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[ US /ˈməniɫɪs/ ]
  1. not based on the possession of money
    a moneyless economy
  2. having no money
    virtually moneyless rural regions

How To Use moneyless In A Sentence

  • We keep the word and often use it as in "pecuniary" affairs, and when we call a moneyless man, "impecunious. Business Hints for Men and Women
  • A moneyless person goes fast through the market. 
  • And, communism is a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of a classless, moneyless, stateless and revolutionary socialist society structured upon common ownership of the means of production. Luis Andre Gazitua: Que Viva los Ridiculos
  • So to the Committee of Safety Charles went, privily to drop a flea in its ear concerning Tarwater's grubless, moneyless, and aged condition. LIKE ARGUS OF THE ANCIENT TIMES
  • Oh, yes! let her alone, and in years to come she will from the dictates of her kind heart, be giving herself away to some motherless, fameless and moneyless young man, I fear!" said the worldly and far-seeing mother. The Rector of St. Mark's
  • When we weren't engaging in accidental class warfare with Shaq, we were preparing ourselves for the upcoming moneyless winter by insulating our clothes with pages from "Dow 36,000. HUFFPOST HILL - Market Has A Cry
  • A moneyless man goes fast through the market. 
  • The premise of "rewarding teachers" succumbed to the truth when they admittedly voted yes to a "moneyless" merit pay bill. Rita M. Solnet: The F Word in Education Reform
  • Lamalera, an almost moneyless society, depends primarily on barter.
  • A moneyless man goes fast through the market. 
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