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How To Use Mollusc In A Sentence

  • This South Wales operation uses hand-raking and sieving to harvest the molluscs.
  • The Journal is the most widely cited of all malacological journals and publishes papers dealing with all aspects of the study of molluscs.
  • These creatures are quite distinct from fish, crustaceans, and molluscs.
  • Small crustaceans and young molluscs make up the bulk of their diet, along with algal cells, which are ground up in the muscular gizzard at the beginning of the gut.
  • Most biologists are familiar with only a few of the approximately 40 extant animal phyla such as annelids, arthropods, molluscs, echinoderms and chordates.
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  • Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
  • However, as early as 1923 Collip reported finding insulin-like activity in a bivalve mollusc, Mya arenaria.
  • Here we are with an echinoderm, a mollusc, and a chordate. Steve Steve and the Pirates and Philosophers of the Prairie - The Panda's Thumb
  • The smaller waders will feed on the bivalve molluscs and the little worms and that that are actually in the mud and sand.
  • In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, onychophorans, poriferans, and priapulids show up in rocks all over the world.
  • The Koobi Fora deposits are rich in pre-human, mammalian, molluscan and other fossil remains and have contributed more to the understanding of palaeoenvironments than any other site on the continent. Lake Turkana National Parks, Kenya
  • Molluscs, barnacles, mussels, oysters, tortoises, hedgehogs, armadillos, porcupines, rhinos all grow their own.
  • British conchology, or An account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas. Not so modern conchology, but fully digitized nevertheless
  • Circulating blood cells known as hemocytes represent the main cellular component of the molluscan immune system.
  • Mollusca, rotifers, polyzoa, and such infusoria as are not included in types (1) and (2) belong to the massive type, in which the body and its parts form rounded masses. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The fossiliferous horizons occur in greenish to greyish siltstones and brown to black fissile shales associated with mollusc shells.
  • Submarine trenches usually develop downward from depths around 6,000 m, the beginning of the hadal region, exclusive domain of highly specialized and exquisite molluscan communities.
  • One of these is the bivalves (sometimes called pelecypods or lamellibranchs), an important group of bivalved molluscs familiar to all from the numerous shells that litter beaches.
  • Some molluscs are carnivorous, and are secondary consumers in their aquatic ecosystems.
  • A factor must surely be that by far the majority of mollusc species are aquatic (I am assuming again) and harder to study. Where are all the malacologists?
  • I am trying to recall the peculiar instincts of the monsters of the preadamite world, who, coming next in succession after the molluscs, the crustaceans and le fishes, preceded the animals of mammalian race upon the earth. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • These drainages envelop the ephemeral wet surfaces and subterranean systems that rarely hold a diverse molluscan fauna.
  • Lyell's visits to France and Italy led him to propose a threefold stratigraphical division of the Tertiary rocks there on the basis of the proportion of recent to extinct species of mollusc present.
  • Mollusca is the second biggest phylum in animal kingdom.
  • The foregoing remarks appear to apply to the case of the Mollusca, which, at a very early period, had reached a high organization and a great development of forms and species in the testaceous Cephalopoda. On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species
  • Beneath the shallow turf line the loose stoneless silt loam contained slight iron staining and abundant molluscs.
  • This leads to harmful effects for marine life that rely on calcification, such as crustacea and molluscs. British seas: More fish, cleaner and greater biodiversity, says Defra
  • Action molluscicide Frescon elements non-target fauna tropical lakes Xml's
  • Many suspension-feeding marine bivalve molluscs live in variable environments such as estuaries and shallow coastal waters.
  • The bulk of their diet is made up of crustaceans and molluscs, larger fish become more piscivorous, feeding upon herring and sand eels.
  • Of all molluscan clades, only the gastropods undergo torsion.
  • The major categories of pesticides classified by target are fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, acaricides, molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides, avicides, and antibiotics.
  • Carnivorous sponges, free-swimming worms, crustaceans, and molluscs living in the Weddell Sea provide new insights into the evolution of ocean life. May 16th, 2007
  • Sedimentological investigations indicate a lacustrine depositional setting proximal to the coast, an interpretation also supported by the pulmonate molluscs and ostracods.
