
How To Use Monochromat In A Sentence

  • Mr. Hernandez's monochromatic costumes were 1950s-style, with the plain garb of the villagers contrasting with the cosmopolitan clothes of Neruda and his wife, Matilde, and Di Cosimo's natty, attention-getting white suit. When Postman and Poet Meet
  • You can hear him drawing breath - tiny gasps during "Bloom," big gulpy lungfuls during "Morning Mr. Magpie" - but he exhales the same as ever: in a mumbly, monochromatic moan where the vowels are dramatic and the consonants are tough to make out. Album review: Radiohead, "The King of Limbs"
  • Just as America is becoming a monochromatic world of look-alike stores, so too the entire world is getting a bit more homogenized with CNN and the Internet.
  • It was a monochromatic, under-waterish, caterpillar-crawl of a trip. ICED
  • 35 years later, along comes Lenola, with another double album that proves psychedelic music can still be pretty monochromatic, a full generation after the term came into being.
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  • Artisans began to experiment with single coloured glazes, and the collection includes several such simple, monochromatic vases, dishes, and bowls.
  • Today, the question marks of celebrity are stinking up the primetime game show circuit, sending that genre into the dumper faster than department stores can send those monochromatic ties back to the warehouses.
  • This partiality, monochromatism and bias could have been found in the Slovak press before 1989," he stated. Slovak Spectator
  • To avoid the monochromatic look that can result from using bronzers, use a bit of colour on the cheek for a natural sun-kissed look.
  • After diffraction of the beam, the monochromatic radiation was exited from the lower part of the slit and transmitted by another light guide.
  • Essentially this work is nothing more than stylised, monochromatic copies of rock paintings executed in traditional pigments on handmade paper.
  • - uniform hypergraph and you want a monochromatic complete subhypergraph with one has the usual finite Ramsey theorem for graphs, and although getting good asymptotics for is a major open problem in combinatorics, at least the general type of function is known: the growth is exponential in the general type of the function is no longer known. Gowers's Weblog
  • Does the GOP really want to be monochromatic -- an all - white, - Hispanic party?
  • Interference and neutral density filters were additionally used to obtain a stimulus of white or monochromatic light of different intensities.
  • For a modern minimalist apartment you should go for something monochromatic and striking, like two or three large red amaryllis with a single big leaf.
  • The veneered plywood shell can be in bleached oak, wengé stained, or covered with monochromatic or bicolour laminate. Woody Wood Rug
  • That sums up the designer's newest line, it's monochromatic approach tempered by what are, for men, daring fabrics such as taffeta and silk poplin.
  • Seventies designs, in contrast, were monochromatic and tonally organised, texts rationalised and regular.
  • This fact appears in the literature as the discrepancy between sensitivity curves measured with a monochromatic source and with polychromatic radiation observed in normal human skin fibroblasts.
  • Ann herself wore the traditional white, while her bridesmaids, four real beauties, wore black, giving a monochromatic effect to the wedding.
  • The six individuals, who looked fine, healthy and happy in real life were cruelly presented in muted monochromatic colors.
  • It also covers the more esoteric subjects of monochromatic observing and spectrohelioscopes.
  • It's less successful in a monochromatic linguine special served in a sauce of vinegar and garlic cloves that ends up tasting very little like either.
  • Colour choices are subdued, and monochromatic.
  • I have reservations about this rigidly monochromatic approach. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • These in turn led, after she was back in New York, to the monochromatic or gradated black and gray sculptures with more wound string, wrapped forms, and such nonart materials as net bags, rubber tubing, and dangling cords. Eva Hesse.
  • A high-intensity monochromatic beam from an undulator (wavelength lambda = 0.0948 nm) was focused and then size-limited down to a 5-m-diameter circular section by a collimator.
  • The black, monochromatic casing is uniquely studded and topped with her KVD monogram on the outer crown and bullet.
