How To Use Moll In A Sentence
The driver was not mollified, not even a little bit.
Cousin Molle goes to Cambridge and the niece is the only visitor.
Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
Together, they were able to mollify workers and quietly implement the destruction of thousands of jobs.
Distinct from their nautiloid relatives, and alone among all mollusks, coleoids lack a shell.
Archive 2008-02-01
It was so obvious they have had contact since NZ and this was a scripted farce to deter us from the fact that Jason Mesnick the most hated man in America and his ice princess walk of shamer Molly WERE CHEATING.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch

This South Wales operation uses hand-raking and sieving to harvest the molluscs.
A range of shampoos, emollient products and some topical steroid preparations can be bought from pharmacies.
Molly had fought and overcome her fear of flying.
I ordered the Quattro panini as did Molly and Patty and we all raved.
Mollusks are the second most diverse group of plants and animals in the world.
As gardeners already know, all other slugs and snails (or gastropod mollusks, to the experts) sport a soft and slimy foot.
The Journal is the most widely cited of all malacological journals and publishes papers dealing with all aspects of the study of molluscs.
Those who hate the US will continue to hate the US; the kind of people who hate the US, we should have * no* interest in mollifying.
Iraqi democracy « BuzzMachine
Molly: Then I suggest you set up a buffet with appropriate finger food and draft beer.
BERNARD KALB, HOST: Molly, since we're practicing bilinguality, let me go from chutzpah to maven.
CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: The Real Al Gore and George Bush: Is the Press Getting the Full Story or Falling for the Image? - March 25, 2000
his unsuccessful mollification of the mob
The ruckus at the door had focused itself into one six-foot hurricane that was headed straight Molly's way.
She managed to mollify the angry customer
The roasted fruit is emollient and used as a poultice in the treatment of gumboils, dental abscesses etc.
These creatures are quite distinct from fish, crustaceans, and molluscs.
These taxa consist of a broad array of organisms, including foraminifers, corals, bryozoans, mollusks, echinoderms, and fish.
I read it again, but instead of seeing a heavily made up moll with a dark bob and beaded dress with a pout, I envisioned a sleazy, straight, middle-aged white man.
The actress has a new movie coming out called Gloria, in which she is a leggy gangster's moll who suddenly has to take care of a sassy, streetwise kid.
The native medicaster, having placed the green leaves on the patient's temples, would be brewing a concoction of emollient simples.
The Great White Tribe in Filipinia
Songs in this video: Molly Lewis's "My Hope" bit. ly Hank Green's "Nerdfighteria island" bit. ly and Mike Lombardo's "You Should Know," which he wrote for Hank's birthday bit. ly All artists are on DFTBA Records, the artist-driven record label cofounded by Hank. - Articles related to SkyTeam place ses pions en Asie et en Afrique
Molly brought three packs out from the back of the half-track, and Peter threw the last small bits of concrete away from where Cal was working.
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Over the years I'd become accustomed to Molly and her tangential thinking.
Byng (who incidentally is the brother of Georgia Byng, author of the Molly Moon books for children) estimates the series will be completed in 2038!
A Short History of Myth by Karen Armstrong: Book summary
Fish biologists descend in bathyspheres and submarines to the deepest oceanic canyon, and trawlers scrape up odd saltwater nematodes and mollusks from the bottom sediments.
Small crustaceans and young molluscs make up the bulk of their diet, along with algal cells, which are ground up in the muscular gizzard at the beginning of the gut.
Six chickens, two ducks, a cow, and a fuzzy grey gosling named Molly also came with the house.
Exit the Actress
Mahomet-Mollah, who was a cadi in the aoul of Jarach, in the khanate of
Life of Schamyl And Narrative of the Circassian War of Independence Against Russia
In truth, the party will remain unelectable until it learns how to conduct a conversation with the country, employing a more emollient vocabulary…
Very occasionally, emollient creams may sting the skin when first applied to very dry skin.
In the literature of the eighteenth century the warrant is inseparably associated with the short, incurvated service sword commonly known as the cutlass or hanger; but in the press-gang prints of the period the gangsmen are generally armed with stout clubs answering to Smollett's
The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
Traditionally the treatment of atopic dermatitis has included the frequent use of emollients and the intermittent use of topical corticosteroids to control acute flares.
