
How To Use Monism In A Sentence

  • So I was writing an email about comparing Mormonism and traditional Christianity and I wrote “moronism” instead. Moronism « Christopher Colaninno
  • He extrapolated a new religion or philosophy called monism from evolutionary science. SMART Grant Update - The Panda's Thumb
  • Did Hitler represent, as Emil Fackenheim has said, a unique "eruption of demonism into history" -- in which case he stands at a comfortable remove from the rest of us? Gabriel Rotello: Will Smith, Hitler and the Holocaust's Unanswerable Question
  • The coherence theory builds in a metaphysical bias towards monism: the idea that everything we know should somehow form one massive ‘complete theory of everything’.
  • He had, after all, made the world a slightly better place as a result, and eudemonism was the creed to live by. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
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  • He was a Spencerian like you till Kreis turned him to materialistic monism. Chapter 36
  • He states, ‘Whereas Marxism called for the power of capital to be destroyed, eudemonism [the politics of happiness] calls for it to be ignored.’
  • Monism thus generated a respect for life as a whole and helped to emphasize the unity of Nature.
  • His philosophy of monism claimed that the many things which appear to exist are merely a single eternal reality which he called Being.
  • Dynamism in general may be adapted to and modified by such philosophical systems as determinism or freedom, substantialism or phenomenalism, idealism or realism, monism or theism, etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • These secular conditions, Bushman suggests, can be understood in two ways: for nonbelievers they help to explain Mormonism's "origins," a word Bushman eschews for the more neutral "beginnings"; for Mormons they can be studied as divinely contrived preparations for the dawning of a new era. Secrets of the Mormons
  • He’s arguing here, and elsewhere, that they got their monism from the natural sciences. The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
  • To make my own happiness the end of my moral activity-eudemonism-is irrational and immoral; for, because of the fortuity of the outward conditions of happiness, and of the heterogeneousness of claims upon happiness, the moral would be rendered dependent upon accident and. caprice. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • Mormons believe the angel handed Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism , golden tablets.
  • Paganism on the other hand has adopted a worldview based on monism, where duality is more often perceived as aspects of an encompassing whole.
  • We face a unipolar world and the gigantic hegemonism of our neighbors, who have always sought to destroy this Revolution and now feel more emboldened by the idea of asphyxiating it, giving it the final blow, because their minds cannot tolerate the existence of the Revolution and what it has meant for this hemisphere, in their backyard, which today they seek more than ever to secure. Fidel Castro Women's Congress Address
  • The final goal of Shaivism is realizing one's identity with Shiva in perfect union and non-differentiation (monism).
  • When President Obama or Secretary Clinton lauds “smart power” as a self-sufficient counter to Islamofascism, Red Chinese hegemonism or Russian truculence, he (or she) implicitly claims the ability to consistently outwit Osama bin-Laden, Hu Jintao and Vladimir Putin. European Union
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. Cracktastic: Wanted’s Timur Bekmambetov Directing Moby Dick | /Film
  • This primitive cosmothetic Monism gradually gave way to a dualistic conception of the origin of the world. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • In some theistic monism thought the principal of kenosis is in play where God is self-limiting with respect to life. Courting the Theists
  • Monism thus generated a respect for life as a whole and helped to emphasize the unity of Nature.
  • Mormonism, as a relative newcomer on the religious scene and an ambitiously proselytizing faith, is not ethnically rooted. American Grace
  • The transition from dualism to monism is painful.
  • I have my theological beefs with Mormonism, of course, but my experience is that people with some approximation of traditional religious faith have discovered that we have much more in common with one another than we do with the militant secularists, which is why evangelicals, Catholics, religious Jews, and the last of the remaining old-line Protestants have found so many opportunities for cooperation. LOSING OUR RELIGION
  • Relevant also is the fact that Mormonism and evangelicalism are both proselytizing faiths, and thus are often in head-to-head competition for converts.12 American Grace
  • And neutral monism assumes that there are genuinely physical (i.e., nonmental) phenomena that need reducing, panpsychism does not. Neutral Monism
  • The Soltenites 'forefathers had still believed in Arkon's pantheon of gods many millennia before but now the Soltenites were immersed in demonism and paid homage to hideous spirit ogres, considering them to be deities worthy of worship-and all such demonic gods were without exception of the masculine gender. Pigeons Having Sex On An Air Conditioner In New York
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • It does not correctly represent itself: for the so-called monism does not, indeed, suppose that that which The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • This Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, recorded in Los Angeles in 1957, is one of the best in the catalog, particularly if you see demonism as an essential aspect of this work.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • Patristic and medieval Christian theologians adopted but transformed philosophical eudaimonism by identifying happiness with post-mortem bliss: the beatific vision, or union with God. Philip Reynolds: The Biblical Definitions Of The Pursuit Of Happiness
  • Its essence is to remake a kind of unequal economy and culture tendency and politics hegemonism.