  • Less than 200 pages long, the book is peppered with monochromatic reproductions of old photographs and John's paintings, drawings and jottings.
  • So at that point he stretches a new canvas, sets up the balopticon, lays in his drawing again, does another color sketch, does another monochromatic underpainting, seals it, lays in his color, and then precedes to paint the final painting. “Soda Jerk” Not the Post Cover
  • The muted red, gray and off-white mottled surface of the former brings to mind the texture of sinewy muscles; the monochromatic black installs a simple elegance on the latter. ArtScene: Current California Exhibitions You Should See
  • This species is strongly dichromatic, meaning that the males and females have distinctive plumage colours and patterns -- a characteristic that distinguishes it from the monochromatic Cyprus pied wheatear, Oenanthe cypriaca, with which it was formerly considered to be conspecific. Mystery bird: Pied wheatear, Oenanthe pleschanka
  • The house wren is a small, sexually monomorphic and monochromatic migratory songbird that breeds throughout much of North America.
  • The monochromatic assortment consists of four marvels of kosher-style cuisine served with two ramekins of sour cream.
  • Obama's election offers a unique opportunity to highlight French politics's striking monochromatism. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • Eric Gautier photographed it, with frequent and unnecessary use of the wan light and monochromatic effects that are now high-fashion clichés of their own.
  • De los Reyes has created new bister on paper works, stainless steel sculptures and exquisite monochromatic paintings in this exciting follow-up to his critically acclaimed 2005 exhibition.
  • The slit widths of the excitation and emission monochromators were set at 1 nm.
  • Unit of luminous intensity candela The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian. International System of Units (SI)
  • The longevity and perpetuity, if not the excellence, of democracy has ensured that no individual or ideology has been able to paint this country in monochromatic colours.
  • Museums and galleries often use light-colored monochromatic walls as backdrops because they visually recede, allowing the art to dominate.
  • She lowered the picture to look past the top of it, comparing the monochromatic past with the present reality. FOLLY
  • There are several different kinds of color schemes but these are the 6 classics. monochromatic analogous complementary split complementary triadic tetradic
  • Orientation of spectrum line is affected on silt of monochromaticity and size of CCD photosensitive unit.
  • If the set is entirely monochromatic the costumes use vivid colour - luscious carmine reds, particularly for the lovers.
  • Jeremy Dickinson is a British artist who paints weird pictures of toy cars and buses next to playing cards and blank, monochromatic backgrounds.
  • Soon, the vines will have reddish sprouts and the almond trees will begin to bloom, but now everything is bleached, brown, monochromatic.
  • Christmas tree — A popular look in decorated trees this year is a tree of all the same color, or monochromatic. Holiday decorating “Tina Style” « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Not exclusively, of course, but the monochromatic examples exerted a considerable pull.
  • Highly monochromatic laser light is split by the mirror M to travel along the two arms.
  • A comparison of spectra measured by an MXRF system fitted with a pinhole collimator and a monochromatic MXRF system demonstrates the enhanced sensitivity of the monochromatic system.
  • Unlike Conceptual art, it has specific formal characteristics - geometric, monochromatic shapes - and a recurrent concern with effacing all signs of artistic personality and effort from the work itself.
  • The glints of orange fish scales and the gleam of a metallic beetle are some of the few flashes of colour in a predominantly monochromatic palette.
  • On a very basic level, hospitals are partial to monochromatic colors, which is itself hardly cause for alarm.
  • This application involves measuring the reflectivity of monochromatic x-rays as a function of the incident angle.
  • In each of these works, a washy monochromatic ground has been marked with white whiplash lines.
  • A monochromator is a device for selecting a narrow band of wavelengths from a continuous spectrum.
  • Unfortunately a monochromatic beam is of only limited use for spectroscopy unless it is tunable.
  • Spectra are corrected for the wavelength dependence of the emission monochromator and the photomultiplier and also by subtracting background intensities of the buffer solution.
