
How To Use Monotone In A Sentence

  • Designers use floral in monotones with unusual checks and stripes, silky and lustrous finishes, transparence and illusion placements with a hint of skin in the collection.
  • Any such forcing relation is consistent and monotone: for no sentence A and no k does k force both A and ¬A. if k ‰¤ k² and k forces Intuitionistic Logic
  • Faily looked around at his gang, and his voice changed from the flat monotone of his recitation of imprinted details to the sharp staccato of his orders.
  • The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.
  • Does your voice sound nervous, monotone, listless or bored? The Sun
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  • he spoke in the clipped clinical monotones typical of police testimony
  • In most of the documentaries the testimonies come one after the other, often lapsing into a monotone, telling the viewers what the speakers had seen, how they had escaped or been rescued and, sometimes, what it meant to them.
  • An officer from his section stood outside his door, staring ahead sightlessly, opening his mouth to recite a message in a monotone.
  • Is it the trout pout that makes her so monotone? The Sun
  • After several monotone rings, he found it and handed the phone to me.
  • We mainly consider completely monotone functions from semigroup to operator algebras.
  • He continued to drone on in his monotone voice.
  • Ignoring this is likely to result in the dryest, most monotone and verbose speech ever given on this planet. Women Grow Business » Hooked On a Feeling: Marketing Your Intuition At Work
  • ‘Welcome,’ a monotone voice echoed through the darkness.
  • Sometimes I come across as pretty monotone and humorless, which isn't an accurate reflection of my personality -- at least not all the time. Archive 2006-05-01
  • His voice slips into monotone as he says that he barely watches the sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife,’ the minister droned in a monotone voice.
  • It is not so cheerful, perhaps, as its predecessor in the same key; the heavy basses twanging in tenths like a contrabasso are intentionally monotone in effect. Old Fogy His Musical Opinions and Grotesques
  • A social worker explained in a monotone voice that our family qualified for food stamps. Christianity Today
  • His presentation is calm and even-tempered, but not monotone either.
  • The monotone voice from the speakers echoed across the field.
  • It features Kareem Abdul Jabbar jabbering in monotone about the dangers of strangers, among things. Fourfour:
  • Despite the inescapable monotone of his voice, he managed to embrace virtually all kinds of music.
  • As the microwave chimed its monotone signal, Kelvin took out his measly breakfast and began reading papers as he consumed it.
  • There are lots of pastel colours in the Endora rage, but it also has striking monotone combinations, smart navy, warm fucshia and raspberry red.
  • Suddenly, her monotone voice shows some emotion.
  • Your presentation may then be prefaced by the chairman reading out your whole boring life story in a monotone.
  • Pared-down, unornamented, monotone cool - aka minimalisim - is in the ascendant. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, it included anyone who wanted to sing, from the tone-deaf bass who grumbled his monotone to the screeching soprano whose high C shattered glass.
  • First of all, his lank, angular appearance combined with his monotone voice and gloomy disposition aren't very soothing and reassuring.
  • ‘There's no going back, you know,’ Bela said in a monotone.
  • He sighed heavily, listening to his father's monotone voice drone on and on about what he needed to do.
  • ‘It's not,’ he said in a monotone voice, causing a pain in my heart that I had never thought I would feel with him.
  • Is there anything more cringeworthy than a series of unfunny childhood anecdotes and blatant sexual references strung together in a monotone drawl?
  • His voice was as monotone as he could possibly make it.
  • His chunky, twitchy presence is the perfect foil for Li's monotone, driven one and the scenes the two have together are amongst the best in the film.
  • A monotone linear variational inequality (LVI) is acquired from the smooth problem and it may be solved by a projection-contraction (PC) method.
  • The wood grain on the steering wheel and dash blend in almost imperceptibly with the seat leather, a nod to the Chinese, who are used to monotone color schemes.
  • I'm weary of his monotone droning as he reads yet another story of yet another hapless, submissive male being dominated by yet another psychotic nympho.
