
How To Use Monopolise In A Sentence

  • I believe that in a free market without a competition law your worst nightmares would come true, that everything would be monopolised or cartelised.
  • If those consumers think the drug industrial monopolists already charge too much for pills and panaceas, just wait until the privately patented and monopolized ‘stem cell cures’ hit the market…
  • At this stage, as Hawks monopolised possession, their fans were calling for the ball to go wide.
  • The fact that flickers did not defend feeding territories suggests that characteristics of their prey make it uneconomical to monopolize.
  • `Don't let Marc monopolize the conversation with his shop talk," Anita warned lightly. LASTING TREASURES
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  • Individuals of the worker caste are usually effectively sterile, and reproduction is monopolized by the queen caste.
  • And this trade was for a long time monopolized by Shanxi merchants.
  • As soon as the second-year plants set seed and die, that seed germinates into pretty new rosettes that quickly monopolize light, moisture, nutrients, soil, and space.
  • I know that Bulgaria is trying hard to become more westernized and strives to be like America, but it's sad when becoming "westernized" means embracing huge supermarket chains that monopolize all the business and kill the "little men. Hello supermarket
  • The Interior Minister promised that his group would not monopolize power and signaled a willingness to show flexibility.
  • She completely monopolized the conversation at lunch.
  • The migrants monopolise the handicrafts trade at Papua's largest art market in Hamadi, outside Jayapura.
  • British expatriates monopolized the upper echelons of the civil service until the late 1980s.
  • Without a word they line up into three rows to monopolize half the pool.
  • As usual, she completely monopolized the conversation.
  • `Don't let Marc monopolize the conversation with his shop talk," Anita warned lightly. LASTING TREASURES
  • Certainly the way one charity has monopolised town hall bookings through an agent leaves us with a feeling of unease.
  • On the other hand, studies show that in so called "triadic" encounters, mom or dad sometimes becomes an object in the room, and the conversation is monopolized by the adult child, or the doc talks to son or daughter, inadvertently ignoring the patient. The Full Feed from
  • These companies may, and have, found ways to monopolise the market and control the way that the food is produced right along the production chain.
  • The reason is that a very few powerful families monopolize most of the land in enormous estancias and are satisfied to use it inadequately, usually for extensive livestock grazing.
  • The criminal deed is the sons' murder of the tribal patriarch who had monopolized the women of the horde.
  • In fact the profitable spice trade, monopolized by the Dutch, was the reason for the establishment of the company.
  • An electric power company monopolizes the power supply in this area.
  • The company eventually monopolized the entire cigarette industry.
  • `Don't let Marc monopolize the conversation with his shop talk," Anita warned lightly. LASTING TREASURES
  • Will the West de-monopolize its interests in the region and pursue a road-map to de-imperialize their holdings in the Persian Gulf? - Articles related to A Strait of Impasse or Opportunity?
  • An electric power company monopolises the power supply in this area.
  • It is always pleasant to talk to you, and when Lucian is here, he does tend to monopolize you. THE BLACK OPAL
  • The unnecessarily large teasers and the masthead monopolise more than half of the visible area.
  • Grain trading and livestock production in the US is monopolized by two of the world's largest grain traders.
  • Originally free trade was not like mercantilism, where the government monopolizes and otherwise hinders the right to trade across borders.
  • For a poet content to dwell in the gap between an inner and outer reality and between ideal and real worlds, nostalgia for the past must not monopolize one's identity.
  • This will contain sworn affidavits from a number of the country's largest cement wholesalers claiming that a small group of cement groups monopolises the Mexican market.
  • Between them, they monopolised the media to the virtual exclusion of any other viewpoint.
  • This allows disreputable drivers to monopolize taxi stands, canceling out chances of customers finding a decent cab to travel home in.
  • OPEC wants to monopolize oil
  • It must be noted that the reasoning just quoted hypothesizes an unmonopolized supply of consumer and capital goods.
  • What the juristical oligarchy now claims is to monopolise the _knowledge_ of the laws, to have the exclusive possession of the principles by which quarrels are decided. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • Some fear that one company could try to monopolise other key parts of the cloud; ironically, Microsoft worries that Google is doing exactly that with the online advertising market.
  • In Russia, Intourist no longer monopolizes the foreign tourism business.
  • While this was passing, the birling had drawn close to the boat; and Murray, shaking hands with his uncle and aunt, exclaimed to Wallace, "That urchin is such a monopolizer, I see you have not a greeting for anyone else. The Scottish Chiefs
  • By virtue of its ownership and control of society's resources, a privileged elite monopolizes political power.
  • If a dominant individual is able to monopolize the resources, it may instead be the subordinate individual that is forced to be innovative and bold.
  • The company had monopolized the photography market for so many decades that they didn't worry about competition from other companies.
  • The government responded in 1890 with the Sherman Antitrust Act, which made it illegal for any person or business to monopolize trade , or to contract, combine or conspire to restrict trade .
  • The company eventually monopolized the entire cigarette industry.
  • Kirkby began to monopolise possession and territory and earned two medium-range penalties but neither went over in the windy conditions.