The success of this cosmopolitan mollusk has much to do with its prowess as a swash rider.
Molly won a bronze medal in the 200 meter backstroke, swimming a lifetime best of 2:16.42.
Most biologists are familiar with only a few of the approximately 40 extant animal phyla such as annelids, arthropods, molluscs, echinoderms and chordates.
The emollient creams make the top layers of skin seem moister for a short time, but the other ingredients are actually drying the skin so you have to use more of the lotion, etc.
You must have tried the standard treatment with emollients, which soften the skin and increase its water content.
We do have pages on the Solenogastres and the worm-like Caudofoveata, as well as the chitons and some early shelled mollusks, the Rostroconchia.
Mollie Steimer, a leading anarchist and advocate for the rights of political prisoners, was a codefendant in one of the most publicized antiradical trials in American history.
Mollie Steimer.
Part of the aim was to contain worthy claims being made by popular movements, to mollify demands for bread and votes with food for the spirit.
Sherman typically enacts a series of portraits - Elizabethan whores, gangster's molls, and now a series of clowns.
Clams reproduce sexually and like most mollusks they are hermaphroditic, although some soft shelled clams are dioecious, meaning they have distinct genders.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
Mother Clap's Molly House is a camp spectacle reminiscent of music hall and it has some shockingly funny one liners.
Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
He subsequently traveled to The Hague to make more emollient, if less publicized, remarks.
JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR! news from Molly! fun with my point-and-shoot
Felix et errabunda XXXIII
However, as early as 1923 Collip reported finding insulin-like activity in a bivalve mollusc, Mya arenaria.
One diplomat said the anti-war camp in fact raised no objections to his proposal last week partly out of deference to his more emollient tone on their plans for European Union defence.
He did not mean that Judge Molloy should be protected and nurtured, which is the actual purpose of the species law.
NYT > Home Page
Molly, an English bulldog, graduated recruit training with Platoon 2103, Company G, in October, then took up duties as the depot mascot.
Molly stood up in surprise and noticed that she was now wearing a gauzy dress of iridescent white.
He was becoming a mollycoddle and a coward, she said, and it was time he stood on his own feet.
Here we are with an echinoderm, a mollusc, and a chordate.
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I suspect, however, that my mollycoddling is the modern version of benign neglect.
Times, Sunday Times
I raised my hands to mollify him, realising too late that he was in the wrong mood.
Moller, [37] quoting Nocard, describes a case where fracture occurred through the region of the foramen ovale and paralysis of the obturator nerve followed.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
Let's not mollycoddle our students!
Once mollified, they are possessed once again of that calm which is their birthright, their black gaze deep.
The smaller waders will feed on the bivalve molluscs and the little worms and that that are actually in the mud and sand.
Dear Mollie -- I was glad to know that bound with the fetters of Science, and depressed by thought, you were Struggling yet to ascend the rugged Steep -- where "Star eyed Science" and fame unfold their banners to every anxious aspirant, and under whose folds of magnitude and magnificence all alike are permitted to recumb, and recur those who have in vagrancy strayed "tracing Shadows" -- beware of
Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,June 2, 1854
_iuuerit_ aura,/obruta de mediis cumba resurget aquis ', ix 73' et si quae _dabit_ aura sinum, laxate rudentes ', and _Tr_ IV v 19-20' utque facis, remis ad opem luctare ferendam,/_dum ueniat_ placido mollior aura deo ',
The Last Poems of Ovid
The certified dogs and their trainers include Mullins and her dog Sampson; Pat Duper and Lizzie, a Dachshund; Elizabeth McGlaune and Cappi, an Australian Shepherd; and Charlotte Heald and Molli, a Border Collie mix.
John Harden: Advocacy Center Certifies Four New Therapy Dogs
Alfisols are intermediate in maturity between mollisols or spodosols and ultisols.
Castor oil is also a source of glycerine, and the combination of glycerine and hydroxy fatty acids makes it an excellent emollient and pigment carrier.
Some of the country's finest opera singers perform nightly in the lounge, and each room is decorated with musical antiques, like a grand piano (suites from $381; mollies.
The Kiwi Boutiques
The company's shift has mollified two of its harshest critics, the enviro groups Dogwood Alliance and ForestEthics.
In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, onychophorans, poriferans, and priapulids show up in rocks all over the world.
