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How To Use Monopolist In A Sentence

  • A horizontal merger may enable the new entity to set price and output in the same manner as a single-firm monopolist, with the same consequences for consumer welfare.
  • A study by the OECD and Mexico's Federal Competition Commission (CFC) found that 31% of Mexican household spending went on products supplied in monopolistic or highly oligopolistic markets.
  • If those consumers think the drug industrial monopolists already charge too much for pills and panaceas, just wait until the privately patented and monopolized ‘stem cell cures’ hit the market…
  • Since markets are interconnected and some banks occupy quasi - monopolistic positions, we must consider breaking them up.
  • Remember, too, that he is hardly ever a monopolist: he works in fierce competition with fellow scalpers.
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  • If the bid succeeds, his control of the newspaper market on the island of Ireland would be close to monopolistic.
  • Do you mean to say that the monopolist is actually a monopsonist in an input market and a monopolist in the output market? Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This is because the behaviour of a rational monopolist will be to market the goods at a price which is higher than that prevailing under ordinary competitive conditions.
  • Software companies in monopolistic houses shouldn’t throw stones! Google-DoubleClick Deal Raising Lots of Questions
  • We have precisely the same structure - a monopolistic, representation body endorsed by statute.
  • Its backers are counting on two duopolists making as much money as one monopolist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Restrictions on these markets allow them to remain monopolistic.
  • The monopolist is normally considered to exploit consumers by charging a high price and thereby destroying some consumer surplus.
  • This differs from the case where a monopolist is able to make * additional* return based not on invested capital but on his unique monopoly position. Matthew Yglesias » Kaus’s Dilemma
  • We attributed the Great Depression to monopolistic restraints.
  • I shall leave a name execrated by every monopolist who, from less honorable motives, clamors for protection because it conduces to his own individual benefit. Ten Englishmen of the Nineteenth Century
  • More importantly, Jefferson's thinking about patents was infused by a deeply utilitarian, antimonopolist tinge. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • The onus is then on the incumbent monopolist to ensure that supernormal profits are never earned.
  • This would create a more dynamic industry, in which indies could compete more equally with the broadcasting monopolists.
  • Everything they will suggest plays right into the hands of the pockets of the medical oligopoly which is lead by the monopolistic AMA. GOP seeks to counter ABC programming
  • Well I understand all those privacy / antimonopolist / etc issues but I would be glad if Google buys Twitter because this would bring Google a little bit closer to being The Ultimate Everything it is supposed to be and I still hope to see something like this during my lifetime Original Signal - The best of Web 2.0
  • They now seem to resemble an unscrupulously privatised enterprise that was formerly a monopolist on the domestic market.
  • But the government school monopolists and Democrats want you to believe that protecting waste, incompetence and defalcation is for the children! Sound Politics: Eliminating accountability ... for the children!
  • Professor Mossoff argues that Jefferson's views have been misused by the courts and legal historians, and that if we understand the use of the word "privilege" in historical context, we see that the "patent privilege" was influenced by a philosophy of natural rights as well as the antimonopolist utilitarianism described here. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • They fill their campaign coffers with money from the oligarchs and monopolists of timber, railroad, utilities and mining.
  • Time marches on, companies making money are always working a niche (sometimes a big monopolistic niche), and people doing well are always fighting to keep things the same (aka maximize their profit). Boing Boing
  • Second, partly because of those differences, and because of the influence of free-trade Scottish Enlightenment thought on the American Revolution in particular, there was a powerful antimonopolist and free-trade sentiment behind the copyright and patent clause. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • They fill their campaign coffers with money from the oligarchs and monopolists of timber, railroad, utilities and mining.
  • A similar group of organized men from the Second Ward objected to the way Jackson, in monopolistic fashion, put his exclusive liberties above the collective good. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • A monopolist can determine the market price for its product and can be described as a price maker rather than a price taker.
  • An overemphasis on market protection and monopolistic tendencies ignores that the people involved recognize the competitive nature of the drug business and act accordingly.
