How To Use Modulated In A Sentence

  • In their summary, they state that this ape's vocal organ is not capable of producing delicately modulated or controlled sounds.
  • Allozymes are catalytic RNA- or DNA-based molecules whose ability to catalyze a reaction is modulated by their interaction with an effector molecule.
  • Perceptual displacement of cues modulated performance of the prospective component but not the retrospective component.
  • She was plain-featured, and had rather a severe expression on her face; her dress was as rich as any morning dress could be; her voice deep and unmodulated, -- what in a lower rank of life would have been called gruff; but that was not a word to apply to Lady Cuxhaven, the eldest daughter of the earl and countess. Wives and Daughters
  • The drawings share some of the sculptures' rough and uncouth qualities: the line is generally neutral, even unmodulated, and acquires power through repetition rather than finesse.
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  • The tapes came back overmodulated and mixed to mono, with a 7.5-second audio dropout 26 minutes into the program.
  • Sue had commented how differently from my father I spoke, she said that all my sentences were perfectly formed as they came out, with my voice modulated.
  • A barely audible, beautifully modulated voice recounts some mundane or tragic moment, as it relays from one audio station to another.
  • She remembered because she told Paris to let them know that they needed to concentrate their re-modulated multiphasic sensor arrays in sweeps of the same area, the rationale being that two sets of eyes were better than one—especially when looking for a tiny submersible in about twenty-eight cubic kilometers of water. Distant Shores
  • While this has been described as a modulated carrier wave, and carrier waves are usually considered continuous, pulsed radars do not send a continuous signal: the carrier is turned on only when it is modulated into pulses Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • His bold lines and bright, unmodulated colors lend themselves well to these images, which constitute a searing critique not only of the Iraq war, but also of U.S. priorities and values and the American Dream.
  • Nowadays, our views of the architectural landscape are modulated by the accelerator pedal and the remote control.
  • One was short, downward inflected, and frequency modulated that we have termed a ‘churr’ (corresponding to the ‘chin’ of Willis 1985).
  • But the carefully modulated tones of this career diplomat were not the red meat that Fleet Street desired.
  • This sound is then modulated into speech by the precise movements of the tongue and lips.
  • It is found that the effect of intense current space charge modifies the classical klystron description in the drift tube region and shortens the drift length of the maximum modulated current.
  • Looking up into the mid water region presented a warm green glow which modulated in brightness as the sun was blotted out by frequent clouds.
  • · MIDI and audio can be 'grooved' in real-time and the level modulated by cc. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Among the most brilliant of these is 'Berns', created for Lars Siltberg's 'Candleflames Modulated' (2007), exploring frequency extremities with visceral sheets of blackened noise, near infrasonic subbass and vastly unsettling use of psychoacoustic space. Boomkat: Just arrived
  • But unlike Newman and Rothko, who used fairly flat, unmodulated pigment, Still used heavily loaded, expressively modulated impasto in jagged forms.
  • The transiting phase was modulated by 0.1 M of citrate buffer solution, sodium octyl sulphonate, methanol, and EDTA-Na.
  • Meo's handling of Miles' later maturation and increasing self-assertion was stylish and well modulated. Rodney Punt: Turn of the Screw Gets a Stunning New Turn at LA Opera
  • He is undemonstrative, self-controlled and, in his radio and TV interviews, comes across as a man of sweet reason while answering questions in a deep, well-modulated voice.
  • When compared with the pre-playback period, significant differences were observed in flight numbers for AM coos and for flight latency in nonmodulated coos.
  • he lectured in an unmodulated voice edged with hysteria
  • For its many inherent advantages, the pseudo-random code phase-modulated signal is always chosen as the ideal signal for distance-determination.
  • He modulated his voice to sound like a witch of popular legend - high, scratchy, and cracked.
  • The release of the agent is prolonged over a period of time, and the delivery may be modulated and/or controlled.
  • Sernadas et al. 2002b, other examples of collapse were presented, and a solution to the problem was proposed by means of a controlled notion of algebraic fibring called modulated fibring. Combining Logics
  • A method of lidar for ocean exploration was presented, where microwave signal was modulated on laser pulses and the modulated optical pluses were transmitted into water.
