How To Use Monetary fund In A Sentence
The agreement expires in September 2004 but already the International Monetary Fund has signalled that a new agreement will be discussed on September 23.
The conviction is a key victory for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr ., whose office recently saw the collapse of a rape case against former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the acquittal of two New York police officers on charges they raped a drunken woman.
Political Operative Faces Prison Term
The Obama administration has urged China to relax its currency policy to let the renminbi rise in value based on market forces, and the International Monetary Fund also has expressed concern that imbalances between major exporting nations and debt-laden importing countries are not evening out as hoped.
China rate hike surprises markets
Tests matched a DNA sample submitted by former International Monetary Fund director Dominique Strauss-Kahn and semen found on the shirt of the hotel maid who told police she had been sexually assaulted by him, law-enforcement officials said.
DNA Said to Link Strauss-Kahn to Maid
Strauss-Kahn, disgraced former boss of the International Monetary Fund, had his foreign affair'' at the Sofitel Hotel in New York City, what he characterized as consensual sex with a maid and she called sexual assault. - Home Page
Beijing's intervention is a textbook example of the beggar-thy-neighbor competitive devaluation forbidden by the International Monetary Fund's charter.
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - An International Monetary Fund mission will arrive in Bucharest tomorrow for talks on a potential program for the struggling EU member, the IMF said in a statement.
Kathimerini English Edition : Print Edition : 27/6/09
The above figures are also calculated on an International Monetary Fund standard, making them internationally comparable.
Last week, top central bank official Subir Gokarn called foreign capital flows "a potential threat," and on Saturday the bank's governor Duvvuri Subbarao told a panel at the International Monetary Fund in Washington that India will intervene if volatile inflows "disrupt" the economy.
Asian currency tensions simmer as dollar sinks
Btional Monetary Fund for help after a 1976 sterling crisis, held lavish celebrations to mark the queen's 25 years on the throne, including a service at Saint Paul's cathedral in London.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Currencies are considered part of a country's monetary sovereignty, to be dealt with, if at all, by the International Monetary Fund.
Last October, a comprehensive study by the International Monetary Fund concluded that 'the idea that fiscal austerity stimulates economic activity in the short term finds little support in the data.'
Wonkbook: The White House makes its first bid
Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.
At the end of March, the bank imposed tough restrictions to slow the growth of bank lending which the International Monetary Fund had blamed for the country's widening trade gap.
There is suspicion that the government is trying to meet demands of the International Monetary Fund, which are to liberalize the financial service sector in the widest sense possible.
Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
The process of picking up the pieces is still underway, and on Monday in Washington the International Monetary Fund kicks off a two-day conference of top economists to try to distill some lessons.
IMF weighs financial crisis at D.C. conference
Nigeria's economy, which is largely fulled by oil exports, is expected to climb to $400bn (£256.14bn) by 2016 from $268bn this year, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF) projections.
Nigerians optimistic about economic prospects
Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
The idea that fiscal austerity triggers faster growth in the short term finds little support in the data," the International Monetary Fund concluded after a review of evidence last year.
Tracking Missteps Behind World's Economic Slump
An International Monetary Fund official Friday struck back at what he called a tendency in Malawi to scapegoat the IMF and the donor community for problems which are of the country's own making.
ANC Daily News Briefing
It was conditional on Budapest agreeing a structural adjustment programme with the International Monetary Fund and implementing market-based economic reforms.
Representatives of the American government, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund vet every potential oil contract.
It will require us to budget funds to pass over monies that the government doesn't have, to a central monetary fund.
The external representation of the euro area will imply changes in the current organization of international for a like the G7 and the International Monetary Fund.
But in a paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy here 10 days ago, former International Monetary Fund economist and ASCE founder Joaquín Pujol noted that at the end of 2009, "there were already 143,000 licensed, self-employed, although thousands more worked for themselves illegally.
Is Cuba Going Capitalist?
Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
The $146 billion joint bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund formalized earlier this week could take care of the country's short-term fiduciary problems, but major questions remain over how the country will look in the long-term, if it will ultimately be able to avoid default, and whether its problems will spread to other countries.
Financials Slip But Don't Trip On Greece
So the Clinton administration, again foreshadowing what was to come, put together $40 billion in loan guarantees from the International Monetary Fund and Treasury.
Inside Man
These included the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development a.k.a. the World Bank, meant to provide aid for European reconstruction; the International Monetary Fund, meant to police and manage a new system of fixed exchange rates; and the International Trade Organization, meant to oversee a new international commercial order based on freer trade.
How Wars end
Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank encourage indebted countries to export primary goods such as coffee, cocoa or copper.
THE leaves of the compass plant always point north. The International Monetary Fund has developed a similar trait.
