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How To Use Monotheist In A Sentence

  • Akhenaton and Nefertiti: Sun and Shadow of the Pharaohs" exhibits artifacts documenting the reign of Egyptian King Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti (14th century B.C.), the first monotheistic rulers. Time Off Europe Calendar
  • Two of the world's great6)monotheistic religions—7)Judaism and Islam—prohibit their consumption.
  • Unlike other spiritual traditions, including Gnosticism, Pantheism, and forms of Christian apophasis and via negativa, the Buddhist understanding of oneness does not rely on the monotheistic perception of a centrally located source or an indwelling force or principle that acts to create coherency. Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • The monotheists among them were deputed to administer this punishment.
  • The three monotheistic religions with the most followers are Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
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  • During the Roman occupation of Palestine, Christianity was founded by Paul of Tarsus as a less ruthlessly monotheistic sect of Judaism and a less exclusive one, which looked outwards from the Jews to the rest of the world. Archie and the New Atheists
  • In their view, many people who claim to be monotheists are actually polytheists and idolaters.
  • A truly monotheistic system requires us to recognize the world as it is, and recognize our power of choice in this world.
  • Man was subject to all the gods, but Zeus reigned supreme over gods and men, although not quite monotheistically.
  • There's a religious organization called a church, of which the queen is the head, and it seems to involve monotheistic goddess worship. Archive 2007-03-01
  • It is claimed that a Monotheistic Pantheism, that is, the idea of _one essence_, not person, but _essence_, is to _unite_, or make one, the whole human family upon the scientific (sciolistic) base that man himself is one grand part of the grand all-pervading, impersonal essence. The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, June, 1880
  • Wallace saw Chinese religion as monotheistically organized around the figure of Confucius.
  • It may be polytheistically or it may be monotheistically conceived of. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • The advent of Islam to South Arabia in the seventh century ousted local pantheons and monotheistic cults.
  • Indeed, most monotheistic religions make judgments of varying degrees of severity upon non-believers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In their view, many people who claim to be monotheists are actually polytheists and idolaters.
  • Jewish theological college, that this idea of a pure Jewish religion, the pure monotheistic idea, must be held unshakenly and without any change or any concession. The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915
  • The epithet post-dates the death of Akhenaten, who kept his monotheistic faith until the end.
  • Alone among the great monotheistic faiths, Catholicism is a lover rather than a breaker of icons.
  • We both learned from that experience that hormones originally thought to act monotheistically actually are pleiotropic agents; i.e., they can do many different things by separate routes. Martin Rodbell - Autobiography
  • There would be monotheistic Jews as well as former worshipers of pagan deities.
  • Within a piece of relatively popular literature, an author could speak of supernatural causes both monotheistically and polytheistically.
  • If there were no limitations for using God-texts about intermediaries we certainly should have many clear quotations of God-passages applied to intermediaries - including the divine name and otherwise monotheistically coloured content. HANDS Across the Godhead?
  • Zoroastrianism is the oldest existent monotheistic religion in the world, and is regarded as a prototype for the three largest mainstream monotheistic religions today (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). Waldo Jaquith - The Supreme Court is taking a religion case.
  • Sikhism is described as monotheistic unlike the others apart from Islam. Religion and the BBC
  • I do think this system -- which I'm labelling constraint morality -- is an observable, analysable system of society, something we can find, out in the world, in monotheistic religion (though not only in religion), and in individual believers (though not only in believers), something that is real enough that we can look for cause and effect. The Heirs of Job
  • Thus, if the reader is wise enough not to try to impose human limitations or narrow notions of uniformity on the Divine Principle, is nimble-minded enough to realize that he or she can be (perhaps should be!) simultaneously monotheistic and pantheistic, then he or she will have scant problem in accepting the paradoxical essence of our small friend, Tanuki of the tanukis. Villa Incognito
  • Hindus are truly monotheist but worship many gods and goddesses and see the same God in them.
  • All monotheistic faiths claim to possess absolute truth. Times, Sunday Times
  • This educated man explained that the local spirits are theoretically subject to a supreme god, the sun, but that paganism is pantheistic rather than incipiently monotheistic.