  • And yet it is a flawlessly delivered lie, spoken in the kind of modulated tone you would expect from an IMF technocrat. Breakfast With Ahmadinejad
  • The 'squatty' eyed the gesticulating Manarkan and spoke, in a beautifully modulated deep bass voice, to a supple, lithe, pantherish girl with vertically-slitted yellow eyes, pointed ears, and a long and sinuous, meticulously-groomed tail. Masters Of The Vortex
  • The operation on a previously modulated wave in such a way that it will have substantially the same characteristics as the original modulating wave.
  • Cue up a kaleidoscope of House Industries techniques, substrates, disciplines and muscle memory compressed into high-definition pixels and actively matrixed through modulated electroluminescence with an audio lesson from Boing Boing
  • What is the SNR at the demodulated output if the frequency of the message signal is changed to the following frequencies: • 100 Hz • The highest frequency that can be transmitted without exceeding the specified RF bandwidth What is the SNR at the demodulated output if the modulation index m is increased to 1? Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Precisely how insulin-initiated signals are modulated in liver cells for glucose uptake and metabolism is unknown.
  • Intensity modulated radiotherapy is a developing new technology which can produce an even distribution of radiation dose within a target volume which follows the contours of an irregularly shaped tumour.
  • While contemplating a mishap, like a broken leg, activity in the rACC modulated signals in a region called the striatum that conveyed the good and bad of the event in question – biasing activity in a positive direction. The Optimism Bias by Tali Sharot: extract
  • How essentially identical aggression is modulated in non-breeding life history stages is not fully resolved, but despite low circulating levels of testosterone outside the breeding season, expression of territorial aggression does appear to be dependent upon aromatization of testosterone and an estrogen receptor-mediated mechanism. Xenogere
  • An oddly shaped white and yellow puddle of thinned pigment, its isolation heightened by an expanse of brushy, unmodulated blue, recalls Miro in its comic vulnerability.
  • Crane's image is flat and unmodulated and nearly fills the field, whereas Homer's Resting Shepherdess has form and depth and exhibits subtle effects of light and atmosphere in the ample background.
  • The only time the film trips up is in casting the Scottish comedian Billy Connolly as an Irishman, his grating Scots accent unsuccessfully modulated to try and make it resemble an Irish brogue.
  • Their voices are modulated and trailed by a mournful accordion and occasional tablas.
  • He leads by following opinion, he trims, he shifts, he glides on the silvery sounds of his undulating, flexible, cautiously modulated voice, winding his way betwixt heaven and earth.
  • Latterly, however, the circles which he mostly frequented in Paris had voted strong revolutionary ardour to be mauvais ton; a kind of modulated royalism, or rather Louis La Vend�e
  • Recommends a principle and method of frequency selection range fixation in order to control the reliability of fuze action through the adoption of sampling discrimination in frequency modulated fuzes.
  • His latest exercise in modulated hedonism may not have much to say on the politics of happiness, but sometimes that can be a blessing. GreenCine Daily: SFBG. SFIFF.
  • Finally, the ARM echo is integrated by linear frequency modulated matched filter. We got some valuable conclusion by analyzing the performance under unmatched condition.
  • Multiple radio channel frequency signals that are modulated with respective information modulation are transmitted from a common antenna at multiple radio frequencies.
  • Her delivery is made up of not quite equal parts rhythmic gesture you can hear the backbeat in much of her singing and a modulated jazz inflection with which she toys with the ends of lines. Dan Alford: Review: Emily Warren & The Betters at Webster Hall
  • One of these was the standard SA procedure using an unmodulated signal.
  • This sound or ‘voice’ is modulated and modified by structures like the lips, tongue and palate to produce decipherable speech.
  • Objective: To observe the therapeutic effectiveness of modulated medium frequency electrotherapy, and acupoint stimulation therapy and Ciwujia capsule on chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS).
