How To Use Moist In A Sentence
It's hay that may have become moldy - if it was moist when put in the haymow - but it is just as effective for mulching as good hay, and a great deal cheaper.
Traditional methods for liquid or semiliquid fecal incontinence management, such as the use of absorbent briefs/pads, skin cleansers, and moisturizers, are only moderately successful in alleviating the consequences of fecal incontinence.
New Data Shows Budget Impact of Fecal Management System in Hospital ICU
She looked at him, eyes moistened still, and her face struggled between smile and surprise.
The air smells like moist potting soil, the skin of potatoes… the damp chalk of limestone.
How does one grow regionally adapted beans for moist climates?

Yes , sure. This line of products is fragrance - free. We have facial mask, moisturizing lotion and eye - cream.
That's the forecast for the forecastable future -- showers and thundershowers as the warm and sun suck moisture out of our sodden lebensraum and turn it back into clouds.
Moisture blisters usually include all paint coats down to the wood surface.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008 first signs of spring - centre piece of the month february pick whatever flowers you get at the supermarket to make this little basket filled with flowers. ranunculus are my favourites and available all over the place at the moment, so i chose to put them into this flowery centrepiece. the orchid is quite fancy but you just really need one to pimp this up (and it keeps for ever!). a rose or two, some ivy and green leaves from the forest and you are all set. to get started line a basket with some foil and trim on the edges. soak some floral foam in water and place in the basket, when soaked wet (can be really, really wet - it will have to work as a vase to the flowers), eventually cut and trim the floral on the edges, so that it resembles an arch. trim flowers and green leaves and stick into pot. start doing so on the bottom of foam, working upwards until you have an even flowery centrepiece. make sure foam stays moist - adding some water from time to time.
Archive 2008-02-01
The very first day I discovered the moisture meter in the mixer was not working properly, giving an inconsistent mix and the cement weigh batcher was weighing inconsistent amounts for each batch.
The same principle can be used to make a moisture meter from wooded strips.
It contests every inch of space with man, and, aided by incessant heat and moisture, constantly wrests from him his conquests and buries them in a fury of viridescence.
In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
The pizza tasted much better than it looked, tangy tomato paste, nice, moist pan-style dough.
Never use the foam underlayment with moisture barrier on wood floors or wood subfloors.
Periodically, bark and litter samples from each site were collected, moist chambered in the manner described by Gilbert and Martin, and examined closely for plasmodia and fruiting bodies for a three week period.
With the cost of floor coverings over concrete subfloors now estimated at more than a billion dollars a year in the United States, far greater attention must be given to the issue of moisture within and below concrete slabs on grade.
The plants should be grown in a sunny or partially shaded spot and prefer a fertile, moist but well-drained soil.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the most charismatic cloud forest species such as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno) and three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) are equally dependent on the seasonal moist forests as they migrate annually to these moist forests at the completion of their breeding season.
Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
The resulting cake is golden, incredibly moist, light and fruity, with a slightly crusty edge, and it is very hard to stop at just one slice.
The Russian studies use sites that are perhaps the best temp proxies dendrology can offer — cold not moisture-limited sites, and whadayaknow, the correlation w/temps are much better than average.
Juckes and the Indigirka River Alter Ego « Climate Audit
Far too spicy, too sweet and not as moist as it should be.
Times, Sunday Times
And was there frostwork about and thick weather and hice, soon calid, soon frozen, cold on warm but moistly dry, and a boatshaped blanket of bruma air-sighs and hellstohns and flammballs and vodashouts and every — thing to please everybody? —
Finnegans Wake
The moist eastern slopes of the Andes tumble to dank, humid, jungle lowlands whose rivers are the highways for transportation.
This may reflect the differences in soil moisture regimes between the east-facing and the west-facing plots.
For maximum benefit, skin moisturizers should be applied generously before the longest period of no hand-washing activity (eg, before going to bed).
Moisturisers are one of the easiest cosmetics to enhance with essential oils.
There is also a swifter motion of a different sort of fire which strikes and dilates the ray of sight until it reaches the eyes, forcing a way through their passages and melting them, and eliciting from them a union of fire and water which we call tears, being itself an opposite fire which comes to them from an opposite direction — the inner fire flashes forth like lightning, and the outer finds a way in and is extinguished in the moisture, and all sorts of colours are generated by the mixture.
