How To Use Monoxide In A Sentence
CO is the formula for carbon monoxide.
These are: ground-level ozone, particle pollution also known as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
John B. Townsend II: The Long, Hot Summer And Code Red Days
The pieces would then be fed into a "gasifier," where the materials would be turned into a gas containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and other hydrocarbons.
This atomic chlorine reacts readily with ozone to produce chlorine monoxide and molecular oxygen.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas.
When haemoglobin mixes with carbon monoxide it produces a compound called carboxyhaemoglobin.
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide.
Biodiesel reduces emissions of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulfates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and particulates.
Existing catalytic converters can produce extremely low hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide outputs only in optimal conditions.
Two decades later, a particularly interesting group of compounds made from carbon monoxide - the carbonyls - were discovered by the French chemist Paul Sabatier.
The product of gasification is called "syngas" - better known as hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
Autoblog Green
Burning buildings can produce carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic and sulphurated compounds.
After their transfer and a brief period of observation to verify the underlying diagnosis, patients were killed by gassing with carbon monoxide in disguised shower facilities.
Archive 2003-01-01
Any furnace producing that amount may have one or more operating conditions causing such a high level of carbon monoxides.
He continued to work productively, analysing the chemistry of chlorine bleaches and preparing hypochlorous acid and chlorine monoxide for the first time.
Carbon monoxide is colourless and odourless, and is produced when gas fails to burn completely.
Some models of the cooker have a design fault that means they emit carbon monoxide when incorrectly used with the grill door shut.
Times, Sunday Times
Pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons have also been linked to hay fever, chest infection and childhood cancer.
Bio-diesel fuelled engines, like their regular fuel counterparts, still emit carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and particulate matter.
While it is absurd to think the public would fall for something so outlandish as to say that one of the building blocks of life is a poison, you must remember that many agreed to ban water under it's scientific name dihydrogen monoxide.
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide.
Among the substances in third-hand smoke are hydrogen cyanide, used in chemical weapons; butane, which is used in lighter fluid; toluene, found in paint thinners; arsenic; lead; carbon monoxide; and even polonium-210, the highly radioactive carcinogen that was used to murder former Russian spy Alexander V. Litvinenko in 2006.
Organic Consumers Association News Headlines
Because carbon monoxide is colorless, tasteless, odorless and nonirritating, it can overcome the exposed person without warning.
By law, you must do an annual gas safety check and fit smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Times, Sunday Times
With less particulate matter, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide emissions are also less.
Biofuels, such as ethanol, can reduce carbon dioxide, ozone formation and carbon monoxide by as much as 90 percent.
Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which, when inhaled, limits the body's capacity to absorb oxygen.
Food waste is turned into hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide by the heat of the exhaust.
Your lungs may be exposed to pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and sulfuric acid.
They are thought to have inhaled carbon monoxide from the engines.
The Sun
NRT products provide a way of coping with nicotine withdrawal without taking in the harmful substances of tar and carbon monoxide.
It needed four drivers to control it and filled with carbon monoxide fumes so quickly that they had to wear gas masks.
Times, Sunday Times
One chaotic chemical system that has been well studied is a mixture of equal numbers of moles of carbon monoxide and oxygen with a small amount of molecular hydrogen.
Trusts will have to offer all women a carbon monoxide test at their antenatal booking appointment and smokers will be referred to smoking cessation clinics.
Times, Sunday Times
Apart from general operating conditions, it has set emission limits for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Respiratory function tests generally show a persistent slight-to-moderate hypoxemia and a reduction of carbon monoxide diffusion.
Pulmonary function tests in older children includes spirometry, whole body plethysmography, single and multiple breath nitrogen washout, carbon monoxide diffusion capacity, respiratory muscle strength and lung compliance.
Pulmonary Function Lab
Food waste is turned into hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide by the heat of the exhaust.
According to Kelly, his biographer, he was slowly being poisoned to death by low-level carbon monoxide, resulting from a lifetime of cooking over a charcoal in close, unventilated quarters.
One concept proposed by researchers at the University of Washington uses zirconia crystals and electricity to convert carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen, which can then be used as rocket propellant.
The platinum catalyses the reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons with air to give carbon dioxide and water vapour.
Protect your family from smoke, fire and carbon monoxide poisoning in the home.