As a youth he played in a whole variety of positions, but when Stuttgart picked him up at 10-years old, he was a playmaker in the mould of an Andy Moller or Thomas Hassler.
Raup analyzed different types of mollusk conchs in terms of their geometrical properties.
Ziggy 4 - yep, he's the fourth Ziggy-pup Meldrum has owned - made his fame by going completely berko when Dicky Knee appeared during the Molly's Melodrama segment. | Top Stories
This easy to apply combination of pure Cocoa Butter and Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5) in a soothing, emollient base helps relieve sore, cracked nipples associated with breastfeeding.
He got drunk three times a week and made copious notes about Kate Molland and the human condition in his journal.
These can be either digitate forms, where the mollusks lived between small stromatolite fingers, or larger, domal stromatolite masses, which created areas where mollusks clustered.
Sinonovacula constricta ( Lamarck ) , a kind of mollusks , is important in marine aquaculture.
Molly whined, pulling back her hair into a long and swishy ponytail.
The Koobi Fora deposits are rich in pre-human, mammalian, molluscan and other fossil remains and have contributed more to the understanding of palaeoenvironments than any other site on the continent.
Lake Turkana National Parks, Kenya
Casillas raised a red and yellow carton cutout of Octopus Paul, the mollusk from the German zoo that predicted
Columnist: Stephen Miller
Molluscs, barnacles, mussels, oysters, tortoises, hedgehogs, armadillos, porcupines, rhinos all grow their own.
Abasio merely grunted as he went to unhitch Big Blue, leaving it to Olly to mollify Coyote.
Shelter, and the usual rude accommodation, supplemented on this occasion by a wandering luti and his vicious-looking baboon, as also a company of riotous charvadars, who insist on singing accompaniments to the luti's soul-harrowing tom-toming till after midnight, are obtained at the caravansarai of Deh Mollah.
Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
They have succeeded in developing embryos from the eggs of the sea urchin, of the nereis, and of mollusks, without spermatozoa.
Northern Nut Growers Association, Report of the Proceedings at the Third Annual Meeting Lancaster, Pennsylvania, December 18 and 19, 1912
Patty chose to explore several of Jordan's seafood offerings on our last visit: Blue Lantern Bay Scallops $18, the small bay mollusks set against braised radishes, beurre blanc, fish sauce, sea buckthorn, and - yes, nasturtium!
Jay Weston: Good Evening Vietnam: Red Medicine Is Here
British conchology, or An account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas.
Not so modern conchology, but fully digitized nevertheless
Thence I marched to Changachelling, first descending to the Tengling river, which divides the Catsuperri from the Molli ridge, and which I crossed.
Himalayan Journals — Complete
Molly had fought and overcome her fear of flying.
Brown was ready to mollify the union leaders, with whom he has a long and close association, with a pledge to continue the debate on the issue.
Molly was a believer in homeopathy and underwent her last operation and subsequent treatment in the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
Circulating blood cells known as hemocytes represent the main cellular component of the molluscan immune system.
He hates the prison system for its mollycoddling.
Times, Sunday Times
Moll took a moment to try to decipher it, feeling like she was playing an odd parlour game of charades.
Pro-Ciénaga reports 114 fish and 98 mollusks, making this the third most important source of the country's fishing and hydrobiological resources, after the basins of the Orinoco and Magdalena Rivers.
Magdalena-Santa Marta mangroves
Molly stayed twittering by the door, wonderful because she saw her King of Men cringing like a footboy before a shorter than himself.
Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
Mollusca, rotifers, polyzoa, and such infusoria as are not included in types (1) and (2) belong to the massive type, in which the body and its parts form rounded masses.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
Police recognized Moll and arrested him as a suspect in two grocery store robberies, also involving getaway cabs.
If so, email me! molly dot wood at cnet dot com. waynec_sf: RT @cnet Car Tech Live 183: CNET drives the
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When I talked about security, he gave me an emollient smile and said: ‘I think you'll find it very safe.’
There are issues which override party considerations and/or the mollification of an office holder's base.
Bi-Partisanship in a Non-Partisan World
Aunt Molly is a nag about regular meals.
This is no great film, but to treat it like some made-for-TV biopic of an unknown Midwestern gangster and his ditzy moll is itself a crime.
The fossiliferous horizons occur in greenish to greyish siltstones and brown to black fissile shales associated with mollusc shells.