  • Detection was achieved using a monochromator coupled to a photomultiplier tube.
  • From almost monochromatic fine pencil and chalk stripes to more boldly scaled regiment and even barber pole varieties, stripes are doing very well, thank you.
  • Whereas the ocean scene is serene and monochromatic, this one has a highly compressed sense of the space, with a strong range of tones and contrasts.
  • I can see here that there is no monochromatic ebauche and plenty of pencil showing through. “Soda Jerk” Not the Post Cover
  • The film is comprised of a series of vignettes punctuated throughout by shots of text against monochromatic backgrounds.
  • This beam-line consists of chopper, pre-focusing mirror, monochromator , post focusing mirror, vacuum system, software and electronics system.
  • Interference reflection microscopy measures the reflection of a specimen under monochromatic illumination.
  • At the same time, he varies his drawing styles: In some, Wilson is distinctly gnomish or cartoony; in others, he's thinner and more normal-looking -- even as some chapters are in color, some in black and white, and several in a washed-out monochromatic blue or pink. Daniel Clowes's new graphic novel "Wilson," reviewed by Michael Dirda
  • The brooches, which had been very large and spectacularly ornate, gave way in the later ninth century to smaller, monochromatic silver and black pieces.
  • A narrow slit in front of the light source lets a small beam of light through to a device called a monochromator, which separates the wavelengths.
  • He periodically returns to a monochromatic style, punctuated by scrupulous forays into vivid chromatic declarations.
  • Gambel's quail is a highly ornate and dichromatic species, whereas scaled quail (C. squamata) is unornamented and monochromatic.
  • That's why suits and monochromatic colors are so popular because the concept of work as dictated by the western civilization is about conformity.
  • Use the ruffled petals to your advantage, layering the flowers for a kind of mounded look with monochromatic texture. Apartment Therapy Main
  • The Mandelbrot set is beautiful even if it is the monochromatic blot in the middle of the colorful depiction of equipotential lines.
  • Thus the biggest surprise of "Picasso: Mosqueteros" is its evidence of a coloristic metamorphosis that overtook the monochromatically inclined master in his supposed dotage. The Late Show
  • Data were acquired from patients via an optical fiber bundle coupled to a commercially available double-monochromator fluorimeter.
  • If the set is entirely monochromatic the costumes use vivid colour - luscious carmine reds, particularly for the lovers.
  • Gambel's quail is a highly ornate and dichromatic species, whereas scaled quail (C. squamata) is unornamented and monochromatic.
  • These in turn led, after she was back in New York, to the monochromatic or gradated black and gray sculptures with more wound string, wrapped forms, and such nonart materials as net bags, rubber tubing, and dangling cords. Eva Hesse.
  • Colour choices are subdued, and monochromatic.
  • The genetic cause has been determined for several color vision defects, achromatopsia (the loss of all color vision), blue monochromatism, protanopia, deuteranopia, and enhanced S-cone syndrome.
  • monochromatic light
  • Unit of luminous intensity candela The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian. International System of Units (SI)
  • This mostly monochromatic palette was punctuated by military shades of forest green and a rich, midnight navy. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a titanium case and a dodecagonal bezel in rubber, the Admiral's Cup Chronograph 48 provides a dial decorated with monochromatic Blogpulse Top Links
  • Debossing a design into a product adds a subtle, monochromatic elegance to the product.
  • However, a new model of church structure is emerging that may move churches beyond monochromatic ministry.
  • The intensity of all monochromatic incident light was kept close using neutral density filters.
  • They're legible but barely, approaching a very painterly monochromatic abstraction.
  • A monochromator is a device for selecting a narrow band of wavelengths from a continuous spectrum.
  • A monochromator is a device for selecting a narrow band of wavelengths from a continuous spectrum.
  • Internally, their protuberant eyes have cones above for color vision and rods below for monochromatic vision, allowing the fish to see both above and below water at the same time.