  • To try to dispiritedly teresa and reluctivity prelude in severn fistulous to preparedness them to the looker that allegiance can demonism horsepond acclivity and demographist are piningable. Rational Review
  • As in, they linked to Satan because the suffix ‘mon’ implied monsters, and monsters implied demonism. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Seriously?
  • While the threat of demonism is used to bring fear to the film’s characters, the genuine demonic behavior of everyday life (jealousy, violence, self-pity and war) offers the most brutal horror of this classic production. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we'll examine with Heraclitus, so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks.
  • A certain abstract monism, a certain emotional response to the character of oneness, as if it were a feature of the world not coordinate with its manyness, but vastly more excellent and eminent, is so prevalent in educated circles that we might almost call it part of philosophic common sense. Monism
  • The Consolation of Philosophy, a treatise by a 6th-century theologian, Boethius, includes a classic statement of one strand of Christian eudaimonism. Philip Reynolds: The Biblical Definitions Of The Pursuit Of Happiness
  • Mormonism's believability problem is that its fantastical events are too recent. paisley henosis, I'm going to disagree slightly with the concept of creating a Xenu: On Ice performance. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • But this conclusion should lead us to an accommodation between dualism and monism rather than the rejection of one in favour of the other.
  • Not only does no part o the definition of neutral monism in any way require that it be even quasi-phenomenalistic, there is no phase in Russell's intellectual development at which he would simultaneously have considered himself a neutral monist and any kind of phenomenalist at all. Neutral Monism
  • The neutral monism I advocate, accordingly, has more in common with the ontology of the late Platonic dialogues than with that of the early Russell which the name ˜neutral monism™ commonly brings to mind. Neutral Monism
  • All the while Pakistan protested vociferously against what it deemed an indulgence of Indian hegemonism. Sunil Sharan: Will India Win Coveted UN Seat?
  • A detailed discussion of monism and dualism is outwith the scope of this text.
  • It is clear that the prejudices that stand in the way of a general recognition of this "natural anthropogeny" are still very great; otherwise the long struggle of philosophic systems would have ended in favour of Monism. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • Dyer's mystical demonism accounts for the ambivalent, exhilarating, and uncanny dimension of his architecture.
  • Breton embraced a similar kind of monism, arguing famously against distinctions between the real and imaginary, past and future, life and death.
  • Having never been happy myself, I am not a disciple of eudemonism; but I see life as struggle and change; and though I do not know what it means, I know thought will not be at rest, that hopes will not cease, and that dreams of liberty will fascinate the minds of future Lincolns and Children of the Market Place
  • His treatment of demonism is written as an antidote to the outbreak of sorcery.
  • I concur with you strictly in your opinion of the comparative merits of atheism and demonism, and really see nothing but the latter in the being worshipped by many who think themselves Christians. Think Progress » Fox News Devastated Over Arrest Of ACORN Pimp, Says The Story Probably Needs ‘A Lot Of Context’
  • From the angle of unofficial rule, it should break through the monism limit of official regular, and concede the positive function of administrative procedure convention.
  • He suggests ‘eudemonism’: a political philosophy that proposes a society in which people can pursue the activities that truly improve their individual and collective wellbeing.
  • Among the Founders, Jefferson, Madison, and Adams all shared a view of representation despite their profound differences on a wide range of issues (including religion -- Jefferson once called Christianity a species of "demonism" while Adams was a deeply religious man.) Howard Schweber: Representation: Jefferson versus Jackson
  • As for eudaemonism, sure, I follow Professor Long on this point although, my conception of virtue is colored by my reading Augustine, the theurgic neoplatonists, and the “Blue Socialist” tradition of William Cobbett and John Ruskin. Abortion on demand and without apology (Kiwi edition)
  • He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul.
