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How To Use Monogamy In A Sentence

  • Monogamy is universal but adultery frequent.
  • Thus the expectations regarding the strength of sexual selection for polygyny, polyandry, and monogamy are fairly simple.
  • My polygamist tendencies wouldn't jive with your inclination for monogamy.
  • Maybe if we could be honest about sex, we could be honest about marriage and monogamy and family.
  • Monogamy is universal but adultery frequent.
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  • Where fixed property became the chief form of livelihood, monogamy, rather than polygamy, came to predominate due to the need to limit heirs and to discourage divorce.
  • The more likely explanation is that developmental changes occurred that involved greater solidifying of romantic relationships, making stable monogamy more possible.
  • Prevention campaigns focus on monogamy and fidelity.
  • Marriage, or any other form of promiscuous amoristic monogamy, is fatal to large States because it puts its ban on the deliberate breeding of man as a political animal. Maxims for Revolutionists
  • But he delivered his most controversial views on marriage and monogamy. The Sun
  • Monogamy and legal marriage are the norm, but extramarital and premarital relations are common.
  • People still opt for monogamy and marriage.
  • Increasingly, serial monogamy is being seen as a longterm lifestyle choice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Monogamy is rare in most animal groups, but is common among birds.
  • It's no wonder we cling to marriage and monogamy as it has been so unartfully defined for us. Jenny Block: Sexual Assault Awareness Month: If We Want to Live Honest Lives, We Have to Tell the Truth
  • However, his argument works only if the cooperative groups also had practices — such as monogamy and the sharing of food with other group members — that reduced the ability of their selfish members to outreproduce their more generous members. The Selfless Gene
  • During the past fifty years, these people have made rapid strides toward civilization, monandry and monogamy taking the places of polyandry and polygamy, and fifty or a hundred years hence, this matriarchate will, in all probability, entirely disappear. Religion and Lust or, The Psychical Correlation of Religious Emotion and Sexual Desire
  • However, different investigators have used the term ‘monogamy’ to describe both concepts, whereas in reality they are not synonymous: social monogamy can occur with monogamous, polygynous, and polyandrous mating strategies.
  • But those who dismiss monogamy as a strategy fail to consider the long-term consequences of maintaining a culture of promiscuity.
  • While Buckley calmly declares Hefner's out to "annul" the moral code, Hefner attempts to claim he was not rejecting or attacking monogamy, which is quite simply lying. The Patriot Post
  • Family, monogamy, romance. Everywhere exclusiveness, a narrow channelling of impulse and energy. Aldous Huxley 
  • Slovaks practice monogamy, and individuals have free choice in the selection of marriage partners.
  • A glance at any science text tells us that monogamy is utterly unnatural, unless of course you're a swan.
  • Monogamy was always the rule in Albania, but polygamous marriages existed up to the beginning of the twentieth century in some areas, particularly if the first wife was not able to bear a son.
  • Serial monogamy is a common marriage pattern and polygyny is practised by a few.
  • Monogamy is rare in most animal groups, but is common among birds.
  • Marriage was to be lifelong and marital faithfulness was to include monogamy.
  • Couples should trade in the straightjacket of strict monogamy, which essentially doesn't work, and instead seek to be 'monogomish,' that is, being essentially faithful but allowing for outside liaisons which just might prevent the dissolution of the primary relationship. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: The New York Times' Questions Monogamy
  • Polyamory prides itself on “multiple loves” but we fight and squabble over whether to “count” platonic affectional relationships; monogamy prides itself on fidelity and pretends that the only intimacy that matters is physical. S-e-x. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Social monogamy is the prevailing mating system in the vast majority of passeriform birds, but there is some variation among lineages.
  • In practice, the process of negotiating safety can be complicated by underlying and often implicit presumptions about monogamy and fidelity.
  • They begin a tempestuous and deeply erotic relationship even though both are in middle age and have wildly different expectations about monogamy and marriage.
  • Monogamy and sexual morality are extremely important to conservatives in the age of AIDS.
  • In monogamy,(Sentencedict) a single male pairs with a single female.
  • Not that socially imposed monogamy need extend to captive slaves.
  • Hippolytus (ix. 12) that by the beginning of the 3d century the rule of monogamy for the clergy was well established, since he complains that in the days of Callistus ` digamist and trigamist bishops, and priests and deacons, began to be admitted into the clergy. ' NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • Songs performed by women country singers of the 1960s and 1970s that promoted motherhood, chastity, monogamy, and child rearing outsold country songs about women expressing their sexuality, cheating on their mates, dancing at honky-tonks, or drinking. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Of course, in the sexual celebration that was Paris in the early 1970s, monogamy didn't stand a chance.
  • The fact that more marriages fail than what actually succeed seems to show that marriage, and monogamy, is fast becoming an outdated lifestyle choice.
  • Most contemporary Mormons oppose same-sex marriage, and they're also committed to monogamy.
  • Family, monogamy, romance. Everywhere exclusiveness, a narrow channelling of impulse and energy. Aldous Huxley 
  • It is a legacy of his past monogamy: Choose well, for it may be the only chance you will get.
