How To Use Monosyllable In A Sentence
It didn't help that Jeff was so preoccupied that he answered in monosyllables, but Denise didn't think of that.
Most sleepwalkers respond to verbal stimuli with only grunts or monosyllables, or make no response at all.
In general, the contrast of monosyllables and polysyllables (suspended in the five-word line eight) creates a strong balance.
It has one stress, which falls on the only syllable, if there is only one, if there are more, then scanning as above, on the first, and so gives rise to four sorts of feet, a monosyllable and the so-called accentual Trochee, Dactyl, and the First Paeon.
Authors Preface
The underdog defends valiantly with monosyllables.
He answered all her attempts at conversation with monosyllables.
As the others have their scenes read out I find myself crossing out whole chunks of dialogue from mine, reducing speeches to monosyllables and nods.
Sadly, he shook his head and replied in a monosyllable: ‘No’.
The son sells watches on the street for a living, speaking only in monosyllables to his customers.
His son recalls, ‘Dad originally thought that his interviews with Mother Teresa had flopped because she only answered in monosyllables.’
Maxine was keeping up a cheerful banter all the way to my rooms, but by then I was too tired to reply in more than monosyllables between the yawns.
In fact, the good squire was a little too apt to indulge that kind of pleasantry which is generally called rhodomontade: but which may, with as much propriety, be expressed by a much shorter word; and perhaps we too often supply the use of this little monosyllable by others; since very much of what frequently passes in the world for wit and humour, should, in the strictest purity of language, receive that short appellation, which, in conformity to the well-bred laws of custom, I here suppress.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Again and again, their examiners claimed they were unresponsive, ‘lowering their eyes… staring at the floor, only answering in monosyllables.’
Alana didn't seem to have such problems, wandering over every few minutes to Romeo who either ignored her or answered her in monosyllables.
Objective To evaluate Test-retest reliability of Mandarin monosyllable lists with equivalency in audibility in hearing loss group.
I thanked her for them and the poster and then phoned George, who talked to me in monosyllables.
Whether the root be a perfect monosyllable, or a duad, or even triad, formed on the monosyllable, it is the same thing with respect to the origin of the root.
Jeff responds in monosyllables and Travis, my best guy friend, gets incredibly distracted by what is going on in the room around him.
`Yes," he said in English, keeping the monosyllable neutral.
As Nicolson argues, "face" is a simple, plain English monosyllable, but it also has a resonant double meaning.
The King James Bible reconsidered | David Edgar
A monosyllable is often preferable to a tetrasyllable such as 'disagreement'.
Times, Sunday Times
He tried to talk with her, but she simply stared straight ahead and answered him in monosyllables.
When she tried to initiate conversations her friend replied in monosyllables and she soon gave up.
In the features of the Chinese adverb, the polysyllable and monosyllable phrases have different functions. However, in past adverb research, people have neglected the genre conditionality principle.
Maybe inserting a monosyllable here would have ruined the poetic symmetry of his sentence.
In monosyllables a single vowel before a single consonant is short; as stag, frog.
A Grammar of the English Tongue
And this is still more visible in the next refinement, which consists in pronouncing the first syllable in a word that has many, and dismissing the rest; such as _phizz, hipps, mobb, [4] poz., rep. _ and many more; when we are already overloaded with monosyllables, which are the disgrace of our language.
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 09 Contributions to The Tatler, The Examiner, The Spectator, and The Intelligencer
Ella and Joe do not remark on this departure from his usual laconic monosyllables.
If you have to speak, speak in short, flat monosyllables.
In fact, the good squire was a little too apt to indulge that kind of pleasantry which is generally called rhodomontade: but which may, with as much propriety, be expressed by a much shorter word; and perhaps we too often supply the use of this little monosyllable by others; since very much of what frequently passes in the world for wit and humour, should, in the strictest purity of language, receive that short appellation, which, in conformity to the well-bred laws of custom, I here suppress.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Imagine my joy when I got back the monosyllable, meaning all that lot.