  • The fauna of this area is mainly characterised by Mediterranean species, with some exceptionally interesting ones such as a coleopter beetle which is native to the sierra and various species of molluscs and heteropterous insects.
  • Abalone belongs to the phylum Mollusca, a group which includes clams, scallops, sea slugs, octopuses, and squid.
  • Four new molluscan species, a bivalve and three gastropods, are named from shallow-marine, lower Upper Cretaceous strata in Oregon.
  • Rays and skates primarily feed on molluscs, crustaceans, worms and occasionally smaller fishes.
  • Among the molluscs and zoophytes, I found in the meshes of the net several species of alcyonarians, echini, hammers, spurs, dials, cerites, and hyalleae. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. English
  • Molluscs, after pairing and copulation, lay a white spawn; and this spawn, as in the case of the testacean, gets granular in time. The History of Animals
  • The new standards adopted will go a long way towards protecting human health, as they set out new, maximum limits for lead in fish, cadmium in rice, marine bivalve molluscs and cephalopods.
  • Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the overlying interbedded calcareous shales and thin molluscan limestones is beyond the scope of this report.
  • According to recent investigations, molluscum epitheliale is to be regarded as a hyperplasia of the rete, the growth probably beginning in the hair-follicles; the so-called molluscum bodies -- peculiar, rounded or ovoidal, sharply-defined, fatty-looking bodies found in microscopical examination of the growth -- are to be viewed as a form of epithelial degeneration. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Stare into a rockpool, and it's like being a kid again: urchins of every colour feed among weird and wonderful molluscs.
  • He was led to enunciate the following theses: -- [450] (1) that the mouth and anus of Vermes, Mollusca, Arthopoda, and probably Vertebrata, is derived from the elongated mouth of an ancestor resembling the Actinozoa; (2) that somites are derived from a series of archenteric pouches, like those of Actinozoa and Medusæ; (3) that excretory organs (nephridia, segmental organs) are derived from parts of these pouches which in the ancestral form, as in many polyps, were connected by a circular or longitudinal canal, and opened to the exterior by pores. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Difference of the Mollusca on the east and west coast of the Isthmus of Darien. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • Sea urchins, like bivalve molluscs, are cosmopolitan in their distribution and by selecting a range of species a regular supply of gametes can be obtained for laboratory testing purposes.
  • By the time they got to the dining room, the dumplings were claggy and stuck to the steamers and the molluscs were all gone.
  • The only signs of the burrowing molluscs are their water intake and outlet openings, just visible at the surface of a muddy seabed.
  • Many annelids and molluscs share patterns of development in early embryonic stages.
  • If we suppose the case of the discovery of a skeleton of a Greenland whale in a fossil state, not a single cetaceous animal being known to exist, what naturalist would have ventured conjecture on the possibility of a carcass so gigantic being supported on the minute crustacea and mollusca living in the frozen seas of the extreme North? Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Additional studies are required to resolve questions of vitellogenin regulation and the role of estrogens in bivalve molluscs.
  • In the normal shell this is all that takes place, but in the case of a mollusc whose interior is invaded by any small source of irritation, such as a borer, or a grain of sand, or other bit of foreign material, a process of alternate deposit of conchiolin and of aragonite goes on upon the invading matter, thus forming a pearl. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Add any available shellfish or molluscs - abalone, sea snail, Moreton Bay bugs.
  • A mollusc past the initial stages of growth increases in size without significantly changing the orientation and relative proportions of its organs.
  • The Sith tomb featured caverns, tunnels, and a large outdoor area, and we encountered several different enemies, including K'lor'slugs, which are giant molluscs that attacked us in groups when we got too close. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • Goldfish feed on crustaceans, insect larvae, molluscs and some vegetation.
  • Even if detailed studies of molluscan anatomy were forthcoming, the shell of molluscs would be of little use in cladistic analysis because of rampant convergence.
  • At the point of union (to facilitate which there is a hiatus in the margins of the peduncle) the sarcode or “flesh” of the coral is denuded, its place being occupied by ligaments, which by minute ramifications adhere so intimately to the coral stock or stem that severance therefrom cannot be effected without loss of life to the mollusc. My Tropic Isle
  • Only this morning I was musing (quietly to myself, as you do) that molluscum contagiosum* would be the perfect Hogwarts style spell ... then I see this great take on an old theme. On a lighter note
  • When it comes to invertebrates and molluscs, corals and sponges, the success rate falls considerably.
