
How To Use Monod In A Sentence

  • There have been many histories of Jerusalem, from Jeremiah's sixth century B.C. monody to "For Jerusalem," a premature happy ending written in the 1970s by a successful mayor, Teddy Kollek. City of Peace—and War
  • In the words of the composer's wife, Nora Pärt, ‘tiny contrasting musical segments - orientally tinted monody and chordal density - converge yet produce a gently flowing stream of music.’
  • His operas include several monodramas, and he has also written a considerable quantity of chamber and vocal music.
  • What's more, his monodic lines were often more flexible.
  • The volubility of his tongue was only equalled by the rapidity of his invention and the powers of mastication; for, during the whole of this entertaining monodrame, his teeth were in constant motion, like the traversing beam of a steam boat; and as he was our captain as well as our guest, he certainly took the lion's share of the repast. Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
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  • What a world of solemn thought their monody compels! Oxford Must Reject Islamic Call To Prayer – Update « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • We have a monodrama: the thoughts and recollections of Samuel Gentle, former Episcopal priest, now cathedral groundskeeper.
  • The distribution of Penaeus monodon baculovirus (MBV) in different parts of mid gut gland in juvenile and adult shrimp Penaeus monodon was studied by light microscopy.
  • Whether the abandonment of the dialectics of nature necessarily entails the abandonment of the materialist conception of history, as Monod seemed to think, seems quite a different matter.
  • Hellenistic and Roman times, “lyric poetry” meant poetry, whether monodic or choric, (originally) sung; it did not include elegy or iambics. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • I've mentioned the Easter monodies glowingly sung by Catherine King.
  • He disapproved of the monodists with all their revolutionary harmonic tendencies, about which he expressed himself vigorously in his _Moderna Practica Musicale_ (Venice, 1613), while systematizing the legitimate use of the monodic art of thorough-bass. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Discarding animism is the first principle of science, which Monod calls the principle of objectivity.
  • This one-act monodrama is a disturbing and atmospheric piece, and it finds the actress making her company debut in the role of the unnamed woman waiting for her lover.
  • But they have tiny little monodactyl wings, not the big flappy things that your toy has. Animal toys
  • The musical treatment ranges from monodic to polyphonic; there are antiphonal passages, most notably when high and low voices alternate in the Christe eleison section.
  • In 1958 the remarkable analogy revealed by genetic analysis of lysogeny and that of the induced biosynthesis of ß-galactosidase led François Jacob, with Jacques Monod, to study the mechanisms responsible for the transfer of genetic information as well as the regulatory pathways which, in the bacterial cell, adjust the activity and synthesis of macromolecules. François Jacob - Biography
  • Gregorian Chant is named after Pope Gregory who died in 604 and is a monodic form of singing with free rhythm. Gregorian Chant
  • The results obtained superimpose within experimental error on those recorded at higher concentration, confirming that the protein is monodisperse under the experimental conditions tested.
  • This method produces a relatively monodisperse solution of vesicles of controlled average size without the addition of organic solvents or detergents.
  • Berlioz has been here since Sunday, and is busily engaged conducting rehearsals for the performance of his "Trilogie Sacree" ( "L'Enfance du Christ") and his "Symphonic Phantastique," including the second part thereof, which he calls a monodrame lyrique. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt
  • Symphonic Phantastique," including the second part thereof, which he calls a monodrame lyrique. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt — Volume 2
  • PR. com) -- InnoCore Technologies BV and Nanomi BV today announced a strategic collaboration for the development of advanced monodisperse biodegradable microsphere-based controlled release formulations. Press Releases
  • Underlying the creation of a new monodrama, an example ever before me is the story of a child frightened by a violent thunderstorm.
  • It shares with the southern parks abundant marine life: Kamchatka crab Paralithodes camtschatica, sea otter (900 animals), sea lion Eumetopias jubatus (EN, 800 breeding animals), Kuril seal Phoca vitulina stejnegeri (500), spotted P. largha and ringed seals P. hispida ochotensis, Risso's dolphin grampus griseus, narwhal Monodon monoceros and walrus Odobenus rosmarus divergens. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • I have some music reading dates set up w/JmB and JO - medieval conductus, 17th century monody (Luzzaschi, anyone?), and hot, fresh compositions by JmB. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Furthermore, monodisperse microspheres provide reduced particle-related immunoactivation due to the absence of undersized microspheres. Press Releases
  • Last night, Scottish Opera continued its ambitious double bill of 20th century musical drama, Bela Bartok's Duke Bluebeard's Castle and Arnold Schoenberg's challenging monodrama Erwartung.
  • The volume in his hands was Darwin's famous monograph on the monodactyl. In Search of the Unknown
  • Tuesday's performance is part of the group's desire to live a musical adventure ‘within the framework of a country which has a great monodic tradition’.
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • The intermediate region, where both mass transfer and kinetics influence the solution, is relatively broad for first-order kinetics and Monod kinetics in oligotrophic environments.
