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monarch butterfly

  1. large migratory American butterfly having deep orange wings with black and white markings; the larvae feed on milkweed

How To Use monarch butterfly In A Sentence

  • In 2009 Erika Harrsch developed the project "United States of North America" which is a continuation with the Monarch Butterfly subject, this time opening up a dialogue on nationality and immigration.
  • A study published last May in Nature found that the toxins dispersed from the pollen of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) corn, a Novartis product, can kill nonpest insects, including the monarch butterfly — a problem with potentially enormous ecological implications. The Kept University
  • The caterpillars of the monarch butterfly, surprisingly, are able to feed on milkweed without taking any of these precautions.
  • My first glimpse of a snow buttercup flowering beneath a thin pane of ice was not unlike my first experience of watching a monarch butterfly emerge from its cocoon.
  • The monarch butterfly migration is one of the natural world's great spectacles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some insects, like the monarch butterfly, migrate to warmer climes in winter.
  • The wings of the monarch butterfly, for example, contain powerful heart-stopping poisons called cardiac glycosides.
  • Conservationists and others concerned about the fate of the monarch butterfly may be heartened by a recent survey of milkweed distribution in the major U.S. corn-growing area.
  • The monarch butterfly can discern tastes 12,0000 times more subtle than those perceivable by human taste buds.
  • Late in the afternoon, a monarch butterfly would come and perch like a feather on my face and tickle me awake with its spindly legs.
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