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How To Use Monet In A Sentence

  • Better to wait until bubbles burst and manage the consequences, softening the economic blow by loosening monetary policy very quickly.
  • The light is opaque, and the beach looks soft and European like a Monet view of the plage.
  • The national monetary sovereignty fully belongs to domestic affairs of a state, and the nation has the right of exerting its monetary sovereignty independently.
  • If gold was really to be demonetized, then the enormous stocks relative to flows would have to be dissipated first through consumption.
  • Consumers remain hunkered down, and the Federal Reserve is nearly tapped out in providing monetary stimulus, so it can't replicate the sharp cuts in interest rates that gave the economy a big lift in the 1980s. Lessons of Reagan's Rebound
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  • It would be a fully - fledged financial stability agency as well as a monetary policy agency.
  • At present, monetary policy is expansionary, as interest rates are less than the rate of inflation.
  • Yet today, having been unpegged completely from the world monetary system, gold is neither relic nor toilet tile; it is more important than ever, and precisely because the paper value of goods and services is ever-more dependent on the whims of an elite few. Gold and the Barbarians
  • In the greater monetary scheme of things, of course, the dollar is still what investor Doug Casey calls ‘the unbacked liability of a bankrupt government.’
  • It would be a shame to lose this huge green space to militarization," said Michael P. Filippello, a budgeter for the International Monetary Fund, who is leading the outreach. Gardeners near Capitol Hill prepare to repel a Marine Corps invasion
  • Without a developed national debt market, the central bank cannot utilize open market operation to adjust monetary supply efficiently and the fiscal policy also cannot be implemented successfully .
  • Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.
  • But round about the Iland, for the space of 7. or 8. moneths in a yere there floateth ise, making a miserable kind of mone, and not vnlike to mans voice, by reason of the clashing together. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The country operates under a restrictive monetary arrangement that pegs the lev to the euro.
  • It is probably best described as the exercising of monetary policy, but not via low interest rates.
  • Europe's monetary system is falling apart.
  • But, sooner or later the overhang of monetary liabilities would undermine confidence in the key currency.
  • But with the U.S. Federal Reserve's recently announced avowal of easy monetary policy causing the dollar to flirt with its record low against the yen, Japan's government is turning an increasingly stern eye toward its own central bank for further monetary easing to counter the U.S. action. Pressure Mounts on BOJ to Weaken Yen After U.S. Criticism of Intervention
  • Analysts continue to mull over how and what the BoJ can deploy in terms monetary policy to calm the Yen's rise of late.
  • While monetary policy is relatively easy to understand, with macroprudential policy no one knows how big these capital surcharges will have to be to restrain "overexuberance". - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Charging based on traffic to different (uncontrolled by the customer!) endpoints is just an invitation to both rent seeking and monetary denial of service attacks by third parties. The Volokh Conspiracy » The FCC and the Internet:
  • That would put domestic political pressure on the Bundesbank to engage in expansionary policies, and German central bankers like nothing less than expansionary monetary policy. Matthew Yglesias » Krugman on Europe
  • I think its sad that the whole thing could have been a great opportunity to take the model of second life, and put a knife into the vampire capitalism that curses second-life, demonetize and thus democratize the platform. Well That Was Quick
  • What we have mostly, to this day, are single-market analyses, or aggregate models of the entire economy, such as the monetary models used today
  • After all, every previous alliance, coalition, entente, empire, community, or monetary union of European states has collapsed sooner or later.
  • No one doubts, however, that it does maintain covert agents and does use monetary pay-offs to gain influence in the country.
  • He clearly favours a state which involves itself essentially through monetary transaction rather than direct intervention in other more qualitative spheres of life.
  • This, apparently, was the very room from which Monet painted his celebrated views of the Thames and the Houses of Parliament, hung in (acceptable) reproduction around the walls of the pretty, panelled sitting room. The Smartest Hotel in the World
  • The Daemonettes have the symbol of Slaanesh clearly marked on their foreheads.
  • However, a bimetallic monetary system of coinage was also established by the Constitutional mandate to Congress to ‘coin Money, regulate the Value thereof’.