  • Clearly, Olema residents tolerated inefficient daily negotiations over cash expenditures, the absence of a formal leader, and the friction caused by the nonmonogamy principle, because they judged that keeping structure to a minimum would hasten the day when the world's people would live perpetually in ecstatic communion. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Married or single, monogamy is a debatable subject that differs for each individual.
  • Family, monogamy, romance. Everywhere exclusiveness, a narrow channelling of impulse and energy. Aldous Huxley 
  • Whether you choose polyamory or an open marriage or flexible monogamy isn't the point—whatever you decide, you have to come by it honestly.
  • Indeed, that male often initiates the nest, giving a strong impression of behavioral monogamy.
  • Increasingly, serial monogamy is being seen as a longterm lifestyle choice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Up to now, with all the changes in marriage, the one thing we've been sure of is that marriage means monogamy.
  • monogamist" who is perfectly sincere and extremely convinced in his advocacy of monogamy, as he understands it, but at the same time believes and acts on the belief that monogamy by no means excludes the need for sexual variation. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • What, then, is the role of monogamy in sexual safety?
  • Traditionally, powerful leading men might marry polygynously, although after missionization, monogamy became the norm.
  • Depending on personal experience, you'll be more prone to monogamy or polygamy.
  • Aquinas goes on to describe how monogamy benefits women by reducing the female competition inherent in polygynous households, thereby insuring the concentration of emotional and material resources on a single female mate. Matt J. Rossano: Thomas Aquinas: Saint of Evolutionary Psychologist?
  • In practice, the process of negotiating safety can be complicated by underlying and often implicit presumptions about monogamy and fidelity.
  • My only criticism would be that despite the book's inclusion of a glossary of terms, I think people who aren't familiar with the language and existing culture of non-monogamy may want some outside annotation.
  • It was here they discovered 'polyamory' - a term to describe 'responsible non-monogamy'. The Sun
  • '70s nonmonogamy, the essay concluded, "This was not an individual matter, but part of a collective understanding forged through overlapping political, friendship and sexual networks, which enabled us to discuss and challenge emotional responses such as jealously and insecurity. The Michigan Daily
  • In the wake of the Spitzer affair, Weiss, a New York – based investigative journalist, came closer than any mainstream writer to endorsing not only the legalization of prostitution but the destigmatization of infidelity, in a rambling essay for New York magazine on the agonies that monogamy imposes on his buddies. Is Pornography Adultery?
  • For example, when sexual monogamy is equated with trust, insistence on using condoms can symbolize distrust.
  • In "the Book of Songs", there are multiple primogenitor's images in Huaxia nations. Their marriages reflect the marital system of immemorial miscegenation and monogamy.
  • Through these characters, the film explores the three generations of the Dzuguda: from polygamy to monogamy and then to the dilemmas of cohabitation.
  • Polygyny is legal, and couples have the option of choosing between monogamy and polygyny when they enter into a civil marriage (although this is not necessarily binding).
  • Who in their right mind believes that kind of message promotes abstinence and sexual monogamy?
  • Living in the thick of the horde did not conduce to monogamy. CHAPTER VI
  • But those who dismiss monogamy as a strategy fail to consider the long-term consequences of maintaining a culture of promiscuity.
  • Instead, one publicist tells another publicist to tell me that questions about purity rings and monogamy are banned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Senegal's 1973 family code obligates grooms to register their intentions at the time of the first marriage - opting for monogamy, limited polygamy with two wives, or full polygamy.
  • Why else would people think monogamy's a good idea? The Sun
  • A family is characterized by the principles of care for all children, faithful monogamy and equal regard between husband and wife.
  • It may now be asked why the polygynist nations have not gravitated to monogamy, like the latter-day saints of Salt Lake City. Getting Married
  • The tendency in the West towards serial monogamy is perceived to be less risky. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women, too, often preferred polygyny to monogamy (one man and one woman); they often helped their husbands find younger wives.
  • Doreen says culturally and economically, she has proved that polygamy more than monogamy, compartmentalises women into the class of minors.
  • My polyamorous tendencies wouldn't jive with your inclination for monogamy.
  • Monogamy is the norm, although some Tibetan-speaking peoples practice fraternal polyandry (two brothers may marry the same woman).
  • The strangest hip hop album ever released features tracks that celebrate plus-sized women, marriage, monogamy and being a grown-up.
  • It was here they discovered 'polyamory' - a term to describe 'responsible non-monogamy'. The Sun
  • Instead, one publicist tells another publicist to tell me that questions about purity rings and monogamy are banned. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the population of Tasmanian native hens that we studied, monogamy was the most frequent mating pattern, followed by polyandry, with polygyny and polygynandry the least frequent.
  • Monogamy is rare in most animal groups, but is common among birds.
  • On one hand he could settle down for a life of monogamy with one of the world's most beautiful women. The Sun
  • They provide one of the few examples of true monogamy among the mammals.