The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes
Then suddenly I was reduced to monosyllables and gestures.
‘Oh,’ he said, and there was a lot more in the monosyllable than there normally was.
Just like my mother can home in on my weak points with GPS accuracy, teenagers can humiliate me with a muttered monosyllable.
Their choice of words is correspondingly simple, lacking the tension between polysyllables and monosyllables observed in the stanzas from the poem.
Ella and Joe do not remark on this departure from his usual laconic monosyllables.
He tried to get me talking again while I waiting for the Captain, but I just couldn't find the heart to do more than answer in monosyllables.
In subtler metrical styles, this correlation is relaxed, so that weak monosyllables often appear in strong positions in the meter.
They can create universes by uttering one monosyllable: Be.
The Infinite Monkey Theorem
He would sit across from his 14-year-old son, Matt, while they pushed takeaway food around the plate and spoke in monosyllables.
-- The languages are akin, because each say, where we should say 'the horse kicked the man,' _horse agent man kicking completion, _ or words to that effect, -- dapped out nearly in spherical or angular disconnected monosyllables.
The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
The second, with its mixture of monosyllables and disyllables - listen, walking, chamber - sustains the alliterative flourish of Melting melodious words.
I did my best to draw my fair companions into a little chat, but found my _vis-à-vis_ -- the daughter of my successor outside -- most impracticable; a monosyllable was the extent of her exertion: whilst her companion, who was a lively, intelligent-looking girl, and very pretty withal, was necessarily chilled by the taciturnity of her senior.
Impressions of America During the years 1833, 1834 and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume I.
He tried his best to strike up a conversation with her but she was unresponsive and spoke in monosyllables.
She tries to strike up a conversation with him, and he responds in monosyllables, clearly not wanting to talk.
I don't believe everything in life can be settled by a monosyllable - Betty Smith, American author.
No," for a monosyllable is the most one can hope to secure of the conversation in an interview; but the pretty lady interviewer went on reproachfully: "Have you seen that stately hill of the dead, the
Without Prejudice
By virty, December 2, 2009 @ 11: 11 pm afterthought, um & ah ING, reminds me of that gutteral diaphram destroying taj mahal track of which the name totally escapes me and i’m too stuffed to rifle thru the vinyl. early 70’s? real animal and monosyllable like an elephant seal in bushido mode.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Here’s what I did at six o’clock this morning.
In fact, the good squire was a little too apt to indulge that kind of pleasantry which is generally called rhodomontade: but which may, with as much propriety, be expressed by a much shorter word; and perhaps we too often supply the use of this little monosyllable by others; since very much of what frequently passes in the world for wit and humour, should, in the strictest purity of language, receive that short appellation, which, in conformity to the wellbred laws of custom, I here suppress.
XI. The Narrow Escape of Molly Seagrim. Book IV
John Wayne, she points out, spoke in monosyllables, often to denounce communication and chatter.
In fact, the good squire was a little too apt to indulge that kind of pleasantry which is generally called rhodomontade: but which may, with as much propriety, be expressed by a much shorter word; and perhaps we too often supply the use of this little monosyllable by others; since very much of what frequently passes in the world for wit and humour, should, in the strictest purity of language, receive that short appellation, which, in conformity to the wellbred laws of custom, I here suppress.
XI. The Narrow Escape of Molly Seagrim. Book IV
Notice all those light monosyllables that allow you to skim across the line, and quickly get into that dipodic swing.
Dipodic Verse : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
Monosyllables, dissyllables, and trisyllables had each their distinct time.
The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
The monosyllable is short, sounds well, and is understood by all denominations of Christians.
The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier
Just like my mother can hone in on my weak points with GPS accuracy, teenagers can humiliate me with a muttered monosyllable.
_Monosyllables_ are generally compared by adding _er_ and _est; dissyllables, trisyllables_, &c. by _more_ and _most_; as, mild, milder, mildest; frugal, more frugal, most frugal; virtuous, more virtuous, most virtuous.