  • The light can be pulsed, sinusoidally modulated, or unmodulated, depending on the requirements for speed, cost, and resolution.
  • Digital data encoding in video signals using data modulated carrier signals at non-peaks in video spectra
  • Method and apparatus for transmitting broadband amplitude modulated radio frequency signals over optical links
  • In this graceful work, a warm haze, modulated from white gold at the top to chartreuse at the bottom, envelops the viewer in an air of quiet introspection.
  • The data is then formatted with the proper timing marks and modulated into a digital serial stream.
  • Stef Salmon gives a well modulated performance as the angst-ridden main character.
  • His voice, as heard over the television, is not ideally modulated, but it was probably adapted to the acoustics in the room as he heard his own voice.
  • But the carefully modulated tones of this career diplomat were not the red meat that Fleet Street desired.
  • The drawings share some of the sculptures' rough and uncouth qualities: the line is generally neutral, even unmodulated, and acquires power through repetition rather than finesse.
  • Tracing a melodic line from flamenco to raga, it's a subtly modulated burst of Hindu-lusian passion.
  • The speed of the Modulated Transmission Motor is adjustable.
  • Segmented bands made of seven stripes of equal width writhe and curl across a white ground, overlapping yet utterly flat, in unmodulated versions of the six primary and secondary hues.
  • So the Minister chanted in modulated song these couplets, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Update, 5/26: "That Jolie can act as well as pout is finally proved by this French-accented turn, moving and modulated, as the woman whose husband became roadkill on the roadmap to a never-never Middle East peace process," writes Nigel Andrews in the Financial Times. GreenCine Daily: Cannes. A Mighty Heart.
  • Each canvas features the richly textured and subtly modulated expanses of color for which he is well known.
  • At first they are heard in their raw, unmodulated state, then in various electronic transformations.
  • The impalpable harmonics produced were not easily distinguishable from those of the modulated instruments - but you had to listen! Times, Sunday Times
  • The response to noxious stimuli can be modulated by their repeated application.
  • Spoken language makes use of sound carried on out-breathed air from the lungs, which is modulated by articulators (tongue, lips, etc.) to produce the vocal repertoire of a natural language.
  • One instantly recognizes his modulated and finely tuned free verse line, with its meandering parentheses and doubled back hesitations.
  • Italian and German armorers produced both subtly decorated but functional-seeming garnitures and extravagant show pieces, contrasting high and low relief, delicate incising, gilding, and inlaying, with smoothly modulated steel, originally blackened for drama, as we learn from the portraits. Armor as Wearable Sculpture
  • Activity recorded from this region was found to be modulated during trials requiring the patients to subvocally produce the past tense forms of verbs or to convert nouns between the singular and the plural, but not during trials in which the word was just repeated. Brain activity decoded to play back heard words
  • It was low-pitched and reverentially modulated, a nice, crisp, modest baritone.
  • Among the voices of the choir, was one whose expression immediately fixed her attention; it seemed to speak a loftier sentiment of devotion than the others, and to be modulated by the melancholy of an heart, that had long since taken leave of this world. The Italian
  • The 16 QAM signal is demodulated by using a new algorithm without deploying pilot-less processing. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Each color, usually an unmodulated primary, has a Pop art intensity.
  • Although she first exhibited in the late 1960s with the Imagists, Ramberg never identified herself with this group, but shared their affinity for flat, unmodulated surfaces and stylized figuration.
  • The intensity modulated optical sensor is simple and robust.
  • When hypersecretion is suspected and high hormonal concentrations are observed, one must determine whether the level is appropriate or inappropriate and whether the hormonal secretion is autonomous or can be modulated by appropriate physiologic or pharmacologic agents. Nobel Lecture Radioimmunoassay: A Probe For Fine Structure Of Biologic Systems
  • At their best, his pared-down diction and old-fashioned style have an effortless if unmodulated grace. The Times Literary Supplement
  • His voice may not be as oaken as Richard Burton's was, or as burnished as John Gielgud's, but it's a beautifully modulated instrument with its own somber music. Soderbergh Goes 'Haywire' With a Fast, Stylish Thriller
  • This transition is under endogenous control, but is modulated by more or less favourable environmental conditions which shorten or lengthen this period.