  • She often wondered if she should warn Larry that his friend was starting to monopolize her, but she decided not to. YELLOW BIRD
  • In order to monopolize power, he does not hesitate to use every mean trick.
  • Virtually all her time and energy is now monopolized by the children.
  • He monopolizes the laser printer
  • The mismatch of pace and power allowed the home team to monopolise possession, which they used to good effect.
  • I thought “pompous” was an appellation that had been monopolised by a certain Prof.Dr. Krugman. Matthew Yglesias » Franken FTW
  • Chemical processing sectors related to state security and with a strategic importance such as rubber should be controlled or even monopolized by the state.
  • It annoyed him to no end when I would do that, as he had now come to exclusively monopolize my time.
  • J. K. Galbraith pointed out a long time ago that the smartest businesspeople abhor true competition - it's much too expensive and chancy - far better to monopolise the market for public services and pocket all the profits.
  • Chun, who by that stage of his presidency often monopolized meetings with visitors, this time listened intently.
  • Private biotechnology companies that hold certain patents can monopolize certain gene tech markets.
  • It is entirely incompatible with the domination of unaccountable private companies that seek to monopolise knowledge in the interests of their own profits.
  • He also pointed to the enormous profits being monopolized by the wealthiest income-earners and largest corporations in the US.
  • Hence it follows that where workers are without access to unappropriated land - where, for example, all land is monopolized - competition for employment among workers forces their wages down to the minimum subsistence level.
  • Ultimately, a state of affairs in which the top 10 percent monopolize the lion's share of society's resources is incompatible with democratic forms of rule.
  • The company eventually monopolized the entire cigarette industry.
  • Those possibilities, it seems, now extend to violent slaughter of the type previously monopolised by male action heroes.
  • She often wondered if she should warn Larry that his friend was starting to monopolize her, but she decided not to. YELLOW BIRD
  • It is always pleasant to talk to you, and when Lucian is here, he does tend to monopolize you. THE BLACK OPAL
  • In the very curious tragi-comedy of _Cambyses_ this doggerel appears partly, but is alternated with the less lawless but scarcely more suitable "fourteener" (divided or not as usual, according to printer's exigencies) which, as was shown in the last chapter, for a time almost monopolised the attention of English poets. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • Ellie Thiry was already being monopolized by a Major Francis Basil Summers, a dashing British army intelligence officer who had been on the stage in London before the war and positively reeked of derring-do. A Covert Affair
  • A decade ago the Voter News Service was formed to monopolize the exit-poll business and make it harder for any one network to get the story first.
  • Their user base is quite valuable and places like scottrade or td ameritrade would love to monopolize on this. reply E*Trade Heading To The Deadpool?
  • Thanks to their dazzling diversity of color, furtive nature, and transient presence, warblers and their fellow neotropical migrants monopolize spring birding.
  • Marlowe and Shakespeare dominated late Elizabethan drama, although they did not monopolize it.
  • Although the official line is that the funicular will benefit the other ski areas by increasing the number of tourists who come to the Highlands, there are barely-concealed anxieties that it could monopolise an already shrinking market.
  • These terms corroborate and identify themselves with the most ancient of traditionary customs, long ere princes had monopolised the surface of coined money with their own images and superscriptions. Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • The company had monopolized the photography market for so many decades that they didn't worry about competition from other companies.
  • Its scented smoke permeated the air, lending atmosphere to the bush concert almost entirely monopolised by a pride of lions giving a magnificent roaring display.
  • General McChrystal's directive tells soldiers to "confront self-serving officials who monopolise wealth and power and abuse people's trust".
  • It is our belief that a universal standard for digital music recognition is simply too important and valuable to all online music services to be monopolized by any one company.
  • At times, I am a little worried about my cat being indoors all of the time, but I have fairly low windows with ledges that I keep open all year that she monopolizes for her fresh air and bird watching.
  • The dominant media simply can't monopolize discourse as they could only a few years ago, and when they take positions that are unsupportable, they get hammered.
  • The company eventually monopolized the entire cigarette industry.
  • She often wondered if she should warn Larry that his friend was starting to monopolize her, but she decided not to. YELLOW BIRD
  • `Don't let Marc monopolize the conversation with his shop talk," Anita warned lightly. LASTING TREASURES
  • It is always pleasant to talk to you, and when Lucian is here, he does tend to monopolize you. THE BLACK OPAL
  • In an escalation of the rivalry, the main Sunni-backed political bloc on Sunday announced it was boycotting parliament to protest what they called Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's attempts to monopolize government positions - particularly those overseeing the powerful security forces. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Governments monopolize the supply of currency denominated in the national monetary unit.
  • If any business or occupation, global or otherwise, is open to entry world wide all attempts to cartelise or monopolise will fail.
  • He would not ask for, nor accept, anything more than a one-rupee coin, as he did not want big-money interests to monopolize the temple.
  • I was a bit narked that the Italians didn't really do Pepsi, being monopolised by Coca Cola instead.
  • There appears to be a consensus that seeking to monopolise another's trade mark and other unfair practices would render an application invalid for bad faith.
