
How To Use Moldy In A Sentence

  • It's hay that may have become moldy - if it was moist when put in the haymow - but it is just as effective for mulching as good hay, and a great deal cheaper.
  • The only sign of life there today came from a mouldy old caravan, all steamy windows and grimed with neglect, where a radio was playing Sunday morning music of the popular kind.
  • Seriously though, Rufus knew that the problems commonly blamed on rye occur when the grain is moldy and has ergot, so he was careful never to buy moldy rye.
  • The fallen tree had been moldy and rotten, the smell strong and unpleasant enough to deter most burrowing animals that would normally have occupied the space.
  • We never found out what was causing it, but I rather suspect that the carpets were mouldy from the damp.
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  • We had to throw away our bin because it was so mouldy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Infected seed may be visibly moldy, yet others appear healthy.
  • You can accept your moldy old science with its unanswered questions and stupid bland facts and its ‘rigorous analytical processes.’
  • I could imagine the garlicked sausages to have been a remnant left in a mouldy cupboard by some impoverished hidalgo of a hundred years back. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • Jean-Baptiste Canelle, for that was his name, sat behind a table covered with moldy bread crusts, half burned candles, and beer-stains.
  • He slowly crept up the creaky wooden stairs to the moldy second floor hallway.
  • A slow, drizzly mist adding a moldy dankness to the chilly air. Earl of Durkness
  • If the sprouts smell mouldy or acidic, do not eat them. Stay Well This Winter
  • We had to throw out many things which had just gone mouldy in the damp but that has at least meant that we can get to any place within the garage without having to climb over anything.
  • a moldy (or musty) odor
  • Rain seeping through the ground into your basement or crawl space may appear as damp, moldy walls or may be handled by a sump pump.
  • Beetles are frequently associated with poultry feed, preferring grain and cereal products that are damp, moldy and slightly out of condition.
  • Capn's Final Word: More jangly versions of the same old moldy folk tunes that everyone else in the coffee shop knows by heart.
  • And choose a dry day - if they are damp, they may go mouldy in storage. The Sun
  • The fruits are still edible but need to be picked before they go mouldy. The Sun
  • Not another mouldy old book to add to your ever growing collection!
  • Mr. Sun appeared in the sky at the weekend finally. So big brother decided to organize all the family to ART SPACE 800 to solarize our nearly moldy mood for about one week.
  • I myself don't believe Eunice wus "mouldy;" but that is Dorlesky's way of talkin ', -- very flowery. Sweet Cicely — or Josiah Allen as a Politician
  • Daniel had already broken the fastening of that which opened into a damp, mouldy-smelling shippen, in one corner of which Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 2
  • Breakfast at 6: 00 A.M. might be bread and a gruel called "skilly" made with oatmeal or moldy meat. Portrait of a Killer
  • One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction.
  • arguments" the term venerable is used instead of mouldy, and hallowed instead of devilish; whereas there is nothing properly venerable or antique about a language which is not yet four hundred years old, and about a jumble of imbecile spellings which were grotesque in the beginning, and which grow more and more grotesque with the flight of the years. Chapters from My Autobiography
  • French cheese flight at Fiddlehead Cafe A nutty, sheeps-milk Ossau-Iraty from the Basque region; a rich, creamy Edel de Cleron by Perrin Vermot; and a devastating co-op-produced bleu d'Auvergne that combined a sweet creaminess with some powerfully earthy, moldy scunge. Chicago Reader
  • To listener Glenn Gargas, the report was as stale as moldy bread.
  • ¶ And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho and to A'i, they did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors, and took old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, old, and rent, and bound up; and old shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments upon them; and all the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy. Joshua 9.
  • When buying the sienna-coloured root, examine it and make sure the skin is unbroken, that there are no mouldy spots and that the smell is fresh.
  • The sofas, which were manufactured in China, were packed with sachets of an anti-mould chemical called dimethyl-fumarate to stop them from going mouldy during storage in humid conditions. BBC (UK) Homepage main promotional content
  • Onions, which keep for ever in a coolish, dry place, go mouldy with the first raindrop.
  • The grain has gone mouldy in the stack.
  • But a second inspection this month found food was still mouldy. The Sun
  • Severely infected seeds appear shriveled, cracked, and elongated, and may be covered with a white, moldy growth.
  • Now this is more fun than mouldy old CDs - we had more snow this morning, from around 7: 30 am onwards.