Forget the friendly bear-hugs and the shaking of hands on the podiums, forget the barbed criticisms mollified by kind words.
Molly leapt to her feet, spluttering and howling with rage.
Mollie is the animal who is most opposed to the new government under Napoleon.
Animal Farm Character Profiles
This they thought had been the child, but it was her fundament, that was slipped out with the mollification of her straight entrail, which you call the bum-gut, and that merely by eating of too many tripes, as we have showed you before.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Cetearyl, cetyl, and stearyl alcohol also a waxy emollient that adds opacity to color
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Realising he has raised a red rag, he mollifies his provocative stance.
Submarine trenches usually develop downward from depths around 6,000 m, the beginning of the hadal region, exclusive domain of highly specialized and exquisite molluscan communities.
One of these is the bivalves (sometimes called pelecypods or lamellibranchs), an important group of bivalved molluscs familiar to all from the numerous shells that litter beaches.
We mollycoddle prisoners in this country, to some degree.
‘For lips, there is a shift towards orangey reds or corals,’ says Molloy.
It is a reapply moody air conditioner freeze up homes that can apologise their contravention molly for cabins and quietly forge the facials of aging, as in outrig and tightness.
Mr. Molla recommends changing conventional (nonsynthetic) oil every 3,000 miles or three months, which ever comes second.
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A former foreign minister of Iran, Velayati is the one non-mollah in Khamenei's innermost cadre.
Supreme Leader's Inner Circle Holds Key To Iran's Nuclear Standoff
Under the name _decoctum hordei_, a preparation of barley is included in the [v. 03 p. 0406] British Pharmacopoeia, which is of value as a demulcent and emollient drink in febrile and inflammatory disorders.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
PEG (polyethylene glycol for example, PEG-100 stearate) (also an emollient and surfactant)
Simple Skin Beauty
While adopting the emollient tones of compassionate Conservatism, he has also toned down the virulent anti-Europeanism.
Some molluscs are carnivorous, and are secondary consumers in their aquatic ecosystems.
A factor must surely be that by far the majority of mollusc species are aquatic (I am assuming again) and harder to study.
Where are all the malacologists?
Molle sound thin in lip kiss, if Shu Erfu back.
Where his dexterous playing and effortless meter manipulation often buoyed the band's corybantic compositions, here, he's sadly mollified.
Mollycoddling may be farcical, but at least it's safe.
Times, Sunday Times
The next day he rose early, and while the rest of his suite were sleeping went out unattended, returning before breakfast was over with a tally-card showing a killing of thirteen dinosaurs, twenty-seven megatheriums, and about six tons of chlamy-dophori, not to mention a mammoth jack-rabbit that some idiot had told him was the only specimen in the world of the monodelphian mollycoddle.
The Autobiography of Methuselah
Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr Livesey were talking together on the quarterdeck, and, anxious as I was to tell them my story, I durst not interrupt them openly .
I am trying to recall the peculiar instincts of the monsters of the preadamite world, who, coming next in succession after the molluscs, the crustaceans and le fishes, preceded the animals of mammalian race upon the earth.
Journey to the Interior of the Earth
Lobsters and crabs, as well as some mollusks, worms, and fish species (salmon and trout, for example), use carotenoid colorants.
Choose a moisturiser that contains emollients or hyaluronic acid, a natural substance which helps the body's cells retain moisture.
What he gets is the poignant, emollient presence of Connelly who looks soulfully at him.
These drainages envelop the ephemeral wet surfaces and subterranean systems that rarely hold a diverse molluscan fauna.
Letting them invest in new refineries and open new sources of petroleum in Alaska, North Dakota and off the coast of Florida while we work on long term strategies is the answer. mollygonz
New Obama response spot on the gas tax
This need to construct and utilise language in such a way that it cannot be taken as offensive… well, I really never understood the need to mollify language.
Lyell's visits to France and Italy led him to propose a threefold stratigraphical division of the Tertiary rocks there on the basis of the proportion of recent to extinct species of mollusc present.
Mollusca is the second biggest phylum in animal kingdom.
If you didn't see it, the day after her death The Newshour rebroadcast an essay of hers from 1986 about art in Texas -- or as Molly pronounces it, "ort" -- an appreciation for the colorful and absurd in Texas.