  • Contributory negligence could reduce the monetary quantification of the defendant's liability, but it cannot legally or logically nullify it.
  • Most LDCs' affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system.
  • Hot on the heels of the National Galleries of Scotland's blockbusting Monet show comes another Impressionist.
  • There's a similar contradiction about in the bullish view on prices and monetary policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe a great Open Source platform will pop up from Sun or IBM or maybe Microsoft will decide to monetize the boojum out of it. Shirky FTW
  • The Luxembourg and Belgian francs are tied to one another in a monetary union in 1921.
  • The fact that rigidity in the monetary unit's purchasing power is unthinkable and unrealizable does not impair the methods of economic calculation.
  • The only other animal to be seen was a cockerel, to which one presumed was attached some monetary value.
  • There's a similar contradiction about in the bullish view on prices and monetary policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, in spite of the tightened monetary policy, the growth rate of private sector credit increased moderately.
  • The basic monetary unit is the Somali shilling, with one hundred cents equal to one shilling.
  • This massive monetary expansion has been accompanied by a steep downtrend in the federal funds rate.
  • The figures were expected by most experts, since May was the first month that the new prudential and restrictive monetary measures were implemented.
  • During the Empire professional delators were many because of the monetary rewards that awaited a winner.
  • As the government has assumed power over monetary policy in contemptuous disregard of the expressed wishes of the savers (to say nothing of the provisions of the Constitution), it aggrandizes power.
  • The line between monetary and fiscal measures has become increasingly blurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bank's monetary policy committee raised the borrowing cost to 2.25 percent in July amid solid growth prospects for the domestic economy and inflation concerns.
  • Profit or loss of a non-monetary assets transaction.
  • The growth of China's massive economy is beginning to slow as stimulus funds peter out and aggressive monetary tightening measures take effect.
  • Both Milton Friedman's theory of monetarism and the rational expectations school of macroeconomics challenged the effectiveness of activist monetary policy.
  • Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.
  • The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade. Sociology
  • Releasing more bailout funds will require the International Monetary Fund and European institutions to vouchsafe that Greece has not fallen short of its privatization and austerity pledges and the IMF will have to maintain that Greece's mountainous debt burden is sustainable. Move Buys Time for Greece, But Growing Debt Looms
  • The banks eagerly lent monety to people whose monthly income didn't cover PITI, much less the other minor things like food, transportation, other debts. "The government is promoting bad behavior...."
  • In the United States, the Coinage Act of 1873 officially demonetized silver, legally confirming a gold-based currency that - because of silver's relatively high price - was already the de facto standard.
  • Recovery in Europe poses a dilemma zz Varying pace mars progress By Emma Ross-Thomas and Gabi Thesing by Aoife White The Associated PressUpdated: 09/14/2009 07: 17: 53 AM PDT European Union Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Joaquin Almunia speaks during a media conference at EU headquarters in ... - Business News
  • In 1967 sterling was devalued against the dollar, but the monetary crisis deepened.
  • The shift to monetarism and the rejection of social reformism was not an unforeseen event that hit Labour from outside.
  • But now you no longer need a safe harbor from U.S. monetary tightening, so Malaysia shouldn't be selling at a premium.
  • Together these monetary and fiscal stimuli will help to boost growth in the fourth quarter, he says.
  • Bourgeois monetary relations were breaking down the old feudal ties that had existed in England and which had been grounded in a largely subsistence agricultural economy.
  • The line between monetary and fiscal measures has become increasingly blurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • It represents a new twilight zone for monetary policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new policy sets no time limit but vows to continue monetary easing until inflation has been firmly established above 2 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though the company achieved b*gger all turnover and its trade with the South American States produced little or no augmentation of their revenues, - it's only 'success', if you want to misname it that, being in the FORCED MIGRATION of thousands of SLAVES across the ocean - it continued to flourish as a dazzling monetary corporation - for a time. Look Back In Langour - Part 94
  • If there's a resistance to adverts, how do you monetise these sites?
  • He added his approval to the proposed monetary awards for Leonhard Euler and the widow of Tobias Mayer.