  • Farmer's lung disease is a hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by the inhalation of thermophilic actinomycetes that grow in moldy hay or straw.
  • He loved it until he played a chess game with moldy old Uncle Hooya… and lost.
  • Now this is more fun than mouldy old CDs - we had more snow this morning, from around 7: 30 am onwards.
  • Others found stale bread or mouldy tomatoes, or items a bit too near their ‘best before’ dates.
  • Only four zinnias had grown leaves and most were mouldy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fruits are still edible but need to be picked before they go mouldy. The Sun
  • It's shot in a clunky retro-futurist style, and the director declares himself influenced by Fritz Lang, filling his screen with eerie, gigantic hardware shot in mouldy, decaying, soft-focus sepia.
  • In a dark dank mouldy bathroom, you can use all the anti-fungal sprays you like and the mould will die - for a time, but it always comes back!
  • They feel entitled to de-clutter their lives from those mouldy old ancestral obligations.
  • Current crop dried tapioca material, double - skinned, and dried, without moldy, white nature color, without insects.
  • Not another mouldy old book to add to your ever growing collection!
  • The most interesting aspect is their costumes, a sort of mouldy visit to a 150-year-old haberdasher's. Times, Sunday Times
  • Avoid carpet, as it will go mouldy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fans rave about the health and nutrition benefits of munching on mouldy meals. The Sun
  • Both diseases result in lightweight, shriveled kernels that may be moldy.
  • Remember too, that a nut going mouldy in air has room for the mould to show as fibres or a crust.
  • Last one there's a rotten egg, and as if being a moldy oospore weren't enough, they'll also miss out on a potentially rich stream of revenue from the portable video-palooza. Subsidiary Of Malone's Liberty Premieres Video Service
  • Farmer's lung disease is a hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by the inhalation of thermophilic actinomycetes that grow in moldy hay or straw.
  • American officials said it was safe, despite its pungent odour and edible rind of mouldy nettle leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anna and I were both on our hands and knees in the mud, scrubbing at the moldy old chair legs spiritlessly, while Martha and Lauren had resorted to sharing the burden of each stack of chairs they were carrying.
  • Everything emitted a mouldy odour, mingled with the smell of mothballs.
  • She quietly reads a book, oblivious to the great pockmarks of peeling paint and disintegrating plaster of the moldy wall behind her.
  • Lots of cheeses are naturally moldy — Camembert and blue cheese get their flavor from molds, Penicillium camemberti and P. roqueforti, to be exact. Phineas L. MacGuire . . . Gets Slimed!
  • Just feeding moldy grain isn't a wise idea, but moldy grain can be roasted, sprouted grain can be dried, and baleage can be made if you can't get hay dry.
  • It's like comparing stale, moldy, rancid bread with soggy, stale, moldy, rancid bread.
  • The earth by the Kramer monument burst asunder, and a bony, decomposing arm, covered with tatters of moldy, worm-eaten cloth, reached out of the ground.
  • If you have overbought on lemons this Christmas, don't leave them to go mouldy in the fruit bowl.
  • McCarthy’s mare, in extended order, a tree’s length from the longest way out, down the switchbackward slidder of the land-sown route of Hauburnea’s liveliest vinnage on the brain, the unimportant Parthalonians with the mouldy Firbolgs and the Finnegans Wake
  • The most interesting aspect is their costumes, a sort of mouldy visit to a 150-year-old haberdasher's. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had kept Tom in a tiny cell, feeding him nothing but a bit of moldy bread and some water of questionable repute.
  • But his short stories are available only in moldy old paperbacks or expensive small-press books, and I don't think he's read much these days, which is a huge shame. INTERVIEW: Andrew Wheeler
  • He got up onto his hands and knees and felt carefully round inside the byre, but there was nothing even faintly edible—only a scurf of moldy hay. Songs of Love & Death
  • Managers were bribed to purchase inferior ingredients such as moldy tomato sauce. Main RSS Feed
  • And in Africa indeed there are major problems of throat and stomach cancer, which come simply from people eating badly stored, mouldy, unsprayed food.
  • Not being so well baked as our biscuits, it becomes hard and mouldy from the moisture left in the dough. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Both diseases result in lightweight, shriveled kernels that may be moldy.
  • Three effects are ascribed to Babylonian broth (which was made of moldy bread, sour milk, and salt): -- It retards the action of the heart, it affects the eyesight, and emaciates the body. Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala
  • I couldn't even see a collection of mouldy teacups festering on the new wooden floor.