The International Monetary Fund played a crucial role in many of the epochal events of the 1990s.
Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.
Releasing more bailout funds will require the International Monetary Fund and European institutions to vouchsafe that Greece has not fallen short of its privatization and austerity pledges and the IMF will have to maintain that Greece's mountainous debt burden is sustainable.
Move Buys Time for Greece, But Growing Debt Looms
Before joining the Berlin chancellery, his career included stints at the International Monetary Fund and at the Bundesbank, where he led the monetary analysis department.
Merkel Taps Adviser to Head Bundesbank
Beijing's intervention is a textbook example of the beggar-thy-neighbor competitive devaluation forbidden by the International Monetary Fund's charter.
Polls in the past month have shown consistently that Mr. Sarkozy may not even make it to the election run-off, with International Monetary Fund boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Front National leader Marine Le Pen poised to outvote him in the first round.
Sarkozy Set to Run for Re-election
I think he misreads the intent of the anti-World Trade Organization demonstrators in Seattle and the anti-International Monetary Fund / World Bank demonstrators in Washington.
A programme of strict economic austerity agreed with the International Monetary Fund is dead.
Meanwhile, the troika—the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission—trots from country to country, marveling at the accounting ingenuity of the countries that have been bailed out, tut-tutting at the failure of each to meet its targets, and recommending a heavier dose of the medicine that is enfeebling the patient.
Southern Europe Could Learn From Ireland
It was conditional on Budapest agreeing a structural adjustment programme with the International Monetary Fund and implementing market-based economic reforms.
Oil prices may have just hit record levels, but the International Monetary Fund is even more bullish about global economic growth in 2004 than it was six months ago.
A stock of ecus would be created by each member state depositing 20 per cent of its gold and 20 per cent of its foreign currency reserves with a European Monetary Fund.
I would not have minded explaining what the WTO stands for and giving intelligent critiques of the problems associated with some of the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Beijing has shown increasing willingness to engage in multinational economic institutions, demanding a greater voice in both the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to better reflect China's status as the world's second-largest economy after the U.S.
China Bank Regulator Urges Global Treaty
On Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund turned up the heat on Argentina, saying its economic policy was unsustainable.
Britain, which turned to the International Monetary Fund for help after a 1976 sterling crisis, held lavish celebrations to mark the queen's 25 years on the throne, including a service at Saint Paul's cathedral in London.
ANC Daily News Briefing
It would be a shame to lose this huge green space to militarization," said Michael P. Filippello, a budgeter for the International Monetary Fund, who is leading the outreach.
Gardeners near Capitol Hill prepare to repel a Marine Corps invasion
He means the military machine of NATO, multinational companies, and institutions like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
Platitudes, hortatory admonitions, and boilerplate solutions proffered by such international agencies as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund won't take Africans very far.
A programme of strict economic austerity agreed with the International Monetary Fund is dead.
The International Monetary Fund's leader, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, may come out of a socialist party background, but the IMF's underlying trend became apparent at a morning reception where right-leaning coffee cups made it near impossible for the left-handed to drink without making a mess.
IMF tilts right in coffee-cup conspiracy?
International Monetary Fund, which they said impose "unachievable" austerity conditions in exchange for aid.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The word feminism has become synonymous with the idea of man-hating when in fact it has more to do with women than men," she wrote, using the example of Christine Lagarde, the former French finance minister who became the first female head of the International Monetary Fund.
Magda Abu-Fadil: Arab Editor Aysha Taryam Slams Indifference
The minister also called for the end of the Bretton Woods institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and said the United Nations should host an international conference to "refound" the world's financial and monetary system.
Caribbean Net News Daily Headlines
It was conditional on Budapest agreeing a structural adjustment programme with the International Monetary Fund and implementing market-based economic reforms.
Greece's accomplishments to accouterment its accessible arrears have had a "able alpha", the Intercivic Monetary Fund (IMF) and Eubraidingan Union (EU) accept said.
In economics it listens to the advice of the International Monetary Fund.
Fitch Ratings said Wednesday Portugal needs financial support and a "timely and credible" economic program from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to avoid a likely near-term downgrade to its credit rating.
European Stocks End Higher
The first is that Western-educated Ethiopian intellectuals in particular have curtsied and made way to the two "Knights of Columbia" who earned their fame and fortune thrusting lances in the heart of the International Monetary Fund and panhandling Western governments to keep Africa on the dole indefinitely.
Alemayehu G. Mariam: Lessons From Columbia U.
It acts in the most servile manner as an agency of the International Monetary Fund, the European Union and NATO in the hope of gleaning a few crumbs from the tables of the imperialist powers.
Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
It is unfortunate that the annual conclave of the International Monetary Fund was cancelled, as it could have been used to broaden and reinforce support for the multilateral strategy.