  • The cartoon is very elegiac, it's a monody of the holy creature, a rare scene only in the length and breadth of the land of the highest land of the earth.
  • It was monodic, and was composed in a variety of lyric metres in two or four-line stanzas, including the alcaic stanza, named after him.
  • The musical treatment ranges from monodic to polyphonic; there are antiphonal passages, most notably when high and low voices alternate in the Christe eleison section.
  • It came as no surprise to find him addressing the subject of murder in his 30-minute monodrama about a woman who has killed her husband after long periods of violent abuse.
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • They seem richer in themes than the others, partly because the themes are bigger, partly because they are more perfectly adapted to monodic, harmonic treatment, and out of every bar something is made. Haydn
  • For this aim highly monodisperse (size 1. 6+/-0.2 nm) and well-characterized Si core nanoparticles (Si NP) were used with a surface charge that depends on the specific covalently bound organic monolayers: positively charged Si NP-NH2, neutral Si NP-N3 and negatively charged Si NP-COOH. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The Voice is a one-act monodrama about a woman's telephone conversation with her ex-lover.
  • I have some music reading dates set up w/JmB and JO - medieval conductus, 17th century monody (Luzzaschi, anyone?), and hot, fresh compositions by JmB. Music on the horizons
  • Melic poems were divided into two distinct forms: choral lyrics, which were sung by a chorus of up to fifty voices, and monodic lyrics, composed for solo voice. Poetry Pages - 98.06.10
  • At the same time the evidence is conclusive that the madrigal was acquiring general popularity as a form of dramatic music, and the madrigal drama reached the zenith of its glory at the very moment when its fate was preparing in the experiments of Galilei and others in the new monodic style destined to become the basis of modern Some Forerunners of Italian Opera
  • The volubility of his tongue was only equalled by the rapidity of his invention and his powers of mastication; for, during the whole of this entertaining monodrame, his teeth were in constant motion, like the traversing beam of a steamboat; and as he was our captain as well as our guest, he certainly took the lion's share of the repast. Frank Mildmay The Naval Officer
  • There are no endemic birds restricted to the llanos ecoregion, and only two mammals: the marsupial Monodelphis orinoci and the edentate Dasypus sabanicola. Llanos
  • For me, one of its most interesting quotations was when he was introducing monody and the transition into the baroque.
  • In liturgical terms, an analysis of the monody in the Codex Calixtinus reveals several surprising features. Another early music site
  • The next day he rose early, and while the rest of his suite were sleeping went out unattended, returning before breakfast was over with a tally-card showing a killing of thirteen dinosaurs, twenty-seven megatheriums, and about six tons of chlamy-dophori, not to mention a mammoth jack-rabbit that some idiot had told him was the only specimen in the world of the monodelphian mollycoddle. The Autobiography of Methuselah
  • Ascent and decline of monodactyl equids: A case for prehistoric overkill. Headlines
  • The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon (Arthropoda, Crustacea, Malacostraca), is presented.
  • Members of the Monodactylidae family are marine fish that spend a portion of their lives in fresh or brackish water.
  • It was monodic, and was composed in a variety of lyric metres in two or four-line stanzas, including the alcaic stanza, named after him.
  • Early attempts to assess and describe the flexibility of polymeric ssDNA and RNA were hampered by the inability to obtain monodisperse samples.
  • Of significant importance to pharmaceutical applications, the insulin particles formed by this process are relatively monodisperse and uniformly spherical.
  • It is sometimes called monody, although the term "monody" can also refer to a particular type of solo song with instrumental accompaniment that was very popular in the 1600's. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Belief in God, gods and spirits is what Monod calls animism: the projection into nature of the purposive properties of the human central nervous system.
  • Its regretful, transfiguring ending, built out of a wonderfully orchestral monody, is remarkable, and the clarity of the textures is quite startling.
  • As to why the clef disappeared, the answer is lengthy, certainly involves the first acceptance of women as public performers, the rise in popularity of the monodic style which de-emphasized middle voices, and makes for a fascinating scholarly debate. A Mezzo-soprano Manifesto
  • Of course," I said; "you didn't suppose a monodactyl meant a beast with one leg and one toe! In Search of the Unknown
  • I played with it for several days, I was able to use Red-Carpet to install Mono and all the dependancies in order to get MonoDevelop to run. » 2004 » March
  • However, a few heretics survived - and among them Jacques Monod, who played a decisive role in my decision to return to the problem of lysogeny. André Lwoff - Nobel Lecture
  • In formal structure, Mortal Thoughts blends two rich but infrequently employed musical traditions: the chamber operas of Benjamin Britten and his musical descendants (characterized by the use of small orchestral forces) and the experimental, edgy opera monodramas of composers like Schoenberg, (Erwartung, Die glückliche Hand) and Poulenc (La voix humaine). Rodney Punt: The Mortal Thoughts of Lady Macbeth: A Chamber Opera of Horrors at Fais Do-Do
  • SHERE is designed to study the effect of preshear (rotation) on the transient evolution of the microstructure and viscoelastic tensile stresses for solutions with long chains of monodisperse dilute polymer molecules in the MSG. SpaceRef - Calendar of Events
  • Bach had an unparalleled talent for assimilating disparate influences into an architecturally harmonious whole at a time when an unprecedented number of disparate influences — Renaissance polyphony, Lutheran chorale, Italian monody, French dance music, you name it — was ripe for assimilation. Fame, it's not your brain, it's just the flame that burns your change
  • Silicon microsieves bring the precision of the semiconductor industry to the life sciences, enabling the production of highly monodisperse droplets and particles in a robust, reproducible and cost effective way. Press Releases
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • Jacob and Monod called these regulated stretches of DNA operons.
