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How To Use Monolithic In A Sentence

  • Evidence such as this serves to undermine the apparently monolithic edifice of Victorianism.
  • At the end of the path was a doorway, which led into one of the monolithic buildings.
  • The phrase suggests a monolithic entity with a single purpose.
  • Just as dodecaphony never followed a monolithic party line, neither did neoclassicism.
  • Industrial buildings tend to be large, monolithic, brown, bulky, and not subtle.
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  • The two approaches currently used for optical-component integration - hybrid and monolithic - both display distinct limitations.
  • He tucked his hands into the pant pockets as he casually strolled down the monolithic hallway.
  • In this paper, a monolithic thermal vacuum sensor based on a micro-hotplate(MHP)and operating under constant bias voltage conditions was designed.
  • And a seemingly never-ending procession of leafcutter ants tack diagonally across the next spot in the trail on a pheromone-driven mission to and from their monolithic anthills.
  • The military's hardly a monolithic organization, and you can always find someone in the service who didn't like one of his brothers in arms.
  • There are hordes of mythical horrors to dispatch in brutal fashion, and vast monolithic structures to scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The West now viewed his government as a satellite in a monolithic Soviet empire.
  • By the end of the 1800s and early 1900s, those small factories gave birth to the monolithic glass and steel mills that lined the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers.
  • In monolithic integrated optics, all optical functions must be obtained in a single material.
  • Has analyzed the breakdown which the MSC-51 series monolithic integrated circuits and its the compatible machine itself inherent shortcoming and is easy to create.
  • The new galleries and studios are not Old-World museums which can be described as architectural wonders, or as monolithic buildings that have a story behind them.
  • The design for the site has sought to avoid presenting to the river the hard edge of a single monolithic structure behind a fence.
  • In any event, the fact that antipopes rose to power at all points to more cracks in the walls of monolithic Roman Catholicism.
  • So far from being a single monolithic upsurge of rebellion on the part of an occupied people, the motives for resistance were hugely varied, and sometimes contradictory. Times, Sunday Times
  • ' The menus of local restaurants might present such delectables as 'fried enema,' 'monolithic tree mushroom stem squid' and a mysterious thirst-quencher known as 'The Jew's Ear Juice.
  • Across the flat tableland are almost 100 red and orange monolithic sandstone buttes and mesas jutting skywards.
  • The trouble with being asexual is that your genome is passed on as a single, monolithic block, rather than shuffled up as happens during the sexy sex. FFS
  • The black, monolithic tower block, which is largely empty, is to be overhauled and the multi-storey car park demolished under current proposals.
  • At their best they became monolithic tomes - bunkers for content, guides updated haphazardly that infinitesimally accrete ‘content’.
  • With the movement against a monolithic world-economic system, people can once again see the enemy more clearly.
  • But he argues that the West, far from a monolithic bulwark against "diversity," is "the mongrel civilization par excellence"; the systole and diastole of contractive monoculturalism and expansive multiculturalism are its heartbeat. A Real-Life Renaissance Man
  • Above, it was enclosed in an octagonal structure, which formed in effect the sanctuary of the basilica, which stretched in five aisles divided by rows of monolithic columns.
  • The vanguard is there already in the monolithic casino that dominates the harbour area, where the ferries from Hong Kong disgorge their passengers.
  • In addition, treating all Muslim women's problems as monolithically attributable to their religion is a cul - de - sac.
  • In facing the challenge of drug abuse, the media have never been less monolithic.
  • The concept of authoritarian population implies, for Jessop etal., a monolithic, relatively stable and widely supported form of government.
  • Hooch chewed on the end of his finger for a moment, frowning, then suddenly his monolithic mien brightened. BEHINDLINGS
  • Cameron cleared up the mess and set the new rules after Microsoft's monolithic, centralised and panoptical Hailstorm ID management policy collapsed under its own weight. Microsoft on the Side of the Angels
  • a monolithic worldwide movement
  • This study breaks down this monolithic characterization of the administrative apparatus by moving officials from all levels to the forefront.
  • The media system is not monolithic - dissident material does appear, comparatively honest documentaries are seen.
  • Selecting the 80 C 196 monolithic integrated circuit realization control algorithm.
  • Workfare regimes are not monolithic systems, but dynamic configurations of restless reform, technocratic emulation, and tangled scalar relations.
  • The monolithic processors in the desktop field will have a single diode.