  • Let's get rid of this mouldy old furniture.
  • Let the best machine of man be constructed, with all the appertinences of strength, faculty, thought, feeling, and with all the appliances of competence and ease, and it will rust from disease; the springs and wheels will grow mouldy; the pipes become oppilated with crudities, and death will ensue from mere obstruction. Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.
  • I remember where the Kitchen is, and I know I'm sick of moldy old food we've got.
  • Coffee is regularly contaminated with unappetising detritus ranging from floor sweepings and twigs to poisonous, mouldy coffee beans.
  • Jean-Baptiste Canelle, for that was his name, sat behind a table covered with moldy bread crusts, half burned candles, and beer-stains.
  • Unwholesome odors rolled out of the storefronts: rancid oil and mouldy cheese, and fish long absent from the sea.
  • The postbags of personal finance sections are often stuffed with letters from folk moaning on about what a mouldy old swizz they think Premium Bonds are.
  • The Hebrew word here rendered "mouldy" (nikuddim) is rendered "cracknels" in 1 Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Yeah, we know that compared to their counterparts around the nation, they're rather underfunded, understocked and short-staffed, and at least one local branch is downright moldy.
  • Human exposure to biological contaminants in the air of damp and moldy indoor environments is a challenge for toxicological research and risk assessment.
  • The fruits are still edible but need to be picked before they go mouldy. The Sun
  • After eating from wormy, mouldy trenchers, one would get ‘trench mouth.’
  • Another method is to grind the water lilies into a pulp, put them in a pile, keep them moist, and let them get moldy -- in other words -- compost them for a week. Chapter 15
  • And I'll be stuck slaving away in some moldy old courtroom, wondering ‘what if?’
  • Indeed, the only food he could find, and which starvation caused him to digest, was mouldy crusts of bread covered in mouse droppings.
  • The Seer crouched on her bed of moldy straw, shivering slightly from the cold.
  • They will need a relatively moist atmosphere to stop them wilting, but not so moist that they go mouldy. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the patients' bedside tables sit the usual visiting hour stashes of mouldy grapes and packets of sweets alongside half-finished bottles of Lucozade.
  • Afraid someone will pounce upon me in the darkness, or tortured deathlike Mom, deprived of her life-giving medication, and in her dead moldy, gray-green shroud will come back again. Jay's Journal
  • Even in dense broadleaf forest away from dark conifers and shrubs "moldy oak" will silhouette like hell. The Best Camo for Hunting Away from Home
  • she tossed the moldy bread into the garbage
  • The fruits are still edible but need to be picked before they go mouldy. The Sun
  • After you read a few of these books, you quickly get the impression that these guys live in mouldy basements with the same curling Star Wars posters on the wall, and tatty underwear in their drawers, and underused toothbrushes drying out by their sinks. Does Science Fiction, in Fact, Suck?
  • Shabbily forlorn were that man's habiliments -- turned and re-turned, patched, darned, weather - stained, grease-stained -- but still retaining that kind of mouldy, grandiose, bastard gentility, which implies that the wearer has known better days; and, in the downward progress of fortunes when they once fall, may probably know still worse. What Will He Do with It? — Volume 10
  • Beetles are frequently associated with poultry feed, preferring grain and cereal products that are damp, moldy and slightly out of condition.
  • She quietly reads a book, oblivious to the great pockmarks of peeling paint and disintegrating plaster of the moldy wall behind her.
  • The only sign of life there today came from a mouldy old caravan, all steamy windows and grimed with neglect, where a radio was playing Sunday morning music of the popular kind.
  • He loved it until he played a chess game with moldy old Uncle Hooya… and lost.
  • There is faded grandeur in its crumbling, mouldy mansions with their jalousie-fronted windows, porches and verandas.
  • Human exposure to biological contaminants in the air of damp and moldy indoor environments is a challenge for toxicological research and risk assessment.
  • She quietly reads a book, oblivious to the great pockmarks of peeling paint and disintegrating plaster of the moldy wall behind her.
  • I speak from experience when I say that a mouldy reed has neither the taste nor the sound of a clean reed.
  • In addition, leather which has been mouldy may still contain nasty spores which could result in skin infections for your horse. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • finicking". "shewing" was very moldy at the time this was written but still not deceased. Hung Lou Meng, Book II Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
  • In addition, leather which has been mouldy may still contain nasty spores which could result in skin infections for your horse. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • The Oxford English Dictionary takes the demure view that funky meant "moldy," although it notes that "funk" has often been used to mean tobacco smoke and may derive from the Latin fumar, to smoke. Chicago Reader
  • When moldy seeds are planted, seedling death results in poor stands.