  • The women are decidedly plain; but monopolize all the buaze cloth. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • The company had monopolized the photography market for so many decades that they didn't worry about competition from other companies.
  • She often wondered if she should warn Larry that his friend was starting to monopolize her, but she decided not to. YELLOW BIRD
  • Virtually all her time and energy is now monopolized by the children.
  • Another candidate that I interviewed said the party had turned in to a Dacca Club, or an institution monopolised by the rich.
  • The Montreal Canadiens became like any other NHL team and were no longer able to effectively monopolize the top-quality French Canadian talent entering the NHL.
  • Aggressive clan warlords monopolized political power by controlling food distribution, coercing followers through the delivery or denial of food.
  • It is always pleasant to talk to you, and when Lucian is here, he does tend to monopolize you. THE BLACK OPAL
  • This paper studies space pattern evolvement rules of natural secondary forest in maoershan district by applying the monopolized circle theory.
  • It is always pleasant to talk to you, and when Lucian is here, he does tend to monopolize you. THE BLACK OPAL
  • She tended to monopolize the conversation.
  • The Trade Bureau monopolized the procurement, sale and export of industrial and agricultural products.
  • For instance, it has been clear to many from the time of Karl Marx that it would be necessary for capitalist society itself to nationalize or municipalize businesses that become monopolized, without any reference to Socialism or the Socialists. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • The centre of the hall was monopolised by a white square platform confined by a circumambience of rope, which I was informed was the veritable theatre of war and cockpit. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • This paper studies space pattern evolvement rules of natural secondary forest in maoershan district by applying the monopolized circle theory.
  • The company has monopolized the soft drinks market.
  • This company has monopolized the cigarette industry.
  • Over much of the graph, the capacity of aggressive dominants to monopolize the better habitats is limited.
  • `Don't let Marc monopolize the conversation with his shop talk," Anita warned lightly. LASTING TREASURES
  • Moreover, once Northern shippers monopolized trade with the South, as they would under regulations adopted by a Congress dominated by the North, they would charge whatever freightage they thought proper to impose. Ratification
  • Monopolize the conversation with endless personal narrative.
  • Three Michelin teams monopolised the top five positions on two different types of tyre - and four of our partners scored points.
  • We should assist the minority nationalities in organizing their own business activities, which we cannot monopolize.
  • And that language is no longer fully understood in a time when decision-making is monopolized by administrators overseeing self-contained bureaucracies. Feisal G. Mohamed: Inside The U Of I Law School's Book-Cooking Scandal
  • She completely monopolized the conversation at lunch.
  • There is an increased likelihood of competition for prey with subordinate animals likely suffering more than dominant bears that can confiscate or monopolize prey.
  • Note 34: The security deposit rates charged the kuchis were Kabuli Rs. 12 per camel load of seedless pomegranates, pistachio nuts and buz ganj or pistachio tree flowers, Rs. 11 per camel load of boxed grapes (sometimes equated with grape baskets known as khuttis), and Rs. 6 per camel load on all other recently monopolized commodities. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • In the 17th century, this region was one of the many targets of the Dutch trading company in its bid to take over and monopolize trading.
  • There was some tea-bagger there who monopolized his time, rudely talked over him, and as his piece de resistance, excoriated Bennet for not having the underpants bomber declared an enemy combatant. Think Progress » Using Double Standard, Conservatives Absolve Bush For ‘Domestic Attacks’ On His Watch
  • Men traditionally monopolized jobs in the printing industry.
  • An electric power company monopolises the power supply in this area.
  • What tends to happen oftentimes in commodity money systems is that states began to monopolize the production of the commodity money.
  • A tiny fraction of the population monopolizes the lion's share of the resources that have been produced by the labor of the entire working population.
  • The company had monopolized the photography market for so many decades that they didn't worry about competition from other companies.
  • Those incidents provided welcome relief from a turgid second period that saw Dunfermline monopolise possession, but rarely convince anyone they knew what to do with it.
  • The new president, like the old, is a representative of some 100 oligarchic families who have long monopolized wealth and power in Bolivia.
  • Johnson, as usual, monopolized the conversation.
  • The company eventually monopolized the entire cigarette industry.
  • The funds also come from cooperatives which monopolize the distribution of fuel and other (services).
  • When food is clumped, dominant foragers can apparently monopolize food with few interactions.
  • Company ships armed to fight pirates also defeated trading rivals and monopolized foreign trade.
  • Until almost the end of this period Rome was a republic dominated by an aristocracy that monopolised political office and military command.
  • In both rural and urban areas, men monopolize the job market.
  • The company has monopolized the soft drinks market.
  • Plurality may exist, but its presence could easily be co-opted by a charismatic leadership that monopolizes decision-making.
  • They were short of land, monopolized as it was by capitalist farmers and aged peasants.
  • She often wondered if she should warn Larry that his friend was starting to monopolize her, but she decided not to. YELLOW BIRD
  • He suggested that football could be ruined, for many, if a small group of clubs monopolised all the talent.
  • He completely monopolized the conversation last night; Mary and I couldn't get a word in edgeways.

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