Times, Sunday Times
While People Cut the Heads Off Children by Abortion in All 50 States, Some States Seek Ban On Gas Euthanasia of Shelter Animals Six states are considering proposals to ban carbon monoxide gas chamber use in animal shelters as a means of euthanasia, in response to animal rights supporters who say the process is inhumane.
The unburned gasoline or carbon monoxide come out the tail pipe.
The poisonous gas is called carbon monoxide and gas appliances can produce it if they're not regularly serviced.
Automotive emissions are a major source of ozone and carbon monoxide pollution.
We breathe air polluted with lead, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from car exhausts, sulphur dioxide from chimney flues, radioactive iodine, caesium and a host of other radionuclides from the flues of nuclear installations.
Likewise, on Mars carbon monoxide is easy to make but is not necessarily the optimum fuel.
This burns the waste to ash and releases highly flammable carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases.
Times, Sunday Times
No filtration is proposed for the emissions that would include carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and lead.
Among the substances in third-hand smoke are hydrogen cyanide, used in chemical weapons; butane, which is used in lighter fluid; toluene, found in paint thinners; arsenic; lead; carbon monoxide; and even polonium-210 ...
What Do I Know?
He continued to work productively, analysing the chemistry of chlorine bleaches and preparing hypochlorous acid and chlorine monoxide for the first time.
The quantities actually determined by an analysis are the relative proportions by volume, of carbon dioxide (CO_ {2}), oxygen (O), and carbon monoxide (CO), the determinations being made in this order.
Steam, Its Generation and Use
The U.S. Coast Guard is recalling certain models of houseboats that are built with an air cavity underneath the swim platform and transom in the wake of a series of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Two chemicals in tobacco smoke, nicotine and carbon monoxide, are particularly damaging.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used: as an industrial solvent and coolant. in nuclear power plants. in the production of styrofoam. as a fire retardant. in many forms of cruel animal research. in the distribution of pesticides.
The Horror Must Be Stopped!
Carbon monoxide is often known as the silent killer as the gas is invisible and has no smell or taste.
She mourns his suicide, begging his proud image: what were you thinking in the monoxide fumes?
Times, Sunday Times
Wood emission typically include: oxides of nitrogen sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide lead particulate matter hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) formaldehyde benzene chlorine sulfuric acid arsenic cadmium carbon tetrachloride chlorobenzene chromium mercury methylene chloride nickel styrene vinyl chloride ammonia etc .....
Addison County Independent - Covering the 23 towns of Addison County, Vermont
The coke is oxidized to carbon dioxide, which changes to carbon monoxide at high temperatures.
CO is the formula for carbon monoxide.
Burning charcoal inside the house or running an automobile engine in an attached garage also will produce carbon monoxide in the home.
Common reductants are the active metals, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon, carbon monoxide, and sulfurous acid.
The system, in a glass-fronted building in the middle of campus, runs on a "gasifier," heating wood chips and extracting carbon monoxide and other gases that are then burned in the boiler.
KSL / U.S. / National
The squad checks the autorickshaw for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions.
Catalysts convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, which is less toxic, but equally polluting to the environment.
Whatever the feedstock, the product slate is a complex mixture of hydrogen, ethylene, other olefins, diolefins and gasoline as well as smaller amounts of acetylenes and carbon monoxide.
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide.
In a vacuum furnace, carbon is an excellent deoxidizer, and the deoxidation product, carbon monoxide gas, is continuously removed under vacuum.
In addition to nicotine, cigarette smoke is primarily composed of gases (mainly carbon monoxide) and tar.
AN expat couple died of carbon monoxide fumes from a faulty boiler.
The Sun
What they didn't know was that it also gives off carbon monoxide.
Times, Sunday Times
Eighteen-year-old Jennie Whalley was overcome by carbon monoxide fumes while sitting in a car parked in a garage.
If the smoke alarm detects carbon monoxide, it tells the thermostat and the thermostat shuts off the boiler and sends out an alert.
Times, Sunday Times
This burns the waste to ash and releases highly flammable carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases.
Times, Sunday Times
What they didn't know was that it also gives off carbon monoxide.
Times, Sunday Times
Carbon monoxide or manganese poisoning and encephalitis are rare causes of the parkinsonian syndrome.
Dacca's air is burdened by vehicleemissions; air quality improved after the advent of unleaded gasoline, but toxins such as carbon monoxide persist.
Both nicotine and carbon monoxide inhaled with cigarette smoking have been incriminated as causative factors.
