like for years.
  • As you drive west toward the coast, seeps and springs in the ravines form small braided waterfalls, full of their own monsoon song.
  • This creates winds that generally blow from the southwest during the summer monsoon and from the northeast from October to April.
  • The storm has also put a temporary brake on the Indian monsoon, which had arrived earlier in the week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heavily swollen with monsoon rains in mid-July, the river breached its earth embankments swamping large areas of the district within half an hour.
  • During the south-west monsoon nothing can be done.
  • It was his wont to paste up long altar-pieces of Liana's charms, charms which her father had sought to enhance by means of delicate and almost meagre fare, by shutting up his orangery, whose window he seldom lifted off from this flower of a milder clime -- until she had become a tender creature of pastil-dust, which the gusts of fate and monsoons of climate could almost blow to pieces. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 07 — Fiction
  • The south end of the range experiences the southwesterly monsoon from the ocean and the north end dry northeasterly harmattan winds from the desert. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • The south-westerly monsoon winds bring copious amounts of rain from June onwards.
  • They graze through the monsoon and return to their homeland in September.
  • Located in the temperate monsoon zone, Japan is also strongly influenced by seasonal weather patterns.
  • This year's monsoon season seems to have arrived early. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the country also suffered its poorest monsoon in four decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the spatial distribution of Arctiidae, the species occur in maximal quantities in tropical mountain rain forests but the peaks appear in tropical semideciduous monsoon.
  • The other good news is that the northerly monsoons have arrived in the Gulf, blowing steadily from north-west veering north-east.
  • The event became even more surreal as the heavens opened and a monsoon rain teemed down, but the boxing went on regardless.
  • King of Great Britain, and that the other in company with him was a prize he had taken; that he was going into Canton River to shelter himself against the hurricanes which were then coming on; and that as soon as the monsoon shifted he should proceed for England. Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
  • This mingling of polluted and clean air is particularly evident from January to April of each year during the winter monsoon.
  • At this time of year, monsoons in the area cause tidal surges and high waves.
  • The elusive jumbo prawns, barbecued chicken and pork spare ribs are monsoon specials.
  • Rituals associated with ploughing and planting of rice during monsoon and then again later at the end of monsoon were occasions to propitiate the gods for a bountiful harvest.
  • As the monsoons fade and the dry seasons take over, this year particularly there is widespread fear and uncertainty about the future.
  • The land is mostly uncultivated and, the driver tells them, when the monsoon passes, the area is a desert.
  • Such voyages were no small undertaking because the monsoon winds were cyclical. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Christmas Island is remote and solitary, and its gentle beauty can change within seconds when the north-westerly monsoons lash the island.
  • Nepalese belong to country tropical monsoon climate.
  • More than a century ago, to give his womenfolk an illusory monsoon during the hottest months, a maharana created the Maids of Honour garden.
  • However, the sluggish progress of the monsoon and the rising inflation rate as a result of higher crude oil prices has stemmed the possibility of a runaway rally.
  • The biggest challenge before the district health authorities is to check the breakout of water-borne diseases during the monsoon.
  • These disasters are part of a trend, as monsoon floods have grown more frequent in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pitter-patter of the monsoon might be a long wait ahead, but with a number of brightly painted umbrellas crowding its walls, this is a downpour of a different kind.
  • In the southern hemisphere it is the meeting place of the dry east to southeast winds generated by the subtropical highs, and the moisture-laden northwesterly monsoon winds.
  • Things came to such a pass that, it was necessary to send by schooner, outside the monsoon season, the licentiate Ruy Machado who came from the kingdom this year, and who had been appointed to that auditorship; his adjutant was Ynacio Nuñez de Mancelos, the captain of the said vessel. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 1588-1591 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • This was the end of the wet season, and he sheltered in doorways from the brief storms of the northeast monsoon.
  • During heavy monsoon downpours, the bunds naturally breached causing silt formation in tanks.
  • But those states were spared when record-breaking monsoons brought heavy summer rains instead of the fierce fires officials had expected.
  • (mid-May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon (November to mid-March); However, the term monsoon refers not only to the summer rains but to the entire cycle that consists of both summer moist onshore winds and rain from the south as well as the offshore dry winter winds that blow from the continent to the Indian Ocean. Xml's
  • The storm, with deluges of rain, sweeps over the mountain and the monsoon reigns over the low lands of Malabar.
  • The storm has also put a temporary brake on the Indian monsoon, which had arrived earlier in the week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Days of heavy monsoonal rains have caused floods devastating northwestern Pakistan. Pakistan Flood PHOTOS: Dramatic Images From Flooding
  • The south-east monsoon cuts visibility from June to August, but the main rains come with the north-west monsoon from December to March, when heavy seas can restrict diving.