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
It sends adrenaline zooming through my veins, fills me with vim, zest, zip and other monosyllables containing letters that score high in Scrabble.
VD speaks in intimidating, poorly-enunciated monosyllables and eventually helps a couple members of the original party make it to safety, though everyone else gets devoured by the light-hating bug aliens of DOOM.
Tuesday hodge-podge post
What proportion of Macaulay's words in Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 are monosyllables and dissyllables?
Practical English Composition: Book II. For the Second Year of the High School
Word-final b is rare, occurring mainly in monosyllables (hub, rib, scab), but occasionally in longer words (superb, disturb, cherub) Double B
SONIC REDUCER Music journalism pet peeve no. 538: e-mail interviews that allow mealymouths and word mincers to dodge and defer from behind an iron wall of monosyllables. Site Feed
Objective To evaluate Test-retest reliability of Mandarin monosyllable lists with equivalency in audibility in hearing loss group.
Their choice of words is correspondingly simple, lacking the tension between polysyllables and monosyllables observed in the stanzas from ‘The Triumph of Time’.
‘Yesss,’ she spoke that monosyllable in English, drawing it out into a hiss.
Bewildered, the composer answered in monosyllables, until a frustrated Churchill gave up and turned to the guest on his left.
Faint and bedrenched, he entered the principal one, and was greeted with the monosyllable "Shay!
The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
‘No,’ came the monosyllable again and then, as though he felt this needed some reasonable elaboration David added ‘I've been sick.’
Phutatorius, who was somewhat of a cholerick spirit, was just going to snatch the cudgels out of Didius’s hands, in order to bemaul Yorick to some purpose — and that the desperate monosyllable Z ... ds was the exordium to an oration, which, as they judged from the sample, presaged but a rough kind of handling of him; so that my uncle Toby’s good-nature felt a pang for what
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
His younger cousin, who has come up with a fine little language of his own consisting entirely of monosyllables, showed the same tendency.
The play has a distinctively harsh and gritty vocabulary and poetic tone throughout, thriving on rough monosyllables.
A word of one syllable is called a monosyllable, as just; a word of two syllables, a dissyllable, as just'ice; a word of three syllables, a trisyllable, as just'i-fy; a word of more than three syllables, a polysyllable, as just-ca'tion.
The Standard Speller; Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling; also, Sentences for Silent Spelling by Writing from Dictation. In Which the Representative Words and the Anomalous Words of the English Language are so Classified as to Indicate Their Pronuncia
At rare intervals, when necessary, they addressed each other in monosyllables, Kama, for the most part, contenting himself with grunts.
Chapter IV
She's stopped talking except for monosyllables.
She was Stella Marguerite Fay, but the air of glamour that clung to the monosyllable she was known by suited her, as did its unchanging nature.
Fay, a woman of substance
Chinamen began to drift into the rolls, there appeared such names as Carmen Wah Chang, cooks and waitresses living in darksome back cupboards must be unearthed, negro shoemakers were caught at their stands on the sidewalks, shiny - haired bartenders gave up their biographies in nasal monosyllables amid the slop of "suds" and the scrape of celluloid froth - eradicators.
Zone Policeman 88; a close range study of the Panama canal and its workers
Thankfully, though, he does seem to be managing at least to articulate some monosyllables, one of which is ‘sue’.
In general, the contrast of monosyllables and polysyllables (suspended in the five-word line eight) creates a strong balance.
But he was not in a talkative mood and chomped his way grumpily through the meal, responding with grunts and monosyllables to all attempts to engage him in conversation.
If someone is asking you about yourself, answer in monosyllables.
Thus, if the first line end with an accented monosyllable, the second line will end with a dissyllabic word accented on its first syllable, or if the first line end with a dissyllable accented on its penultimate the second line will end with a trisyllable accented on its ante-penultimate.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
They are common in monosyllables and incorporate a glide before a vowel at a syllable boundary.
The short and dreadful monosyllable which is familiar to us in the pages of the
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