  • Its quarries, with those of Rohannou, were the principal ones of Egypt; they supplied a certain kind of red granite called syenite, out of which were cut the obelisks, monolithic temples, the colossus, etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Mainstream scientists dare not disagree with the monolithic block that is Darwinian orthodoxy.
  • A significant measure of centricity was established to facilitate the operation of state bureaucracy, but the system was not monolithic.
  • That type of monolithic groupthink is the Republican way. Matthew Yglesias » Edwards Versus Petraeus
  • Thinkers such as Lyotard and Foucault who attempt to give the margins a voice are thus working at undermining this unitary image of the West, reducing its one monolithic history to a plurality of minor histories.
  • Carved to represent Mt. Kailasa, the home of the god Shiva in the Himalayas, it is the largest monolithic structure in the world, carved top-down from a single rock.
  • the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture
  • From the U.S. perspective, the concept of government-funded media has an air of propaganda and monolithic ideology.
  • If the government is considered monolithic, journalists can report its activities, in simply comprehended and coherent terms, as an adversary out of touch with popular sentiments.
  • ' The menus of local restaurants might present such delectables as 'fried enema,' 'monolithic tree mushroom stem squid' and a mysterious thirst-quencher known as 'The Jew's Ear Juice.
  • Second, cultural relativist arguments may oversimplify the complexity and fluidity of culture by treating culture as monolithic and moral norms within a particular culture as readily ascertainable.
  • The concept of authoritarian population implies, for Jessop etal., a monolithic, relatively stable and widely supported form of government.
  • The politics of parliamentary democracy are not as monolithic as you represent them.
  • It is a monolithic system that places the burden on employers to prove their innocence, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • a monolithic worldwide movement.
  • Shattering progressives' preconception that the evangelical Christian world is monolithic, Christian intellectuals, in this small microcosm, are engaged in a heated colloquy over the relationship of learning to faith.
  • The French army was not a monolithic organization.
  • But technological marvels are now as common as Future Shops, and the monolithic coasters at Paramount Canada's Wonderland put Conklin's rickety haunted houses and Tilt-a-Whirls to shame.
  • Transmits the data again by the monolithic integrated circuit to the real - time clock chip.
  • The culture of the police - the values, norms, perspectives, and craft rules that inform their conduct - is neither monolithic, universal nor unchanging.
  • In that time, we have seen granite worktops, wenge-fronted cabinets and monolithic stainless-steel stoves come into vogue. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group has always had this kind of monolithic certainty about what we were doing. The Sun
  • The ephemeral nature of Emmanuel's installation, which acts as a memorial, made a striking contrast with the 1970s monolithic Monument.
  • Frankly, I find drinking these wines a refreshing change from the sometimes monolithic flavors experienced with tasting the same noble vinifera. A Tale of Two Niagaras
  • the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture.
  • The Likud is not nearly as ideologically monolithic as you portray it. GOP Rep. Gilchrest on Iran Sanctions Bill « Blog
  • A pleasing blend of cream-coloured cladding, monolithic steel and glass atriums, Rowan House is based around a single, central thoroughfare, topped by a massive glass roof.
  • Canopies are supported on steel cantilevers from monolithic black concrete piers, so from river to warehouse (south-north), the structure seems almost solid.
  • Yes, my parents did own a reasonably large home, nothing monolithic, but a shelter of fair fortune none the less.
  • They were monolithic silhouettes against the summer night, sharing the fate of all buildings.
  • It should be ugly, vast and monolithic, crude after the bewitching vagaries of the old town, but instead is a streamlined example of aesthetic integration, beautiful in its own right.
  • A compact and well performance soft star circuit is designed for monolithic DC-DC converter to eliminate strike-voltage and depress surge-current.
  • Its application to electronics collected a number of well-known technologies to produce useful monolithic circuits.
  • Finally, the point raised by Greg about Napa Valley Chardonnay is way off base because it somehow assumes, as the WSJ pair do, that there is some monolithic place/style of wine. American Chardonnay: “simple, sweet, alcoholic and false” | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Monolithic refusal to cooperate is their current modus operandi. Wonk Room » Reid To McConnell On Health Care: ‘This Issue Is Too Important To Be Manipulated For Political Purposes’
  • a monolithic worldwide movement.