  • But in the medium term looser fiscal and monetary policy poses serious inflationary risks.
  • The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.
  • Their money is siluer and copper, for gold there is none current: they haue but one piece of siluer, and that is worth 12. pence English, and the copper money are called Pooles, and 120 of them goeth the value of the said 12. pence, and is more common paiment then the siluer, which the king causeth to rise and fall to his most aduantage euery other moneth, and sometimes twise The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It seems possible that the past three or four decades, which have seen such frenetic activity in the salerooms and such an increase in public awareness of the potential monetary value of art and antiques, have been untypical.
  • A country that gives up its monetary sovereignty by dollarising or adopting the euro may gain greater credibility on inflation but may have to pay more to compensate investors for counterparty risk.
  • It is made annually for eminence in organic chemistry and includes a monetary prize of £2000.
  • Silver, specie suspended mines discovered demonetized remonetized certificates free coinage of movement party A School History of the United States
  • One of the book's most compelling sections weaves together the varied auction history of Claude Monet's "Le Pont du chemin de fer à Argenteuil," an exemplary Impressionist landscape. An Auction Life, Self-Appraised
  • Before joining the Berlin chancellery, his career included stints at the International Monetary Fund and at the Bundesbank, where he led the monetary analysis department. Merkel Taps Adviser to Head Bundesbank
  • Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
  • Second, fiscal and monetary policies have become closely entwined. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beijing's intervention is a textbook example of the beggar-thy-neighbor competitive devaluation forbidden by the International Monetary Fund's charter.
  • Monetary policy works because borrowers have a higher propensity to spend out of income than savers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both need to maintain their capital base in monetary terms.
  • Under the 1979 and 1987 Banking Acts, a monetary sector was defined.
  • It also stressed that monetary conditions in Japan remain "accommodative," meaning interest rates are already low enough to stimulate corporate investment and spending. Bank of Japan Lowers
  • The system, at this point, demonstrates a strong proclivity to monetize rising prices - inflation begetting higher inflation.
  • In reality it was simply a recognition that the government had abandoned any serious attempt to keep monetary growth within targets.
  • Monetary policy in this country aims to target inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This pathological habit, known as monetarism, was already this form of monetarist imperialism, which prompted the initial, 1763 break of the patriots of English-speaking North America from the rapine associated with Lord Shelburne's British East India Company. LaRouche's Latest
  • Your effortless ability to explain the intricacies of monetary policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who told them to import our monetary policy? Times, Sunday Times
  • He notes that the company will monetize sales by selling images to users and splitting the revenue with the illustrators who created them.
  • City officials did not realize bond commission approval was necessary because the amendments did not concern monetary issues such as millage rates, Reeves said. New Orleans Saints Central
  • Polls in the past month have shown consistently that Mr. Sarkozy may not even make it to the election run-off, with International Monetary Fund boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Front National leader Marine Le Pen poised to outvote him in the first round. Sarkozy Set to Run for Re-election
  • Jan. 6 Bloomberg -- The Bank of Korea said it's alert to the risk of domestic imbalances arising from "accommodative" monetary policy, after meeting to discuss the -- Top News
  • He knew Monet as an associate, if not an intimate friend.
  • Battles over the monetary and literary estate of the Fresno author began as soon as he died of cancer at age 72.
  • The weaker data are unlikely to worry the Monetary Authority of Singapore, which tightened monetary policy at each of its last three half-yearly review meetings, analysts said. Singapore GDP Shrinks More Than Expected
  • The gallery will exhibit some of Monet's paintings.
  • They may also do so if they anticipate that their liquid assets may soon be squeezed by government monetary policy.
  • As a traditional tool, the effect of legal reserve requirement on monetary policy has been researched and cared for a long time.
  • It is clear that the present Governor loosened monetary policy earlier than his predecessor would have done.
  • The relative simplicity of the style, combined with its ability to incorporate in some abstracted manner more traditional architectonic elements -- Wagner's work incorporates clear if modified references to everything from Byzantine to Baroque -- renders it particularly useful for modern church-building, especially when budgets are a concern; there is less of the risk of the finished product appearing, in some sense, undercooked, when key decorative elements are removed due to monetary constraints. Jugendstil
  • The discipline of cash limits was repeatedly disregarded, with political factors often intervening to soften the government's monetarist convictions.
