
How To Use Molecule In A Sentence

  • Since the extra energy being transferred from one molecule to the next changes the way each absorbs and emits light, the flow of energy can be followed through optical spectroscopy, resolved on a femtosecond timescale.
  • This is because a certain number of molecules are needed to adsorb at the surface to affect the surface tension.
  • The attractive forces between molecules in a liquid are called surface tension forces and are what hold the liquid together.
  • They are smaller molecules than proteins, so they have to become attached to a protein molecule before they are activated.
  • The researchers attached this 'contrast agent' to a molecule that binds to the protein elastin, which is found in artery walls. News Feed
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  • These antibodies, called autoantibodies, target a person's own molecules and tissues. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Allozymes are catalytic RNA- or DNA-based molecules whose ability to catalyze a reaction is modulated by their interaction with an effector molecule.
  • Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.
  • What is the key difference between your various structures, in how various tetratomic molecules have different shape?
  • Extra hydration makes it easier for the molecule to assume the lowest-energy configuration.
  • Harbor seals have muscles rich in myoglobin, an oxygen carrying molecule.
  • Sugar, fat and protein molecules are taken through the cell membrane where they are processed by the mitochondria into energy. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • The sulfite compound is very interesting, with a sulfite ion loose in a molecule of sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite or a sodium sulfite or bisulfite. John Tepper Marlin: Green Edge 2: Organic Wine-Making
  • A molecule of chloesteryl myristate consists of mostly carbon and hydrogen atoms.
  • Alcohols and ethers with higher molecular weights are not miscible in water, however, because the water molecules can not completely surround those molecules.
  • The red blood cell is finally a small bag containing haemoglobin molecules for transporting oxygen.
  • The 'disappearing ink' is not ink at all, but a temporary discolouration of light-sensitive molecules known as photochromes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The light-emitting carbon nanotubes represent the first electrically controlled single-molecule light emitter ever constructed.
  • A series of molecules that Bennett has developed are unique because they have the potential to yield insulated nano-scale wires.
  • They found that N-cyclopentyl-tazopsine, a less-toxic compound derived from the molecule, was effective against early, liver-stage malaria parasites in animal tests.
  • A team of chemists found that when certain substances are diluted in water, the molecules clump together instead of getting further apart, as common sense would suggest.
  • It works by affecting a molecule called nitric oxide, which expands blood vessels.
  • This method resulted in an almost instant purification of molecules, using filtration to separate the chemical reagents from the products.
  • The apoprotein B molecule moors the LDL to specific receptors on the cell surface - the LDL-receptor. Physiology or Medicine 1985 - Press Release
  • In superchemistry, scientists are able to precisely control the pairings and interactions of the atoms and molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates.
  • The width of a molecule at a given point along the contour length is the diameter of the horizontal axis of the elliptical cross section at that point.
  • Metal complexes are generally prepared by reacting a salt with another molecule or ion.
  • The energy thus captured by the atom will be discharged into the molecules that surround it.
  • In plants the organization of DNA as multiple replicons can be readily visualized by fibre autoradiography, in which replicating DNA molecules are labelled with tritiated thymidine.
  • Uranium molecules in the blood can travel to every part of the body, including the areas where sperm and eggs are.
  • This hypothesis has been fruitful, leading to the discovery of extrasolar macromolecules, extrasolar planets and advances in abiogenetics. Continuation…
  • The simple molecule eliminated can be water, ammonia, or an alcohol.
  • A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
  • The messages that DNA molecules contain are all but eternal when seen against the time scale of individual lifetimes.
  • The net effect is the diffraction of the incident radiation by the array of molecules.
  • The team made micelles from polymer molecules that have a water-attracting end and a water-avoiding end.
  • Understanding these rare molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable.
  • A second component of these molecules was identified as an amide or an amino acid.
  • The thickness of the liquid crystal and the arrangement of liquid crystal molecule are flexible, there are no deviation in the outgoing beams.