  • I have absolutely no problem with these small entities networking to resist market-annihlation and monopolization by monolithic entites such as Wal-Mart. The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Wal-Mart Astroturf
  • Nagi, on the other hand, comes from an ancient religion, which is not so monolithic in itself, “Shintoism” being an agglomerative representation of many tribal religions. Anime Nano!
  • Though the Liars' cuts are supremely inaccessible, moody pieces, their chaotic, indecipherable babel plays against Oneida's monolithic tower.
  • The primacy of monuments and monolithic sculpture in the new Communist epoch was acknowledged and debated.
  • But beneath that monolithic headline figure lie disparities that are greater than usual. Times, Sunday Times
  • The monolithic processor automatically detects each working unit of, once the fault point occurs, a communication module is started to transfer the data signal to a central computer.
  • Epstein believes reporters err too often by viewing the operations of government as monolithic instead of the ‘product of diverse and competing’ interests.
  • We have a monolithic economy with very little vigour.
  • It could be, perhaps, that the genre is still seen as monolithic and shambolic, Hildas in horn-hats and breastplates.
  • Their work ignored the inner contradictions in the Soviet bloc and reinforced a monolithic image of communism congenial to the cold war apparatus.
  • Yet some critics equate convergence with a loss of jobs, heavier workloads for journalists, and monolithic news and opinion.
  • One important change was that I stopped treating the church as if it were a monolithic organization. Christianity Today
  • Enormous monolithic buildings, windowless and scaleless, were separated by vast boulevards.
  • The church is not as monolithic-centralistic as people think. In Church Scandal, Dioceses Take Lead
  • There is no need of a monolithic party if the effective apparat is in general agreement, makes the same assumptions.
  • The Indonesian Government, and the Indonesian Military, are not monolithic organisations, each is composed of power blocks: more a loose confederacy of power bases controlled by different ruling families.
  • On thing which particularly fascinates me is how the large and monolithic buildings and other structures of the industrial age can be regenerated to form a part of modern cities.
  • With the keen eye of design surgeons, 3HLD has taken what we think of as the typical monolithic medical structure, incised key exterior sections, implanted the voids with green gardens, and finished by wrapping the entire building in bandages of protective sunscreen. Haily Zaki | Inhabitat
  • A triac is an AC conduction device and may be thought of as two antiparallel thyristors monolithically integrated onto the same silicon chip.
  • The seven monolithic churches were excavated out of the ground and are surrounded by trenches and courtyards with graves and hermit cells cut into the inner cliff face.
  • Of course, Brennan's purpose is to revise the idea that formalism was monolithic and uninventive, not to situate the Stieglitz circle's aesthetics in historical context.
  • The conception is monolithic groups and the value is spread unequally. Liberal Mask Slipping Watch, Libertarian Edition. | RedState
  • Had the obelisk been successfully completed, it would be the single heaviest piece of monolithic stonework reaching about 42 m and weighing over 1168 tonnes.
  • Here the caged stone is simply a uniform external layer, but its monolithic appearance will be eventually transformed by vegetation implanted within it.
  • The controllable silicon circuit controlled by monolithic microcomputer is introduced, which adopts external interrupt to obtain sync signals and controls conducting angel with a timer.
  • This circuit is implemented on a monolithic chip, which is comprised of a period time sampling unit, a peri-od distanee preset unit, an arithmetic unit, a clock and time sequence unit.
  • It is much easier to build coalitions out of monolithic sameness.
  • We as society slowly move closer to the axiom “that the land has always been ours,” aiming to provide an united and monolithic view of a historical walkabout from the Paleolithic to Tito, even though some of the episodes are not quite “safe” and lead to the above mentioned failures of reason. Global Voices in English » Macedonia: Alexander the Great as Media Bait
  • According to all Indian Buddhist schools other than the Gelug interpretation of Prasangika, the coarse impossible soul of a person is one that is static, monolithic, and independent of the five aggregates (rtag-gcig-rang-dbang-gi bdag). A Deluded Outlook toward a Transitory Network
  • Since President Obama took office 21 months ago, US policy in Afghanistan has reflected a mistaken premise that the insurgency is a monolithic organization capable of being defeated by a mixture of massive security and development efforts that would drive a wedge between the Afghan population and the insurgents. Matthew Hoh: Cautious Optimism for Talks in Afghanistan
  • Without warning the monolithic stone outcropping blew into a thousand fragments of flying rock.
  • According to Novak, the building's final design will have the sleek, monolithic look of a tall office tower.
  • The west side of the building is nearly monolithic, appearing impregnable, with ribbon windows and a sheer precipice of craggy stone.
