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[ US /moʊɫˈjɛɹ/ ]
  1. French author of sophisticated comedies (1622-1673)

How To Use Moliere In A Sentence

  • A gentleman should know those which I call classical works, in every language; such as Boileau, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, etc., in French; Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • a revival of a neglected play by Moliere
  • The transgressive plays of Molière's greatest period forced Louis XIV and Colbert finally to make censorship a systematic, bureaucratic institution.
  • Here the poet called up into pictorial presence, and informed with life, grace, beauty, infinite friendly mirth and wondrous naturalness of expression, the people of whom his dear books told him the stories, — his Shakspeare, his Cervantes, his Moliere, his Le Sage. Roundabout Papers
  • Was he the unacknowledged father of Madeleine's ‘sister’ (actually her daughter), Armande, whom Moliere married when she was twenty and he forty?
  • The springy elegance of his mind, which serves to clarify the problems of life, not to muddle them with vatic obscurities, has brought him triple glory—as a poet, a translator no one has captured Molière in English better than he and a lyricist. A Great Living Poet's Rare Art of Reticence
  • English jeunesse doree to flock and see Moliere played in French, by a The Elusive Pimpernel
  • Turning to Molière, Braider examines tensions obtaining between text and performance in Amphytrion, a play that thematizes the problematics of doubles.
  • Leong recalls his own recent staging of Molière's Le Malade Imaginaire, for the benefit of an audience of both anglophones and francophones.
  • He was interred in the burial-ground of Père la Chaise, between the tombs of Molière and La The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 346, December 13, 1828
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