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How To Use Moil In A Sentence

  • The presidential election will be conducted against a backdrop of seismic political and economic turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • They do not have the same intricate inner workings of women and they are not unfathomable pools of emotions swirling effervescently in a bubbling turmoil of feelings and needs.
  • Neruda is master of a living world in turmoil, and his expression is at times scarcely more than a sibylline stammer, a primitive muttering.
  • At first sight, the economy hit the August turmoil in fine fettle.
  • With the current turmoil in the US economy one wonders if people will be quite so free with their money on luxuries this year.
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  • His success enfeebled the national democratic process, plunging Cambodia back into turmoil that continues to plague it today.
  • Was this the beginning of a turnaround for a career that has stalled on the back of personal turmoil and a technique that has deserted him? Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon, however, social turmoil swept the country, weakening the monarch's effectiveness as an arbiter of political disputes, and exacerbating communal violence among Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa, the three major ethnic communities.
  • Gold futures turned positive Wednesday, bucking the second day of sliding commodities, as it reassumed its safe-haven identity amid turmoil in Europe. Gold Swoons, Then Rises on Risk Worries
  • The voters may see the implications of global turmoil through a glass darkly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voters would be deeply unimpressed by leadership turmoil during an economic crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if restrictions off the field of play are irksome it's nothing compared to the turmoil he's going through on the pitch these days.
  • It would be foolish to ignore the risk of currency crisis and economic turmoil in economies with these vulnerabilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, with all the turmoil we've been experiencing in the past two months, the moving around and general unsettled life we've been leading we never quite managed the first schedule, let alone the second.
  • We have seen a lot of desperate Democrats suddenly scrambling to "unify" with Clinton's supporters, now that they realize that their snowjob of an election has caused turmoil and will lead to an Obama boycott in November. Twisted little people
  • Regardless of the eurozone turmoil and global recession, consumers and health bodies are still clamouring for Botox. Botox helps to create an Irish boom town amid economic gloom
  • It said that the ongoing turmoil in Balochistan was part of a strategy to finally separate the province as ‘Greater Balochistan’. 02 « September « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Then, gradually, the moiling stopped and, white-faced, he said: 'Can't do it. THE DICE MAN
  • Normally the whole "inner turmoil" aspect of John Lennon takes John Lennon facial-expression precedence over happiness. NOGOODFORME.COM
  • As national guardsmen pounded Rebel buildings with artillery fire and guided missiles innocent civilians were caught in the turmoil.
  • Houston-based drilling company Baker Hughes Inc. warned in a March 3 filing that it would take a profit hit because of unseasonably cold weather and the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa, which hampered its ability to deliver equipment to oil fields. Mining the Scarcity Boom
  • The action takes place in the 1960s, but the girls' private dramas unfold in a rarefied world, isolated from the political turmoil of the anti-war demos going on outside.
  • I was panting with the physical effort and the emotional turmoil into which I had just been thrust. The Sun
  • The voters may see the implications of global turmoil through a glass darkly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peace is the foundation of happiness - for where there is anxiety, tension, and turmoil, joy cannot exist. RVM 
  • She patted at her hair and found it moiled all about her head. Cold Mountain
  • Devoting seven years of one's life to something like this brings its own inner turmoil.
  • Emerging market bonds are also on a turmoil tenterhook; when the apple cart gets upset, I want to look at ways of owning the next cart, rather than trying to collect the rotten apples. - Top Stories
  • It starts as a heist movie, we're invited to root for the beautiful heroine/antiheroine who is in moral turmoil; and then - well, you know what happens next. MIND MELD: The Best Genre Crossovers
  • Something refreshingly ditzy from the Spanish master, set on a plane heading for turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • In an hour of such turmoil and anguish and misery and suffering and trial and loss, can you imagine having a companion like that? Christianity Today
  • After the expulsion of the Moors and the immense political turmoil that ensued, population size and agricultural productivity dropped.
  • The nation will be in turmoil within 12 months if they get in, with jobs for the bludgers, kickbacks for everyone who has never worked and the poor old worker down the chute again.