  • Rattigan modeled Gregor after the Swedish matchstick monopolist Ivar Kreuger, an early pioneer of complex financial schemes both legitimate and otherwise. A Drama of Vice and Men
  • But, at least, they schematize the deliberations of the monopolist and do not, as in the case of competitive prices, satisfy themselves in describing a merely auxiliary construction of theoretical analysis which does not play a role in real action. Mises Dailies
  • The monopolist is normally considered to exploit consumers by charging a high price and thereby destroying some consumer surplus.
  • A company creates a monopoly when it engages in monopolistic behavior. (that is, taking action of some sort to limit competition). The Volokh Conspiracy » Ideology and Economic Ignorance
  • In essence, competition policy is about encouraging competition among firms and battling monopolistic or oligopolistic practices, or those which privilege national producers over those in other EU member states.
  • Typically, GM was able to pressure the cable monopolist Comcast into pulling the ad off the air and "presto" -- public debate is over. The Agonist - thoughtful, global, timely
  • After World War II, capitalism showed relatively strong capability of self-adjustment, but there has been no change in the essence and inherent contradictions of monopolistic capitalism.
  • A pure monopolist is a single seller of a unique product which is the sole source of the firm's monopoly power.
  • It was followed, at the end of the 15th cent., by the Merchant Venturers of London, monopolists of the expanding cloth industry's overseas trade.
  • The size of the States has also reinforced the monopolistic behaviour of many US telcos and service providers.
  • The characteristic feature of monopoly prices is the monopolist's defiance of the wishes of the consumers.
  • If a sporting monopolist organisation succeeds in putting its rivals out of business, it no longer has a business itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • To her, prudence was the true method of making your fortune; good management consisted in filling your granaries with wheat, rye, and flax, and waiting for a rise at the risk of being called a monopolist, and clinging to those grain-sacks obstinately. Beatrix
  • Because information technology is highly advanced, it is susceptible to monopolistic or oligopolistic control.
  • So the monopolist will set a price or produce a quantity which will maximize its profits, other things being equal.
  • It is a fact that the software producer has been judged to be a monopolist.
  • The reciprocal obligations of aristocratic gift exchange neutralized the monopolistic imperatives of the closed shop.
  • The United States pioneered the large, monopolistic or oligopolistic firm in the late 19th century.
  • Airports tend to be controlled by one or two carriers, meaning airlines can get away with charging monopolist prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, he mentioned the difficulties of deciding whether monopolistic or competitive conditions tended to prevail in a given case.
  • But Vanderbilt's parents passed on a shrewd and merciless business sense — his mother once foreclosed on her own widowed daughter's mortgage — and as a young man he quickly found a mentor in Thomas Gibbons, whose battle against a steamboat rival led to the landmark Supreme Court case Gibbons v. Ogden, which struck a blow for antimonopolist laissez-faire principles. The Sage of Steam
  • The monopolist is normally considered to exploit consumers by charging a high price and thereby destroying some consumer surplus.
  • He criticized this conclusion on the grounds that the existence of monopolistic conditions was the essential explanation of discriminatory pricing.
  • Indeed, non-competitive contracts with convicted monopolists would seem to be expressly what these laws should allow to be exposed.
  • When you talk about withdrawing your services from the sick, it's just like the monopolists using monopoly power.
  • See the history of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in America: Robber barons, greedy monopolists, exploitation of workers, child labor, sweat shops, environmental despoilation in the name of profits, economic suppression of the working class, all for the miserly profits of a few big tycoons. The Wide Divide: You Are Being Ripped Off
  • Broadcast and telecom monopolists' message comes in loud and clear for boondoggled employees.
  • The development of the liturgy is artificial constrained by monopolistic privilege for a few. The Church's Ritual Texts Must Be Freed
  • Output restriction simply means that the monopolist and its employees work less hard.
  • Countries followed imprudent policies that favored monopolistic crony capitalists, inflation that magnified poverty and currency overvaluation.
  • Chinese Civil Aviation Transportation Industry ( CATI ) a Monopolistic Industry, its further Deregulation also seems urgent.