  • Two large black wings spread to an impressive 20 foot wind-span, the black feathers glistening in the damp, moldy city air.
  • With less hunger he might have found it nauseous; for the bread was incredibly mouldy and had been gnawed all round the crust by rats, while the liquor in the pannikin was a mixture of fiery rum and unclean water. The Blue Pavilions
  • Cool and rainy weather in late spring induced moldy conditions in the cells that caused much larval mortality.
  • Cool and rainy weather in late spring induced moldy conditions in the cells that caused much larval mortality.
  • Fans rave about the health and nutrition benefits of munching on mouldy meals. The Sun
  • Some time after that, the company came across the May "moldy" Twitter post. A1 HOME PAGE Top Stories 1
  • Jamez: "They were gonna release this song on a new album, but it never got ... moggio's moldy Oreos:" 46 minutes is short for an archive release these days. Kill Ugly Radio
  • Capn's Final Word: More jangly versions of the same old moldy folk tunes that everyone else in the coffee shop knows by heart.
  • A white or grayish powdery / moldy growth appears on the foliage, new shoots and buds.
  • And I'll be stuck slaving away in some moldy old courtroom, wondering ‘what if?’
  • Such an overwhelming slime pit of sagas would normally infect and ferment your average low budget B-movie, rendering it as unappetizing as moldy headcheese.
  • How can the council say that this family are not a priority when they are living in mouldy, musty, damp conditions with a two-week old baby and a son who has asthma?
  • How can the council say that this family are not a priority when they are living in mouldy, musty, damp conditions with a two-week old baby and a son who has asthma?
  • Gregory Mosher, who directed last year's flawless Broadway revival of Arthur Miller's "A View From the Bridge," has done his best to transfuse this moldy theatrical corpse with the blood of plausibility. Men Dating Themselves
  • His inspiration lies in the mouldy archives of American roots music, and his accomplished finger-picked guitar style is decidedly untrendy.
  • We had to throw out many things which had just gone mouldy in the damp but that has at least meant that we can get to any place within the garage without having to climb over anything.
  • ‘It was damp, it was mouldy, there was only one scrap of curtain,’ she says.
  • We never found out what was causing it, but I rather suspect that the carpets were mouldy from the damp.
  • He saw last weeks left over boiled potatoes, mouldy and covered with small dark flying insects.
  • Areas sown too thickly go mouldy and die off. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only sign of life there today came from a mouldy old caravan, all steamy windows and grimed with neglect, where a radio was playing Sunday morning music of the popular kind.
  • You can accept your moldy old science with its unanswered questions and stupid bland facts and its ‘rigorous analytical processes.’
  • Severely infected seeds appear shriveled, cracked, and elongated, and may be covered with a white, moldy growth.
  • A jakes, of course, was the Elizabethan word for a mouldy toilet.
  • Sea, fed on moldy bread, and even moldier pork, with a fretful child to nurse, and an exacting mother to be pleased! Told in the East
  • Forget the moldy old slide-show party.
  • Others found stale bread or mouldy tomatoes, or items a bit too near their ‘best before’ dates.
  • Brown vinegar also works well in smelly cupboards, especially those that have a musty or mouldy odour.
  • American officials said it was safe, despite its pungent odour and edible rind of mouldy nettle leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • She took a quick shower in one of the moldy shower stalls, and put on her other clothes.
  • It's like comparing stale, moldy, rancid bread with soggy, stale, moldy, rancid bread.
  • They feel entitled to de-clutter their lives from those mouldy old ancestral obligations.
  • The stage is designer Andy Klunder's evocation of a World War I blue remembered battlefield, peopled by a ghostly lost generation in sad tin hats and mouldy cloth, their women anonymous wraiths in caps and shrouds.
  • I remember where the Kitchen is, and I know I'm sick of moldy old food we've got.
  • American officials said it was safe, despite its pungent odour and edible rind of mouldy nettle leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beer sugars that are left uncared for become mouldy and skunky.
  • Evergreen viburnum growing in the shade will certainly get moldy and full of mildew.
  • I can't quite put my finger on what it is, and I start looking around the room for moldy food or drink cups or small, dead animals.
  • At home and in the field, the men around him had often complained of rotten meat and moldy bread.
