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[ US /ˈmoʊɫˌhɪɫ/ ]
[ UK /mˈə‍ʊlhɪl/ ]
  1. a mound of earth made by moles while burrowing

How To Use molehill In A Sentence

  • We had set off on a romp and a ramble through tangly woods and snow dusted fields and had found ourselves standing on molehills and wondering just exactly where we were.
  • To lift them they did, senators four, by the first quaint skreek of the gloaming and they hopped it up the mountainy molehill, traversing climes of old times gone by of the days not worth remembering; inventing some excusethems, any sort, having a sevenply sweat of night blues moist upon them. Finnegans Wake
  • That would be much more helpful than removing molehills from a sports field.
  • Your "broken arm" was only a sprained wrist. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
  • Moles were doing the Chalkland Way, leaving molehills of white-flecked soil.
  • Pupils from Cawood Primary School joined in the scheme when they helped sift through molehills looking for artefacts.
  • It is also mercifully free of molehills, which are the scourge of our sandy garden.
  • The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.
  • We had set off on a romp and a ramble through tangly woods and snow dusted fields and had found ourselves standing on molehills and wondering just exactly where we were.
  • But when you're young and in love, even the mountainous Dalziel could shrink to a molehill. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
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