  • This all seems so much more comforting on a grey monsoon day with the wind storming outside and the Mumbai streets in flood.
  • A good economic out-turn and a near-good monsoon have resulted in most Indian companies paying average and above-average bonuses this year, making this festive season a cheerful one.
  • The large area involved and the grand scale of the weather within monsoon climates suggest that monsoons play a significant role in the management of the global climate.
  • Among these typhoons, Lynn in 1987 appeared to interact with the northeasterly monsoon most significantly.
  • In sub-Saharan Africa rain comes in monsoons, which are large storms that dump a large amount of rain.
  • The northeast monsoon, which brings us most of our water, has set in.
  • Bollywood films such as Bride & Prejudice and Monsoon Wedding have captured the imaginations of cinemagoers.
  • It was the summer before her 9th grade year, months that dwelled in limbo between gradually evaporating innocence and a monsoon of unfathomed tears.
  • Monsoon is a global system, and many arrays of evidence indicate that it drives long-term cyclicity of the carbon reservoir in the global ocean. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • All sorts of weather systems can have an impact, dependent on the location, such as mid-latitude cyclones, subtropical anticyclones, monsoon systems, and tropical cyclones.
  • May to September brings the cooler and drier south-east monsoon, with strong winds and high seas in July and August.
  • The monsoon, which has been eluding Punjab so far and has affected kharif crops, has brought the afforestation drive in the state to a halt.
  • India and China are already seeing heavier monsoon rains and longer drought periods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bad weather in the monsoon season meant there was no chance of transferring the casualty off the merchantman initially, so the Type 23 frigate's Lynx sortied with her medical team so aid could be delivered at the scene.
  • The Indian Ocean was a particular surprise, as large portions of the ocean were seen to "light up" seasonally with changes in monsoon winds. NASA Watch: May 2009 Archives
  • India and China are already seeing heavier monsoon rains and longer drought periods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further south, the monsoon has delivered torrential rains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Near one of their bore-wells, there was a deep trench in which run-off flowed during the monsoon.
  • The village lay to the east, along a river so swollen by winter monsoons that the paddies were a vast lake, submerging any landmarks. The Village
  • The winter monsoon brings rain and snow to the west whilst the east remains dry but windy. Geography Basic Facts
  • Vishu, Onam and other festivals marked the change; monsoons came and went, leaving everything green and full of possibility. GYPSY MASALA
  • Drought-like situation prevails in the district due to acute shortage of water and extended power cuts triggered by delay in the monsoon.
  • He arrives in monsoon season hoping to catch a newborn calf on camera. The Sun
  • Go in the first week of the holidays to beat the monsoon season. Times, Sunday Times
  • How long does the dry/hurricane/monsoon/etc. season last?
  • Many of them had seen tents go to other villages and thought that this would be the best thing to see them through the summer and the monsoon.
  • It was expected that the share of each state would have been slashed at today's meeting keeping in mind the dry conditions and the failure of the monsoons.
  • Still, the Union Square staple serves up decent inexpensive food, and we had just arrived in time to see disgruntled chess players, skaters skipping class at NYU and that woman who practically lives in the park selling stalagmite candle holders scatter to the pounding rhythm of the sudden monsoon. Derek Beres: The Unlikely Making of a Yoga Dude
  • The deciduous forest patch was at its best after the monsoon showers, the grass a verdant green.
  • In the east, the water is mainly oceanic with relatively minor dilution from direct monsoonal rainfall and runoff from small streams.
  • The eastern Himalayan region is a high-rainfall zone that yields excessive water in basins during the monsoon.
  • The Himalayan Range is the major cause of the summer monsoon rains.
  • Our town was generally hot and dry, except during the heavy rains of the monsoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The impact of the diurnal variation of the surface heating in the Tibetan Plateau on the circulation over the Asian monsoon region is analyzed using the twice daily NCEP data from 1982 to 1996.
  • This time of year, the rice was planted, and it was up for the summer monsoons to finish the job.
  • The cyclones and monsoons that already bring such damage to the area could become even more frequent and intense.
  • Southerly flow into the monsoon is a continuation of the south-easterly trades of the southern hemisphere, except that they are deflected to the right by the Coriolis force in the northern hemisphere to become south-westerlies.
  • China suffers from serious summer monsoon floods annually. Times, Sunday Times
  • That hat could shelter a small village from a monsoon. The Sun
  • The south-westerly monsoon winds bring copious amounts of rain from June onwards.
  • In July and August of that year, the monsoon waters rose in the Narmada and submerged villages.