  • Now, celebrating the 50th anniversary, Jiang took a swipe at "hegemonism" -- his code word for America's post-cold-war dominance. A Goose Step Into The Future
  • It was the inevitable tendency of Mormonism, like every other religious delusion, from the advent of John of Leyden to that of the Spiritualists, to disturb the natural relation of the sexes under the Christian dispensation. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 19, May, 1859
  • Berlin set out his basic account of what he would later label monism in his biography of Marx Isaiah Berlin
  • Modern science, on the contrary, starts from the magnificent synthetic conception of monism, that is to say, of Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx)
  • Unlike most religions, it requires no one belief regarding the nature of God: it embraces polytheism, monotheism, and monism.
  • But he is also pretty clear in this speech that he does not intend to sort of uncloak the mysteries of Mormonism. CNN Transcript Dec 6, 2007
  • All that maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy me, are visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Barack Obama. Ferraro Resigns From The Clinton Campaign
  • To my knowledge there are two main (related) arguments against existence monism, which is that the existence of a plurality of concrete objects is (i) intuitively obvious, and (ii) perceptually apparent. Monism
  • Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we'll examine with Heraclitus, so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks.
  • Cross knew that the only difference between him and Hilton was that his demonism was not buttressed by ideas, a goal. THE OUTSIDER
  • For some of those who deny dualism and uphold monism claim that their monism is a contingent truth: that it is true, but it might not have been.
  • They are trying to kill him, and this lethal intention enslaves them to lying and to demonism.
  • On every hand we hear proclaimed a form of the doctrine of God's omnipresence (usually called the divine "immanence") which not only denies all distinction between the original Creation and the present perpetuation of the world, but a form which practically denies all second causes, and which cannot well be distinguished from pantheism, though it would be a spiritualistic or "idealistic" form of pantheism, or "monism," to use the favorite modern term. Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
  • They believe that Washington's "hegemonism" represents the unjust continuation of long-standing Israelated - English Israel blogs
  • Hey, I guess the free market of ideas just doesn't choose moronism, I mean, Mormonism. Huckabee Rockets Ahead In Newsweek Iowa Poll, Dem Race Close
  • We will continue to oppose hegemonism and power politics as well as terrorism of all forms.
  • The system there exposed is a system of Eudaemonism, not of Deontology.
  • The real distinction of the finite from the Infinite opposes every form of exaggerated monism, while the entitative contingency and dependence of the creature on the Creator refutes an exaggerated dualism. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Second, the term dualism is employed in opposition to monism, to signify the ordinary view that the existing universe contains two radically distinct kinds of being or substance -- matter and spirit, body and mind. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Even during the period of its greatest political autonomy, Mormonism constituted only a partial or semi-Asiatic society.
  • The fatalism that goes with monism suits both her toughness and her optimism.
  • Dualism contrasts with monism, which is the theory that there is only one fundamental kind, category of thing or principle; and, rather less commonly, with pluralism, which is the view that there are many kinds or categories. Dualism
  • The whole sphere of demonism, objective and subjective, is completely obscure to them. Obama and Niebuhr
  • Śaṅkara's teaching is known as Advaita or absolute monism. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • The three theories of monism, qualified monism and dualism were synthesized, as branches of the same religion, Hinduism.
  • But, as directed by Ian Talbot, it is all preposterous fun and John Gordon Sinclair, despite his lack of visibility, excellently suggests the tormented demonism of the hero. The Invisible Man – review
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • Even during the period of its greatest political autonomy, Mormonism constituted only a partial or semi-Asiatic society.
  • In classical eudaimonism, happiness was usually identified with virtuous activity. Philip Reynolds: The Biblical Definitions Of The Pursuit Of Happiness
  • However, I was spared the trouble, for soon the children retired and the conversation drifted around to Mormonism and polygamy; and our hostess seemed to want to talk, so I just listened, for Mrs. O'Shaughnessy rather likes to "argufy"; but she had no argument that night, only her questions started our hostess's story. Letters of a Woman Homesteader
  • Recall that the central theme of monism is the so-called biogenetic law stating that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
  • Actually, most strains of Mormonism to this day believe in plural marriage. Matthew Yglesias » Beck vs Social Justice
  • In a minor sense the word monism is sometimes used in psychology to designate the doctrine that there is no real distinction between the soul and its faculties. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Yet only two major denominations in America - Christian Science and Mormonism - are of native development.
  • Nietzsche saw himself breaking away from Schopenhauer's pessimism by rejecting what he saw as his monism.
  • Jupiter in person, was the incubus of Alcmena and Semele; Thetis in person, the succubus of Peleus, and Venus of Anchises, without having recourse to the various contrivances of our extraordinary demonism. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • He combined ancient classical humanism with Oriental metaphysics to ratify his own down-to-earth brand of philosophical monism.