  • `It's only part time ," Shaerl said in the carefully modulated voice of a beauty pageant contestant. SORT OF RICH
  • Processing methods using adaptive threshold for removal of chroma/luminance cross-talk in quadrature-modulated subcarrier color television systems
  • Those naughts and ones are then what we call modulated, or carried if you like, as a passenger on a radio frequency signal.
  • In the days before Bitstream, CD players came with impressive labels like 16x4 (16-bit/four-times oversampling), PEM (Pulse Edge Modulated), PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) and Multi Stage Noise Shaping (MASH).
  • The duty cycle is variably selectable with either first or second pulse width modulated frequency.
  • The military has used systems with modulated airstreams, but it takes a lot of air.
  • Homer's palette and the broad swatches of unmodulated paint also distressed the critics.
  • This paper presents a technique for measuring object-vibration phasors of higher amplitudes in phase-modulated holographic interferometry.
  • Their neatly painted angular shapes, dots, waves and zigzags, all in unmodulated blocks of bright color, would add up to perfectly traditional paintings if not for the flocking MacConnel sprayed on some sections.
  • The transmissions are fully automatic and have modulated gear shifting.
  • A new algorithm is proposed for radar echo cancelling based on the group delay of the LFM (Linear Frequency Modulated) signal.
  • The x-ray photons trigger the ejection of krypton electrons with varying angular distributions of momenta modulated by the oscillating laser field.
  • It is a predominantly monandrous species in which a reduced frequency of polyandry has proved to be modulated by both genetic and environmental or physiological factors.
  • It is in the painting that Sheeler arrived at the flawless balance of shapes, the alternating rhythms of light and dark forms and of silhouettes and delicately modulated surfaces.
  • His eyes gleamed hellishly in his red face: but the voice was rich, modulated, booming and kindly.
  • Right up to the end, Enron was described in the exalted realms of management theory and business journalism with virtually unmodulated adoration.
  • Instead, in coastal waters, responses to light are modulated by other environmental influences, such as pressure, salinity, or temperature.
  • However, each set of to occupy those realms by multiple complete physical form into an mand for the regeneration of the bodies can be made to carry a dif - physical embodiments all connected energy form which can be pro - Adamic race and the preparation of ferent nucleic acid template on with one mind. jected to a vehicle or a n environ - the Christ people for n e w worlds which proteins of specific 15 Thus, one mind will transmit ment in the lower heavens where it of creation, a change in biological stereoisomeric forms have been to many bodies as one genetic code can be remodulated into the same life could not now evolve on Earth, synthesized. is used a s the master code for physical form. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • She stared and directed her resonant voice into the distance as if to an unseen audience, and modulated her tones like an orator.
  • A modest, horizontal rectangle, its center is occupied by a carefully modulated gray scale, shading from light to dark and gently contained on either side by a narrow bar of dry, sulfurous yellow.
  • I, Ms. Rationality, am able to discuss in modulated tones how the market for this topic has changed; or conversely it's been done to death (even if I could have done it better); or the editor wouldn't have the good sense to recognize a great idea if he were on the Titanic and being offered a life preserver. Me and Sally Field | The Stiletto Gang
  • Latterly, however, the circles which he mostly frequented in Paris had voted strong revolutionary ardour to be mauvais ton; a kind of modulated royalism, or rather Louis Seizeism, had become fashionable; and Adolphe La Vendée
  • Frequency domain anisotropy was measured by exciting the sample with the amplitude-modulated light polarized vertically.
  • The teacher then modulated the intonational contour until it corresponded to the first syllables of the word paleontologist.
  • The specification for the link is as follows: Required signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the demodulated audio output of the receiver: 40 dB for a 1 kHz message signal at 50% modulation Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The fuel injector is pulse-width modulated to control the fuel delivery and therefore the heat input, in order to maintain a preset filter inlet gas temperature.