  • A tray bit, missus -- just thruppence -- a mouldy thruppence to get a livener. Captivity
  • Nothing new here but a speaking-pipe, a post-box, and a mouldy smell from some forgotten crypt -- an extra mouldy smell, mouldier than of yore. The Letters of Charles Dickens Vol. 2 (of 3), 1857-1870
  • It's shot in a clunky retro-futurist style, and the director declares himself influenced by Fritz Lang, filling his screen with eerie, gigantic hardware shot in mouldy, decaying, soft-focus sepia.
  • Two large black wings spread to an impressive 20 foot wind-span, the black feathers glistening in the damp, moldy city air.
  • They are going mouldy quickly this year - so grab them while you can. The Sun
  • The occasional burst of singing wafts up through the yellow leaves, mixed with the mouldy astringent smell of rotting apples.
  • Coffee is regularly contaminated with unappetising detritus ranging from floor sweepings and twigs to poisonous, mouldy coffee beans.
  • As long as they had somewhere they could peddle their hallucinogenic drugs, gamble their lives away and drown their sorrows in the kind of rotgut that'd leave their livers with the consistency of damp and mouldy Swiss cheese, they didn't care what the name of the damn place was. Vic's
  • Universities, when he says that their education is made up "of words that few understand and most will shortly forget; of arts that can never be used, if indeed they can even be learnt; of histories inapplicable to our times; of languages dead and even mouldy; of grammatical rules that never had living use and are only post mortem examinations; and of statements fagoted with utter disregard of their comparative value. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Sources of the toxin are spoiled foodstuffs and fodder such as mouldy silage and spoiled hay and grain, especially when they contain dead mice or other dead animal matter. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Mortified by the prospect of salvaging a king's ransom in moldy books – and horrified by word that repulsive local nobleman Lord Laphroig seeks to marry her – Mistaya decides that the only way to run her own life is to run away from home. A Princess of Landover by Terry Brooks: Book summary
  • At home and in the field, the men around him had often complained of rotten meat and moldy bread.
  • It certainly is something that hasn't been love at first taste for me, but with time I've grown to appreciate it's "mouldy" old nose. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Mary gets together with friends and makes 40 to 50 quarts of tomato juice by cutting up all the fruit that's neither rotten nor moldy, cooking it down until it's soft, then put it through a food mill and can what comes out of the bottom.
  • TBAs are 2,4,6-tribromoanisoles, one of a class of chemical compounds known as halogenated anisoles, which can produce a moldy or musty odor in food, drugs and other products. Unsafe by definition: TBAs
  • A white or grayish powdery / moldy growth appears on the foliage, new shoots and buds.
  • TV Guide goes on to state: "Overwritten and underacted by the kids anyway, it strings out its weekly climactic shockers — some of them truly unnerving — with artery-hardening blobs of moldy adolescent whining. Archive 2007-05-01
  • There he stands, shuffling his feet, this adolescent whose potbellied father used to thrash his hide not more than half a year ago in order to train him with such methods to become a merchant in maggoty flour and mouldy jam: there he stands, moaning and groaning, this addlebrain, torturing himself as he tries in vain to remember the pertinent paragraphs of the rules that were crammed into his stupid head -- and he cannot make up his mind whether to use his hatchet on the noble don, to shout for help, or to simply wave him on his way. Hard to be a god
  • Unfortunately, however, the rest of the fruit bowl is filled with nothing but mouldy old chestnuts and flyblown rhubarb.
  • When we finally managed to get a room in the hotel we had booked, it was filthy with mouldy walls and plug sockets hanging off. The Sun
  • Indeed, the only food he could find, and which starvation caused him to digest, was mouldy crusts of bread covered in mouse droppings.
  • He turned out kind of moldy, and say! he was dumb. A Thousand and One Afternoons in Chicago
  • The only one of fifteen varieties that I have fruited that can be depended on to pollinize itself; medium size, well sealed, cures well, no bitterness to pellicle, no "sticktite" nor moldy nuts. Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943
  • The fruits are still edible but need to be picked before they go mouldy. The Sun
  • The stalk was grayish-brown, kind of moldy looking. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • If a cork seems damp or mouldy at either end, this is not necessarily a sign of any wine fault.
  • Forget the moldy old slide-show party.
  • Let's get rid of this mouldy old furniture.
  • Bloom kicks open "the crazy door of the jakes." In the cobwebbed privacy of the biffy with "the stench of mouldy limewash and stale cobwebs" Bloom "eases himself".
