How To Use Molybdenite In A Sentence
Molybdenum occurs in nature chiefly as molybdenite (MoS_ {2}); it also occurs in wulfenite, a molybdate of lead (PbMoO_ {4}), and in molybdic ochre (MoO_ {3}).
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
Willman reported astrophyllite, biotite, molybdenite, and riebeckite associated with smoky quartz and microcline (variety amazonite) on Mount Kineo at North Cheyenne Canyon.
Arsenopyrite, cassiterite, molybdenite, wolframite, uraninite, and several of the common sulfides have all been observed at various locations.
At the Redskin mine, molybdenite is found in small cylindrical greisen pipes in the Redskin Granite.
- Strong quartz stockwork with molybdenite in biotite hornfels has been observed adjacent to the Ethel zone (Drill Hole MX07-01).
Feldspar has been hydrothermally altered by a fluorine-rich water vapor to quartz, mica (usually lithian), topaz and/or tourmaline with fluorite, cassiterite, molybdenite, rutile, and wolframite as typical accessory minerals.
Willman reported astrophyllite, biotite, molybdenite, and riebeckite associated with smoky quartz and microcline (variety amazonite) on Mount Kineo at North Cheyenne Canyon.
The labels apprise me of their contents: molybdenite of ammonia, chloride of antimony, permanganate of potash and ever so many other strange terms.
The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
Some molybdenite forms when igneous bodies contact rock and metamorphose, or change, the rock.
- A fragment (or xenolith) of well mineralized intrusive within barren granodiorite was observed in drill hole MX07-03; - Disseminated molybdenite has recently been observed in intrusive rocks at the 805 mine level, currently below the Z zone described previously; and, - Strong quartz stockwork with molybdenite in biotite hornfels has been observed adjacent to the Ethel zone (Drill Hole MX07-01). Aktuelle Nachrichten
Arsenopyrite, cassiterite, molybdenite, wolframite, uraninite, and several of the common sulfides have all been observed at various locations.
In 1778, Swedish chemist Carl William Scheele was studying, what he thought was lead, in the mineral molybdenite.
The most important ore source of molybdenum is the mineral molybdenite.
The chief ore minerals are molybdenite (molybdenum sulphide) and wulfenite (lead molybdate).
The Economic Aspect of Geology
Molybdenum occurs in nature chiefly as molybdenite (MoS_ {2}); it also occurs in wulfenite, a molybdate of lead (PbMoO_ {4}), and in molybdic ochre (MoO_ {3}).
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
Molybdenum never occurs as the free element in nature, but is most commonly found in the minerals molybdenite and wulfenite.
Geologically, molybdenite forms in high-temperature environments such as in igneous rocks.
True, in the august presence of rhombohedral crystals, retinasphaltic resins, gehlenites, Fassaites, molybdenites, tungstates of manganese, and titanite of zirconium, why, the most facile of tongues may make a slip now and then.
Journey to the Interior of the Earth
When it rises through fractures in the surrounding solid rocks, these metals are precipitated, normally as the minerals chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite.
Closeups of cobaltite, top, a rare ore of cobalt, and molybdenite, bottom, the main ore of molybdenum.
LME to Broaden Metals Reach
At Azegour, Morocco, uraninite occurs in tactite with molybdenite, chalcopyrite, barite, pyrite, hematite, and garnet.
Iron, copper, and arsenical pyrites, antimony, galena, molybdenite, zinc blende, and wolfram were treated in the above manner with similar results.
Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
High on the slopes of Bartlett Mountain, it contained not only gold values but also veinlets of a soft gray mineral - molybdenite.
The skarns also contain hornblende, calcite, pyroxene, tremolite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, galena, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, garnet (probably andradite or grossular), and pyrite.
The central potassic core normally contains low-grade mineralization consisting of minor chalcopyrite, molybdenite, and pyrite.
Molybdenum was discovered by the Swedish scientist, Peter Hjelm in 1781, three years after Carl Scheele proposed that a previously unknown element could be found in the mineral molybdenite.
Rhenium does not form minerals of its own, but it does occur as a trace element in columbite, tantalite and molybdenite.
Molybdenum was extracted from the granite in Baltschieder during the second world war, from a unique occurrence where molybdenum is present in granite as molybdenite.
Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, Switzerland
Closeups of cobaltite, top, a rare ore of cobalt, and molybdenite, bottom, the main ore of molybdenum.
LME to Broaden Metals Reach
- A fragment (or xenolith) of well mineralized intrusive within barren granodiorite was observed in drill hole MX07-03; - Disseminated molybdenite has recently been observed in intrusive rocks at the 805 mine level, currently below the Z zone described previously; and, - Strong quartz stockwork with molybdenite in biotite hornfels has been observed adjacent to the Ethel zone (Drill Hole MX07-01). Aktuelle Nachrichten
Arsenopyrite, cassiterite, molybdenite, wolframite, uraninite, and several of the common sulfides have all been observed at various locations.
Specifically, it is obtained from the processing of the mineral molybdenite (a molybdenum ore) that is found in porphyry copper deposits.
The United States produces significant quantities of molybdenite from mines in Colorado, New Mexico, and Idaho.