  • As the name suggests, molluscum contagiosum are extremely contagious and can be spread when children share clothes, towels, or even bathe together. You Raising Your Child
  • The fossiliferous horizons occur in greenish to greyish siltstones and brown to black fissile shales associated with mollusc shells.
  • According to recent investigations, molluscum epitheliale is to be regarded as a hyperplasia of the rete, the growth probably beginning in the hair-follicles; the so-called molluscum bodies -- peculiar, rounded or ovoidal, sharply-defined, fatty-looking bodies found in microscopical examination of the growth -- are to be viewed as a form of epithelial degeneration. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • But these treatments can be painful and as mollusca are perfectly harmless it's probably better to leave them alone. The Sun
  • Also, what you choose to apply topically must be determined by where the molluscum is located on the body. Times, Sunday Times
  • I attacked the bowl of molluscs using a great technique I was once taught for eating mussels without cutlery, by using an empty shell as a finger-sized pair of tongs.
  • Densely vegetated ditches with temporary standing water can be an important habitat for freshwater molluscs.
  • It should be added, though, that monoculture, especially of molluscs in brackish water and of predatory fish such as trout, salmon, or groupers, can furnish high annual yields that are commercially attractive in spite of substantial inputs: for these species, the food is extraneously supplied. Chapter 14
  • “A snail is a member of the mollusc family, which have soft bodies without any backbones—and those little things are called antennae, which are connected to its brain; it has tubular intestines that end with its mouth, and it moves by a gear-edged foot.” Flowers in the Attic
  • We continue to use these techniques for the isolation of new genes involved in physiological processes in fish and bivalve molluscs.
  • Over 200 species of micro-organisms, fish, crustaceans, polychaetes, echinoderms, coelenterates, and molluscs have been identified in the vent areas.
  • Soft-bodied squid replaced the hard-shelled ammonites as the leading molluscs.
  • And this is what we want to do now, briefly consider the infracommunity dynamics of trematodes in their molluscan hosts.
  • At the molluscan pace at which SDOT is proceeding to implement the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan, the vast majority of us will be dead before city has a connected network of actual bike TRAILS. Regional Transportation Plan Pt. 2, in which I Complain a Little « PubliCola
  • Presumably, these animals were searching for what we call infaunal prey: that is, animals that are living buried in the sediment, like molluscs, worms and burrowing crustaceans. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • A slender-bodied fish, common in inshore waters, feeding on shrimps, molluscs and small fish.
  • These can include loose/unstable joints which are prone to frequent dislocations, joint pain, fragile skin that bruises or tears easily, severe scarring, slow and poor wound healing, development of fleshy lesions (molluscoid pseudo tumors), chronic debilitating musculoskeletal pain, poor muscle tone, and gum disease. Emaxhealth
  • It is typical of vertebrates but rare among invertebrates, being seen in a few molluscs and arachnids.
  • In other words, true fishes were evolved -- destined in the course of ages to replace the cuttlefishes (which are mere molluscs) in dominating the seas. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • The eye of arthropod invertebrates (insects, crustaceans, etc.) is vastly different from the molluscan or vertebrate eye.
  • This one-day gathering is designed to facilitate contact among professional, amateur, and student malacologists who are interested in any aspect of molluscan biology. 10th meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Malacologists will be this Saturday
  • Both squids and belemnites belong to the group of molluscs known as Coleoidea, mostly fast-swimming creatures with a soft body and internal reduced shell (or in the case of the octopus no shell at all).
  • The mollusc phylum includes all soft - bodied animals without backbones.
  • Molluscs keep best on ice covered with a damp cloth, and should not be allowed to sit in a puddle of meltwater, which is saltless and therefore fatal to sea creatures. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • In fact, there are so many species of beetles that there are more species of beetles than the total number of species currently living in the Phyla Echinodermata, Mollusca, Annelida, Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria, and Porifera combined! Species richness
  • Calcareous plate used to covering the shell mouth of gasteropod molluscs; protective plate covering the gills in fishes.