  • Intel executives could see it coming, but as is their fiduciary obligation, they try to stay in monopolistic control on the laptop market for as long as they could. TED: Negroponte Says OLPC Started Netbook Craze; Will Open-Source Its Hardware
  • In The Economic Way of Thinking, for example, the ambiguity associated with the term monopoly is explored --- if you define the relevant market broadly enough no monopoly is evident, but if your definition is narrow then every good will exhibit monopolistic characteristics. Responding to Claims of Market Failure - The Austrian Economists
  • It is the essence of monopoly that the monopolist has the power to set the price of his product, which is effected by altering the amount that is supplied.
  • This, of course, is the essence of what economists call monopolistic competition. The Rule of Three
  • By delivering ever lower prices, it argues it is the opposite of a greedy monopolist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bletherley had called the monopolist institution of marriage. Love and Mr. Lewisham
  • I can hardly see how a company can be called a monopolist if you can get the same or almost the same product for free from your home computer. Micropayments for news: The holy grail or just a dangerous delusion? » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • In fact, Amazon was the one who was trying to use their market dominance as a tool to set prices, which is what we call monopolistic behavior. Slashdot
  • If the owner reaches an agreement with the two state-owned monopolists, they might withdraw their claims and save the company from insolvency.
  • Price transparency exposes monopolistic or isolated markets to competition.
  • (Points: 4) perfectively competitive monopolistically competitive oligopolistic monopolistic Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • He listened to Bletherley with a marked disapproval, and opened a vigorous defence of that ancient tradition of loyalty that Bletherley had called the monopolist institution of marriage. Love and Mr Lewisham
  • Monopolistic deflationary pressure can unbalance market forces in exactly the same way that state price fixing can. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Now we are all expected to cheer for Bill Gates, who in surpassing the Rockefellers and the Carnegies and defying the loathsome bureaucrats at the Justice Department, has proven himself to be the People's Monopolist. REVIEWS
  • However, their best restraint is NOT government, but other selfish, monopolistic competitors. The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Wal-Mart Astroturf
  • He also came under attack in his capacity as a revenue farmer and would-be monopolist.
  • Press scrutiny is very limited and declining, as monopolist local papers cut back; and TV news, the dominant source of local information, is far more interested in blood and gore.
  • The company is under investigation by the Department of Justice for possible monopolistic business practices.
  • The key issue with horizontal mergers is that they may allow market power to be wielded, either by single-firm monopolists, or by collusive oligopolies.
  • Generally, this right to exclude all others from exploiting the patented product operates to invest the patentee with a monopolistic franchise to make, use, or sell the patented invention.
  • Yet when one looks at the actual world of intellectual property policy discourse, and the difficulty of enunciating even the simple Jeffersonian antimonopolist ideas I lay out here, it is hard to imagine the nuanced Lockean view flourishing. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • The monopolists often had a large surplus of rabbits which they bartered for "butters," the unit being the ounce of daily allowance. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • But that did not and does not negate the antimonopolist and, for that matter, utilitarian roots of the The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • Generally, this right to exclude all others from exploiting the patented product operates to invest the patentee with a monopolistic franchise to make, use, or sell the patented invention.
  • This implies a monopolistic market structure in fertilizer production, which affects the way in which the market operates.
  • Do you mean to say that the monopolist is actually a monopsonist in an input market and a monopolist in the output market? Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The company wants to maintain its monopolistic position.
  • Monopsonies — markets dominated by a single buyer — never seem to get the PR that their single-suppler monopolist cousins do, but both of them have similar potential to screw the workers, in revolutionary-slogan terms: if monopolies can price goods out of proportion to the wage market, monopsonies can squeeze wages out of proportion to the marketplace. Rockin' pneumonia
  • For the most part, the antimonopolist view of intellectual property makes a simple case. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • The hallmark problem of a monopolist is its stifling effect on innovation.
  • The market imperfections model offers a varied approach which explains the firm's motives for engaging in international business activities under monopolistic and oligopolistic market structures.
  • Another follows openly the trape of a monopolist, with immense facilities for either preventing or authorizing exportation, according as his own warehouses happen to be full or empty. The Roman Question
  • Moreover, it is a sordid story of printers feuding, interminable law suits, and monopolistic practices.
  • This unique and monopolistic advantage ensures the favorable position and profit potential of RCCs in rural financial markets.
