How To Use Mojave Desert In A Sentence
- In the middle of the Mojave Desert is a phone booth housing the sole telephone for 16 miles in any direction.
- We learn that the Cahuilla Indians in the Mojave Desert, where we are, inhaled the vapors from boiling creosote to treat respiratory infections.
- That means that you can enjoy broadband Internet access regardless of whether your home or business is located in a major metropolitan area or in the middle of the Mojave desert.
- In the searing heat of the Mojave desert, cowpats quickly assume the texture and aerodynamics of Frisbees.
- The first explorer is slated for blast-off from the Mojave Desert in 2007.
- You may recall the fracas over the cross in the Mojave desert shown here that was up before the U.S. Court calls a war memorial cross unconstitutional -- again
- Homes, furniture, entertainment units all over town were being repo'd every day; even life on the installment plan wasn't cutting it in the low-cost Mojave Desert.
- Los Angeles itself grows by accretion, creeping eastward through the San Gorgonio Pass along the line of the San Andreas Fault, bulldozing further and further into the Mojave Desert.
- We learn that the Indians in the Mojave Desert inhaled the vapors from boiling creosote to treat respiratory infections.
- The White Knight turbojet aircraft climbs over the Mojave desert with SpaceShipOne attached to its underbelly.