  • From a monotheistic standpoint, it is the same with the divine light. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Sikhism was founded in the Punjab region in South Asia in the early sixteenth century and is a monotheistic religion that rejects idolatry and divisions in society.
  • Aten was the god of the solar disk who was monotheistically worshipped by Akhenaten, a religious theory which only lasted for one reign.
  • The reasons advanced against suicide by the clergy of monotheistic, that is to say, Jewish religions, and by those philosophers who adapt themselves thereto, are weak sophisms which can easily be refuted. 19 The most thorough-going refutation of them is given by Hume in his Essay on Suicide. Studies in Pessimism
  • Frank E. Eakin argues that Moses was not a monotheist but espoused monolatry. Larry Hurtado: How Did Jesus Become A God?
  • Islam is world's great monotheistic religions.
  • The three great monotheistic religions have much in common. Times, Sunday Times
  • They may be classified under three principal heads, (i) The monotheistic Sivaism of the south. (ii) Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • It is the same Kook who refused to term Judaism a monotheistic religion, believing as he did that strains of purified pagan pantheism were essential to the essence of Hebrew religion.
  • For many this ‘something’ was immanent in the landscape itself, rather than indicative of the kind of transcendental presence associated with monotheistic beliefs.
  • I'd probably frame it more in terms of a clash of belief systems: monotheistic Christianity straitjacketing polytheistic animism into more polarised gender roles, and introducing the concept of sin.
  • They stressed that their religion was monotheistic and that it possessed the formal features of established religions: a dogma, a distinct ritual, a priestly hierarchy.
  • Only monotheistic religion says that life is fully meaningful. The Times Literary Supplement
  • From ancient times to the present, various forms of monotheistic faith have repeatedly unleashed tremendous energies for both good and ill.
  • It was a monotheistic Presidential fundamentalist, George Bush, who took his nation to war against a large group of monotheist fundamentalists; something in which he was supported by a monotheistically devout Prime Minister, Tony Blair. Civil wars
  • Two of the world's great monotheistic religions — Judaism and Islam — prohibit their consumption.
  • Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating with the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, a seventh century Arab religious and political figure.
  • Thus, from the Assyrian researches as well as from other sources, it has come to be acknowledged by the most eminent scholars at the leading seats of Christian learning that the accounts of creation with which for nearly two thousand years all scientific discoveries have had to be "reconciled" -- the accounts which blocked the way of Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and Laplace -- were simply transcribed or evolved from a mass of myths and legends largely derived by the Hebrews from their ancient relations with Chaldea, rewrought in a monotheistic sense, imperfectly welded together, and then thrown into poetic forms in the sacred books which we have inherited. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • This situation applies to much of Europe, in particular in Central and Northern Europe, where no more than half of the residents in those lands profess belief in a transcendent, personal and monotheistically-conceived deity. "Postchristianity" and the Future of Unitarian Universalism in North America
  • This kind of non-critical acceptance of a belief system is especially a feature of the three monotheistic religions.
  • Environmental factors also applied, and humans were not naturally monotheistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similar to ditheism, moral dualism does not in any way imply that the religion in question is not monist or monotheistic.
  • The great museums of the world bear witness to the extensive impact of monotheistic spirituality upon human civilization.
  • But they have common antecedents in Greek and Roman civilisation and monotheistic Christianity.
  • In judeo - christianity and most monotheistic religions, objects can represent a view of the cosmos.
  • Islam by contrast did present such an immediate monotheistic God who superintended all human endeavors.
  • The three monotheistic religions are from that area. Houston Chronicle
  • It has been taken up by other monotheistic religions. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the acceptance of ditheism does not fit in with the monotheistic concept of God and the Devil.
  • The monotheistic order required that the feminine should be barred from the sphere of power, which coincided with the sacred.
  • Hindus are truly monotheist but worship many gods and goddesses and see the same God in them.
  • As far as I can see, it is only the followers of monotheistic, that is of Jewish, religions that regard suicide as a crime. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • As far as I know, none but the votaries of monotheistic, that is to say, Jewish religions, look upon suicide as a crime. Studies in Pessimism
  • This makes Hinduism unique in the sense that it is a monotheistic religion with a pantheon of manifested forms of God.