  • 'Dose-response some appreciation of the complexity of pharmaceu - effects of two sizes of monodisperse isoproterenol Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Members of the Monodactylidae family are marine fish that spend a portion of their lives in fresh or brackish water.
  • Such materials have only been prepared by using very high molecular weight copolymers, typically up to 1 million g / mol, and maintaining uniform (monodisperse) polymer chain lengths, which requires solution processing that adds complexity and cost. Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News
  • Well, child," said her master to Miss Agatha, "how does that little monodrame strike you? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 96, October 1865
  • Mr Monod was formerly Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux .
  • InnoCore Technologies BV and Nanomi BV announce a strategic collaboration for the development of advanced monodisperse biodegradable microsphere-based controlled release formulations for the sustained delivery of biotherapeutics. Press Releases
  • Polyphonic music of every sort had now to go for a while; monodic music was coming in. Haydn
  • Among the different vocal and instrumental styles that characterise the medieval period, monody plays an essential part.
  • His secular vocal music, monodic and polyphonic, is mainly contained in five volumes of Musiche, and ten volumes of madrigals and villanellas.
  • Bach is essentially a "monody," a composition of one idea, which preponderates so decidedly as to enforce its character and individuality upon the work; nay, it is the work. The Masters and their Music A series of illustrative programs with biographical, esthetical, and critical annotations
  • A lion is a monodelphian mammal, predatory, walking on its toes, of nocturnal habits, with a short rounded head and muzzle; dental formula: Incisors (3-3)/(3-3), canines (1-1)/(1/1), præmolars Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • I'm open to suggestions from anyone else who has grown tired of monodic rants from robotic, or perhaps robot, commenters. Finding the limit on Congress's war powers.
  • The cartoon is very elegiac, it's a monody of the holy creature, a rare scene only in the length and breadth of the land of the highest land of the earth.
  • Many times, and particularly when combined with texts, the melodies are presented as extended monodies, carefully controlled so that Messiaen's words can be clearly heard.
  • Percussion and even the early harp played no part in the great development from monody to polyphony.
  • The current study will focus on a well-characterized model porous medium built from monodisperse silica nanospheres concentrated suspensions. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Monodon monoceros: The narwhal is a medium-sized toothed whale that lives year-round in the Arctic. New Products from Geek Stuff 4 U .com
  • But the main reason for my waxing ecstatic is the performance last night of Swiss film and stage star, Grazziella Rossi, in the duet for actress and saxophone, the monodrama SABINA SPIELREIN, running for one more night — tonight — at Theater J. Spend Tuesday night with Sabrina « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • On the monodromy theorem for isolated hypersurface singularities. RegEM « Climate Audit
  • Here the chant alternates between monody and three-part polyphony, following the method of twelfth-century Parisian discantus as it has come down to us in the only extant work of Master Albert of Paris precentor of the Cathedral of Saint-Étienne, preserved in the Codex Calixtinus: the Congaudeant catholici. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Ari Roth writes on the Theater J blog: But the main reason for my waxing ecstatic is the performance last night of Swiss film and stage star, Grazziella Rossi, in the duet for actress and saxophone, the monodrama SABINA SPIELREIN, running for one more night — tonight — at Theater J. Check out this amazing [...] 2008 February 19 « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • It is billed as an operatic monodrama in five movements for mezzo-soprano and 10 instruments.
  • Monod: Namely, natural selection is the blindest, and most cruel way of evolving new species, and more and more complex and refined organisms… Evolution Weekend to focus on environment - The Panda's Thumb
  • Yu, W.W. Low-field magnetic separation of monodisperse Fe3O4 nanocrystals Today's seawater is tomorrow's drinking water: UCLA engineers develop revolutionary nanotech water desalination membrane Overview and comparison of conventional water treatment technologies and nano-based treatment technologies. SciDev.Net
  • This method forms a monodisperse population of spherical giant actin-containing liposomes in high yield.
  • Discarding animism is the first principle of science, which Monod calls the principle of objectivity.

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