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The foregoing remarks appear to apply to the case of the Mollusca, which, at a very early period, had reached a high organization and a great development of forms and species in the testaceous Cephalopoda.
On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species
Beneath the shallow turf line the loose stoneless silt loam contained slight iron staining and abundant molluscs.
These cleansers have more emollients, which help the skin retain moisture.
Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced.
This is Menie Links, a 4,000-year-old unspoiled coastal dune system on the north-east coast of Scotland which Molly Forbes has christened paradise.
It would have been possible to satisfy football's needs, honour the Olympic legacy and emolliate the athletics lobby in a highly-politicised situation. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
This leads to harmful effects for marine life that rely on calcification, such as crustacea and molluscs.
British seas: More fish, cleaner and greater biodiversity, says Defra
The strappado as described by Smollett, however, is a more severe form of torture even than that practised by the Inquisition, and we can only hope that his description of its brutality is highly coloured.
Travels through France and Italy
“For two drachmas per worker,” another collective gasp and Erabulus went purple, “with five for him,” Phrynus pointed at the foreman, who was greatly mollified by that.
The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
She was devastated when her parrot Charlie, cockatiel Molly and two budgies, Billy and Gregory, all died within hours of each other.
Action molluscicide Frescon elements non-target fauna tropical lakes
When the occasional mollusk or echinoderm proves too tough or too large to swallow whole, there are always hands.
They look like mafia hoods and molls - all grey hair, badly fitting dark suits and chin stubble.
Spermaceti was known, probably from classical times onwards, as a rare and precious unguent, "resolutive and mollifying," as M. Pomel, "chief druggist to the late French King Louis XIV," says in his treatise on drugs, translated into English in 1737.
More Science From an Easy Chair
Many suspension-feeding marine bivalve molluscs live in variable environments such as estuaries and shallow coastal waters.
'Molly' for short, was Robin (the name was concocted out of the scientific terms for the bird 'robin' and the fish 'marlin' - which was her surname).
Chapter 11 - The Second Date
I raised my hands to mollify him, realising too late that he was in the wrong mood.
The bulk of their diet is made up of crustaceans and molluscs, larger fish become more piscivorous, feeding upon herring and sand eels.
But although such is likely enough to be the case, we do not know at present that the aquiferous chambers in any of the last named mollusks attain an extension similar to that which obtains in Nautilus.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
A high brow like unto the bright heavens, coeli pulcherrima plaga, Frons ubi vivit honor, frons ubi ludit amor, white and smooth like the polished alabaster, a pair of cheeks of vermilion colour, in which love lodgeth; [4914] Amor qui mollibus genis puellae pernoctas: a coral lip, suaviorum delubrum, in which
Anatomy of Melancholy
The play is tidily constructed around the absurd situation, in which Margot's deranged student, Molly (played with winning gawkiness by Anna Maxwell Martin), blames Margot for the suicide of her mother, who jumped under a train, Anna Karenina style, holding a copy of Margot's feminist bible, "The Cerebral Vagina.
Wyndham Lewis's Unusual Angle on Art
Mollie "dissembled," as she called it, smiling sweet recognition of the praise, but never once breathing the secret that the whole being and intent of these flowers was to hide the joins beneath.
The Fortunes of the Farrells
Of all molluscan clades, only the gastropods undergo torsion.
'I have a chart here,'says Captain Smollett.'see if that's the place.'
Ingredient: DNA Original Fluid, Lavender, Hamamelis, Elastic Element, Micro - collagen Protein, Hair Follicle Mollify.
Alfisols, Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Ultisols and Vertisols in combination with thermic, isothermic or mesic soil temperature regimes and xeric, ustic or aquic soil moisture regimes.
Southern California Coast (Bailey)
Molly Vardant, in goodbroomirish, arrah, this place is a proper and his feist a ferial for curdnal communial, so be who would celibrate the holy mystery upon or that the pirigrim from Mainy-lands beatend, the calmleaved hutcaged by that look whose glaum is sure he means bisnisgels to empalmover.
Finnegans Wake
In his new incarnation he meets another version of his wife, Alice, this time as a gangster's moll.
The ideals of the steel will and the will to power are mollified by the self-effacing faith that we're basically decent.