  • In the brilliant air, the whites of the passing birds brightened the green-gray monotones
  • Works can be rendered in blacklead or metallic pencil or in colour using various mediums or in monotone or duotone or in black and white.
  • She gazed absently at the wall and sang in monotone. Fahad Faruqui: A Mother Holding on to Allah in Trying Times
  • After about five minutes, he waved his hand in front of Hannah's eyes again, and got the same monotone response, ‘Just one moment.’
  • Everyone’s favorite caustic, raspy monotone is back for more science fiction-fantasy-mystery hybrid goodness. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Swallowing hard, the ashen-faced girl continued, her ‘composed’ voice merely an emotionless monotone.
  • He asked, instead, his same dead, flat, bland monotone staying in his voice.
  • Not looking in any way alarmed or surprised, he asked me in a monotone: ‘Do you want to file a report with the campus police?’
  • First we'll prove a lemma that shows for any sequence we can always find a monotone subsequence -- that is, a subsequence that's always increasing or decreasing. is a peak if forever after that point going forward, there is no other element of the sequence that is greater than. The Idea Shop
  • I think it's because it's monotone - lowlights would give the colour depth.
  • His trademark cold, monotone delivery and crotchety attitude has often been imitated but never matched.
  • Synopsis: An chiaroscurist - an artist who specializes in monotone pictures which highlight might and shadow - sculpts the face of god in a monastery. 4/06 UPDATE: My New Year's Resolution
  • His voice was monotone and his expression blank.
  • He recited the chants in a somnambular monotone that was punctuated with an occasional shout at odd moments, shouts perhaps intended to jolt into wakefulness members of the audience who had dozed off. The Soulforge
  • The listening test features unemployable actors or robots reading out unnatural sentences in plodding monotones, or with inflections in the wrong places.
  • The P.A. system clicks on and a woman's monotone voice tells us that she will be announcing the first panel of the day.
  • The anchor is a dour and dandyish aristocrat in a bow tie who reads the official version of the news in a monotone.
  • An officer from his section stood outside his door, staring ahead sightlessly, opening his mouth to recite a message in a monotone.
  • Alas, she repeatedly hits the microphone to blast her listener with monotone meanderings, thus dampening the whole vibe.
  • Inside he'll always be an alienated monotone teenager.
  • If yes, did that person smile warmly or speak in a monotone?
  • To get to the top of this ladder, New York's low-level jesters enter the freestyle circuit with playful puns about guns delivered in predictable monotones, with hopes of one day garnering kingly success.
  • A loud bell sounded and then a monotone voice announced there was an assembly in the theater.
  • USP Californian accent, monotone delivery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lyric courtesy of Nobody can doubt the sincerity of his words, or his outrage at the murders, but the deep monotone he used rendered his word passionless and perfunctory. Telegraph Blogs
  • Now his monotone delivery sounds almost sarcastic. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was reckless to the uttermost stretch of recklessness, all serene and quiet though his pococurantism and his daily manner were; and while subdued to the undeviating monotone and languor of his peculiar set in all his temper and habits, the natural dare-devil in him took out its inborn instincts in a wildly careless and gamester-like imprudence with that most touchy tempered and inconsistent of all coquettes -- Fortune. Under Two Flags
  • Storm noticed some more things changed about her; a more relaxed tone in her voice, not as much of the expressionless monotones that had been there before.
  • He reached his wife, Emily, and told her the news in a monotone.
  • A child who reads with expression is grasping the larger meaning, while a child who reads in a monotone is putting all his effort into deciphering the individual words and may be missing the story.
  • Next, Henderson changes her mind about what sort of book cover she’s looking for: she doesn’t want a single title, but a * series* of books with images in monotone like Hamilton’s. The Cover Debate — Covered [updated - more covers] « Urban Fantasy Land
  • This is a book of footballers when they were stars and not the monosyllabic, monotone ‘celebrities’ that exist today
  • Her voice was monotone, clearly not enjoying his belittlement.