  • The results of consolidating spending units into a monolithic solidarity must be to eliminate money as well as other financial phenomena from aggregative economic analysis.
  • It seemed appropriate that he should be promoting the brash, monolithic towers that were once disliked but eventually grew on the locals.
  • The single gallium arsenide (GaAs) microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC) contains all active circuitry in the module, including the PA, input, and interstage matching. Business Wire Travel News
  • There was no monolithic structure to the network. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is tempting to take the notion of a monolithic Millennial generation, cross it with a stage theory and generalize about how these students view the world and how teachers might interact with them.
  • At the end of the project, therefore, the first gabion is connected with the last gabion, no matter how many baskets are used in the construction, creating a monolithic gravity mass structure.
  • The politics of parliamentary democracy are not as monolithic as you represent them.
  • The Grade II* boathouse is built in monolithic reinforced concrete. Times, Sunday Times
  • At times this has led to monolithic definitions of ‘Black’ and ‘Jewish’ art based on constructs of race and ethnicity.
  • The planet on which he lands has people of alien biology (tentacle arms and different sense organs) and alien physics (new colors, a technique that Lovecraft would also use to indicate alienness), but no monolithic culture. Philosophy Swirling Around an Exotic Sun
  • The painting gleams monolithically against a white wall and also smells like perfumed hair product.
  • It was still dark outside, though thin tendrils of light were warming the horizon, shining an eerie glow on the monolithic buildings to the south.
  • The wood, which is through-dyed in the colour black-grey and mitre jointed, gives the tables and Volumina a strong, monolithic character.
  • If one were to travel past the countless monolithic factories and coal pits of the world's main continent, and onto where the equator was once, one would find a small hump of earth.
  • a monolithic society
  • As it is, the somewhat uniform and monolithic representation of ‘the West’ mars the attempt to produce a nuanced and subtle reading of cultural hybridity as the inevitable product of a complexly interwoven global milieu.
  • Neither group forms a monolithic bloc, of course, but women are besting men in registering and voting.
  • All makers of monolithic theories want their theories to explain everything, and they want them to be strong and relatively simple.
  • The cover is dominated by a shot of Hayes' monolithic bald dome, every pore seeming to ooze with the essence of the genius who created the music that lies within.
  • Without warning the monolithic stone outcropping blew into a thousand fragments of flying rock.
  • There are indeed political structures that have checks and balances, and there are structures that are monolithic. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • This is an ancient place where the flat landscape is broken by huge monolithic mountainous outcrops that silently remind you that this is how it's been for countless millennia.
  • The wood, which is through-dyed in the colour black-grey and mitre jointed, gives the tables and Volumina a strong, monolithic character.
  • As fast as she could gun the car without being pulled over, she rushed from the airport to the monolithic Apath building.
  • It is also clear, however, that this is not a unitary or monolithic phenomenon.
  • Oslo is unostentatious, a cosmopolitan city that does not have skyscrapers, spaghetti flyovers, screeching cars, multi level metros of monolithic malls.
  • Obama is a keen-eyed traveller, and even a visit as circumscribed as a Presidential trip will reveal to him nuances of a country that never looks as monolithic as it does from Washington.
  • He has had a four-decade-long artistic career that spans a seismic shift in the character of New Zealand society: the shift from monolithic simplicities to multicultural complexity.
  • In many of the same ways "The Cosby Show" did, it does double duty as both an allayer of white guilt ( "he's just like us") and an image makeover for black communities that resent their monolithic reputation for absentee fatherhood. FPOTUS: First Parents of the United States
  • Its sides slope gently inward to eliminate the need for a toekick, accentuating the material's monolithic character.
  • To let in light, the architects left a few gaps-windows-in the essentially monolithic exterior walls.
  • She asks us to try to think with the Tradition, using it as a light for reflection, not a slide rule for infallible moral calculus that must always produce monolithic lockstep agreement.
  • Pati demolishes the myth of a monolithic Christianity by presenting the details of the rebellion of the Mundas of Gangpur, a princely state.
  • His commenters show the typically depressing blogger mindset of treating us journalists like a monolithic social block that all behave the same way.
  • (Part 3 will be posted in the next few weeks) [1] Interestingly, the nature of Brahman is described as transpersonal, personal, and impersonal by different philosophical schools; hence my statement at the very beginning of this essay that Hinduism is less a monolithic religion than a system of varied beliefs and practices based around similar world views and understandings of the universe. Unknowing Mind
  • It is no longer the monolithic system based on large capital investment exemplified at its best by Hollywood in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.