Apply a lip moisturiser or lip balm about 20 minutes before you want to apply lipstick.
Don't weigh down a weave with heavy products like gels or moisturizing lotions, or by adding too much hair.
Ensure a moist and succulent roast with this baster, complete with injector needle for infusing flavor right into the meat.
It has been my experience, and sometimes misfortune, that rubber grips attract and hold moisture underneath, promoting rust.
In addition, the mold and moisture issues associated with chillers operating at part-load conditions are eliminated when proper dehumidification can occur.
Plant tubers in a 6in tray of moist potting compost so that their tops are just covered.
She could see his face, red with emotion, eyes moist with tears that waited to be shed.
My home on Sunday became a place of carefree fun, little wet boys running to and fro, glistening beads of moisture running down their soft nubile chests.
Stay peachy-skinned by applying soothing, unperfumed skincare products to moisturise and protect.
The Sun
Place them on a plate or a towel and salt liberally to draw out excess moisture.
As the slope steepens, warm, moist air overrunning the cold air is cut off and the precipitation coverage begins to rapidly decrease.
I lick my lips trying to moisten my mouth a bit and speak.
Compost mixes topped with a layer of mulch can help to retain moisture, as can water-retaining crystals laced through the mix.
They say: Combine with serum or moisturiser and apply to face and neck each morning.
Times, Sunday Times
Washed spodium (tutty?) mixed with grease, and not of a thinner consistence than dough, is to be carefully triturated, and moistened with the juice of unripe raisins; and having dried in the sun, moisten until it is of the consistence of an ointment.
On Regimen In Acute Diseases
Plain yogurt on a burn helps moisturize the skin and cool the heat.
Long threads of primrose yellow stuck to the back of my moist neck, my hair thick, lengthy, down around my shoulders.
But while the soil was moist the plants would not be drawing groundwater.
Two kernels per spike were collected for determination of dry weight and moisture content.
The wood of the stave and arrow shafts was dark with moisture.
Planetary characteristics are defined by these humoural temperaments where, as in nature, warmth and moisture promote health and vitality whilst cold and dryness are conducive to decay.
Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.
During the baseline phase, not a single patient who was observed had the oral cavity assessed, teeth brushed, lips and mouth moisturized, oropharyngeal area suctioned, or suction tubing changed.
You may put your African violet on a self-watering system to ensure a constant, optimum level of moisture.
Pulsed corona discharge plasma was used to treat ethanethiol in the air. The influences of gas flow rate (or residence time) and moisture of gas flow on removal efficiency were investigated.
These high elevation communities are naturally subject to increased atmospheric moisture, cooler temperatures, and higher winds, but also now suffer from the effects of acid rain deposition, which tend to be exacerbated in high elevation communities, and from the depredations of an introduced homopteran insect, the wooly adelgid (Adelges spp.).
Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
During the growing season (late spring to autumn), keep the plant watered and apply a liquid feed every month, as the compost must be moist in winter.
Secondly, the glands without convolution, as the capillary vessels, which unite the terminations of the arteries and veins; and separate both the mucus, which lubricates the cellular membrane, and the perspirable matter, which preserves the skin moist and flexible.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Many of today's over-the-counter skin creams and lotions promise to do more than moisturize the skin.
They grow in any moist but well-drained soil in a fairly sunny location.
Times, Sunday Times
A good time to apply them is just after a bath, while the skin is still slightly moist.
The reception was encased in bulletproof glass, the blankets were riddled with holes and the remote control was moist.
Times, Sunday Times
Warm, moist headspace air can activate mold growth, causing grain to crust and seal over.
Using elevated food bowls or feeding dry food that contains citric acid as a preservative may also contribute risk increases if kibble containing citric acid is moistened, some experts say.
Pet Talk: Some dogs predisposed to deadly bloating
Those koa trees will do more than just provide roosting sites for birds, they'll also help capture moisture, raising the air temperature near them by as much as 5 degrees.
This heating process removes moisture from the air.
Take Care of Your Skin
It was moist and meaty and utterly delicious when wrapped in the paper-light pancakes alongside threads of spring onion and cucumber and lashings of sweet plum sauce.