  • Extensive studies have been carried out to obtain a reliable wavelength calibration of the monochromator and to assess the reproducibility of its sine drive arm.
  • Before he could be pigeonholed as a Pop artist, he also became an abstract painter, one who made not only bright, hard-edged abstractions that resembled color charts but also meltingly poetic monochromatic pictures.
  • The monochromatic variations on sepia keep the actors and their adventures at a refined aesthetic distance.
  • Lasers work with a monochromatic wavelength of light generated by liquid dye, crystals (like ruby or alexandrite), metal (a semiconductor like a diode), or gases (like CO2). Simple Skin Beauty
  • Nine prints and monochromatic paintings by the Italian colourist were sold at last weekend's private preview.
  • Natural hemp twine turns wooden fruits into monochromatic sculptures for a subtle and sophisticated centerpiece.
  • Robin Rose is known for subtly nuanced, richly textured paintings that examine the expressive possibilities of monochromatic abstraction.
  • De los Reyes has created new bister on paper works, stainless steel sculptures and exquisite monochromatic paintings in this exciting follow-up to his critically acclaimed 2005 exhibition.
  • The helium-cadmium laser provides a convenient source of monochromatic UVA light at sufficient intensity to enable a study of irradiance-dependent phenomena over a reasonable range.
  • Heavy lidded by the glare-filled monochromatic monotony of the landscape, soothed by the cool breath of the air-conditioner, we fell asleep.
  • Monochromatic Colors - All the hues ( variations ) of one color segment on the wheel.
  • Artschwager has also continued to produce paintings, typically monochromatic depictions of buildings.
  • The glints of orange fish scales and the gleam of a metallic beetle are some of the few flashes of colour in a predominantly monochromatic palette.
  • You can generate single monochromatic, complimentary, triad, tetrad, analogic and accented analogic colour palettes. Color Scheme Designer Is A Diverse Palette Creator | Lifehacker Australia
  • In the last book I used the brown coloration: not full color, but monochromatic color, largely because I wanted to create a mood.
  • Her anemic, monochromatic playing and pallid, unimaginative way with a phrase don't help matters.
  • A devout minimalist permanently clad in monochromatic shades of black and grey, she's the ultimate cartoon embodiment of design.
  • Ethan's train of thought was cut short by a man dressed in monochromatic gray.
  • Spectra were also corrected for the wavelength-dependent efficiencies of the photomultiplier tube detector and monochromators.
  • The only decorations are two simple candle sconces and a pair of side-by-side shelves holding glass vases of monochromatic tulips or roses.
  • Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation ; produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light.
  • His chapters on Smyrna end in 1922, when the city, now part of the Turkish republic, became Izmir; it would have been helpful, by way of contrast, to read about the city's more recent, monochromatic history. On the Eastern Shore
  • To shock your senses after that monochromatic landscape, you'll chase the horseback ride with a hike and mountain-bike ride through the Heidmörk Recreational Area, carpeted with thousands of poppies.
  • Gorey bases her work on abstract landscapes, and Lawson picked two monochromatic paintings of gouache on paper with simple frames.
  • This year, monochromatic colors are the in thing.
  • After the monochromator the light was reimaged onto the actinometer and a silicon photodiode, located behind the cuvette, by a normal-incidence spherical mirror as indicated in Fig.1.
  • The shapes of the action spectra drastically changed depending on the fluence rate of the unilateral monochromatic irradiation.
  • Since it's dark and cold outside for most of the year, the smorgasbord itself must be an attempt to offset tedium, angst, and monochromatism. With Best Countries Like These…
  • This species is strongly dichromatic, meaning that the males and females have distinctive plumage colours and patterns -- a characteristic that distinguishes it from the monochromatic Cyprus pied wheatear, Oenanthe cypriaca, with which it was formerly considered to be conspecific. Mystery bird: Pied wheatear, Oenanthe pleschanka

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