  • COAL MONOPOLIST: I have a statistician who can prove -- he can prove anything -- that the workingman is a great deal better off than he ever was, that he makes more than I do, that small incomes are increasing and large ones decreasing, that there is no involuntary poverty, and that the workingmen could live on twenty-five cents each a day and buy up the United States with their savings, and -- White Slaves; or, the Oppression of the Worthy Poor
  • Large firms with considerable market power in principle could act as monopolists and abuse their market power by raising prices.
  • This presumption only holds when creativity by anyone other than the monopolist is ignored. Lessig on Copyright, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He is called a monopolist, "although he had never bought or sold a grain of wheat. The French Revolution - Volume 1
  • Has that grasping old monopolist gumshoed into town again?" inquired Washburn, and promptly ordered his secretary to get Boise on the telephone. Five Thousand an Hour : how Johnny Gamble won the heiress
  • Maxwell land grant case, which he characterizes as a wanton and shameful surrender to the rapacity of monopolists of 1,662,764 acres of the public domain, on which hundreds of poor men had settled in good faith and made valuable improvements. Buchanan's Journal of Man, October 1887 Volume 1, Number 9
  • Ochoa, Rose, and Walterscheid stress the antimonopolist concerns that animated some of those who were most active in the debates about intellectual property. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • He also came under attack in his capacity as a revenue farmer and would-be monopolist.
  • The monopolist can segment market demand, and still certify white males as before.
  • Eighteenth - and nineteenth-century intellectual property debates went beyond Macaulay's antimonopolist focus on price, access, quality, and control of the nation's literary heritage. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • That has left top managers with the daunting task of persuading some of the world's biggest monopolists to all but change their worldviews.
  • As the authors of the Constitution knew, copyright was created in Great Britain by the Statute of Anne in 1710 for the purpose of curbing the monopolistic practices of the London Stationers 'Company and also, as its title proclaimed, "for the encouragement of learning. Google & the Future of Books
  • Whether or not they also engage in monopolistic pricing is still up for debate (remember that software has extremely low marginal costs). Bundling II, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It labels the company a monopolist in violation of federal law and mandates reform.
  • (Possibly events of the past year or two mark the beginning of the waning of the powers of monopolists, and of the partial transfer of those powers to a capitalistic middle class; but exploitation of _the working class_ continues under such new masters no less vigorously than before.) Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • It's a reminder of how much market power a monopolist holds in shaping a culture.
  • It is about the philosophy of the bill - of centralising the control of negotiations back to the State sector, reinforcing the power of monopolistic unions, and the control of the Minister at each and every stage over negotiations.
  • It was a rather interesting problem, regarding whether it was competitive or monopolistic to craft a certain rule.
  • The fact that the import duty has insulated the domestic market provides domestic producers with the opportunity to build up a monopolistic scheme.
  • But he saw monopolistic distortions largely as epiphenomena resulting from an undue concentration of wealth and power whose ultimate source lay in the ‘great problem’ posed by private land ownership.
  • Henceforth such a monopolist must charge the same price (with due allowance for cost differences).
  • A definition of a monopolist is a company that is without market discipline that cannot be overcome through legal private intervention. Microsoft's Sun Burn
  • Great monopolists control the supplies, and contract to deliver to these hotels, even in out-of-the-way localities, so much ice-stored, "mousey" fish, "mousey" quails, stringy meat, impossible vegetables and fruits, gathered from the cheapest markets of Europe and of a quality just not bad enough to cause a revolt among the hotel visitors. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • As monopolists, oligarchs initially exploited the system.
  • The monopolist produces an output Q M at a price P M thus equating marginal cost and marginal revenue.
  • Does that mean I never, ever, ever engage in monopolistic policies? The Volokh Conspiracy » Ideology and Economic Ignorance
  • Over various periods, how did U.S. Steel act ‘as if’ it was a monopolist or near-monopolist and still survive?
  • The New Deal, in fact, enabled cooperatives to act as monopolists in so many ways by providing mandatory production controls that eliminated uncontrollable surpluses.
  • The Republicans he seeks to satisfy are ideological goofballs like Iowa's Sen. Chuck Grassley, who wails that a nonprofit public insurance option would offer better deals to consumers than the mingy, exorbitantly expensive health care policies sold by the monopolistic insurance giants. Goofing Up Health Care Reform

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