  • Longtime Beck-watchers said he has always made references to his faith journey, his conversion from Catholicism to Mormonism, his crediting God with saving him from drug and alcohol abuse, professional obscurity and "friendlessness. Glenn Beck may be unlikely leader for conservative Christians
  • Weaver sees in this a species of the demonic, for demonism is ‘blind to everything except what it wants.’
  • Here, then, is in brief Aristotle's ethical theory of eudemonism; and in its main features it has been made the basis of the chief The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • As a new religious tradition, Mormonism would not be Christian.
  • He was a Spencerian like you till Kreis turned him to materialistic monism. Chapter 36
  • Monism necessarily, in the last analysis, carries every act and motive back to the supreme Will and establishes an all-inclusive necessitarianism which is fatal to human freedom; and it therefore excludes sin as an act of rebellion against God. India's Problem, Krishna or Christ
  • But neither the anti-phenomenalistic spirit of his neutral monism, nor his explicit disavowals of phenomenalism have managed to take the wind out of the sails of the phenomenalism suspicion. Neutral Monism
  • Moreover, it may be thought that the primary moral principle of love of neighbor as oneself is another reason to doubt (despite appearances) the strategic role of eudemonism in his ethics. Aquinas' Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy
  • About the so-called "demonism" of this film….the people making this film wished to convey AUTHENTIC New Orleans aspects. Sound Off: Disney's Princess and the Frog - Your Thoughts? «
  • Besides the absolute limits of our knowledge, there are still enough relative and provisory limits to it; and there also are enough low points of view, mistakes, and imperfections in science, to justify us when we expressly form and establish monism as a maxim of scientific investigation. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • The book concludes with a masterly bibliographical essay that is an invaluable guide for readers who want to expand their study of Mormonism. Five Best: Samuel Morris Brown
  • In Mormonism , each stake usually has 5 to 12 wards.
  • So neutral monism is the way I can say essentially nothing about what I think is going on, but at least not multiply my ignorant hypotheses Bunny and a Book
  • During the Great Awakenings interdenominational evangelicalism, Pentecostalism and Christian fundamentalism emerged, along with new Protestant denominations such as Adventism, and new branches of Restorationism, particularly Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism. Think Progress
  • Our information concerning Mormonism must be accurate and up-to-date, while our critique must be competent as well as fair.
  • The weakness in radical critiques of society and sex is that they fail to recognise that sex needs a ritual binding to control its demonism and secondly that society's repressions increase sexual pleasure.
  • His argument can be understood as follows: since Anomalous Monism insists that mental events have physical properties that can be related, by strict law, to the effects of those events, and also insists that such events 'mental properties cannot be so related, it is only ˜by virtue™ of its physical (i.e. strict lawlike) properties that a mental event causes what it does. Anomalous Monism
  • As I see things, the best options for a nonreductionist are type-D dualism, type-E dualism, or type-F monism: that is, interactionism, epiphenomenalism, or panprotopsychism. Against Darwinism
  • The objections to imperatival monism apply also to this more sophisticated version: the reduction misses important facts, such as the point of having a prohibition on theft. Legal Positivism
  • Throughout history the tattoo bears the mark of paganism, demonism, Baal worship, shamanism, mysticism, heathenism, cannibalism and just about every other pagan belief known.
  • The medical philosophers of the eighteenth century, with their cramped Cartesianism, have had a great part in the genesis of the "epiphenomenalism" and "monism" of the present day. Evolution créatrice. English
  • The cool thing about Mormonism, says Kimball, is that it was a rational theology that you could put your arms around.
  • At the same time, demonic possession increased dramatically, probably because demonism in general and witchcraft in particular were preoccupations of the age.
  • All these forms of epistemological Monism — namely, idealism, solipsism, acosmism, and absolutism — have, of course, metaphysical bearings, and sometimes rest on metaphysical foundations. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Aristotelian Ethics make a system of Eudaemonism, but stop short of Deontology.
  • His treatment of demonism is written as an antidote to the outbreak of sorcery.
  • The idea that Hinduism is a single unified religion is difficult to justify, since there are many different perspectives (monotheism, monism and polytheism), scriptures (the Vedas, the Upanishads etc.), and practices such as bhakti and smrti (Baird, 1968: 28). The Rammohun Roy connection
  • English moralism lingered in general in a state of capricious wavering between the principle of happiness and the principle of spiritual perfection, between the principle of subjective eudemonism and the principle of objective spiritualism. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.

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