  • Murdoch flies into London later this week on a scheduled visit at a time of turmoil for Britain's best-selling newspaper, with journalists on the title angry at News Corp's powerful management and standards committee MSC, whose reconstruction and trawl of the company's email archive produced the evidence that led to the arrests. News Corp may face US inquiry after Sun arrests at News International
  • Indeed, the Gators have been through a rough couple weeks, but Donovan scoffs at the perception that the scuffle is a sign of a team in turmoil. - Gators come into tourney bruised, battling
  • The result is turmoil in two of the older parties. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clock was ticking on the emotional turmoil timebomb. The Sun
  • In an hour of such turmoil and anguish and misery and suffering and trial and loss, can you imagine having a companion like that? Christianity Today
  • Here too in one of these small hamlets through which we passed Ruskin with a gang of his pupils in flannels started roadmaking, and for days and weeks were to be seen at their arduous task of digging and excavation, toiling and moiling with pick, spade, and barrow, while From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • In 1869 Bizet married Geneviève, the daughter of his teacher Halévy, but their ménage was soon interrupted by the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War and the turmoil of the Commune.
  • None of the turmoil that routinely attends film-star existence ever seemed to visit the Astaire household.
  • He would bring the same kind of economic stagnation, internal turmoil and discord to our country that other dictators bring to theirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The return of a civilian government has eased political turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion
  • The continuing turmoil in Sinai makes the election particularly difficult to predict. Times, Sunday Times
  • The theater was in turmoil; the audience pressed forward, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was going on.
  • Quoted in Jameson, where the lines are treated for their lyric reification of the sea voyage, but without attention to the phonetic wavelets that serves to swamp the turmoil of below-deck labor — or at least float euphonically above it. close window Notes on 'Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian'
  • Still, despite all sorts of turmoil, Rushdie has never surrendered to this seemingly all-pervasive impoverishment of our imaginative faculties.
  • He would bring the same kind of economic stagnation, internal turmoil and discord to our country that other dictators bring to theirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sympathy that, despite the unmistakable signs of turmoil, he has been on the receiving end of abuse and condemnation from people who ought to have known better. Times, Sunday Times
  • For five rainy days he tramped ever-widening circles out from the base, traversing ridges and saddles and moiling through valleys while the armed guard followed him every step of the way.
  • Any turmoil in my life has served as nothing but tremendous inspiration for my music.
  • X, due out in March), Minogue does admit the label turmoil has affected her world. Entertainment Weekly's Hollywood Insider
  • A constitution which gets overwrought by emotional turmoil may find parenthood a tougher road. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • Teenagers caught up in the turmoil of their parents' messy divorce are being offered a sympathetic ear by a new service in Winchester.
  • The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling.
  • It was a society in turmoil, one that resented its own fate and was trying to come to grips with it all.
  • Egypt's economy is in tatters after five years of political turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tranquility is a choice. So is anxiety. The entire world around us may be in turmoil. But if we want to be peaceful within, we can. RVM 
  • Another round of the finch-siskin-junco with added! chickadees turmoil in our side yard. Warmer
  • THE federal government says "push factors" such as unendurable turmoil back home are behind this surge of asylum-seekers. - Articles related to Tamil Tigers join race for asylum
  • Resulting restrictions and traffic chaos will throw the entire area into turmoil for up to four hours.
  • They expected that a Brexit vote would cause consumers to rein in spending as a precaution against future economic turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling.
  • Just as the first coming had an optimistic message for mankind at a moment of social turmoil, this coming is being presented as something with a similar message for womankind.
  • Her husband's entire government may have just resigned but she seems unruffled by the political turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Labour party was thrown yesterday into turmoil by the open letter written by three of its leading moderates about what they termed the gravest crisis in its history. From the archive, 2 August 1980: 'Gang of Three' split Labour
  • Labor announces another policy that again gets caught in the slipstream of international turmoil.
  • My emotional turmoil had drained me.
  • There were fears that the country was descending into turmoil or even civil war.
  • This means they are available to have their lives thrown into turmoil by her sudden reappearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every muscle is blown up out of proportion, yet there is no hint of inner conflict or turmoil.
  • It was a time of considerable turmoil in the cities and it was to govern the state with a fair, but at the same time, a firm hand.
  • Its guidelines are the cause of the current turmoil among Canada's cattle farmers, shepherds and some parts of our dairy sector.