  • Based on the analysis of the monsoon stream tube of 1983, an attempted is made to develop a short-range forecasting model concerning the rain belt over the Changjiang-Huaihe Valley.
  • : A 1,800-year-old stalagmite from a Chinese cave has revealed that, in the past, warmer years were associated with stronger East Asian monsoons. President-Elect in Name,
  • In particular situations, where the entrance is exposed to the wind, the mygale, on the approach of the monsoon, extends the strong tissue above it so as to serve as an awning to prevent the access of rain. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • It is another spectacle of the south-west monsoon that I look forward to.
  • The lush green of post monsoons was soothing to the eyes.
  • Unless the north-west monsoon fails (something global warming modellers don't predict), that water supply is going to remain abundant and reliable.
  • In fact, the rains come so often in early summer that this wet spell is known as the European monsoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since Friday weather in many parts of the Nilgiris has become nippy on account of the South-West monsoon.
  • The key parameters of monsoon formation are land and sea temperatures, wind direction and conditions, the presence of water vapour, and finally topography and orography.
  • The near failure of the monsoon has affected agricultural operations in 11 States.
  • Most of the 48 bedrooms are air conditioned and have bathrooms with monsoon showers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Monsoons caused the river to burst its banks.
  • Make sure you have spent enough time in the country to familiarise yourself with the different seasons - sunshine is one matter but monsoons are another.
  • The south-east monsoon cuts visibility from June to August, but the main rains come with the north-west monsoon from December to March, when heavy seas can restrict diving.
  • We arrived by sea plane in monsoon conditions, but the sheer beauty of the place amazed us - the journey alone was worth the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • I could smell the monsoon rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the height of the monsoon season, and the incessant rains gave Wallace, who was sojourning in Brooke's riverfront villa, little else to do but ‘ponder over the problem which was rarely absent front my thoughts.’
  • The mere sound of the word ‘monsoon’ conjures up magical images of heavy rain rejuvenating and reviving a starved, parched and barren land.
  • This great indraft of moist air from the equatorial North Atlantic is like the warm-season half of a monsoon.
  • The monsoon season begins in summer when northeast trade winds reverse direction and carry water-saturated air inland.
  • A monsoonal low brought torrential downpours to northern Australia last week. Weatherwatch: Storms ravage north America and Australia
  • The list of crops affected by the delayed monsoon is long, and oilseeds, coarse cereals and pulses top it.
  • The monsoon trough is a broad area of low atmospheric pressure running east-west through the tropics in the summer months.
  • The song's countermelody also supports the Chandra comparison, as it's remarkably close to the melody of Monsoon's ‘Ever So Lonely.’
  • Now, as sailors know, it is quite impossible for a dhow which is only rigged to run before the monsoon to beat back against it. She
  • Such voyages were no small undertaking because the monsoon winds were cyclical. The Times Literary Supplement
  • From December-April the north-east monsoon is generally dry.
  • Conditions varied from steady 10-12 knot south-westerlies to almost dead calm, interspersed with vicious rain-squalls out of the south - typical Monsoon weather in the northern Gulf at this time of the year.
  • Experts have warned of the high risk of a cholera epidemic and further monsoon downpours are forecast. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it points out that the cyclones and monsoons that already bring such damage to the area could become even more frequent and intense.
  • May to September brings the cooler and drier south-east monsoon, with strong winds and high seas in July and August.
  • Tribes of hoodlum punkers rumble easy clean on vintage American Harleys in monsoon rushes of postindustrial airbrushed green and blue and orange manes.
  • This is an open invitation to flooding once the monsoon arrives and if the Tawi does overflow it will be a disaster.
  • Snow was falling as steadily as the apricot blossom in the first monsoon storm.
  • When monsoon floods approached their settlements, they told us, drums were beaten inside the caves, and the people could hear it.
  • The Indian monsoon set off floods that claimed 2,400 lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Far East, Australasia and the Indian Ocean have their fair share of typhoons and monsoons.
  • The delayed monsoon had affected all crops adversely.
  • They dug ponds and built earthen dams called johads to trap monsoon rains.
  • Outside, it is a typical monsoon morning sky alternating between brilliant sunburst and darkening clouds.
  • The climate in this area is tropical to subtropical humid monsoonal.
  • The North-east monsoon showers have heralded the coming of the season of chilly nights, starry skies and misty mornings in the city.
  • Pakistani man rests on a bench amongst floodwater after a heavy monsoon rain in Lahore.
  • ‘The wet season is a bit different to Darwin - the monsoonal down-pours are a regular occurrence here,’ he said.