  • These either involve a pumping mechanism called the sodium pump, or transport via carrier molecules. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • They found that never-smokers had more mutations in the genes that encode molecules called epidermal growth factor receptors EGFRs, which receive signals on cell membranes, than current or former smokers. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Central to his image of science were the arrangements of atoms in molecules, and the bonds that held them together.
  • The attractions of molecules for each other are called intermolecular interactions to distinguish them from covalent and ionic bonding, forms of intramolecular interactions.
  • The electronic charge distribution in the molecule was also calculated by using CNDO/2 method.
  • Svedberg's investigations with the ultracentrifuge and Tiselius's electrophoresis studies (see Section 3.10) were instrumental in establishing that protein molecules have a unique size and structure, and this was a prerequisite for Sanger's determination of their amino-acid sequence and the crystallographic work of The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • Equally, John Walker, who won a Nobel for his research on the energy molecules of the cell, would not have solved the problem if he had had to rely on short-term grants.
  • One of the most important quantities describing lipid bilayers is the average area per molecule.
  • Last is the empirical formula this is the simplest ratio of atoms in a molecule.
  • Phthalate molecules are ring-shaped and composed of esters (dialkyl) of 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid (Figure 1). Phthalates
  • If just protons or sodium ions are present, the condition is not fulfilled and the logical molecule remains zeroed.
  • Most of these molecules are generated during the grinding and malaxation, when active enzymes from the damaged fruit cells come into contact with vulnerable polyunsaturated fatty acids in the green chloroplasts. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Complex chemical molecules began to clump together to form microscopic blobs - cells. The Sun
  • The pentose sugars, whose molecules contain only five carbon atoms instead of six, caramelize very well.
  • You can also include various small-molecule antioxidants such as ubiquinone and ferulic acid. You Being Beautiful
  • A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hygrogen and one atom of oxygen.
  • A chemical system may consist of atoms, molecules and ions or any combination of these.
  • In the new study, the researchers surveyed more than 2,000 proteins expressed on synergid cells to clinch the exact molecules luring pollen tubes to the embryo sac. Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews
  • Water and oil don't mix because they are two different kinds of molecules.
  • In fact, Bayley stayed away from DNA sequencing as a professional courtesy to Branton, making progress in chemically modifying the hemolysin to use it as a single-molecule sensor for drugs, chemicals, and metal ions. The $1,000 Genome
  • In addition, this secondary amine presents some steric impediment by the glucose molecule from the terpenoid moiety.
  • I apply a variety of computational methods, semiempirical and nonempirical, as well as qualitative arguments, to problems of structure and reactivity of both organic and inorganic molecules of medium size. Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
  • For example, each molecule of isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) has eight hydrogen atoms in one of three environments.
  • An aromatic molecule containing two nitro groups will have three positional isomers.
  • A generalization to molecular crystals built up from dipolar but achiral molecules was recently presented.
  • They put a smaller structure inside it called a heme, a large flat molecule that is the active part of hemoglobin. Technology Review RSS Feeds
  • This laboratory is equipped with a new intravital microscope system and is interested in the role of intracellular signaling molecules in leukocyte recruitment. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • intermolecular" (and how do you have "intermolecular forces" if you have a gas which isn't molecules, but I digress: -). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • These are essentially unstable molecules which are highly reactive. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Complex chemical molecules began to clump together to form microscopic blobs - cells. The Sun
  • We've isolated a number of molecules now that are known to cause cell death in other cell systems.
  • In most cases the model assumes that the activated molecule is diffusible, and the washout occurs whenever the rate of diffusion exceeds rate of formation of the molecule.
  • Damaged endothelial cells secrete p-selectin, e-selectin, intracellular adhesion molecules and vascular cell adhesion molecules that induce monocytes to marginate, roll, and adhere to endothelial surfaces.
  • The bottom line for all of this is the multifaceted observation that atoms join spontaneously to form molecules, consistent with energy relationships. Attached to Strings
  • The normal anionic charge barrier prevents protein molecules such as albumin from passing through the endothelium.