  • The inside of the cabin was rather gloomy and had a musty, old mouldy smell about it.
  • The ceilings had water stains and gave off a musty moldy smell.
  • The walnut pave is more moist than many walnut breads and free from that bitter, slightly mouldy taste that can make walnuts unpalatable.
  • Royal Flying Doctor Service employees on behalf of Lockhart River residents - accuses the community store of stocking "mouldy" bread, "rotten" fruit, frozen vegetables which have been defrosted and refrozen and meat that tastes like "cardboard" when cooked. | Top Stories
  • If a cutting shows signs of going mouldy, pull it out quickly before it can infect the rest. Times, Sunday Times
  • If curtains are too heavy for your machine, mouldy areas should first be rubbed with eucalyptus oil, left for a few hours, and then wiped clean with a damp cloth.
  • Harry looks around at the old, moldy, untitled, creepy books, and is frightened.
  • After all, the three of us are heading out of town soon and the last time we did that with tetra in the house, I came home to a moldy clump of them wadded together on a plant. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • moldy bread
  • He also offers an edible alternative, though it may peel and get mouldy if you don't shellac it, since basically you're making pie filling without any sugar or fruit.
  • That was the last thing I wanted to smell and I emptied my already rather empty stomach onto the damp, moldy floor.
  • ‘It was damp, it was mouldy, there was only one scrap of curtain,’ she says.
  • He saw last weeks left over boiled potatoes, mouldy and covered with small dark flying insects.
  • This was fine compared to the moldy tents and dirt floors at tent city.
  • Mouldy James took the cutting back and put it carefully into his notecase. In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
  • So bits of twine, a broken bread knife and half-empty bags of last year's mouldy bulb fibre are squirrelled away in my shed.
  • She called the boathouse a beautiful building, describing the men's state-of-the-art changing facilities and juxtaposed them with what she described as the cramped, moldy showers and changing area provided for women. Columbia Spectator - News, sports, and entertainment coverage for the Morningside Heights community in New York City.
  • Mein soul, we will be all princes and hertzogs, whom they call dukes, and we will hab a snab at the wein kellar [wine cellar], and at the mouldy French crowns, and it may be at the pretty garces too Quentin Durward
  • Its fibers become moldy very easily, and the mold breaks the fiber into a fine dust.
  • And to prove it, parked in the gravel driveway was the rustbucket, moldy green Ford LTD. GUARDIAN OF THE VEIL
  • Ergotism from eating bread made with ergotized wheat is now rare, but _pellagra_ from the consumption of mouldy maize, and _lathyrism_, due to the admixture with flour of the seeds of certain kinds of vetch, are still common in Southern Europe. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • The next day the James Gang came over to Centennial for dinner and I made decisions on the bathroom tile, grey stone, nixed knotty pine as trim or anything else, having a dislike of it as reminiscent of moldy New England motels going for the antique look. Bird Cloud
  • That was the last thing I wanted to smell and I emptied my already rather empty stomach onto the damp, moldy floor.
  • I truly dislike discovering new living organisms (aka moldy food) in our refrigerator. Marriage
  • Molds must have air to grow, and therefore silage which is packed air-tight and fed out rapidly will not become moldy. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Beer sugars that are left uncared for become mouldy and skunky, as I'm sure you know if you have ever come across a half-empty beer days or weeks after a party.
  • Meanwhile, AQSIQ will further step up its crackdown on uncertified food production, especially the use of non-food materials, livestock that has died of illness and mouldy or rotten food.
  • If a cork seems damp or mouldy at either end, this is not necessarily a sign of any wine fault.
  • -- Mein soul, we will be all princes and hertzogs, whom they call dukes, and we will hab a snab at the wein kellar [wine cellar], and at the mouldy French crowns, and it may be at the pretty garces too [meaning the countesses], when He with de beard is weary on them. Quentin Durward
  • And I'll be stuck slaving away in some moldy old courtroom, wondering ‘what if?’
  • It was a small, square, very flat tin receptacle of some kind, rusted and moldy, and about six inches long and wide. The Slipper Point Mystery
  • This report is really disturbing for I am certain that some leftover, moldy Chinese food in my refrigerator is a perfect miniaturized replica of the lost continent of Atlantis.
  • The purchaser of cotton-seed cake should be certain that it is not old and mouldy, which is frequently the case. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • The earth by the Kramer monument burst asunder, and a bony, decomposing arm, covered with tatters of moldy, worm-eaten cloth, reached out of the ground.

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