  • Worsening monsoons tear away topsoil; drought parches land for years on end. Mort Rosenblum: India at 60, Monsoons, Weddings and Yet More Misery
  • The Buddha and his monks were peripatetic for much of the year, but gathered together in separate monasteries for the four months of the rainy season retreat, during the North Indian monsoon.
  • You might be forgiven for thinking that it feels like a monsoon has arrived. Times, Sunday Times
  • Victims of the whimsical monsoons and fickle market prices, these poor farmers have very little control over their destiny.
  • In the east, the water is mainly oceanic with relatively minor dilution from direct monsoonal rainfall and runoff from small streams.
  • The rejuvenation of five rivers has changed them into perennial water sources rather than dead, dry water-courses through which water flowed only during the monsoons.
  • Unless the north-west monsoon fails (something global warming modellers don't predict), that water supply is going to remain abundant and reliable.
  • I have to pay double the transportation charges compared to pre-monsoon times due to bad road conditions.
  • Men lived and worked with volatile herbicides for ten days straight each fortnight, some over several years, in the sweltering monsoonal climate.
  • The northeast monsoon, which brings us most of our water, has set in.
  • Count on the monsoon
  • All focus at present is on water, may it be due to termination of water accords or failure of monsoon or scattered, scanty rain, scarce power to operate tubewells.
  • On another note, all elections should be held only after the monsoons, and after all the candidates have been forced to walk on foot through the city during the rains.
  • The south-west monsoon from May to October brings heavy rain and heavy seas and can restrict diving.
  • During the monsoons the ferries stop plying and the Gateway looks a trifle forlorn without the seething crowds that normally sit around it, shooting the breeze when the weather is gentler.
  • The failure of the monsoon would destroy harvests on which 1000 million people rely.
  • This creates winds that generally blow from the southwest during the summer monsoon and from the northeast from October to April.
  • The same intertropical convergence zone shifts in response to periodic El Nino events, which weaken monsoon rains in Southeast Asia in the modern era.
  • A momentary romance, that quick magic, the wisp of a mystery, the deluge of life-giving water - this is the stuff of the monsoon.
  • His beautiful date Eanna looked divine in a full-length, figure-hugging turquoise gown, which she bought in Monsoon.
  • For the next couple of months tuck away the scanty summer wear and the thin knit winter wear to make room for the monsoon gear.
  • Most of the 48 bedrooms are air conditioned and have bathrooms with monsoon showers. Times, Sunday Times
  • With an unpredictable monsoon season ahead, Wilmore is watching closely as things such as pinyon-juniper and sagebrush begin to lose their moisture content. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • A combination of two marine sediment records from the Arabian Sea in which the percentage of the foraminifera Globigerina bulloides reflects the extent of ocean up-welling, which is determined by the strength of monsoons, which in turn indirectly reflect both summer and winter large-scale temperature changes through the differential seasonal heating and cooling of the Asian continent and surrounding oceans. Dongge Cave « Climate Audit
  • Although the mechanism of how monsoon drives oceanic carbon cycle remains unclear, the monsoon-related long-term cyclicity should not be overlooked in carbon-cycle modeling for long-term climate prediction. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • He said, ‘the retreating monsoon stagnates over South India moving out in a slow process.’
  • Appropriate food as it was the day that the monsoon finally arrived in Delhi and you know how hungry rainy weather makes you.
  • Of course, we had a good monsoon, resulting in a good kharif output.
  • Bangalore has definitely been hit by worse monsoons before but never has there been such severe water logging.
  • The threat's going to be ongoing though because we're in what we call the monsoon season, where afternoon thunderstorms are prevalent in the mountains hit and miss. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2007
  • On July 26, lakhs of Mumbaikars went to work, to school and college as they would on any normal monsoon day.
  • Monsoon season in Nepal is usually over by September but it has continued to rain this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • How long does the dry/hurricane/monsoon/etc. season last?
  • They provide near real-time observations of conditions such as heat and salinity patterns, which drive the climate and monsoonal systems that bring rain to Australia. Navies to float science robots in pirate waters
  • This year's monsoon season seems to have arrived early. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of the monsoons the region is covered by lush green vegetation all the year round.
  • Weather conditions during January have varied between Arctic and monsoon but the course has stood up well and all competitions are on schedule with no backlog.
  • I could smell the monsoon rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that time, the monsoon winds would begin blowing from the south so that the governor and his men would be unable to send messages to Batavia. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • In beautiful mountains, dense river network, is a maritime monsoon climate, cool, livable appropriate provider.
  • In India, where 60% of farmland is rain-fed, the June-September monsoon is crucial, especially for summer-sown crops such as oilseeds, rice and sugar cane. India's Economy May Grow at Least 7%

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