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  1. of or relating to an element consisting of a single atom
    helium and argon are monatomic gases

How To Use monoatomic In A Sentence

  • Also, with chemical reactions as your energy source, you can't really use hydrogen as your exhaust gas, because it isn�t the product gas of the energetic reactions you'd like to use, always assuming that you don't actually have tanks of monoatomic hydrogen lying around. Faster
  • Helium, being honestly monoatomic, has only twice the mass of a hydrogen molecule, so its RMS and speed of sound is still pretty fast, which is why you get a high pitched voice if you inhale helium. Faster
  • You could create N and P monoatomic layers of graphene and put it almost everywhere. Climate Vs. Weather Video | Universe Today
  • Starting from a specific temperature, carbon atoms migrate to the surface and form a monoatomic layer on the - still solid - silicon carbide. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The quantum singularity has these remarkable properties, which interestingly enough are found in a planar monoatomic layer of carbon called graphene. Climate Vs. Weather Video | Universe Today
  • This is, of course, almost exactly backwards, and Heinlein did a better job later, in, for example, Space Cadet, where "monoatomic hydrogen" is supposedly used. Faster
  • Heat your original gas hot enough, and compress it enough, and you can get a gas containing significant amounts of--wait for it--monoatomic hydrogen. Faster
  • As I recall, Heinlein had tanks of monoatomic hydrogen on his ships, no doubt made out of unobtainium metal, with a bolonium catalyst to keep the hydrogen atoms from recombining. Faster
  • Consider, for example, a rigid cubical vessel full of an ideal, monoatomic gas in thermodynamic equilibrium. The Arrow of Time in Scientific American
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