  • the king's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court
  • Turmoil on international stock means stock market bulls and bears have persuasive arguments, but which prognosis do you believe?
  • We have been dispatched here to negotiate the present blockade and thereby relieve the present turmoil and accelerate the plans of the trade union congress of the deltoid outer nebobbian haemorrhoid rim," notes Kinobi in one scene. BBC News - Home
  • claims of turmoil within the firm are greatly exaggerated
  • Recent financial market turmoil and the never-ending euro-zone sovereign debt crisis have befogged the outlook for the German economy," said Carsten Brzeski , an economist with ING in Brussels. German Firms' Confidence Hits 15-Month Low
  • Amid global economic turmoil, rare comic books seem to be regarded as a safe haven for wealthy investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • When an anonymous poster made a plea, last week, for everyone to pause and consider the emotional fallout from adoption – this within the context of debates concerning the emotional consequences of abortion – I immediately thought of my mother and the gut-wrenching turmoil she experienced as a result of giving up a child for adoption. Abortion Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry | Her Bad Mother
  • Turmoil in Middle East Thousands of Iranians gathered in several locations across Tehran, heeding calls in recent days by opposition leaders to demonstrate in solidarity with Egyptian and Tunisian protesters who recently toppled their own regimes. World Watch
  • It follows years of financial turmoil for the original members of the group. The Sun
  • 4 March 2010 at 12: 52 pm its so nice to know that while we are over here biting our nails waiting on all this turmoil at Summit to clear up … that David slade is painting and decorating! Twilight Lexicon » David Slade Gets Artistic
  • It follows years of financial turmoil for the original members of the group. The Sun
  • Many had visions, but most always interpreted them not for themselves, but to upbuild Christian community and bring hope in times of plague, famine, and ecclesiastical turmoil and to offer wisdom for the changes and chances of this life.
  • The risk is low because of the clear understanding that, for the sake of the Treasury as well as the entire financial system, the Federal Reserve must and will backstop the market in time of turmoil.
  • The return of a civilian government has eased political turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something he would find fault with, but knows not well what; and therefore turmoils himself to give countenance unto a putid cavil. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Martial law was imposed when the government was ousted in a bloodless coup after months of political turmoil in the capital Bangkok. The Sun
  • And if that threatened squall should burst its bonds and come shrieking and howling in fury across the surface of the sea, scourging it into a mad turmoil of foaming, leaping water and blinding spindrift, while the burnt-out crew of the schooner were making their passage across to the _Mercury_, it might be very bad for them; for even should they be fortunate enough to avoid capsizal, it might be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the ship, smitten and bowed down by the might of the tempest, to pause and pick them up. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • Another boat chugged past and at that moment our world exploded in hissing silvery blue, the sea whisking and shining in a turmoil of a bustle of fish and phosphorescence, like coins gleaming in a dark, still pool.
  • These shifts did not occur without inner turmoil and conflict, and many fractions continue to struggle within the party today.
  • When he finally did get to sleep, dreams kept his mind in a constant state of turmoil.
  • With the country once again plunged into political turmoil, Rudd's insights should prove disturbingly relevant.
  • Or, as GOP members of the US House Commerce and Energy and their Big Coal-bankrolled colleagues continue their wildly misinformed banter this week on the economic impact of the EPA's enforcement of the Clean Water Act, coalfield residents from Alaska to Appalachia are turning to Rory McIlmoil, the "Tesla of the coalfields," for another question: Jeff Biggers: Roadmaps to New Power: Interview With Rory McIlmoil, 'Tesla of the Coalfields' on Green Jobs
  • In September 1949, tens of millions hoped that the establishment of a Communist government in China would bring an end to the military and political turmoil that had convulsed the country for most of the first half of the twentieth century.