Mechanical plant pipes and ductwork may produce moisture or attract condensation.
The desert air contains hardly any moisture.
The turbine ventilator (also known as "whirlybird") is one of the many types of roof vents available, preferred by some because it uses a wind-propelled fan instead of an electric fan to draw heat and moisture out of the attic space.
Shaister Miester Do Da
To our knowledge, this tiny myxomycete is known only from moist chamber cultures of living tree and vine bark such as elms, grapevines, maples, oaks, red bud, red cedar, and yellow poplar.
Burning and disking appears to set back gallberry more than does burning alone, but disking probably does not kill gallberry except during periods of very low soil moisture.
The water content of doughnut mixtures is important; the dough must be stiff enough to be shaped, but still contain plenty of moisture to give the light spongy texture of the cooked product.
The soap/moisturiser manufacturer recently commissioned a survey that pretty much confirmed what we already know.
Bilbies don't need to drink as they get all the moisture they need from food!
The Sun
Drink lots of water through the day, not only to replenish moisture lost to the heat and sweat but also to help flush toxins out of the body and keep skin looking clear and lustrous.
There wasn't a moist eye here when the news of Frank's passing reached us.
You can choose from an exfoliating scrub, body and bath oil, SPF moisturizing lotion (all made from sugar, a natural exfoliant, and jojoba oil, a skin hydrator).
Moisture is beaded on the windshield of the pick-up.
The emollient creams make the top layers of skin seem moister for a short time, but the other ingredients are actually drying the skin so you have to use more of the lotion, etc.
Because the little wells trap in moisture, the burgers don't get any kind of sear on them-they more or less steam in their own juices-but for sliders, that's not a particularly bad thing.
A Hamburger Today
Angel food cakes will be more moist and natural tasting when made with real egg whites (even though they’re actually not made when made with meringue powder), and if you choose to use the meringue powder in a mousse, it may have a starchy aftertaste from the cornstarch in the meringue powder.
Baking Bites » Print » What is meringue powder?
It prevented significantly moisture absorption and absorption of heat and promoted safe-storage.
Now is a good time to lay turf, but keep it moist and feed it.
Times, Sunday Times
Leave to soak for at least six hours or ideally overnight for a really moist cake.
The Sun
Highly nutritional active lotion infiltrates into cuticle, soften deep derm, moisturize rough skin, at the same time remove wrinkles of cuticle, restores delicacy, smooth, natural health of skin.
Only down the side of this trickled moisture which had stained the stone with encrusta - tions and given life to some strange and ominous-looking growths pallidly yellow and dankly gray in the globe light.
Flight in Yiktor
It is closely related to peat and has a relatively low carbon content and high moisture content.
To maintain moisture, slip the whole flat or pot into a clear plastic bag after the initial watering.
Draped around foods before they're deep-fried, it keeps them from losing moisture and flavor.
Wrap up warm and put on some moisturiser with a protection factor.
The Sun
Salmon is delicious when cooked on a barbecue; it forms a delicious, caramelised crust and if cooked properly it will stay moist and succulent inside.
Well may that land be called delectable and a fructuous land, that was be-bled and moisted with the precious blood of our
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
So why do nurserymen sell it in moisture-holding peat compost?
Times, Sunday Times
After weighing, oven-drying, and reweighing the seeds, we found that seeds lost moisture at a similar rate in the two substrates.
Heuchera americana, or alum root, is adaptable to sun or shade, given sufficient moisture.
The cutter lay like a log on the water, the reef-points rattling on the main-sail like a shower of small shot; and, every time he heard the sound, the man at the helm would raise his eyes aloft, and, fixing them steadily on the gaff-topsail for a minute or two, turn round and scan the horizon; and then, walking to the quarter, moisten his forefinger in his mouth, and hold it above his head.
A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
Sufficient moisture must be present to penetrate the testa or seed coat, but not so much that the seed rots or that the oxygen level in the soil is reduced.
Witch hazel is a cooling astringent, and vegetable glycerin moisturizes your skin.
At this point the stover part of the plant has good digestibility, and the moisture is usually in the desired range for storage in airtight silos.
Beads of moisture perspired through the porous walls of the clay jug.
He smacked his choppy lips, his moist skin dark olive green in the candlelight.