  • Most viverrids are nocturnal hunters, feeding on small vertebrates (including carrion), insects, and other invertebrates including worms, crustaceans, and molluscs.
  • Generally fast-growing bivalved molluscs originated in near-shore environments, and later joined slower growing brachiopods offshore.
  • Conchology and Malacology are the study of the Mollusca.
  • Allergic reactions to molluscs, and consequently mollusc allergens, have not been as well studied as those of fish or crustacea.
  • As I focused on their faces and bodies, I could see that many of them were growth stunted and some were microcephalic (small heads due to brain damage, malnutrition, infection); their faces were covered with molluscum contagiosum (virally mediated warts) and impetigo. Dr. Jane Aronson: What Does a Bar Mitzvah Have to do With the Fate of Orphans Around the World?
  • “Responses of a Molluscan Smooth Muscle to Acetylcholine and 5-hydroxytryptamine.” MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Other animals with a pseudocoel, such as rotifers and acanthocephalans, appear to be more closely related to Lophotrochozoa, a large alliance of protostomes that includes molluscs, annelids, brachiopods, etc.
  • Think of molluscs and chances are it is shellfish such as limpets, whelks, scallops and mussels that spring to mind.
  • Living horseshoe crabs feed on molluscs, worms, and other tasty and nutritious marine invertebrates.
  • ‘Here, we supervise students and carry out research on the ecology, genetics and conservation of freshwater and marine molluscs in the rivers of the Amazon basin,’ he explains.
  • From the announcement:This one-day gathering is designed to facilitate contact among professional, amateur, and student malacologists who are interested in any aspect of molluscan biology. Mark your calendars: 11th Meeting of MAM
  • In the waters of Florida is a distinct curiosity in the form of an altogether different mollusc which is commonly known as the “bleeding-tooth shell,” the gory stains about the base of the tooth being highly significant. Tropic Days
  • The carbonate component is represented by rounded and polished grains of comminuted molluscs.
  • They are carnivorous, scavenging among carrion or preying on other molluscs, using their extensible proboscis, tipped with a radula, to reach into and extract nourishment from their victims.
  • More than 500 new species have been described or reported, including several mammals, one a new genus of otter shrew, more than ten amphibians and reptiles, several fish and arthropods, notably centipedes and harvestmen, and molluscs. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Molluscum contagiosum and warts are benign epidermal eruptions that result from viral infections of the skin.
  • a sign of inedibility are, the brilliantly coloured nudibranchiate molluscs, those curious annelids the Nereis and the Aphrodite or sea-mouse, and many other marine animals. Darwinism (1889)
  • Authors differ much as to the materials of which it is composed: some suppose it to consist of sea-worms, of the mollusca kind; others, of a kind of cuttle-fish, or a glutinous sea-plast called agal-agal. Domestic Pleasures, or, the Happy Fire-side
  • However, the standard molluscicide niclosamide has five times higher toxicity in 24 hours (LC50 = 12 mg) than garlic (55 mg). 8: Plant protection and pest control
  • We are so inveterately wedded to the conceptual decomposition of life that I know that this will seem to you like putting muddiest confusion in place of clearest thought, and relapsing into a molluscoid state of mind. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • This is deposited by the mollusc in very thin crystalline layers in the horny layers of conchiolin, so that the lining of the shell is built of approximately parallel layers of mineral and of animal substance. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • These measurements avoid dangerous amassments of molluscs along the nets and snails may be fed more quickly and weeding is facilitated.
  • The valued molluscs are fed hand-harvested kelp and some compounded seaweed diet, and are graded at regular intervals over the farming period of 36 to 40 months.
  • In this are comprised the six higher stems of the animal kingdom, the annulata and their descendants, the mollusca, echinoderma, articulata, tunicata, and vertebrata. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • A little of this can benefit marine life by providing carbonate ions - a vital constituent in the biochemical process by which sea creatures such as corals and molluscs build their shells.
  • Closely allied to the crustacea is the sub-family of the _mollusca_, which includes the oyster, clams, and similar creatures; also the snails, cuttle-fish, slugs, nautilus, sea-squirts, etc., etc. A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga
  • I think, considering the organization of these mollusca and crustacea, and looking at their very complex nature, that it does indeed require a very strong imagination to conceive that these were the first created of all living things. Essays
  • Think of molluscs and chances are it is shellfish such as limpets, whelks, scallops and mussels that spring to mind.