  • Going forward, high oil and other commodity prices and the impact of the anti-inflationary monetary stance will weigh on growth," the RBI said. India Lifts Benchmark Rates as Prices Climb
  • The monetary sector now comprises those institutions subject to the Bank's supervisory powers under the 1987 Banking Act.
  • The right place for the government in the conduct of monetary policy is to get out of the way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The non-monetary assets include such fixed assets as buildings, machines and equipments as well as such intangible assets as patent rights, trademark rights and non-patented technologies.
  • Deflationary and inflationary gaps can be closed by discretionary monetary and/or fiscal policy.
  • Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.
  • Yet this conclusion overlooks the serial price crashes that the economy has endured since gold was demonetized in 1971. There Is No Getting Around Gold
  • Economists like to tally things in dollars and cents, but the significance of what happened cannot be expressed in purely monetary terms. DOT.CON
  • Slower vehicles, less negotiable routes and higher monetary costs lead to fewer journeys and shorter distances - and thus less traffic.
  • Once you have a flat in central Berlin,you can always monetize it when the prices rise.
  • sermonette" by the pastor of this youthful flock. Blue Bonnet's Ranch Party
  • The demonetization of cowries or manillas provoked strong protest from people whose savings were in these forms, to such a degree, indeed, that the British were eventually forced to offer conversion facilities.
  • The backlash brought monetarist and supply-side doctrines into prominence.
  • The zero lower bound is one of the great myths of monetary economics.
  • A second argument is that monetary policy becomes impotent if it is overused. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘If you monetize it now, you get probably a pretty good multiple for the business… and you get some liquidity in the door today,’ he says.
  • The students first asked for monetary compensation of the month's rent after a leak from the washing machine buckled the floorboards, making them feel unsafe about living in the flat.
  • Monetarists have also defended the use of currency boards and direct dollarization, that is, the abandonment of domestic currencies, for the same reason.
  • Manet was irritated with his friends Monet and Degas when they decided to exhibit elsewhere than the official Salon.
  • According to the Daily Herald, "in lieu of taking unpaid days off (furlough days), an employee may also choose to have the accumulated monetary value of the furlough days prorated on an annual basis, and then deducted in equal amounts over the 26 pay checks they receive during the year. City of Aurora Agrees to Retroactive Raises and Guarantees of No Layoffs in Exchange for 2 Weeks of Furloughs for AFSCME Local 3298
  • (AFP) - Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday that "accommodative" monetary policies are still needed to sustain an economic recovery but - Articles related to Dollar jumps, stocks hurt by Fed action
  • I think he misreads the intent of the anti-World Trade Organization demonstrators in Seattle and the anti-International Monetary Fund / World Bank demonstrators in Washington.
  • It also bears out the bimetallist claim that the bimetallic price level should be more stable than the price level under a monometallism provided other things are reasonably equal and both precious metals are used for monetary purposes.
  • That is why my original article called explicitly for the active cooperation of monetary policy.
  • Eurodollar is an important system creation in the world economy and the monetary history.
  • When they met, Monet was seventeen and Boudin thirty-three.
  • Throughout its long history there have been lots of silver coins and denominations, adoption of the gold standard and numerous attempts at monetary union. Times, Sunday Times
  • The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade. Sociology
  • It is able to spend this way because it acts as the "scorekeeper" in the US monetary system whose function it is to mark up or mark down the monetary resources of all those who use its monopoly currency. Corrente
  • The chances of a loosening in monetary policy are slim while those price pressures remain. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, our current monetary system is the very perfection of financial boundlessness and unaccountability. Robin Koerner: A Balanced Budget Amendment Would Change Everything
  • The monetary unit in Mauritania is the ouguiya, which is divided into five khoums.
  • The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.
  • The government statisticians have the difficult task of excluding such monetary appreciation from the final calculation so as to include only real stock increases. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • They are betting that monetary policy will go back to being rather dull. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither do monetary policy measures publicized under the heading of stabilization imply a constancy of purchasing power.
