How To Use Monetary system In A Sentence
In a dollarized monetary system, the national government cannot devalue the currency or finance budget deficits by creating inflation because it does not issue the currency.
It can promote correspondingly inherent stability of international monetary system to make up a new global financial framework and make regional currency arrangements after reforming IMF.
As per Montagne's discussion of inflation (3), note that the term confuses increases in the money supply (monetary inflation) with a general increase in prices (price inflation) and that a monetary system subject to interest makes both necessary.
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
As for a new monetary system, I was estimating that the $ would be replaced with the Amero around 2012-2015, but with the current dilemma befalling the USA I can see where it could be here as early as late 2009-2010.
Worse Than the Great Depression?
This antediluvian monetary system has now been replaced by the up - to - date monetary system of Japan.
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford
The euro offers a basis for a similar performance in the international monetary system, but only if the institutions for external monetary policy are adequately reformed.
Nevertheless, he and his secretary of the treasury, took the decision to declare the dollar inconvertible and disrupt the international monetary system.
It is also open to a central bank to "sterilise" the monetary system against other influences upon the money supply by increasing or reducing its holdings of government securities.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
A counterstamp from the Costa Rican Mint on a foreign coin meant that its weight and precious metal content qualified it to circulate in Costa Rica as if it was part of the Costa Rican monetary system.
The Greatest Collection of Costa Rican Coins Ever Auctioned (Part 2): Silver Coins of the 1840s : Coin Collecting News
Three is to accelerate the diversification of international monetary system.
It is not surprising, then, that banks play an absolutely crucial role in the monetary system.
The extent to which the assets of the monetary system consist of ultimate liquid assets is a qualitative characteristic of the money supply.
With a shrinking amount of money people are, in terms of the monetary system, 'no longer able to earn anything'; they have to 'economise' or activities will be discontinued due to the financier or other lenders because 'obligations can no longer be met.'
Indymedia Ireland
The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade.
a monetary system equals anything even in southern Morocco, between which and this place the poor despised "gursh" turns up as a familiar link, not to be met with between Casablanca and Tripoli.
Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
We need to shift our attention from mushroom cloud narratives and focus on the solution: creating astable financial structure that is grounded in public ownership of the monetary system.
Resolving the Wall Street Crisis: Monetary Reform
It is not surprising, then, that banks play an absolutely crucial role in the monetary system.
The Qing's monetary system was a bimetallic system of parallel standard in which silver and copper coins circulated. 144 Silver was usually used in large transactions and copper cash served in daily small deals.
Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
The survival of the biosphere depends on "outgrowing" the dominant institutions that rule us through the fictitious creation of a monetary system.
Zeitgeist Addendum: Steps toward a sustainable future
It is therefore essential that the two monetary systems should be mutually independent.
Wall Street, of course, could not have been more excited by the prospect of taking control of the reins of the monetary system.
It allows us complete financial autonomy, and independence of our monetary system.
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford
Yet this is a problem for that firm, not a problem with the monetary system as a whole.
Traditionally the United States had a bimetallic monetary system in which sixteen ounces of silver equaled one ounce of gold.
For the Australian people, the collapse of the globalised monetary system is good news: we can dump the policies that have destroyed our industrial economy, and we can rebuild and reindustrialise. Current News - Top Stories
Europe's monetary system is falling apart.
However, a bimetallic monetary system of coinage was also established by the Constitutional mandate to Congress to ‘coin Money, regulate the Value thereof’.
Most LDCs' affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system.
The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade.
The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade.
It is able to spend this way because it acts as the "scorekeeper" in the US monetary system whose function it is to mark up or mark down the monetary resources of all those who use its monopoly currency.
In contrast, our current monetary system is the very perfection of financial boundlessness and unaccountability.
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The gold standard is a monetary system in which paper money is freely convertible into a fixed amount of gold.
Combined with what the late Ernest Mandel called "extra-economic" factors (such as pliant labor leadership and peaceful trade unionism, establishment of the Bretton Woods international monetary system, Cold War ideology and the suppression or pacification of any possible dissent, and relative decline in the price of oil and other raw materials in the immediate post-WW II period), the New Deal and other government-sponsored reforms ushered in a period of rapid economic expansion that came to be known as the "golden years of US capitalism," which lasted until around 1970.
As cities and their monetary systems organized further into city-states and then into nations, an economic system called mercantilism developed.
More fixed-rate mortgages will also help to bring Britain into line with other countries in the European Union and hasten entry into the single monetary system - the euro.
It allows us complete financial autonomy, and the independence of our monetary system.
Yet today, having been unpegged completely from the world monetary system, gold is neither relic nor toilet tile; it is more important than ever, and precisely because the paper value of goods and services is ever-more dependent on the whims of an elite few.
Gold and the Barbarians
The next chapter describes the evolution of the International Monetary System.
While gold coins and bullion continued to dominate the monetary system of Europe, it was not until the 18th century that paper money began to dominate.
Without the magic elixir of paper money, borrowers would face insufficient liquidity, an excessively rigid credit system, and an inelastic monetary system.
What kind of world monetary system is reasonable?
We are hopelessly entangled in dust, work and the British monetary system.
The minister also called for the end of the Bretton Woods institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and said the United Nations should host an international conference to "refound" the world's financial and monetary system.
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The bimetallist movement and others understood that a gold-only standard was ‘bad money.' Angela Redish writes, ‘Firstly, the coin whose relative market value had risen could be withdrawn from circulation making the monetary system either all gold or all silver.’
The idea of using scrip to stimulate spending dates back to the 1890s, when Silvio Gesell wrote a series of books related to monetary system reform.
The same must well have been true of changing our monetary system to decimal.
Figures acutely illustrate the scope of the distorted international monetary system.
Thus far, we have placed considerable focus on money in this forum, as it is our contention that our monetary system has spun out of control and is being poisoned by unsound practices.
He argued that the international monetary system, based largely on the dollar, contained certain inherent contradictions.