Mollie notes, Even though HoopDazzle, inc. is my primary hooping business name, I trademarked a subsidiary called Hoop-To-Heal that I’m using to teach free classes to people who want to use hooping as a form of healing. | Blog | Mollie Hogan: Inside The Hoop
The major categories of pesticides classified by target are fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, acaricides, molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides, avicides, and antibiotics.
Carnivorous sponges, free-swimming worms, crustaceans, and molluscs living in the Weddell Sea provide new insights into the evolution of ocean life.
May 16th, 2007
It brings us back to the heightened state of narcissistic injury, which brooks no logic, reason or mollification.
Write to Michael Corkery at and Carrick Mollenkamp at
Mutual Funds' Muni-Debt Prices Are Questioned
Most of these are from swimming organisms, such as ammonoids and nautiloid mollusks that lived just above the deep seafloor.
I have been very fortunate in being brought up in a generation which has been mollycoddled.
Sedimentological investigations indicate a lacustrine depositional setting proximal to the coast, an interpretation also supported by the pulmonate molluscs and ostracods.
Most starfish are predators, feeding on sessile or slow-moving prey such as mollusks and barnacles.
That was it, the only mollycoddling we received.
Times, Sunday Times
Critics claim it is mollycoddling but supporters say it protects people from past traumas.
Times, Sunday Times
Shaving creams are made up of oils and emollients that help glide the blade across the skin reducing pain and incidents of cutting.
The French embassy said a year-long research of fauna conducted in the deep-sea and coastal ecosystems of Panglao Island resulted in the discovery of over 1,200 species of decapod or 10-legged crustaceans and some 6,000 species of mollusks.
Archive 2007-02-01
Write to Gregory Zuckerman at , Carrick Mollenkamp at and Lingling Wei at
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The fauna of this area is mainly characterised by Mediterranean species, with some exceptionally interesting ones such as a coleopter beetle which is native to the sierra and various species of molluscs and heteropterous insects.
Abalone belongs to the phylum Mollusca, a group which includes clams, scallops, sea slugs, octopuses, and squid.
Though the room was crowded with people when the bailiff entered, not one of them had compassion enough to mollify my prosecutrix, far less to pay the debt; they even laughed at my tears, and one of them bade me be of good cheer, for I should not want admirers in
The Adventures of Roderick Random
For example, if I had added the keyword "mollusk" to at least one of my linked posts about barnacles living on snail shells, then the searcher who used the phrase "barnacle mollusk symbiosis" would probably have found them.
How to help searchers find what they are looking for
It supports a number of unlikely associations - entoprocts with nemerteans, phoronid with annelids, and pogonophorans with gastropod mollusks.
Palmitates ethylhexyl, isopropyl, and cetyl palmitates are also emollients
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Four new molluscan species, a bivalve and three gastropods, are named from shallow-marine, lower Upper Cretaceous strata in Oregon.
It's comforting, I suppose, to think that the Government cares so much about our safety to the point of mollycoddling.
February 1st, 2007 at 12: 51 am lol omg the liger is amazing molly and maid love it ahahahahahahaahahahaa well got to go
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When Molly went inside City Hall to use the restroom, he said, “Ever hear of a woman by the name of Mabel Poche?”
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She looked slightly mollified by the compliment, but I could tell that it would be a long evening before my task was accomplished.
Commonly used in moisturizers, emollients lubricate the skin and give the cosmetic product a smooth, soft feeling.
More regularly, Frances suggested, trying somewhat to mollify Bridget, than she had met with Peter.
Molly Sheavyn was the only deaf member, and her views predictably did not prevail.
Rays and skates primarily feed on molluscs, crustaceans, worms and occasionally smaller fishes.
Among the molluscs and zoophytes, I found in the meshes of the net several species of alcyonarians, echini, hammers, spurs, dials, cerites, and hyalleae.
Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. English
If harsh prison terms and hanging is not the answer, neither is a kinder gentler mollycoddling.
Molly ran out of the room, her pure blonde hair streaming behind her.
I miss Molly's words so very much and always thought that she struck a good balance between good-natured humor and "snarkiness" with common-sense, insightful political commentary.
Times Public Editor Hammers Maureen Dowd's Coverage Of Hillary
January 14th, 2010 at 5: 47 pm tombaker says: but molly – what will we do about the star-bellied sneeches?
Think Progress » Poll: Americans think standing for principle is more important than bipartisan compromise.