Another technically important chain reaction is the combustion of carbon monoxide, not to mention the combustion of hydrocarbons.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1956 - Presentation Speech
Before now, scientists merely theorized that dichlorine monoxide in the stratosphere played a key role in destroying ozone.
What people often fail to do when they buy a caravan or motorhome is check there is a smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm and fire extinguisher.
The Sun
carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin and displaces oxygen in the blood
MOPITT is a Canadian instrument flying on NASA's Terra satellite to collect measurements of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.
A mixture of 50 cc. of carbon monoxide and 50 cc. of oxygen was exploded in a eudiometer, (a) What gases remained in the tube after the explosion?
An Elementary Study of Chemistry
In this stage pyroligneous liquids in the form of methanol and acetic acids are expelled and a small amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is emitted (Fernandes, 1991).
Chapter 5
Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which, when inhaled, limits the body's capacity to absorb oxygen.
He was found alongside the body of his girlfriend; both had been poisoned by carbon monoxide gas escaping from the apartment's oven.
The platinum catalyses the reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons with air to give carbon dioxide and water vapour.
The standard requires detectors to sound before carbon monoxide levels exceed 100 parts per million for 90 minutes.
Mr Hunt added that wind farms were necessary if Britain was to honour international obligations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide and ash from fires reach maximum levels of twice the federal standard.
A catalytic converter will cut out 90% of carbon monoxide emissions.
However, gasoline engines and generators on boats have no emission controls and can emit carbon monoxide in huge amounts.
Exhaust gases include harmful volatile organic compounds or hydrocarbons, chemicals such as nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which, when inhaled, limits the body's capacity to absorb oxygen.
Despite extensive warnings and media coverage throughout the year, carbon monoxide in exhaust from boat engines found new ways to take lives this summer.
When these materials burn, they release dense smoke and toxic fumes, such as hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide, which are caustic to skin and eyes and can be lethal if inhaled.
(pure) carbon monoxide ethyl acetate n-butene n-butyl alcohol gasoline n-hexane
8. Lighting Fittings
Carbon forms two compounds with oxygen -- carbon monoxide, commonly called carbonic oxide, and carbon dioxide, commonly called carbonic acid; and the last-named, being of most importance, will be studied first.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
There go four equivalents of carbon monoxide into your blood cells, and there's only so long you can keep that up.
Carbon monoxide poisoning proved to be a limited, easily preventable danger.
My experiments upon the action of defines show, however, that it is essential to the identification of carbon monoxide that the formation of carbon dioxide by the action of the palladium chloride be proved by means of lime water or other indicator, as otherwise the reduction of the palladium salt may be due to a member of the olefine group.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
Now they have found, from studies of placental tissue, that the carbon monoxide in smoke makes the difference.
Times, Sunday Times
The plant breathes in that carbon monoxide and says, ‘Oh, thank goodness.’
The government should act just as swiftly, if not more so, to warn the boating public of the threat of carbon monoxide poisoning aboard motorboats of all types, not just houseboats.
They were both found to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning from their solid fuel boiler.
An important milestone in the history of carbon monoxide came in 1877 when the French physicist Louis Paul Cailletet found a method for liquefying the gas.
Exhaust from the automobile can contain carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, which are poisonous gases.
Earlier nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar were considered most harmful.
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide.
Over time she revealed to government and business the dangers of certain dyes, carbon monoxide, mercury, lead, radium (commonly used in wristwatch dials), benzene, the chemicals in storage batteries, and carbon disulfide and hydrogen sulfide bases which ware created during the process of making rayon.
Kate Kelly: For Labor Day: A Nod to a Woman Who Pushed for Worker Safety
The safety mattress also produced only half as much carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
The water vapor can then be cycled by reacting it with carbon monoxide to make carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
The end product contains mainly carbon monoxide and hydrogen from the gasification step plus a little methane from the carbonisation.
Air pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, often found in buildings near major roads, restrict the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
As for the carbon monoxide complex, our main interest was to characterize the dynamic motion of the 02 and imidazole axial ligands.
Will cars be banned for causing passive inhalation of carbon monoxide?
The Sun
Carbon monoxide leaked through gaps above the false ceiling between the boiler room and their adjacent bedroom.
The Sun
The coke is oxidized to carbon dioxide, which changes to carbon monoxide at high temperatures.
The poisonous gas is called carbon monoxide and gas appliances can produce it if they're not regularly serviced.
The company makes devices to detect carbon monoxide.
