
  1. having only one nucleus
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How To Use mononucleate In A Sentence

  • − CD19+ mature B cells was determined by FACS analysis on the peripheral blood mononucleated cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The ratio of percent binucleate to mononucleate cells was used as a parameter of cell proliferation in culture.
  • Unusual cells were found in the majority of composite lymphomas that were morphologically similar to human multinucleated Reed Sternberg cells or mononucleated Hodgkin cells ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Abbreviations: MN, micronucleus; BN-1MN, binucleated cell with one micronucleus; BN-1MNC+, binucleated cell with one centromere-positive micronucleus; BN-1MNC −, binucleated cell with one centromere-negative micronucleus; Mono-MNx, mononucleated cells with micronuclei; BN-NPB, binucleated cell with nucleoplasmic bridge Veterans Today
  • MN in mononucleated cells and NPB in binucleated cells are markers of aneugenic and clastogenic actions of uranium, respectively Breast Cancer in Iraq leads to Gulf War Veteran News Alert and Rep Boswell Legislation GORDON DUFF: U.S. Veterans Today
  • (mononucleated) that are most likely to respond to treatment. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • MN in mononucleated cells and NPB in binucleated cells are markers of aneugenic and clastogenic actions of uranium, respectively Breast Cancer in Iraq leads to Gulf War Veteran News Alert and Rep Boswell Legislation GORDON DUFF: U.S. Veterans Today
  • PrepaCyte-CB recovers high yields of TNCs, mononucleated cells (MNCs) and CD34+ hematopoietic stem / progenitor cells from human umbilical cord blood, according to the results of BioE's multi-site, in-vitro clinical study. Medgadget
  • These cells remain as mononucleate cells with clustered centromeres and no Zip1 staining, and represent an ever-growing proportion of the mononucleate cell population as cells that have entered the meiotic program become multinucleate. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Abbreviations: MN, micronucleus; BN-1MN, binucleated cell with one micronucleus; BN-1MNC+, binucleated cell with one centromere-positive micronucleus; BN-1MNC −, binucleated cell with one centromere-negative micronucleus; Mono-MNx, mononucleated cells with micronuclei; BN-NPB, binucleated cell with nucleoplasmic bridge Veterans Today
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