  • From what you can see, the interior is densely packed with a bewildering array of molecules in all shapes and sizes.
  • This newly synthesized molecule is the smallest member of the family of closed-cage carbon molecules known as fullerenes.
  • Conclusion: 9.1 C 3 molecule is a kind of killing cell inhibitory receptor.
  • The purpose of digestion is to break down complex molecules into simple ones such as sugars, fats, and peptides.
  • Polyelectrolyte multilayers are gel-like films of alternating layers of positively and negatively charged molecules.
  • The signature of a baseline molecule, called acetylene (C2H2), was seen for both types of stars, but hydrogen cyanide was seen only around stars like our sun. Image Gallery
  • Show Menu Move mouse over molecule, click and hold mouse button and wait.
  • Europe and America after the French Revolution, and exceptionally there may be an instance of an individual passing from one class into another, analogously to the endosmose and exosmose of molecules, or, to use the phrase of M. Dumont, by a sort of "social capillarity. Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx)
  • Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.
  • By using complementary sequences of DNA molecules that were attached to different nanocrystals, small groupings of gold nanocrystals could be formed.
  • A single catalyst molecule can produce millions of molecules of the desired enantiomer. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
  • John J. Kasianowicz et al., “Characterization of individual polynucleotide molecules using a membrane channel,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 93 1996, 13770–13773. The $1,000 Genome
  • The technique is based on tracking the fluorescence or scattering signal of a nanoparticle bound to the molecule of interest.
  • The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual.
  • The Golgi are budlike globular beauties of nature that package the neurotransmitters at their point of manufacture in the cell body and then, with the help of motor proteins, transport them and other essential molecules from within the cell body, down the axon, to the location of use near the cell membrane. THE HIDDEN FACE OF GOD
  • As luck would have it, the reactions that produce glutathione also yield molecules called sulfate groups, which help generate those joint-sparing proteoglycans. What Is Same
  • A fat molecule with more than one double bond is called polyunsaturated. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The broad Bragg peak arises from a cholesterol monolayer embodying poorly ordered two-dimensional crystalline domains, each containing ~ 200 molecules in a proposed trigonal arrangement.
  • Over time, these over-excited receptors become desensitized to the effects of norepinephrine, largely due to the effects of a second molecule, beta-adrenergic receptor kinase.
  • The behavior of the compounds in the DSC thermograms is very sensitive to the alkoxy chain lengths present in the molecule" writes Gryko. Innovations-report
  • Water molecules are not only attracted to each other, but to any molecule with positive or negative charges.
  • They placed the DNA copy between two ribozymes, RNA molecules that have enzymatic function and can cleave RNA sequence at specific locations.
  • If the immune system learns how to recognize only one of these cornstalk molecules, it can attack just about every parasite in the body. Parasite Rex
  • The wild type molecule at the cell surface cycles from the membrane to sacs within the cell interior called endocytic vesicles where it may be degraded.
  • Nitrates act as donors of nitric oxide, a molecule with a recognized potential for genotoxicity.
  • In dialysis a solution is passed over a semipermeable membrane, allowing solutes up to a certain size (but not larger molecules) to diffuse across the membrane to a second solution.
  • MORRONE: It ` s still in a fluid state, but these two molecules called spermine and cadaverine, cadaverine is what ` s used to train cadaver dogs. CNN Transcript Sep 10, 2007
  • The exact enumeration of the populations is further complicated by the possible modification of both donor and acceptor molecules.
  • Many fatty foods are susceptible to autoxidation, involving the oxidation of lipid molecules to produce malodorous ketones, alcohols and acids that adversely affect the texture, flavour and taste of food.
  • The spectra that are observed indicate that small molecules, such as cyanide, methane, and cyanogen, can assemble in outer space.
  • In the water molecule there are three atoms: two of hydrogen and one of oxygen.
  • The sulfonamides are separated by C18 column, reacted with fluorescamine in post column reaction module, convert to molecules with fluorescence characteristic, quantified by fluorescence detector.