But they could not take the carbon monoxide and diesel particulates and wilted.
Carbon monoxide is produced when fossil fuels burn without a good air supply.
Times, Sunday Times
I live near a busy road and heaven knows what the Carbon Monoxide and other gunk that is churned out by cars and lorries do to me.
The products of coal gasification include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and nitrogen.
Presently, it is believed that carbon monoxide binds to cytochrome oxidase and consequently, disrupts the mitochondrial respiratory enzyme system. 5,8-11 Experimental studies seem to indicate that delivery of CO dissolved in the serum to the cells, and not blockage of oxygen transport by the COHb bond, is perhaps more important in the sequence of pathological events of the poisoning. 3,14 Although in severe poisonings, all factors may contribute to the outcome of the case.
Carbon Monoxide
We were rushed to hospital, where blood tests confirmed we had carbon monoxide poisoning.
The Sun
In its process the waste is heated to turn it into gas specifically syngas, which is a mixture of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide, then special enzymes convert the gas into ethanol.
Go yellow? Soon ethanol may not just be from corn
In particular, it seemed the perfect alternative to lead monoxide (PbO, litharge), the white pigment in those "lead-based" paints you hear about.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
The professor insisted that the carbon monoxide test is not designed to "penalise" women who smoke, but to show them how smoking and passive smoking raise their levels of the gas.
Cancer Research UK - RSS Feed
We have also published articles about structurally unsound boat hulls, boat buying scams and faulty generators that create the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carbon monoxide is an oxygen depleter and a major element of combustion.
PORTSMOUTH - A carbon monoxide leak forced the evacuation of a Portsmouth, N.H., hotel, and sent 11 people to a hospital.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
THREE makes of carbon monoxide detector have been withdrawn from sale on Amazon and eBay after failing a series of safety tests.
The Sun
Your body changes some inhaled methylene chloride to carbon monoxide.
ROBERTS: Commonly done with high levels of carboxyhemoglobin or carbon monoxide.
CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2006
As the mortar joints erode, heat transfers more rapidly to the nearby combustibles and dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide can leak into the living areas of the home.
JUST one in three homes have a carbon monoxide alarm, according to a new study.
The Sun
Automobile mechanics working in a poorly ventilated space may develop headaches from carbon monoxide exposure.
The court was told that a subsequent safety check by Health and Safety officers revealed that the flue for the fire was wrongly fitted and carbon monoxide was spilling into the room.
He put his dizziness down to the heat before realising it was carbon monoxide from a paraffin stove.
The Sun
Catalysts convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, which is less toxic, but equally polluting to the environment.
Carbon monoxide is produced when fossil fuels burn without a good air supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr. Irving added as an afterthought, I mean dihydrogen monoxide.
The use of nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy can avoid exposure to teratogens such as carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke.
The technology is set up to register carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions, big contributors to poor air quality.
Biodiesel reduces emissions such as carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons and particulate matter.
Carbon monoxide detectors are also required for solid fuel burners, such as coal.
The Sun
Biodiesel reduces emissions of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulfates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and particulates.
California's dawn is subtly different from Virginia's; the air is perfumed, not by woodsmoke and age, but by carbon monoxide, sea salt and sun-warmed rock.
Household sources of carbon monoxide include room heaters, furnaces, charcoal grills, ranges, ovens, water heaters, autos in attached garages, and fireplaces.
We were rushed to hospital, where blood tests confirmed we had carbon monoxide poisoning.
The Sun
The limit for carbon monoxide is 4.5 per cent of the exhaust gas.
Le Châtelier realized that the carbon monoxide formed carbon dioxide and carbon in a reversible reaction, for which the iron oxides acted as a catalyst.
Carbon monoxide fumes were thought to have seeped in up a short staircase.
The Sun
In the case of making iron in a blast furnace, the carbon is added as coke, which is converted into carbon monoxide - the actual reducing agent.
Formic acid is prepared commercially by heating carbon monoxide and sodium hydroxide to form sodium formate.
Researchers also blamed exposure to nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulates for the increase.
Pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons have also been linked to hay fever, chest infection and childhood cancer.
This surface reaction of oxygen and carbon releases carbon monoxide which migrates outward and upon encountering oxygen burns to carbon dioxide.
We will gradually replace the lost income tax through eco-taxes, starting with taxing climate change and carbon monoxide emissions, and ensuring that diesel users pay their fair share for the health costs of their emissions.