  • Densely vegetated ditches with temporary standing water can be an important habitat for freshwater molluscs.
  • However, aquaculture also includes the farming of other aquatic animals such as: molluscs (including oysters, abalone, mussels and scallops); crustaceans (such as shrimps, prawns, freshwater and marine crayfish); and aquatic plants (seaweeds).
  • Among molluscs, the Ammonites, related to the modern Pearly Nautilus, are an example of a race very numerous and varied during all the periods of the Reptilian Era, but disappearing at its close, leaving only a few collateral descendants in the squids, cuttlefish and nautili of the modern seas. Dinosaurs With Special Reference to the American Museum Collections
  • The 96 hour LC50 of two synthetic molluscicides is higher (i.e. less effective): phorate is 8: Plant protection and pest control
  • The kinds of material that can be dated are also slightly different, and include coral, mollusc shells, marl, bone, teeth, caliche and calcretes, peat, wood, and detrital sediment.
  • Spawn of fish, minute _mollusca_, the small classes of _squilla_ and The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831
  • Molluscum contagiosum and warts are benign epidermal eruptions that result from viral infections of the skin.
  • The cuttlefishes are molluscs and may be regarded as the highest of the backboneless or Invertebrate animals. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • Molluscs are all carnivorous; and of molluscs the calamary and the sepia are more than a match for fishes even of the large species. The History of Animals
  • They eat a wide range of prey, often octopus and small molluscs.
  • Molluscicides destroy snails and slugs, which can be pests of agriculture or, in waterbodies, the vector of human diseases such as schistosomiasis.
  • Molluscs are best in the breeding time, as the calamary, the sepia, and the octopus. The History of Animals
  • If you ordered a potato cake in New South Wales they would look at you strangely, until you realized that you needed to utter the word scallop instead, but in Victoria a scallop is a mollusc. At My Table
  • But these treatments can be painful and as mollusca are perfectly harmless it's probably better to leave them alone. The Sun
  • Mollusc shells are made primarily of calcium carbonate, with traces of strontium and other elements.
  • Conchiferans are ‘all molluscs except chitons and aplacophorans’ - i.e. snails, cephalopods, etc.
  • The shallow swamps provide an ideal habitat for juvenile shrimps, crustaceans, molluscs and fish, as well as breeding grounds for endangered species of marine turtles and horseshoe crabs.
  • Gyrodus was a ‘deep-bodied’ form rather like today's angelfishes, with heavy, crushing jaws that suggest it may have fed on molluscs or on corals.
  • The diagram above shows the early cleavages of the embryo of the scaphopod mollusc, Dentalium. The Panda's Thumb: June 2006 Archives
  • His tongue, pointed and muscular, came out of the crevice of his mouth in the enquiring way of a mollusc on the slab. A DARKENING STAIN
  • The wolf fish, which, despite its fearsome appearance, does not eat other fish, only molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms. This photo was a runner-up by Jim Greenfield.
  • The female releases her eggs one at a time, and one hatching the young animal will go through both a free-swimming trochophore and veliger stage, like all molluscs, before settling into an adult form in the muddy seafloor.
  • Those were the formative years of malacology when even the broadest classifications of most of the mollusc species were debatable. Archive 2009-01-01
  • In the animal kingdom, the mollusca are the rasorial type, which, however, only shews itself there in their soft and sluggish character, and their being very generally edible. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • Molluscicides destroy snails and slugs, which can be pests of agriculture or, in waterbodies, the vector of human diseases such as schistosomiasis.