  • While neither of us is looking for a lifetime commitment (we're both in our mid-20s), I want commitment in the here and now - not just monogamy but also "coupledom" - i.e. thinking of the other person when making plans. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • On one hand he could settle down for a life of monogamy with one of the world's most beautiful women. The Sun
  • After finishing university and marrying, she says that what she calls the "Cinderella path" of monogamy did not feel right to her. BBC News - Home
  • Do you think monogamy is possible? Times, Sunday Times
  • I have heard a claim that male gay relationships last longer on average than het ones, so if he's arguing that monogamy is ‘natural’ (and people like him usually do), then I'd like to see how he deals with that fact.
  • In monogamy, a single male pairs with a single female.
  • Senegal's 1973 family code obligates grooms to register their intentions at the time of the first marriage - opting for monogamy, limited polygamy with two wives, or full polygamy.
  • Lifetime monogamy and the evolution of eusociality. SuperCooperators
  • Do you think monogamy is possible? Times, Sunday Times
  • In many non-Western societies, however, monogamy has never dominated.
  • Not that socially imposed monogamy need extend to captive slaves.
  • Less than five percent of mammals practice monogamy, but it has been shown that in these mammals oxytocin is expressed in much higher concentrations.
  • Mating systems characterized by restricted breeding seasons, male polygamy, and female monogamy are common among animals.
  • Senegal's 1973 family code obligates grooms to register their intentions at the time of the first marriage - opting for monogamy, limited polygamy with two wives, or full polygamy.
  • Is a cultural preference for monogamy over polygamy, even when expressed in conduct, more than a matter of opinion?
  • Rather than denouncing multiple partners in favor of monogamy, she denounces passion in favor of maternity.
  • There were four cases of monogamy, as well as two bigamous and at least one trigamous relationship in the local population.
  • He notes that monogamy is the only marriage form truly compatible with the equality of men and women.
  • Although there are polygynous marriages in some Oriente ethnic groups, monogamy is the norm.
  • Monogamy is rare in most animal groups, but is common among birds.
  • Basically, Hinduism teaches monogamy, which is marriage to one person at a time.
  • Most people I know tend to practice serial monogamy, even at the early stages of the relationship.
  • The last section covers the importance of abstinence in adolescence, issues of monogamy, sex education, substance abuse, and conflict resolution.
  • My polygamist tendencies wouldn't jive with your inclination for monogamy.
  • Probably, monogamy is not our natural state; the lessons of animal behaviourism and biology seem to indicate this.
  • The tendency in the West towards serial monogamy is perceived to be less risky. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sociobiologists would say marriage pattern - whether a society allows polygynous and monogamous marriage, or only monogamy.
  • Like most of my feminist sisters in Paris, I scorned monogamy.
  • Mr. Holdengräber then asked Ms. Kipnis if Against Love — which advances the quasi - Marxisant (Althusserian, to be precise) notion that modern monogamy, requiring endless work and the intervention of outside experts, is a form of voluntary collective imprisonment — was a pro-adultery polemic. Kipnis and Perel: A Literary Submission
  • Today, I am delivering the unabridged hardcore truth about men, monogamy, and what I call MAN-agement. Matt Titus: MANagement
  • To enforce the principle of monogamy, in 1985 the Civil Codes stipulated that "bigamous marriages are grounds for nullity.
  • Why else would people think monogamy's a good idea? The Sun
  • It's an interesting take on monogamy, or polygamy, actually.
  • She finds our manners barbarous, our mental patterns adolescent, and our sexual mores incompatible with the ritual monogamy and sublimation fostered among the metapsychic elite of her Milieu. The Golden Torc
  • Mr. Holdengräber then asked Ms. Kipnis if Against Love — which advances the quasi-Marxisant (Althusserian, to be precise) notion that modern monogamy, requiring endless work and the intervention of outside experts, is a form of voluntary collective imprisonment — was a pro-adultery polemic. Kipnis and Perel: A Literary Submission
  • She believed in monogamy and saving sex for marriage.
  • Probably, monogamy is not our natural state; the lessons of animal behaviourism and biology seem to indicate this.
  • Students choose among three sexual lifestyles: celibacy, monogamy, and free experimentation.
  • serial monogamy
  • If I had a dollar for every movie that ended with an "untameable" man "won over" by a woman to the side of monogamy, I'd have enough money to produce a film that ended the way things do the rest of the time (that's just about 99.09 percent of it). Stories from The Sun
  • But he delivered his most controversial views on marriage and monogamy. The Sun
  • She thinks we should reject historical assumptions about sex, such as heterosexuality and monogamy.
  • There's no congressional mandate saying a portion of prevention dollars must be spent on promoting fidelity or monogamy.
  • Now that Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially confirmed he's not much for monogamy, it's hard to know who's got the rawer end of the deal: his four children with Maria Shriver or the young boy conceiv... The Full Feed from
  • The tendency in the West towards serial monogamy is perceived to be less risky. Times, Sunday Times
  • People still opt for monogamy and marriage.

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