  • Ozone is especially menacing when it reacts with molecules involved in the functions of living organisms.
  • We use only the finest and most advanced blend of creatine including magnesium creatine chelate, which is a patented form of the molecule that has been shown to boost strength after only 2 weeks of use. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • But according to Prassides, the superconductivity comes as a surprise because picene molecules arrange themselves in 2D planes much like graphite. all content
  • Their proposed design combines an organic photoactive molecule, azobenzene, with the ever-popular carbon nanotube. Wired Top Stories
  • Human skin oils are full of molecules called carboxylic acids. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • I'm not aware of any organic molecule that's green without the help of a metal like nickel or copper.
  • Fifteen chloride ions were added to neutralize the system by replacing water molecules at the positions of lowest coulomb potential.
  • Intense heat from gunpowder's pyrotechnic flame energizes electrons in the metal atoms and metal-containing molecules.
  • The instantaneous destruction of all molecules in a sample is known as detonation, and the rapid expansion of hot gases that results is what gives rise to the destructive blast.
  • It is important and emergency to unify molecule and organism, microcosm and macroscopy.
  • A molecule is first placed at the center of a square lattice.
  • Ribonucleic acid (RNA) – the biomolecule which can do it all The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1989
  • Oxidative stress is the term given to the destructive process caused by free radical molecules.
  • Molecules in the nematic liquid crystal phase stay parallel to one another.
  • The amount of trace elements in berries is very low, and larger organic molecules (i.e., taste and aroma compounds) do not get transported into the berry through the roots. TasteCamp 2009: An Interview with Nick Gorevic
  • In dilute solution, starch molecules will precipitate, with the insoluble material being difficult to redissolve by heating.
  • In particular, the researchers were focusing on a group of enzymes, called serine hydrolases, that break down proteins, fats, and other molecules in cells. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • An experiment appearing in the 9 July PRL uses some of the world's shortest pulses of x-ray light to watch an oxygen molecule flip on a platinum surface.
  • The term excimer is derived from excited dimer, a term coined by physical chemists in the 1960s to describe short-lived energized molecules with two identical components.
  • Instantly, one of the hydrogen atoms on the ethanol molecule is ripped off.
  • HLAs, or human leukocyte antigens, are molecules involved in the immune response. Priya Malhotra: Sex With Neanderthals: The Ultimate Immunity Boost
  • The amphiphatic character of the detergent molecules helps solubilize the membrane protein.
  • In order to perceive the smell of a grapefruit, our sense of smell only requires just two molecules, the chemical eye needs hundreds if not thousands to stick to its gold chips.
  • Corada M, Chimenti S, Cera MR, et al., Junctional adhesion molecule-A-deficient polymorphonuclear cells show reduced diapedesis in peritonitis and heart ischemia-reperfusion injury. Stuck on you, biological Velcro and the evolution of adaptive immunity - The Panda's Thumb
  • Association colloids are formed in solutions of molecules that include both lyophilic and lyophobic regions.
  • Aldols are bifunctional molecules possessing OH and C=O groups, which are able to act as both hydrogen donors and/or acceptors.
  • J-coupling, also known as scalar coupling, is due to the interaction between different nuclei in the same molecule that is mediated through electrons in chemical bonds Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • All parenteral iron preparations consist of a central core containing elemental iron, shielded by a carbohydrate shell consisting of molecules such as dextran, sucrose, dextrin or gluconate. Home Page
  • Like pentane, paraffins are alkanes - hydrocarbon molecules that have as many hydrogen atoms as the molecule's carbon backbone can accommodate.
  • Computational chemistry research on benzaldehyde molecule and gallium pentahydride. - 2006 All-USA College Academic Second Team
  • If the carboxyl of the first molecule combines with a hydroxyl of the second molecule (ester formation), then a substance possessing character similar to that of a hydroxybenzoic acid is formed, which is capable of combining up with a further molecule in the same way. Synthetic Tannins
  • Glucose loses two water molecules and rearranges to form hydroxymethyl furfural, which polymerizes into brown pigments that add flavor and color to the candy.