  • The presidential election will be conducted against a backdrop of seismic political and economic turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the spinning dials on the control panel in front of me are the perfect mirror of my inner turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not just a reflection of external economic turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The turmoil of the past few years by no means mitigates the explosion of prosperity that has taken place since the early 1980s, when President Ronald Reagan enacted promarket reforms to free the economy from the Carter-Nixon stagnation of the 1970s. How Capitalism Will Save Us
  • The vote of confidence in Boston-based student-loan firm First Marblehead comes amid turmoil at SLM Corp., known as Sallie Mae, which is the biggest student-loan player. Goldman Buys Into Student-Loan Firm
  • HP has also struggled with management turmoil and a long-running legal tussle with Oracle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biggest problem with the euro turmoil is the uncertainty, and understandably people want to prepare for the worst. The Sun
  • If we increase the yuan by 20% or 40%, as some people are calling for, many of our factories will shut down and society will be in turmoil," he said. World Bank Makes Case for Stronger Yuan
  • Given the turmoil in the auction world, it figures that the firm would be looking for new, larger quarters.
  • They are calling it 'funemployment', a defiant riposte to the miseries of global economic turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The carefree, friendly man returned, but I knew it was a mask to hide the turmoil.
  • But yesterday belonged to the players who showed true professionalism to keep their minds focussed during the off-field turmoil.
  • Hedge funds have been extremely successful investment vehicles, even through the recent market turmoil.
  • Martial law was imposed when the government was ousted in a bloodless coup after months of political turmoil in the capital Bangkok. The Sun
  • In more recent years, Brando's brilliance as an actor was overshadowed by his eccentric reclusion, the turmoil in his family life and financial disputes.
  • By extension, it speaks to the resilience of a people who have endured a great deal of turmoil in a short span of history.
  • Three prominent politicians are running in the election that was first scheduled five years ago, but postponed repeatedly by disputes over voter eligibility and turmoil stemming from a 2002 civil war. ECOWAS Observers to Monitor Ivory Coast Sunday Vote
  • I know you have an unerring eye for the key questions in a time of political turmoil, but would you consider explaining this one please? Times, Sunday Times
  • His gaffe yesterday came as a poll showed Labour is heading for election turmoil in marginal constituencies. The Sun
  • In the midst of all the turmoil, he has to consider how and where he will live (you can't stay in the dog house forever), and also what career path he will take when he demits office. Business as usual for embattled South Carolina governor
  • That is just as well, given a past pitted with turmoil and the hours spent crying on the floor this year after making her biggest sacrifice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kennedy skillfully evokes the atmosphere of an edgy defeated Germany and that of a victorious Britain awash in disappointment and disillusion, but she is at her best when conveying the turmoil inside her protagonist’s mind. Cover to Cover
  • Tranquility is a choice. So is anxiety. The entire world around us may be in turmoil. But if we want to be peaceful within, we can. RVM 
  • At times of financial turmoil and uncertainty, the public expects politicians to put party differences aside and to act in the national interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though all his life long he had toiled and moiled, he only left his widow and son two hundred florins. The Yellow Fairy Book
  • The unabashedly poetic film depicts the turmoil experienced by a group of adolescents over the course of a summer in a dilapidated Southern town.
  • Martial law was imposed when the government was ousted in a bloodless coup after months of political turmoil in the capital Bangkok. The Sun
  • Not long after, the turmoil took its toll and she collapsed on set with exhaustion.
  • I rose early and sat late, I toiled and moiled, and in the sweat of my brow and of my soul I strove to gain this money, that I might have some honour among my fellow-creatures.
  • Onisaburo's private counsel was a much-needed salve to soothe his inner turmoil.
  • Shao's toil and moil was rather rewarding, and five years after his arrival, in 1852, he successfully launched his shop with a food-processing workshop at another location.
  • Increased climate variability from AD 250 to 600 coincided with the demise of the Western Roman Empire and the turmoil of the Migration Period.
  • It would be foolish to ignore the risk of currency crisis and economic turmoil in economies with these vulnerabilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trouble is linked to turmoil that culminated in the coup d'etat that ousted President Marc Ravalomanana last week.
  • This would prompt a rise in oil prices and plunge the global economy into fresh turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • All this at a time when the whole of Britain is in an uproar over obscene council tax rises and in a turmoil over pensions crises!
  • The period since the revolution has been one of political turmoil.
  • U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is moving his White House transition forward, as political turmoil builds over the selection of his successor in the United States Senate.
  • The basic characteristics of Franco-American relations is"a alliance in turmoil".