Lack of moisture is one of the major reasons that the lines and wrinkles on your skin become more apparent.
It is somewhat viscid when moist, and the margin is very thin and strongly striate and tuberculate, i. e., the ridges between the marginal furrows are tuberculate.
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
The organization of the gametophyte stands in the closest relation to the factors of light and moisture in the environment.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
The hairs on its chin muffle its muttering, and its skin is moist, laughable, and it's big.
While a technician shovels pomace into the small tractor-powered sheller, the pits are separated from the moist mash, which is then placed in an ordinary cement mixer.
The lightweight vest is made from a Sportwool inner which wicks moisture away from the body and transfers it to the front of the garment producing a cooling effect.
If the moisture content is too high, there is a risk of fermentation; too low and it may crystallize or granulize.
ThomasNet Industrial Newsroom - Today's New Product News
I bake them outside of the turkey to get a crispy crust and a moist interior, whether I am using cornbread as a base, mixing in caramelized onions or keeping the whole dish vegetarian.
Baking Bites » Print » Stuffing vs dressing, and regional preferences
The greenish yellow marsh meadow locust prefers to sing on hot, quiet forenoons from moist ditches and grassy banks.
This allows any moisture to drain out of the hollow stems.
Times, Sunday Times
As soon as the second-year plants set seed and die, that seed germinates into pretty new rosettes that quickly monopolize light, moisture, nutrients, soil, and space.
They clump up happily over a few years in moist soil and you can divide them with ease.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a soft, grey day, overhung with clouds, and the air is full of moisture.
Times, Sunday Times
For a sweeter zwieback, we melted 4 tablespoons of butter with 1/4 cup sugar and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon and brushed the mixture onto one side of the cut slices before baking them, which took 10 to 15 minutes longer because of the extra moisture.
This will make the sponge nice and moist.
The Sun
Once dried (to 6-8 percent moisture content) and placed in an airtight container, the seed maintains a germinability of 75-80 percent for several years.
Chapter 6
A fern-grass-sedge pampa covers the summit areas of the larger islands where moisture is retained in temporary pools and sphagnum moss.
Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
Then he carefully applies a pre-moistened piece of etching paper to the plate.
The adequate preparation is often achieved by ripping the land when the soil has good moisture, followed by chisel ploughing and the use of a fine harrow for fine seed preparation.
She washed, moisturised, shaved, cleansed, toned, scrubbed and deodorised her skin, before putting on a deep-sea facemask, accompanied by the traditional cucumbers.
And it was on to Kilauea — the dream so near its ending; and of course we tossed into the pit of sea-surging lava our offerings to the Fire-Goddess of maile leis and of fish and hard poi wrapped moist in the ti leaves.
Direct and some metal composition chlorides of chlorine under the moist circumstance.
She recently left a preview screening with a moist eye and a welter of praise for the team who faithfully realised the adaptation.
Now factor in such environmental impacts as weather, yield, moisture content, lodged crops, green weeds and ground speed.
If dry, scaly legs have you running for cover, kick up your moisturizing regimen with a three-tiered attack.
The bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), which is native to moist deciduous woodlands, is perfect for naturalizing.
Our tents are filled with clothes, down jackets, sleeping bags, woollen gloves and socks, snow boots, and tonnes of packed cream - sun-block, moisturiser, lip balm and cleanser - as well as the routine climbing paraphernalia of ropes, crampons, harnesses, descendeurs and carabiners.
His eyes began to moisten and all he could manage was a crackly, ‘We should talk for a while?’
A moisturizer, exfoliator and itch reliever, oatmeal is a triple-threat skin treatment.
They exfoliate all the dead skin cells, and they hold the moisture in.
Cracked screens, broken casings and malfunctioning operating systems short-circuited by moisture damage or dust infiltration can cause massive headaches and turn an expensive device into a useless brick.
Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean, moist cotton flannel.
He nervously moistened his lips with his tongue.
Humidity means the amount of moisture in the air.
This is a network of plastic tubing that can be regulated to provide a constant moisture supply to your plants.
dependent on moisture
He says the enzyme is most active at specific conditions of temperature, moisture and alkalinity that are different from most food processing.