  • History provides many examples where problems in the financial sector led to monetary instability.
  • Various economists were critical about monetary union for basically two reasons.
  • He doesn't allow partisanship to affect the main body of his work on international trade and monetary policy; he confines his misstatements to areas he doesn't know much about, like energy economics.
  • Recall that the authorities may have an interest in seeing interest rates rise in order to discourage bank lending and monetary growth.
  • As a step towards addressing these questions I would like to draw attention to another set of similitudes operative in ‘Loves Progress’: the monetary tropes linking value to love or desire.
  • Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.
  • For one, wages tend to be lower in authoritarian regimes than in democracies, giving businesses in dictatorships a monetary advantage in selling exports abroad.
  • But currently, the major obstacle to ensuring the validity of China's monetary policy lies in the credit contraction mechanism that still operates within its bank-dominated financial system.
  • Very loose monetary policy has had perverse distributional effects. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others with a more monetary bent could base their entire philanthropic nature on this tale of a robbing rodent who swipes from the miserly and scats on the insolvent.
  • The biggest spenders in monetary terms are Britain at €41 bn, France at €34 bn and Germany at €24 bn.
  • Battles over the monetary and literary estate of the Fresno author began as soon as he died of cancer at age 72.
  • This is a stark indicator of the fall in monetary growth since the end of the cold war.
  • The inflation control target is at the heart of Canadian monetary policy that the Bank and the Government have established.
  • Thatcher erect new barrier to monetary unity.
  • Rather than a repeat of July 2008, where everything just collapsed, it will be this slow-burning monetary tightening," she says, predicting that it will be 2012 before these anti-inflation measures really start to bite, choking off demand in the emerging world and bringing the oil price back down to earth. Still-fragile world economy braced for effects of another oil shock
  • When used in such a manner the term defraud has a legal rather than a dictionary meaning, and the legal interpretation of fraud or defraud is applied to those acts which seek to obtain that which has monetary value and to do so in an manner deamed illegal. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The launch of the euro as legal tender marks the completion of monetary union.
  • Notwithstanding occasional spells of credit-market pressure, further incremental monetary policy tightening is advisable to ensure inflation moderates and to prevent inflationary expectations becoming unanchored," the report said. OECD for Raising Rates to Combat Inflation in India
  • The gold standard is a monetary system in which paper money is freely convertible into a fixed amount of gold.
  • It is important to emphasise that changes in economic circumstances may again make it necessary to take appropriate monetary measures, which may not be in consonance with the present easy liquidity conditions.
  • Inflation is the process by which monetary authorities devalue their currency, and as Zimbabwe is teaching us now, one way to devalue is to overissue the currency in question. Baseball Cards And The Current Economy
  • A programme of strict economic austerity agreed with the International Monetary Fund is dead.
  • I think that the rule against perpetuities is easier to understand than this article about monetary liquidity. Read Later: 'How The Federal Reserve Bailed Out The World'
  • The monetary union insures that dutiable revenues are distributed fairly.
  • Yeah, higher inflation and therefore higher nominal interest rates that allow for more monetary policy flexibility during crises is theft! Matthew Yglesias » Olivier Blanchard on the Case for Higher Inflation
  • To be credible, a peg requires tight fiscal and monetary control.
  • Combined with what the late Ernest Mandel called "extra-economic" factors (such as pliant labor leadership and peaceful trade unionism, establishment of the Bretton Woods international monetary system, Cold War ideology and the suppression or pacification of any possible dissent, and relative decline in the price of oil and other raw materials in the immediate post-WW II period), the New Deal and other government-sponsored reforms ushered in a period of rapid economic expansion that came to be known as the "golden years of US capitalism," which lasted until around 1970. CounterPunch
  • Intending to describe the spring of the yeare, which euery man knoweth of himselfe, hearing the day of March named: the verses be very good the figure nought worth, if it were meant in Periphrase for the matter, that is the season of the yeare which should haue bene couertly disclosed by ambage, was by and by blabbed out by naming the day of the moneth, & so the purpose of the figure disapointed, peraduenture it had bin better to haue said thus: The Arte of English Poesie
  • With monetary union, the real economy of Euroland becomes something like a schoolyard game of crack-the-whip.
