How To Use Monarchism In A Sentence
The Internet is a hotbed of royalism; anti-monarchism and republicanism are comparatively thinly represented.
Conservatives were reassured when at the end of 1921 Fascism became an organized party, the Partito Nazionale Fascista, and embraced monarchism and liberal economics.
Radical political exiles used the Kaspar Hauser story as a way to attack German monarchism.
This is where my monarchism has, logically, taken me.
Times, Sunday Times
There reason to see the Church as an agent of monarchism and social hierarchy.
It is certain that National Socialism does not favor monarchism and is definitely republican in conviction.
Rather than defending monarchism as a principle, they say that the monarchy pays for itself by encouraging tourism.
The Times Literary Supplement
Adams's Federalist presidency was more bitter still, and the 1800 rematch produced charges of atheism and libertinism against Jefferson, and of monarchism against Adams.
How does he reconcile Dante's monarchism with modern egalitarianism?
For the sake of those who have given up on democracy and are reverting to monarchism: the people are against this war.
The Western Han Dynasty needed to establish its political authority, ideological authority and hierarchy of the feudal monarchism.
Between the uncircumscribed freedom of parliamentarism and a presidentialism that resembles monarchism, the latter is preferable.
If you challenge the subjectivity of judgment, you are accused of absolutism, which is about as bad as believing in monarchism or the persecution of witches.
Though this displays the conservative side to Scottish nationalism, it is not objectionable to the Catholic hierarchy who can co-exist with the market, monarchism and militarism.
Clough translated it in 1834, and Hardy has given an interesting summary of it in his Eastern Monarchism; but neither the text nor any complete translation is readily accessible, and I have therefore thought that this edition might possibly be acceptable to those who desire information respecting the practice of Buddhism in Ceylon, where, as is well pointed out by Mr. Childers, in his Pli Dictionary, (s.v. Nibbnam, p. 272, note), Buddhism retains almost its pristine purity.
The Admission and Ordination Ceremonies. III. The Order. Reprinted from a paper by J.F. Dickson, B. A., in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1874.
That is, the long-term result of the whole dirty business is just as likely to be the consolidation of our form of constitutional monarchism.
The rather weak excuse some of them gave for their obvious enthusiasm was that it wasn't so much monarchism that they hated, but the British monarchy.
The Internet is a hotbed of royalism; anti-monarchism and republicanism are comparatively thinly represented.
In any popular contest between what he quaintly calls 'monarchist' and his own liking, 'revolution', monarchism would win hands down.
Times, Sunday Times
Preferring to be a citizen rather than a subject, I had misgivings that this would convert me to monarchism - in fact, it revitalised my republicanism.
Speaking as a republican for reasons of well-founded political cynicism, I don't recall monarchism at a lower ebb.
His monarchism was held against him after the 1917 Revolution, until Stalin revealed his liking for him.
Philosophical positions ranged from sophiology to personalism; political positions from nationalism to socialism, from monarchism to republicanism.
The Times Literary Supplement
He is best known for defending monarchism on the technical grounds of time-preference.
In the side of civil rights, Tan Shitong' s advocation raised the curtain of a fierce competition between bourgeoisie ideology of democratic rights and the monarchism.
It is difficult to know whether inevitabilism is genuine support for the republic or rather amounts to a form of monarchism.
The early part of the 1990s, when monarchism dared not speak its name and supporters of the Crown felt as though they were a beleaguered minority, seems like a bygone age.
The test of true monarchism in a nation would be our tolerance of a really bad monarch.
Times, Sunday Times