  • A method and apparatus for equalizing a received quadrature amplitude modulated signal is disclosed.
  • Instead, it was the relative amount of both phases that was modulated in the biphasic samples.
  • In this respect he is closer to stand up comedian than exponent of crime cinema, enacting all the parts in his sketches with one variously modulated voice.
  • Cyril Connolly and Jerome Zerbe include the Desert de Retz in their book "Les Pavillons" (1962) with Zerbe remembering "goats glattering up the beautifully modulated spiral staircase" and noting that the structure was then in a "terrible state" and hoping someone would come along "with the means and taste to restore it. The Broken Column House
  • When she speaks, and she is a dramatic storyteller, her voice seems modulated to correspond to the mood of the moment with an exacting precision.
  • The IRD is one type of receiver for modulated signals arriving on a satellite downlink.
  • An oddly shaped white and yellow puddle of thinned pigment, its isolation heightened by an expanse of brushy, unmodulated blue, recalls Miro in its comic vulnerability.
  • Kinda messes up the communist theory ejaculated about by amplitude modulated maroons, eh? Think Progress » Still Bitter Over Loss On Health Reform, GOP Seeks To Block Judicial Nominee For His Health Care Views
  • After that I gave up with the crêche and let him loose on the world with a fistful of pound coins and his unmodulated voice.
  • Under Lloyd Richards' carefully modulated direction, these lives fill the theater with their music.
  • That is the right message on Iraq, and if undecided voters find it too bold and unmodulated, tough luck.
  • Millett IS, Herschlag D, Doniach S (2005) Probing counterion modulated repulsion and attraction between nucleic acid duplexes in solution. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It is found that the square of the mean curvature averaged over the entire simulation box is enhanced if the strength of the bonds in the elastic network are modulated in response to local changes in the composition field.
  • In the receiver, information is demodulated by analyzing synchronization error.
  • Day-to-day television, in its regularity and its availability, seems regulated by repetition and modulated by acceptable difference.
  • This sound or ‘voice’ is modulated and modified by structures like the lips, tongue and palate to produce decipherable speech.
  • Objective To discuss the methods of the dosimetric verification in the intensity modulated radiation therapy(IMRT) and insure correct execution of the IMRT planning in the clinical practice.
  • Ethan questioned her, a hint of irritation in his deeply modulated voice.
  • Previously, in systems known as THz time domain spectrometers, the flow of terahertz radiation has been modulated indirectly by optical choppers, mechanical devices that either blocked a laser or allowed it to pass through. Undefined
  • Using the included software, you can play the demodulated radio signals through your PC, or encode them as MP3 or WAV files on your drive. Boing Boing: January 26, 2003 - February 1, 2003 Archives
  • Finally, the ARM echo is integrated by linear frequency modulated matched filter. We got some valuable conclusion by analyzing the performance under unmatched condition.
  • Try speaking in a room with a 20Hz wave and your voice will be modulated which is audiable. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Brown note? I have never heard of this.
  • But it means that his commanding tone of voice, unmodulated by the addition of a little humility, is unjustified. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A method and apparatus for equalizing a received quadrature amplitude modulated signal is disclosed.
  • All these signals are modulated, multiplexed, layered, and intermixed into a cacophanous soup - but one that none of our natural senses can detect.
  • The max depth of the Hippo chorus sort of overdrove the moogerfooger delay, especially on the loop feedback & gain (there's a multiplication effect there that could shred speakers), said overdrive creating a sort of vaguely pulsating & irregular rumbling undertone like a time-modulated distortion (hmm, see if Zachary Vex might do a Seek-Fuzz?) The voice of storms
  • His voice was well modulated, and his speech slow and strongly articulated.
  • The signal can be modulated in either amplitude or frequency to carry data.
  • Thus, this signal can be demodulated and played on an ordinary FM radio receiver.
  • The expression of chemokine receptors, the chemotactic capacities, and adhesion molecule expression was modulated by withdrawal of IL 2 and IL 4 from the culture medium.
  • While the FM screening just to avoid the amplitude modulated screening technology.