  • The recent turmoil in the US energy market has created a unique opportunity for the new firm.
  • So these are matters in the moils and toils of government and likely to remain so, I suspect, for some time.
  • The CIA/Mossad is behind the current termoil 100%. Obama: Iranian accusations of U.S. interference 'false and absurd'
  • The public turmoil and the Bakken-Flowers win overshadowed a long-term trend in the sport: The German teams have caught up with and perhaps surpassed the Americans. - World Championships preview: Women's bobsled
  • The decision about what to do next with Milosevic threw the Yugoslav government into turmoil.
  • He would bring the same kind of economic stagnation, internal turmoil and discord to our country that other dictators bring to theirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clock was ticking on the emotional turmoil timebomb. The Sun
  • These were times of turmoil and tragedy, of dangerous confrontations and bitter recriminations.
  • Ohio, where the Republicans have been in turmoil, is considered particularly ripe. November 2005
  • After passing the Dollar Lakes, I hear the gurgle of a stream and then see Lamoille Lake, a shallow mountain tarn in a glacial bowl, with steep talus slopes cradling it.
  • Was this the beginning of a turnaround for a career that has stalled on the back of personal turmoil and a technique that has deserted him? Times, Sunday Times
  • How touchingly expressive are the succeeding lines, wrung from a heart which all the trials and temptations and buffetings of the world could not render worldly; which, amid a thousand follies and errors of the head, still retained its childlike innocence; and which, doomed to struggle on to the last amid the din and turmoil of the metropolis, had ever been cheating itself with a dream of rural quiet and seclusion: The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
  • He faced severe pressure even before Tunisia's turmoil, with tribal unrest in the north, separatism in the south and al-Qaeda in the east and elsewhere.
  • Often after a loss, a storm of inner turmoil and stress remains just below the surface.
  • A crisis that reignites social turmoil could easily be triggered by outside factors.
  • Dr Hope said on Easter Sunday people were celebrating the triumph of the Resurrection, in stark contrast to the world today which was in ‘turmoil.’
  • Jung, Freud and comrades helped to systematise intuitive skill while deciphering some psychic complexes of their own Europe in turmoil.
  • It was the lady of the house, standing at the window, towelling herself down after a bath, completely oblivious to the testosterone fuelled turmoil she was about to cause down below.
  • The world, most parts of which were in turmoil, watched as a newly independent country, with numerous problems, chose to move straight into universal adult franchise.
  • I make 30 exposures, my flashguns lighting up the fray, a turmoil of thrashing tails and boiling sand.
  • Nicole Kidman plays Virginia Woolf, working on the first draft of Mrs Dalloway, the stream-of-consciousness work of 1925, about the society hostess whose air of omnicompetence conceals inner turmoil.
  • He said:'The distress and turmoil caused by the fraud was immense and has been life changing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the water may look well coloured and in turmoil, fish like the zander are able see the slightest movement and you will catch fish.
  • In addition, all of these young people are struggling to discover who they are amid this ongoing turmoil.
  • PROS: While action-packed, this novel doesn't scrimp on portraying not only Andre's emotional turmoil over the tragic loss of his family, but also the obstacles Claire and Andre must face in reconnecting to each other. August 2009
  • We've moiled, we've toiled through mire and through clay The Jolly Plowboy (2)
  • SHOCKED France was stripped of its prized triple-A credit rating last night as the eurozone crisis lurched into fresh turmoil. The Sun
  • For an acutely observed portrayal of a mind in turmoil Anna Kavan must take the victrix ludorum (I've tweaked the Victor bit because I know my Latin teacher of forty years ago is out there with her red pen) The Parson - Anna Kavan
  • I shall be drawing the Prime Minister's attention in a fairly obscure and abstruse way to the word: 'Amid the global fiscal turmoil, we sought illumination but found only caliginosity.' Top Stories
  • Turmoil erupts in the flophouse when Osugi's husband discovers his wife's affair, and she tries to convince the thief to murder him in order to solve all their problems.
  • Amid global economic turmoil, rare comic books seem to be regarded as a safe haven for wealthy investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sitting on his bed, he felt inner turmoil about it again as he did on countless occasions.
  • His thoughts were in turmoil and his open guileless face reflected the chaos in his mind.