  • All has not by any means been praise; critics have on occasion thought the poetry monotone, close to mannerism, too determinedly dour or black-humored.
  • Its normally monotone voice sounded distant and weak.
  • The monotoned droner was taking great delight in repeating a perverse little phrase -- repeating to himself over and over: "Put a bullet in Huckabee, he's dead. Undefined
  • “Because it would justify your poisonousness,” she says in an academic monotone. Venomous
  • She speaks of it in a quiet monotone. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have done all you can, and I assure you that help is on the way,’ said the irritatingly monotone voice on the other end.
  • ‘Supper will be ready soon,’ said the flat, monotone voice that belonged to Angelica's mother, and she was out the door.
  • She appears gaunt, pale, her eyes deep set and dark, answering in almost a monotone voice.
  • Sadly, the supporting non-celebrity players deliver their lines in the same deadened monotone that passes for the industry standard in video game voice acting.
  • The monotone of his occupation soothed him.
  • On the night of february 6 i went to sleep with a monotone voice and on February 7 when i woke up the voice in my head was multitone, so i spoke up and my physical voice came out multitone too. Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
  • The bloody sergeant's report is delivered by Dan Moran on his back in a kind of machine-made monotone so uninflected that the ear refuses to digest it.
  • Most of the travel has been in monotone "Seed", but the tempo has been the profit-motive, except those years such as 1944/45/46 when I tried to do my part in the role of UNRRA's European Seed Co-Ordinator. The World As I Seed It
  • A chorus of similar young men and women narrate these overlapping stories, and all share an affectless monotone, whether they're describing having an affair with a teacher, like April in her self-titled story, or gang-raping a girl, like Roberto in "China town. Gaudy Grossness and Other Stories
  • Yet he could not command his memories that came crowding round him in that evil-smelling hut, while Babalatchi talked on in a flowing monotone, nothing of him moving but the lips, in the artificially inanimated face. An Outcast Of The Islands
  • A week after she began treatment, my client called me, her voice no longer an unexpressive monotone, to tell me that 'the cloud had moved away'.
  • His dull monotone had almost made her turn out of the door, how could someone with such a dull voice be a band director?
  • The two of them spoke in a droning monotone, as if talking about municipal zoning ordinances.
  • The anchor is a dour and dandyish aristocrat in a bow tie who reads the official version of the news in a monotone.
  • They sat there repeating the Master's mantras in a monotone.
  • A group of two or three syllabic concretes is called a = phrase of melody =; and as phrases vary with respect to pitch, in the order of succession of the radicals of their constituent syllables, they receive different names: such as the _monotone_, in which the radicals are all on the same pitch; and the _ditone_ and the _tritone_, groups of two tones and three tones respectively, with radicals of different pitch; and, again, the concretes in these phrases may have upward or downward intonations: but fixed rules cannot be laid down for their use. The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886
  • He listened and heard the familiar and comforting monotone sound of the dial tone.
  • Amyra said with a cold monotone voice to a young general with stubble hair that was near baldness and a nametag that read Kerns. Arcana Magi Divine
  • Managing to maintain a serious voice throughout, she extols the virtues of the flea in a spooky monotone.
  • Nora steps closer and continues in the same monotone.
  • Brandon answered but he sounded so feelingless, so monotone.
  • a cat with a monotone coat.
  • I got the underpainting done today, experiencing the old feeling that a nice fresh drawing was being submerged in a more or less monotone drabness.
  • Swallowing hard, the ashen-faced girl continued, her ‘composed’ voice merely an emotionless monotone.
  • a cat with a monotone coat.
  • It had broken to life, displaying a single image and repeating its monotone alarm.
  • It's like sitting around a campfire, listening to someone tell a ghost story in a monotone.
  • An engaging blend of poetic characterization and deductive reasoning, it was delivered for the most part in a weary monotone.
