How To Use Monetary value In A Sentence
The prize money or the monetary value of an award the cash value of a gift certificate, for instance that a craftsperson receives at a show is taxable at normal state and federal rates.
Daniel Grant: A Word About Taxes
Fires were lit; the safari boys were squatting round the cooking-pots, stirring their "posho" and discussing the rising price of goats, with the consequent increase of the monetary value of wives, which is today their everlasting theme.
The Green-Eyed Shwemyethna
I always accept a friend's gift gracefully and appre - ciatively regardless of its monetary value.
A bee has a known monetary value as an agricultural pollinator.
Times, Sunday Times
Raw materials and processes are simply drained of all value save monetary value.
Monetary value and new technology are also subjects seldom touched on in books on art history, and we should welcome their inclusion here.
The mainstream record industry's position is a throwback to when cultural product was replicated via physical means, which spawned material artifacts of limited supply and calculable monetary value.
Is this letter of any monetary value?
Times, Sunday Times
Voucher has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
The Sun
Things acquire monetary value on the basis of their prestige, not the other way around.
He could not attach monetary value to the loss caused by the strike as no calculations hade been made yet.
History When a fine wine is allowed to age spectacular changes can occur which increase both its complexity and monetary value.
I am reluctant to assign monetary value to chores, as this can backfire.
Things acquire monetary value on the basis of their prestige, not the other way around.
Several speakers at the seminar argued for a monetary value to be placed on resources such as irrigation water.
Voucher has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
The Sun
To place a monetary value on the prevention of an epidemic is largely conjectural.
In the time of Samuel Pepys one farthing was worth roughly the same as a 10p coin would be today (you can compare monetary values since 1264 here).
Page said she's more interested in what she can learn about the books than in their monetary value.
Art, on the other hand, seems to have no upper limit of monetary value.
It seems possible that the past three or four decades, which have seen such frenetic activity in the salerooms and such an increase in public awareness of the potential monetary value of art and antiques, have been untypical.
According to the Daily Herald, "in lieu of taking unpaid days off (furlough days), an employee may also choose to have the accumulated monetary value of the furlough days prorated on an annual basis, and then deducted in equal amounts over the 26 pay checks they receive during the year.
City of Aurora Agrees to Retroactive Raises and Guarantees of No Layoffs in Exchange for 2 Weeks of Furloughs for AFSCME Local 3298
When used in such a manner the term defraud has a legal rather than a dictionary meaning, and the legal interpretation of fraud or defraud is applied to those acts which seek to obtain that which has monetary value and to do so in an manner deamed illegal.
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However, the uprating is perhaps more significant than its monetary value might suggest.
Yes, the artefacts recovered are of historic significance, but it would be foolish to pretend they have no monetary value.
Nobody chose to collect anything of great monetary value.
the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver
There are an increasing number of MMORPG players, playing in online virtual worlds, where objects acquired have real monetary value.
Voucher has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
The Sun
The only other animal to be seen was a cockerel, to which one presumed was attached some monetary value.
Voucher has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
The Sun
When a fine wine is allowed to age spectacular changes can occur which increase both its complexity and monetary value.
Risk valuation systematically evaluates each regulation by estimating the monetary value - both benefits and costs - of a reduction in risk.
You probably find the fact that there is a monetary value to your work rather distasteful.
But the significance of the judgement far outweighs the monetary value of the settlement.
Entire populations of magnificent birds of paradise were murdered for the monetary value of their plumes.
This figure is based on the supposed monetary value of the music files copied, not on actual loss of revenues to the industry.
Your argument seems to suggest that people everywhere measure worth primarily or exclusively in terms of monetary value.