What's particularly painful is that something as small as a carbon monoxide alarm would have meant my brother would still be here today.
Times, Sunday Times
MOPITT is a Canadian instrument flying on NASA's Terra satellite to collect measurements of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.
Pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons have also been linked to hay fever, chest infection and childhood cancer.
An autopsy showed high levels of carbon monoxide in her blood as well as traces of amphetamines.
Carbon monoxide is colourless and odourless, and is produced when gas fails to burn completely.
In addition, mine complexes should have sturdy, airtight, strategically placed rooms stocked with oxygen, food, water, and carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide absorbents, Grayson says.
Garages and loading docks in buildings are a major source of carbon monoxide.
The deleterious consumption of monoxides and dioxides has also weakened my mental acuity, sensitivity and enthusiasm.
Wood-burning stoves and fireplaces, like kerosene heaters, produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, in addition to benzopyrene, a carcinogen, and respirable suspended particulates.
The ‘afterdamp’ occurring in such situations is a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can poison you if you breathe too much of it.
Plastic production is water-intensive and causes air emissions of hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxides.
Catalysts convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, which is less toxic, but equally polluting to the environment.
The cells worked well initially, but any traces of carbon monoxide in the hydrogen fuel quickly poisoned the catalyst.
After a gasoline-powered ice resurfacer made one sweep around the ice, carbon monoxide alarms registered dangerously high levels of CO, and remained at high levels even an hour later.
Carbon monoxide danger at indoor skating rinks
Carbon monoxide is produced when fossil fuels burn without a good air supply.
Times, Sunday Times
The Echo investigation highlighted a series of deaths caused by carbon monoxide poisoning from faulty gas fires.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is odourless, colourless, tasteless and non-irritating.
Exposure to carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and particulates, ie both gases and particles, were all well within the current exposure recommendations - even in busy pubs at peak occupancy.
This same basic cycle could also operate on the interconversion of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide plus oxygen.
The tendency to undergo oxidation to carbon dioxide on the part of carbon monoxide, and the absence of such tendency on the part of the defines when exposed to oxidizing influences at a temperature of 100® or below, serves as a most important criterion for the purpose of distinguishing between CO and the olefine group.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
I had in front of me some of the finest destructive agents you could wish to light upon -- carbon-monoxide, chlorine-trioxide, mercuric-oxide, conine, potassamide, potassium-carboxide, cyanogen -- when Edwards entered.
The Beetle
The carbon monoxide detector is designed to sense the presence of carbon monoxide in the air.
And so, Kelley knew just what to do as 128.3 tons of vaporized poisons - including sulfur dioxide, hexane, carbon monoxide, isobutane - began sifting earthward.
The high-temperature electrolysis scheme that we explored in connection with a lunar base can separate carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon monoxide.
Will cars be banned for causing passive inhalation of carbon monoxide?
The Sun
Walum E, Varnbo I, Peterson A. Effects of dissolved carbon monoxide on the respiratory activity of perfused neuronal and muscle cell cultures.
Carbon Monoxide
Free oxygen was released when ultraviolet light hit carbon monoxide gas.
These pollutants include ozone, sulphides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and sulphur oxides.
Maybe she was hoping to asphyxiate him with carbon monoxide fumes.
These pollutants include ozone, sulphides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and sulphur oxides.
The District's urban forest improves air quality by removing nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, and particulate matter.
It significantly reduces the sulfur, carbon monoxide and other pollutants that belch from car tailpipes.
Another instrument keeps daily track of the carbon monoxide plumes from fires and the scope of pollution produced regionally and globally.
Some 4400 tonnes of coal is gasified using oxygen from the electrolysis to produce carbon monoxide which is fed to the Fischer-Tropsch plant with the hydrogen to produce 25,000 barrels of synfuel "oil".
Hydrogen production from nuclear power
I think British Gas is just being considerate, which is the least it can do seeing it charges more for your Carbon Monoxide poisoning than most other suppliers.
Silent Witless
Carbon monoxide leaked through gaps above the false ceiling between the boiler room and their adjacent bedroom.
The Sun
The willful violations are for failing to conduct noise monitoring for employees who were exposed to noise levels at or above a time-weighted average of 120 dBA, to identify and evaluate respiratory hazards associated with methylene diphenyl diisocyanate and to provide a carbon monoxide monitor for employees utilizing compressed air from an oil lubricated compressor as breathing air during blasting operations.
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