  • In dull monotone, he repeated, ‘to the left,’ the violent emotion disappearing from him as quickly as it had appeared.
  • If there is no innate difference between the substance of Sylvia Plath and a Mr Sheen add – ifyou take all the wild, ritous variety of the creative world and declareit to be identical, forcing each vibrant shape into the drab grey monotone of texthood – then it is you, Herr Doktor, who are running the police state, garbing the populace in prison smocks and shaving their obedient, coweringheads. Dear Board of Studies « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • The aliens spoke in monotone deep robotic voices. The Sun
  • ‘That depends,’ she said in a monotone voice, looking very bored.
  • Barbara Wersba's review topped the Times's page, headlined "One of the most moving books ever written for children ..." and below followed June Jordan's: ".... or just another horror story told in monotone? Archive 2007-05-01
  • We'd pass them on our daily walks and I swear their monotone bleats seemed to be saying, Blaaah, blaaah, blaaah.
  • Does your voice sound nervous, monotone, listless or bored? The Sun
  • The singer's voice remains a sulky monotone throughout, never sounding remotely genuine, just hopelessly indifferent.
  • Directing video sequences from a Windows laptop, and speaking occasionally in a near-monotone, Paglen presented his work as a kind of agit-PowerPoint. Disquiet » Lets Active
  • The only problem was that the priest delivered the liturgy in a monotone.
  • His narration - delivered in a monotone from the first frame - holds you in thrall through all the twists, surprises and ironies of the plot, all skilfully handled, I thought.
  • Friday morning is dreich, wet and monotone. Times, Sunday Times
  • She felt sick as she made a brief speech which was delivered in a rapid monotone.
  • While polyphonic tones were better than monotones, they still sounded more like an old video game than the music they were patterned after.
  • She talked in a deep nasal monotone.
  • The second chapter discusses the monotone operator functions.
  • The result is minimal body language, vocal styles that are close to a monotone, and a limited range of facial expressions.
  • Among the guilty fugitives, whose departure has made monotone what was polychrome, are indigo, gamboge and brown lake (purple).
  • The pros and cons of this fanciful idea are hard to assess, since he talks in a soporific monotone that renders half of what he says inaudible.
  • The air was filled with the delicate aroma of spices and the monotone chords of a sitar. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Definitions in Senior Mathematics to Function, Monotone of Function , Sequence of Numbers, Power Function, and etc.
  • The aliens spoke in monotone deep robotic voices. The Sun
  • He can be monotone and flat but yesterday he had good variation of tone and pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throughout the entire class I fought to keep myself awake as the teacher droned on in monotone.
  • Her voice felt unsteady, but she forced it to adhere to her usual monotone as she spoke again.
  • He despised the dull monotone hum of life in the small town of Spring Valley, now at least a few miles behind him.
  • We already know, love - your monotone drone is the reason! The Sun
  • ‘So this is about jealousy,’ Devon said in a monotone.
  • The air was filled with the delicate aroma of spices and the monotone chords of a sitar. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • It is a change from listening to my monotone voice the whole time and it would give her a chance to test herself. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is smart, moving and punchy at turns and Braff's Andrew Largeman is delightfully monotone and instantly loveable.
  • The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.
  • Granted, they don't shy away from monotone, Teutonic vocals or cold, trebly analogue synth riffs, but their sound is equally rooted in punk influences.
  • He spoke in a flat monotone.
  • He rambles on in an affected monotone, gesticulates lazily, seeming something like a hung-over club promoter.
  • The bleeping from the life support monitor becomes a monotone wail as it signals the death of the patient connected to it.
  • Well you caan't haandle the truth! he declared in an exaggeratedly flat monotone, his eyebrows drawn up into devilish peaks. The Girls He Adored
  • ‘That's what I thought,’ Ally replied in a lifeless, monotone voice.
  • Is your voice expressive or do you speak in a monotone?

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