Genetically-Modified Maize Threatens Crunchy Snack Chips
Mix in a little moisturiser for a dewier finish.
Times, Sunday Times
I will need some moisture mats - thick layers of hemp fibre matting which sit on top of the waste.
With a very moist air mass ahead of this from the Gulf of Mexico, an eastwards moving line of severe thunderstorms was generated across the Mississippi Valley.
Weatherwatch: Blizzards in Bucharest, tornadoes in Arkansas
Anyway, if you want to spend some time in a warm, moist climate, I would recommend a trip to the Congo Basin.
It can remove the rough horniness caused by skin dryness and leave skin gentle and moist.
The only other items you will need in your kit are tinted moisturiser, mascara and lipstick.
Times, Sunday Times
When temperatures drop, so does the skin's moisture level - a direct result of dehydrating cold, dry air.
Better to use a soothing, anti-inflammatory moisturizer containing aloe, allantoin, or chamomile.
Simple Skin Beauty
Blinking produces tears that can help moisten and lubricate your eyes.
Expert A: In the normal skin cuticle , includes 10 % - 20 % moisture contents, with 7 % fat.
The moisture removing feature of our air conditioners keep the air clear, but the unpleasant feeling underfoot is much more difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of.
Safety Japan
For when the spirit, or moisture turned to spirit, has escaped from some porous body (as wood, bone, parchment, and the like), then the grosser parts are with stronger effort drawn and collected together; whence ensues induration or desiccation, which I take to be owing not so much to the motion of connection to prevent a vacuum as to this motion of friendship and union.
The New Organon
The anesthetic drops also serve to moisten the corneal surface area, which promotes suction ring adhesion.
The Purus-Madeira moist forest ecoregion lies in the center of the Brazilian Amazon, south of the Amazon River on the interfluve between the Purus and Madeira Rivers.
Purus-Madeira moist forests
Use a few drops on slightly damp skin to trap moisture.
The Sun
I wash with five kinds of soap, so I am as clean, moisturized, sanitized, freshened and deodorized as a person can be.
Reaching over her opposite shoulder, Ali drew the sword that was strapped there, flicking her wrist to scatter the drops of moisture that had settled on the metal surface.
Water moisturizes the skin, preserves its elasticity and pumps up those skin cells, which all makes your skin soft and supple.
Besides being segmented, the body wall of annelids is characterized by being made up of both circular and longitudinal muscle fibers surrounded by a moist, acellular cuticle that is secreted by an epidermal epithelium.
This house would be planted, if possible, neare to some riuer, or fresh running brooke, but by no meanes vpon the verge of the riuer, nor within the danger of the ouerflow thereof: for the one is subiect to too much coldnesse and moisture, the other to danger.
The English Husbandman The First Part: Contayning the Knowledge of the true Nature of euery Soyle within this Kingdome: how to Plow it; and the manner of the Plough, and other Instruments
If the seedbed is loose and the seed would be placed in loose soil, consider delaying seeding until there is enough moisture to firm the seedbed.
A wet bulb thermometer is simply a thermometer with the bulb wrapped in moist muslin.
It offers a rich, creamy lather that will invigorate, moisturize and soften your hair.
Pour non-shrinking cement, preserve moisture for 15 days and measure data, and perform the acceptance inspection.
Major climate limitations include short growing seasons (not enough time to mature or to produce high yields of harvestable crop), lack of heat energy (too few GDDs during the season), long and/or unfavorable winter weather that can limit survival of many perennial crops, and high moisture stress in some areas.
Agriculture in the Arctic
_Air_, _heat_, and _moisture_ are the principal of these; they attack the dead organism, and gradually convert it into wholly different and inorganic compounds, such as water, carbonic acid, ammonia, phosphuretted hydrogen, and many others.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 460 Volume 18, New Series, October 23, 1852
To shine patent leather, moisten a soft cloth with white vinegar and wipe clean all patent leather articles.
Mulching once the soil is warm is very useful in conserving soil moisture.
Ready!" attacked in his turn, striking hard and as swiftly as he could, but _crack, crack, crack_, wherever he struck, there was the defensive sapling; and at last, with his arm and shoulder aching, the boy lowered his point and stood panting, with his brow moist with beads of perspiration.