  • So many of the molluscs are harvested that the colonies don't have a proper chance to repopulate. The Sun
  • Absence of proof failed to faze Alobar, however, since, thanks to the Bandaloop, he had witnessed three hundred and eighty-five thousand, eight hundred and six sunrises in his life, and judging from the milky molluscan glow seeping through the barred window, was about to witness yet another. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Wesley appraised Ted's thick lips as they vibrated, like two fat, pink molluscs performing a shifty rhumba. BEHINDLINGS
  • A. the same period he published a series of Memoirs on the A.atomy of the Mollusca, and devoted his attention to a detailed examination of the fossil remains of the bones of mammiferous animals; he particularly examined the numerous fossils in the environs of Paris, assisted in the geological part of his task by his friend M.A. Brogniart. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 564, September 1, 1832
  • The MIT researcher is also looking at other marine molluscs, including sea urchins, chitons, and the Senegal bichir. Three-Layered Snail Shell Inspires Better Body Armor | Inhabitat
  • It means the cockle quality has never been tested so the molluscs are deemed unfit for human consumption.
  • It turned out that 5-year-old Amaya had a condition called molluscum contagiosum. Just News - Local News
  • The banks of Aripo are not the only localities, nor is the _acicula_ the only mollusc, by which pearls are furnished. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • Despite their obvious differences, both mollusc shells and arthropod cuticle contain chitin.
  • There is another genus of the hard-shell kind, which is called oyster; another of the soft-shell kind, not as yet designated by a single term, such as the spiny crawfish and the various kinds of crabs and lobsters; and another of molluscs, as the two kinds of calamary and the cuttle-fish; that of insects is different. The History of Animals
  • Yet other creatures — whelks, cuttlefishes, oysters, snails, and all their tribe (“Mollusca”) — resemble one another in the same way, but differ from both Essays
  • Though certain species of molluscs have their respective habitats, and that which is considered rare in one part may be common in another, there are few which have not a general interest for the scientific conchologist. My Tropic Isle
  • Frogs, crabs, molluscs, aquatic insects, and larvae are some of the items included in their diets.
  • More than 700 creatures new to science, ranging from crustaceans and molluscs to carnivorous sponges and free-swimming worms, have been discovered on a series ... Todd Palmer and Rob Pringle: Reading Lion Tracks: New York Times' Friedman on Vacation in the Bush
  • interests are in all things molluscan, ie: shell collecting (recent and fossil), conchology and malacology (study of shells and shellfish), and molluscan ecology and conservation.
  • This marine worm, first described in 1949 as an acoel flatworm and later claimed as either an early metazoan offshoot or a primitive deuterostome, has recently been affiliated with primitive bivalve molluscs, based upon a study of gamete development oogenesis and an analysis of sequence data from both 18S rRNA and mitochondrial genes. Strange worm, Xenoturbella - The Panda's Thumb
  • Further, in a universal deluge, without special miracle vast numbers of even the salt water animals could not fail to be extirpated; in particular, almost all the molluscs of the littoral and laminarian zones. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • Other molluscs are present but less common, including bivalves, scaphopods, orthoconic cephalopods, tentaculitids, and small, indeterminate juvenile ammonoids.
  • In molluscs, the direction of coiling of the shell corresponds with the spiral arrangement of the cleavage.
  • He has also shown that the initiation and development of the columellar plaits in Voluta, Mitra, and other gasteropod molluscs Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
  • So many of the molluscs are harvested that the colonies don't have a proper chance to repopulate. The Sun
  • Of those swimming creatures that appear to have feet, as is the case with the molluscs, these creatures swim by the aid of their feet and their fins as well, and they swim most rapidly backwards in the direction of the trunk, as is the case with the cuttle-fish or sepia and the calamary; and, by the way, neither of these latter can walk as the poulpe or octopus can. The History of Animals
  • Such are the tints of the beautiful nudibranchiate mollusc, Glaucus atlanticus, and many others. Darwinism (1889)
  • The position and composition of these cells suggests that they are homologous to the gliointerstitial cell system of molluscs, sipunculans, annelids echiurans.
  • The flesh of the luth or leathery turtle (DERMOCHELYS CORIACEA) which diets on fish, crustacea, molluscs, radiates, and other animals, causes symptoms of poisoning; but the luth does not appear to be common in this part of the Pacific, though it occurs in The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Water-living animals, such as fish, molluscs, sea urchins and corals, are much more promising candidates for preservation.
  • Frankly, they backed into their mollusc caves round about May and emerge only when I manage to procure a germane species of earth worm from my back yard.
  • There are two types of mollusc that are actively venomous.