  • These cells pick up odor molecules high in the nose and transmit scent messages to the brain's olfactory bulb, he explained.
  • Molecules are very hard spheres that bounce off each other without losing energy in encounters called elastic collisions.
  • H2O molecules can be tightly bound to biological material and are occluded in proteins where they are often involved in catalytic reactions.
  • Thixotropy is a property displayed by many systems, particularly those with complex molecules with long chains, familiar objects being tomato ketchup and thixotropic paint.
  • These signaling molecules are called neurotransmitters because they transmit messages between neurons.
  • It is perfectly realistic to imagine a helical arrangement of straight molecules, as already assumed.
  • But orgies of organic molecules are not life, just as flour, water, yeast, and salt are not bread.
  • The atoms in iron, in contrast, do not cluster into discrete molecules.
  • It produces an antifibrinolytic effect through the reversible blockade of lysine binding sites on plasminogen molecules.
  • Low molecular weight aldehydes and ketones are soluble in water because the carbonyl oxygen atom allows the molecules to form strong hydrogen bonds with the molecules of water.
  • Molecules have a definite structure, but the electron bonds that hold the atoms together are not rigid: they jiggle and wiggle and twist and stretch.
  • The discoverers of the DNA structure, James Watson, at left, and Francis Crick, look at their model of a DNA molecule.
  • A much studied model reaction in organic chemistry is the ring opening of cyclobutane to yield ethylene or the reverse, the combining of two ethylene molecules to form cyclobutane. Press Release: The 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • If two molecules or complexes have the same molecular formula they are candidates for stereochemical analysis.
  • Our observation of trapping of small molecules suggests that dielectrophoretic trapping may be applicable to many small molecules, which has not been observed because of the methods used to study dielectrophoresis to date.
  • If, on the other hand, as was assumed in crystallography, a regular arrangement of the atoms or the molecules in a space lattice was the basis of the shapes of the natural crystals, then, according to estimates, the distances of the points of the lattice ought to be exactly of that order of magnitude that was required for the decomposition of X-radiation in a spectrum. Nobel Prize in Physics 1924 - Presentation Speech
  • Heat death will occur when all the energy of the cosmos has been degraded to random heat energy, with random motions of molecules and uniform low-level temperatures.
  • The pentane molecule, however, has neither hydrogen bonding nor polar groups to be attracted to water molecules.
  • A solvate is a single crystalline phase of a given compound of specific chemical structure in which a solvent molecule or molecules have been incorporated into the crystal lattice.
  • MHC genes are extensively investigated as candidate genes for disease resistance in many domestic animal species, which is a hot topic in molecule immunogenetics.
  • The lifetimes of the excited singlet states S1 of the organic biological macromolecules haematoporphyrin and lactoflavin were measured with streak camera.
  • Fatty acids are translated to energy by the lipases, the enzymes that break triglycerides into three fatty acids and a glycerol molecule.
  • A nucleophile is any negative ion or neutral molecule whose electronic configuration consists of at least one unpaired electron pair.
  • The researchers chemically bonded one end of the molecule to a bendable cantilever similar to the tip of an atomic-force microscope.
  • Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, each molecule trapping 25 times as much heat radiation as one molecule of carbon dioxide.
  • Lidar uses a pulsating laser source and signals backscattered by molecules and particles are analysed using a specially designed telescope.
  • The stronger the magnetising force, the nearer do the molecules approach to a perfect alignment, and the greater is the induced magnetisation of the bar. Response in the Living and Non-Living
  • There was a previous radiation study of ricin, a dimeric molecule linked by a single disulfide bridge.
  • Secondly, streptavidin is a natural tetrameric protein and each molecule has the capacity to bind four biotinylated peptides, resulting in enhanced avidity of the targeting complex to its target. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We present trial wavefunctions in few - electron quantum rings to describe the spin - dependent rotating Wigner molecule states.