The Young Castellan A Tale of the English Civil War
Wool insulation can absorb up to 35% of its own weight in moisture from the atmosphere, thereby helping to preserve timbers from mould.
Times, Sunday Times
The tineid often occurs as a secondary pest after the pyralid moth when the plant has already lost moisture due to the pyralid moth.
4 Yams
My daughter!" exclaimed the piper, in a half-angry, half-sorrowful voice, while a slight moisture forced itself through his orbless lids.
Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
They are interested to learn how to properly cleanse and moisturise their faces.
Times, Sunday Times
These sugars are also strongly hygroscopic (moisture absorbing), and make the finished product keep well.
Potatoes are smothered in onions and garlic and the whole thing is slightly moist, yet oven-browned.
His words filled hearts, turned eyes moist, and made many doleful as he saluted those who were not with us any longer as they laid down their lives for the country.
I have, I believe, at last succeeded in arranging the proper proportions, and in substituting, for the worse than useless crude alum, the alum ustum or burnt alum, which is not affected by moisture
Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
It consists of three parts; the germen, which is the rudiment of the fruit accompanying the flower, but not yet arrived at maturity; the style, which is the part that serves to elevate tjbe stigma from the germen; and the stigma, which is the summit of the pistillum, and covered with a moisture f (M* the breaking of the pollen, which is dis - charged by the anthorse.
A View of Nature: In Letters to a Traveller Among the Alps
The only thing lacking are moist tissues to clean fingers with after eating the ribs.
Masks should not become less efficient as they build up moisture from a person's exhalations of breath.
The dominant tree species in this moist forest are the dipterocarps, Anisoptera thurifera, Hopea gregaria, H. iriana, H. novoguineensis, Shorea assamica, S. montigena, S. selanica, and Vatica rassak.
Buru rain forests
This occurs when relatively moist maritime air is carried inland at levels above the surface.
For example, it may simply add bulk to stews and stuffings, or nice moist textures to cakes, cookies and loaves.
Fertilizers placed with the seed (primarily nitrogen and potassium fertilizers) are hygroscopic and will draw moisture away from the seed.
Unlike cooling-based dehumidifiers, which cool the air to condense moisture, desiccants attract moisture molecules directly from the air and release them into an exhaust air stream.
Moisturise and hydrate skin thoroughly before going to bed.
The cake part is nice and moist and chocolaty, and ginger and apricot work particularly well with the chocolate, both for flavor and bite.
But the coconut oil roast also leaves a layer of fat or oil on the outside surface of the nut to retard moisture migration and sogginess of the nut while the ice cream product is in the freezer case.
Surely some sort moisturising routine would have been simple and inexpensive remedy.
Times, Sunday Times
The western and northern boundaries and are delineated by mangroves and the Atlantic Ocean, while the eastern boundary occurs along a precipitation gradient - bordering xeric scrub and scrublands in the north, llanos and wetlands in the central portions, and moist forests in the south.
Orinoco Delta swamp forests
My huge bowl contained large, moist chunks of tangy smoked haddock and other white fish in a delicious creamy sauce.
Can give the skin moisten and provide the nutrient, and the breast keep the health growth.
Deep-rooted plants, such as hackberry, elm and green ash trees, may tap into groundwater and release more moisture into the air than is replaced by precipitation.
Kansas City infoZine Headlines
It has been before observed, that the tarrow, at the Friendly and Society Islands, was always planted in low and moist situations, and generally where there was the convenience of
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
The bread continues to bake during this time, with much of the excess interior moisture evaporating.
There were no windows to admit moist atmosphere to enter.
Moisture also causes additional problems, such as mold and mildew growth.
When you're younger, you don't listen to your parents, so I really want to say it: hydrate, exfoliate, moisturize, exercise and floss!
Purists argue against roasting in a conventional oven because the closed space traps moisture, adversely affecting the roasting process.
A vapor retarder in this location would reduce the amount of moisture that diffuses into the wall cavity.
I'm getting a slightly golden loaf with a moist and firm texture, and an interesting slightly fermented taste.
To help prevent leaks, moisture seepage and decay problems, check your roof for weak areas.
Needs moist soil all year round.
Times, Sunday Times
As the air cools, it contracts and loses some of its capacity, so the moisture is given off to cooler surrounding surfaces.