  • The others having been labelled inconsequential by the monolithic mass media. Happy holidays
  • Germania" sets out to counter anti-German prejudice by celebrating the quirky, often cosmopolitan aspects of German history and culture that are at odds with the caricature of a monolithic, ruthlessly efficient and aggressively Teutonic state, associated first with Prussian expansionism and then, notoriously, with the totalitarianism of the Third Reich. Teutonic Temptations
  • The old monolithic chapel of the monastery remains, turned into a pigeonry, and with the steps left that gave access to the pulpit, and two pieces of sculpture on a very large scale, cut out of the living rock. Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • Certainly feminists have long accepted this, hence our use of "patriarchies" rather than a monolithic "patriarchy. Kafila
  • It would, however, be a mistake to view all these characteristics of manliness and masculinity as monolithic and static.
  • However, despite the monolithic picture of early Christians 'willingness to die at the hands of the authorities that we have inherited from martyrologies and much other literature, not to mention such movies as The Sign of the Cross, martyrdom was in fact a controversial issue at the time. The Betrayer's Gospel
  • The different authors of the biographies seek to show that even within the tight confines of the monolithic party the individual loyal Communists proved to be different from one another in many ways.
  • For years the Dundee skyline was dominated by the monolithic tower blocks of the Ardler housing estate.
  • This 1980-81 piece is his last monolithic sculpture and his last to be of a single material.
  • This section was conceived as having been carved out of a single monolithic block.
  • A market, not being a monolithic institution, does not have a single set of goals against which one can compare its performance.
  • The problem is that a society like autocratic 19th century St. Petersburg - like our monolithic and faceless corporate culture - doesn't work like that.
  • The motion is sensed by an accelerometer disposed within the device that is formed of a monolithic integrated circuit chip.
  • The war memorial, an exquisite monolithic stone pillar, was erected at this place in memory of the soldiers from the erstwhile Mysore state who laid down their lives in the war.
  • On the other hand, whereas the Cathedral thrives on monolithic management, the Linux project has neither top-down planning nor a central body vested with binding and enforcing authorities.
  • Or rather, they allow all of these to flourish, instead of forcing us back into the last-ditch defence of tightly defined, monolithic, primordial allegiances.
  • I assembled an RDF representation such as that in Listing 2 from all the synsets in WordNet and performed a similar monolithic query of the resulting database.
  • However, such monolithic, single-structure buildings are a symbol of the inefficient central bureaucracies of the past.
  • His invention of the monolithic integrated circuit, the microchip, some 45 years ago laid the conceptual and technical foundation for the entire field of modern micro-electronics.
  • Chapter two goes even further, attacking the ‘American master narrative’ that is described as monolithic and unitary.
  • The controllable silicon circuit controlled by monolithic microcomputer is introduced, which adopts external interrupt to obtain sync signals and controls conducting angel with a timer.
  • But he argues that the West, far from a monolithic bulwark against "diversity," is "the mongrel civilization par excellence"; the systole and diastole of contractive monoculturalism and expansive multiculturalism are its heartbeat. A Real-Life Renaissance Man
  • The building's massing is the only thing that rescues it from complete monolithic drabness. Keeping 'Home' Out of Sight
  • We linger in the city's few remaining open spaces, desolate and serene as large monolithic apartment blocks overlook the fertile land like greedy developers.
  • Perhaps it makes the most sense to think of them as local blocs or local communities, but not as a nationally cohesive group that can be characterized as a monolithic voting bloc.
  • He was faced with a monolithic obelisk of pumice with long turquoise strips running along it vertically, the area around it devoid of any tombstones.
  • It's a gargantuan, tightly-squeezed settlement of 16-lane roads, subway stations with 12 exits and looming, monolithic tower apartment blocks.
  • All fittings and furniture - tall backed chairs, display counters and monolithic reception desk - were designed by the practice.
  • It has also prevented historic palaces, forts, pavilions and gardens from being demolished and replaced with monolithic, monothematic facilities.
  • A method of stepping motor driver circuit was given, composed by a chopper type current mode switch regulator and a monolithic stepping motor driver TA8435H.
  • Second, the developing study of the biblical documents themselves began to undermine the rather monolithic orthodox understanding of it.

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