  • Mata Menge, however, produced a small number of stone tools, including some made of nonlocal chert, as well as remains of large stegodon, crocodile, giant rat, freshwater molluscs, and plants. First Mariners
  • Jackson's [261] work on the mechanical origin of characters in the lamellibranch molluscs. Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
  • The method of this work will facilitate studies of growth and forms of fossil molluscs in the framework of developmental paleobiology.
  • In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, onychophorans, poriferans, and priapulids show up in rocks all over the world.
  • Mollusc contamination affected the barge and tug, some tyres and other fenders.
  • Slugs and snails are mainly nocturnal, and the sun's heat can be fatal to slugs and to all mollusc eggs, so cultivate the soil thoroughly to bring them to the surface.
  • Sea urchins, like bivalve molluscs, are cosmopolitan in their distribution.
  • The doctor said they were 'mollusca' and advised us to leave them alone. The Sun
  • Slug pellets only work in the soil, where the molluscicide is released in rainwater. Times, Sunday Times
  • This section covers almost all of the Mollusca except the three huge clades of advanced mollusks: Bivalvia, Cephalopoda, and Gastropoda.
  • All kinds of shell-fish are called "mollusca," have white blood, and breathe not only in the water, but also in the air. Lord Dolphin
  • The embryo of a Vertebrate might at a certain stage of development, be called a mollusc, if for instance, it had the heart of a mollusc. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Slugs and snails are mainly nocturnal, and the sun's heat can be fatal to slugs and to all mollusc eggs, so cultivate the soil thoroughly to bring them to the surface.
  • In the waters of Florida is a distinct curiosity in the form of an altogether different mollusc which is commonly known as the Tropic Days
  • Molluscs are dominated by a few species characteristic of open, wet ground typical of ancient British periglacial conditions, that is of freezing cold landscapes close to permanent ice sheets.
  • This makes brachiopods look superficially like bivalved molluscs (clams, oysters, etc.)
  • Bulletin No. 1 featured an article by Moore and Butler titled Land and fresh water mollusca observed in Franklin County, Indiana. Bulletin of the Brookville Society of Natural History
  • Hermit crabs are unusual in that the abdomen is asymmetrical (to fit into the empty mollusc shell which is its house), and soft and unarmoured (because the mollusc shell provides protection). THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • From the announcement: This one-day gathering is designed to facilitate contact among professional, amateur, and student malacologists who are interested in any aspect of molluscan biology. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Though they might superficially look like just another kind of mollusc, brachiopods belonged to an entirely different phylum, one that flourished during the past but has been reduced to just a handful of species today. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The doctor said they were 'mollusca' and advised us to leave them alone. The Sun
  • Bea, our bone specialist, had the final say, identifying one of the three pieces as being possibly of dentalium, from the weird and wonderful world of molluscs. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Small Finds Conservation Report 1
  • As examples, she worked on lampreys in the early sixties, molluscs and lancelet in the early seventies, and teleosts in the early eighties.
  • In molluscs, engrailed expression surrounds the shell gland of snails and scaphopods.
  • Entering the water from the shore, the first animal we spot may well be a mollusc such as a limpet or dog-whelk.
  • Barnacles are crustaceans like crabs and shrimps but, because of their appearance, until the 19th century they were thought to be molluscs like limpets and whelks.
  • The remain relic major in mountain shellfishes (Cyclophorus) and spring shellfishes (Melania), some fresh water mollusc and some subdimentary labour tools. The News is - The News is Now Public
  • A short survey to a depth of 20 m revealed 168 species of finfish, 60 species of cnidaria, including corals, 8 molluscs, 14 sponges, 11 echinoderms, 15 arthropods and 8 annelid worms. Pitons Management Area, Saint Lucia
  • The adaptations of gastropods for drilling molluscan prey also increased during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.
  • The major categories of pesticides classified by target are fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, acaricides, molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides, avicides, and antibiotics.
  • The case was really one of large congenital naevus pilosus and fibroma molluscum combined. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • I content myself in knowing that at SDOT's current molluscan pace the Seattle Master Bicycle Plan will be fully implemented in the fullness of time -- i.e., in about 60 years. Mapping Seattle’s Bicycling Future « PubliCola

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