  • The court's reasoning was that the posting of the commandments in the Kentucky courthouses constituted an expression of monotheistic religion but not so in Texas, where the commandments were seen as having more of a secular "educational" purpose. Commandments removed from Va. school system
  • The Bible teaches that mankind was originally monotheistic.
  • While Buddhism is deemed nontheistic, the Vedas are regarded as polytheistic, and the Bible is monotheistic, we have seen that the cosmogonies of Vajrayana Buddhism, Vedanta, and Neoplatonic Christianity have so much in common that they could almost be regarded as varying interpretations of a single theory. C for Confusion!
  • It depends whether their religion is totemistic, pantheistic or monotheistic, surely.
  • Monotheistic religions do not have a good record of interacting with tribal cultures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The failure of even the most stringently iconoclastic monotheists is that while they reject the animal heads, the horns and the hooves of theriomorphic deities they nevertheless maintain the absurd anthropomorphism of not just humanity but masculinity. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The three monotheistic religions with the most followers are Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
  • Individual adherents however, may turn out to be, for all intents and purposes monotheists (i.e. choosing a specific special deity for themselves -- monolatrism). Planet Atheism
  • And you’d be hard pressed to claim that half the world’s population live in monotheistic cultures even now. FINAL ANSWERS • by Nick Allen
  • The term infidel was used by Christians to describe non-Christians or those perceived as the enemies of Christianity, especially to designate monotheists (Muslims) who do not subscribe to the Judeo-Christian concept of God, and thus differs from heathen or pagan. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • But the reasons brought to bear against suicide by the priests of monotheistic, that is of Jewish religions, and by those philosophers who adapt themselves to it, are weak sophisms easily contradicted. 20 Hume has furnished the most thorough refutation of them in his Essay on Suicide, which did not appear until after his death, and was immediately suppressed by the shameful bigotry and gross ecclesiastical tyranny existing in Essays of Schopenhauer
  • The monotheistic order required that the feminine should be barred from the sphere of power, which coincided with the sacred.
  • To write any kind of epic at all might very well seem to be embracing an inappropriately sensual paganism at the expense of the higher discipline of good, old-fashioned monotheistic Christianity.
  • The latter understanding of Jesus as "son of God" was clearly around at the time of the rise of Islam, and it is not surprising that a monotheist like Muhammad would polemicize against the idea. Archive 2009-12-01
  • By being many, these Goddesses avoid a monotheistically chauvinistic view of the feminine.
  • But, James, isn't the title indicative of "right" interpretation according to monotheistic understanding in opposition to Trinitarian understanding? and human moral development? Gratitude Mingled with Theological Concern
  • The final development in Indian religious thinking, in a time just before Buddhism, was that of monotheistic belief.
  • It was first thought that the Olmecs were monotheistic, but it is now known that they were polytheists.
  • Since Christians maintained that they were nonetheless monotheistic, that is, they adhered to the Shema—the great confession of Judaism, “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One”—the conclusion became inescapable. The Jesus Dynasty
  • For the sake of truth, I must add that the fanatical enormities perpetrated in the name of religion are only to be put down to the adherents of monotheistic creeds, that is, the Jewish faith and its two branches, Christianity and Islamism. Religion
  • Some modern-day pagans are polytheistic, meaning they believe in many gods; some are monotheistic (one god); and others are pantheists, or they believe that God is everything and everything is God, according to Web sites devoted to the subject. Homepage
  • As they aim to be monotheistic, each variant of this approach has a unique way of undercutting the inference from three divine persons to tritheism. Trinity
  • Hence, the hitherto morally ambivalent or neutral word daimon acquires an almost exclusively evil connotation in the monotheistic context. DEMONOLOGY
  • Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating with the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, a seventh century Arab religious and political figure.
  • For Newton there had once been a true uncorrupted monotheistic religion, in which the frame of the world had been studied, as he believed it should, as the true temple of a living God.
  • The shortcomings of a monotheistic religion become evident at such times of national crisis. Times, Sunday Times

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