  • He speaks loudly in a kind of un-modulated American southern croak, which is hard to take after a while. . . Inmate David Duke
  • The reciever is then equiped with its own oscillator in order to remix with the transmitted side band and produce an intermediate frequency (IF), which is then demodulated to produce the original modulating frequency. Be vewwwwy vewwwwy quiet….
  • The vast majority of the tapes are recorded in "pre-detection" mode, which means that the data was downshifted in frequency from S-band to a 10 Mhz IF and then written to the tapes before the data was demodulated. Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project Update (LOIRP) 20 January 2009 - NASA Watch
  • They share a common format: an impastoed yet atmospheric field of black palette-knife strokes is contained by four crisp, unmodulated black margins, 1 1/2 inches wide.
  • By creating pronounced distortion products, it makes the hair bundle oscillate in a complex manner with an amplitude that is modulated by non-sinusoidal beats.
  • Instanced by dead-band PWM, this paper proposes that its explicit modulated wave is attained and its mathematics model in frequency domain is derived by dual Fourier transforms.
  • The colour and tone of hand and wrist are almost uniform, unmodulated.
  • The distinctive modulated drone of the slide sax is a key contributor to its soundscape.
  • He modulated his voice when he spoke of the tragedy.
  • Radio frequency generating systems and methods for forming pulse plasma using gradually pulsed time-modulated radio frequency power
  • After an initial slice selection procedure, the nuclear magnetic resonance signal is subjected simultaneously to two modulated magnetic field gradients.
  • It just can't sustain a momentum that is completely unmodulated (action scene, charged conversation, all in rapid succession).
  • The intensity modulated optical sensor is simple and robust.
  • Pyroelectric sensors measure only pulsed or modulated laser beams.
  • Allozymes are catalytic RNA- or DNA-based molecules whose ability to catalyze a reaction is modulated by their interaction with an effector molecule.
  • The demodulated audio goes to the same soundcard for output. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Because of the dots and the diagonal lines and unmodulated color, I work in a color key that I love to play with.
  • It is completely overmodulated, distorted, tinny, and terribly noisy.
  • Because a continuous signal can be propagated farther than a random signal, most long-distance communication systems transmit a continuous carrier wave, which is then modulated to convey data.
  • They were modulated, sibilant sounds, fairly deep, probably due to length of the throat.
  • Then a biphasic pulse was sent through each cell simultaneously, which was then modulated to reflect the pixel value.
  • She has a very monotonous voice; she should have it modulated.
  • A modest, horizontal rectangle, its center is occupied by a carefully modulated gray scale, shading from light to dark and gently contained on either side by a narrow bar of dry, sulfurous yellow.
  • The x-ray photons trigger the ejection of krypton electrons with varying angular distributions of momenta modulated by the oscillating laser field.
  • The control circuits take mere nanoseconds to decide how the laser light must be modulated.
  • The pathway will clearly be modulated by other genes that regulate apoptosis.
  • Compare the demodulated output from the receiver in the time domain and in the frequency domain for m = 1 and m = 1.1 and explain why a modulation index greater than 1 must be avoided in an AM link. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The recurrence of the word "tranquility" suggests sensibility's modulated tone: it demanded tears, not sobs; tenderness, rather than emotional storms.
  • Since the signals the service personnel will be working with are digitally modulated analog carriers, new test equipment and measurement metrics are needed.
  • The activity of HIF-1 dimer, which is composed of α and β subunits, is modulated by the availability of the extremely labile oxygen-sensitive HIF-1α protein subunit. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The demodulated reception data is sent to the control section. Notable Patent Applications - 07/01/2010
  • Those machines were known as frequency modulated cyclotrons, synchrocyclotrons, or, in the Soviet Union, phasotrons.
  • One side of the album consisted of a single, unmodulated sine tone.
  • The primary runs at its resonant frequency in the 41 KHz range, and is modulated from the control unit in order to generate the tones you hear. Boing Boing
  • Each canvas features the richly textured and subtly modulated expanses of color for which he is well known.

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