  • The circle sizes are proportional to the numbers of molecules they represent.
  • More modern laser techniques allow much more subtle experiments to be applied to both small and large unstable molecules in flow systems.
  • There are nine paired microtubules per axoneme, and they are interconnected by dynein molecules, protruding at regular intervals like the legs of a millipede.
  • Such measurements should be independent of the local concentrations of donor and acceptor molecules.
  • A single ribosome, especially one that is combined with a molecule of messenger RNA.
  • In a syndiotactic macromolecule, the configurational repeating unit consists of two configurational base units that are enantiomeric.
  • The shell is freely permeable to small gas molecules, including water vapor.
  • Supposedly the cancer cells would gobble it up, free the cyanogen portion of the molecule and be poisoned. The Speculist: A Trojan Horse for Cancer
  • Discovered in 1991 by Japanese scientist Sumio Iijima, carbon nanotubes are cylindrical carbon molecules that are very similar in structure to a fullerene, or buckyball, but instead of being a sphere, the nanotube is tubular in shape.
  • Unlike cooling-based dehumidifiers, which cool the air to condense moisture, desiccants attract moisture molecules directly from the air and release them into an exhaust air stream.
  • Once it lands, the mission is designed to last for three months, during which time it will look for and measure volatiles, such as water and organic molecules.
  • Each molecule has on average six neighbors, generating a six-fold hexagonal symmetry.
  • Conservation of energy requires a corresponding change in the vibrational energy of the molecule.
  • Statistical thermodynamics can map out the energy distribution of the water molecules.
  • This molecule is also involved in the adhesion of neutrophils to endothelium during the inflammatory response.
  • Each rod contains thousands of proteins that transform light into signals via a molecule that crosses the membrane in a sevenfold zigzag.
  • Soluble products of the pathway include pigments, important UV protectants, and phytoalexins, as well as signaling molecules involved in plant pathogen interactions.
  • When ice recrystallizes, water molecules migrate from smaller crystals to larger ones, thus increasing both crystal size and the probability of injury to the tissues.
  • Glycosylated hemoglobin refers to the specific red cell hemoglobin A types to which a glucose molecule becomes irreversibly attached.
  • Recent experiments have begun identifying oxidizing gases, such as ozone and molecules containing the halogens bromine and chlorine, as triggers for that mercury fallout.
  • Ions and molecules move through these induced gaps of the SC by diffusion and electromotive or electro-osmotic transport.
  • And yet, as a whole, people are so desensitized to the whole idea of explosions and molecules that they barely even stop to think about how this could effect the world.
  • Since the phosphate group is water soluble, this part of the molecule tends to be hydrophilic.
  • The 3D structure of protein molecule is stored in the PDB file in a special format, which could be loaded and understood by HJMV software.
  • The chemist said, "Along the sides of the uniped are microscopic atomic furnaces, each of which vaporizes about a million molecules or so in the surrounding rock and decomposes them into atoms. The Martian Way
  • Many organic molecules undergo structural changes as a result of catalytic reactions with acid or base.
  • Like all viruses, poxviruses co-opt various cellular molecules and processes to enter a cell, replicate and then spread to uninfected cells.
  • They are named after the man who inferred their existence from weak attractive forces shown by atoms and molecules in gases.
  • Usually, to make the problem tractable, the molecules are assumed to be spherical and the reactive patches are assumed to be circular.
  • All cholesterol is made from the basic molecule called acetyl CoA, which comes from the metabolism of carbohydrate, metabolism of extra protein, and metabolism of fat. Anatomy of a statin ad | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The radioactive carbon is the tracer molecule and the carbon dioxide has been labelled or tagged.
  • Photochemical activation of small molecules by means of transition metal complexes; photogeneration of hydrogen and oxygen; water photolysis; photoreduction of CO2; design of photoinduced charge separation systems. Jean-Marie Lehn - Curriculum Vitae

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