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  1. any of the yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Monilia

How To Use monilia In A Sentence

  • Some vaginal infections—like monilia yeast or trichomoniasis—can be present in a nonacute, visually unnoticeable form. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • This could be a yeast infection (moniliasis, Candida). Chapter 25
  • Medically known as moniliasis or candidiasis, a yeast infection results when the delicate alkaline-acid balance of the mouth, vagina, or rectum is biochemically disrupted, allowing the healthy flora that normally live in these areas to start growing out of control. Getting Pregnant
  • In an attempt to control a fungal disease known as monilia pod rot, the shade canopy was removed.
  • Yeasts are microscopic fungi and the commonest is a germ called candida albicans (formerly as monilia). - Articles related to Factory puts pressure on to extend life of avocados
  • Acute monilial esophagitis occurring underlying disease young male Xml's
  • Used for treating yeast infections (Candida, moniliasis) in the mouth (thrush), the vagina, or in the folds of the skin. Chapter 31
  • Methods 2 cases of patients diagnosed as papule type cutaneous moniliasis were analyzed concerning clinical feature. microscopic examination of fungal and fungal culture.
  • Since that medication can exacerbate monilia symptoms and actually worsen this infection, treatment for trichomoniasis should never be accepted without proper documentation that the disease does indeed exist in your system. Getting Pregnant
  • We fully expect our experiments in Miami, Florida, to hasten discovery of cacao plants resistant to monilia pod rot, black pod, witches broom, and other costly fungal diseases.
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