  • In the speech, Mr. Bullard argued for a return to what he called the "conventional wisdom" that monetary policy, not fiscal policy, should be the primary tool for stabilizing the economy. More Quantitative Easing Unnecessary, Fed Official Says
  • On several occasions, Monet painted the same view covered in a blanket of snow.
  • Greece is failing through monetary union: Britain will leave if political union becomes unavoidable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main attraction at Giverny is Monet's garden.
  • So from a theoretical point of view it can be argued that an independent central bank may reduce the inflationary bias of monetary policy-making.
  • Professor Budd's remarks echo a widespread belief in the City that the Government needs to develop a credible monetary strategy.
  • His claim that ‘the fetishism of social relations becomes an established fact’ in a monetized society remains underelaborated.
  • Here the sumptuous richness of digital video is brought to an extreme, an impressionistic dazzle which almost overwhelms, the play of light and color as vivid and subtle as Monet, but moving, and richly attended with sounds.
  • This holds, by analogy to physiological process, that once inflation has been extruded from the economic system by a sufficiently painful application of monetarism - the economic and oral equivalent of a major dose of castor oil or epsom salts - it is gone for good. Economic Policy and the Liberal Left
  • A small monetary union here would be relatively safe, under almost any conceivable scenario.
  • Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany.
  • But the government was forced to tighten monetary policy in 1995 and last year; the boom slowed.
  • The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound.
  • The IMF should not dictate how Mexico should run its monetary policies.
  • In the case of monetary policy the executive ceded power to the Bank, in matters of military policy it should cede power to parliament.
  • For companies with equity capital or revenue streams, government funds can be used to advance mainstream projects or to develop projects that could otherwise languish for lack of monetary resources.
  • She began by supporting monetarist economics, but later underwent quite a conversion when she saw how it increased unemployment.
  • In fact, the cost arising from the loss of national monetary sovereignty is lowered owing to the formation of efficient capital markets and labor markets.
  • Some economists question the effectiveness of monetary control as a means of regulating the economy.
  • Their eyes roll knowing they may have to give monetary handouts (i.e. kohas).
  • The decision is also in line with the decision of the South African Reserve Bank's Monetary Policy Committee that left its repo rate unchanged at 7.50% last week.
  • By dampening expected future sales, a deflationary monetary policy may decrease the firm's net worth.
  • The discipline of cash limits was repeatedly disregarded, with political factors often intervening to soften the government's monetarist convictions.
  • Thus arguments for controlling local authorities' spending would appear to weigh even less powerfully within monetarist theory than in Keynesian arguments.
  • That's not much of a discriminator, because all scientists are under career pressure all the time, but it does point up the fact that this kind of misconduct is not motivated by simple monetary gain.
  • A new accord between the Federal Reserve and Treasury should re-establish the Fed's independence and accountability so that it is not called upon to monetize the debt or engage in credit allocation.
  • But expectations of more monetary stimulus have further weakened the dollar, increasing demand for commodities that are mainly traded in greenbacks, and potentially creating inflationary problems for other countries. China: Dollar Printing Creates Inflation
  • It is also shown that mismeasurements in the price index may damage the credibility of a central bank, since it will be quite difficult to observe the achievement of monetary policy commitment.
  • The trick is to monetize this buzz, to make liberal use of her celebrity pixie dust to undo the damage her legal woes did to her company.
  • Obviously, if someone is involved in an accident and injures themself seriously then yes, they are entitled to monetary compensation for that injury.
  • This began to change in the 1970s as stagflation made many conservative economic ideas, such as monetarism, more academically respectable. The End Of The Think Tank
  • With the benefit of hindsight, one of the main conclusions from this paper was that as inflation and interest rates approach zero and the risk of deflation is high, the monetary and fiscal authorities must go beyond what most conventional models would suggest in order to "reflate" the economy. 2003 Investment Outlook

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