  • The goal of grief work is not to find ways to avoid or bypass the emotional turmoil and upsets brought by loss.
  • The recent economic turmoil has sent the gold price soaring, while industrial demand for silver remains very buoyant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It did not suit her now to observe the emotional turmoil inside Rose.
  • The recent economic turmoil has sent the gold price soaring, while industrial demand for silver remains very buoyant. Times, Sunday Times
  • HP has also struggled with management turmoil and a long-running legal tussle with Oracle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alexander Samoilenko, 57, whom I find in an off-road vehicle donated by a Western NGO, is dressed in military fatigues and armed with a rifle and camera to record evidence against any offender.
  • Like Meryl Streep, she can convey the turmoil beneath an implacable surface, and when Cathy's calm and control desert her she is devastatingly believable.
  • I "immured" myself far away from the scene of turmoil and strife, and was happy so long as I kept my eyes on my books and manuscripts. Memoirs of 30 Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • The country was in turmoil during the strike.
  • This is not just a reflection of external economic turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • A time when so much was on the line for so many yet amidst all the turmoil the culture reawakened (green again) to promises of another better, perhaps “older” way to live: the ancient message of sanity and sanctity re-connected by the Transcendentalist transformers of our time (Kerouac, Ginsburg Snyder, et. al) to the greater oversoul humming and glowing in the works of Emerson and Thoreau. Gary snyder | smokey the bear sutra « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • These shifts did not occur without inner turmoil and conflict, and many fractions continue to struggle within the party today.
  • But the regents' decision still leaves much uncertainty on campus, which has seen enrollment decline significantly during the turmoil.
  • Amid global economic turmoil, rare comic books seem to be regarded as a safe haven for wealthy investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said:'The distress and turmoil caused by the fraud was immense and has been life changing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lawsuit emerged after years of turmoil for the aluminium industry after producers bet that demand would recover quickly following the financial crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Underneath that total, however, is a great deal of turmoil, as low-priced prepaid plans lure customers from much higher-priced plans, called postpaid, that commit customers to contracts. NYT > Home Page
  • Some people, disenchanted with the fruits of revolution after political and economic turmoil, take a pragmatic view. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the Government had not connived, for purposes of its own, at the proceedings of what the French call the 'militarist' party, there would have been no turmoil at all. With Zola in England
  • Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube remain blocked, as they have been since Iran's political turmoil began following the disputed June 12 presidential election. Iran Uprising Blogging: Week Of July 20
  • He was halted in this folly by Count Lubonski, to whom the secret police had brought a copy of Krystyna Szprot's letter, and he more than most could appreciate the turmoil this epistle must have ignited in the heart of his young countryman, for he had seen many exiles from the Russian part of Poland commit themselves to stupid actions when caught up in emotional crises. Poland
  • The peristylium itself, despite its mute and lonely magnificence, bore traces of the turmoil that reigned throughout the city; there were obvious signs that men had lived and worked here but a very little while ago, that they had been afraid and then had run away. "Unto Caesar"
  • Moily, who's credited with streamlining engineering admission process structure in Karnatata (where caste-based reservations for various OBC communities often posed a systemic problem, until Moily, as then chief minister, streamlined the process), has also been known as a votary of caste-based census. Top Headlines
  • Amid all the organizational changes of the past few years we be-came intrigued by the human aftermath of this turmoil.
  • Something refreshingly ditzy from the Spanish master, set on a plane heading for turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • By polarising discontent, it is transforming it from ferment to turmoil into energy spent constructively.
  • We have seen remarkable consistency through all the market turmoil.
  • The economic turmoil that would be inflicted on Greece could be horrendous, as a huge currency depreciation could prompt bank collapses. Times, Sunday Times
  • As seen in previous prestigious shows, Watt is known for monumentalising fabric in the Renaissance style, depicting the folds and flow of clothing in such a way as to externalise the turmoil of internal passion. This week's new exhibitions
  • The London Stock Exchange is in turmoil today.
  • Much of the literature of Africa continues to be a testament of turmoil, oppression, corrupt ‘democratic’ dictatorships born anew from the gnarled roots of colonialism and the word for existence: apartheid. July « 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground

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