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How To Use Modifier In A Sentence

  • The relative clause: it is defined as a clausal modifier, restrictive or non-restrictive, used to modify a preceding construction, most often a preceding noun or noun phrase.
  • If you used the shortened form, you'd just say "in-laws' house", but since you're using the full form, it's correct to pluralise the noun and not the modifier ('parents' rather than 'in law'), and then make the entire term possessive, because it's acting as a noun cluster. ("parents-in-law's") The Skinny Kitten Story (In Which I Am Both A Liar And A Kitten Thief)
  • Some modifiers have been reported to enhance anthocyanin pigmentation of vegetative parts in plants carrying specific r1 haplotypes.
  • Preferred modifiers include NaOH, urea sodium dodecyl sulfate, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, and guanidine hydrochloride. Mairi Beautyman: Unexpected Green Hazard: When Your Cat Binges on the Edible Packaging
  • Importantly is also a valid sentential modifier, although oddly important is not. 2010 March « Motivated Grammar
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  • The carrier of the modified filter medium is the volcanic rock coated with a polycondensate modifier.
  • If we put the sentence in the passive form, "The man was found _dead_," it will be seen that _dead_ is more than a mere modifier; it belongs to _man_ through the assertive force of _was found_. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • These congenic mice confirm the location, potency, and independent action of the C3H chromosome 1 modifier.
  • The gender agreement rule is that, in the singular, the declinable premodifiers (determiners and adjectives) should agree with the gender of the head noun.
  • Uppdaterat: 17:37, skånsk tidhållning Jag modifierade "pollen" lite så de 3 som redan hade röstat får göra det igen. Är här några andra skåningar?
  • Someone decided that the semicolons were needlessly fussy, resulting in what English teachers call a dangling modifier.
  • For example, abstract, virtual, extern, override, and other modifiers are available in the stereotype properties.
  • The setCreditHrs is declard with double modifier in the super calss but the setCreditHrs is declared as void in the subclassed class DaniWeb IT Discussion Community
  • Just as the uni- prefix implies arrogance, multi- implies meekness, requiring Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, to come up with a toughening modifier: “assertive multilateralism.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • No matter what modifier follows, or what it actually means in radio format speak, Adult Contemporary is a brand of shame to many music fans.
  • revision: also as modifier
  • The "e" modifier makes preg_replace () treat the $replacement parameter as PHP code after the appropriate references substitution is done. replacement: The string or an array with strings to replace. Muti
  • Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles.
  • Military vision documents are written in the active voice, with strong verbs and modifiers.
  • Scientists at Michelman are using a rotational rheometer from Malvern Instruments to customise its water-based surface modifiers, polymers and coatings. Processingtalk - processing industry news
  • Imagine then that some genetic modifier gets the idea that you could suppress the weed in crops with glyphosate if the crops themselves had been engineered to be immune to the weedkiller.
  • Nevertheless, with random mating among sexually produced gametes, selection on a modifier of sex is very weak.
  • The final episode started with an explanation for the mystery, but if you thought this was designed to be a closing episode, guess again. and the same thing is also often found with prenominal concessive modifiers.
  • To describe these, it is necessary first to make a distinction between head-modifier constructions and head-complement constructions.
  • You will need to think carefully about modifiers for wearing a mask.
  • He is at pains to avoid putting the modifier between the subordinator to and the verb go. Times, Sunday Times
  • | Modifier of _beds_. beds | | Prin. word in Prep.phrase. lie | | Predicate of _who_. and | | Connects _lie_ and _waste_. waste | | Predicate of _who_. away. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • The foregoing analysis of [the book on the table] enabled us to exemplify, and to define, three key grammatical notions: head, complement, and modifier.
  • It can serve as subject, predicate, object, attribute and adverbial modifier.
  • Corporate food modifiers go around in lab coats and play with petri-dishes and DNA.
  • Now researchers in England say that anti-inflammatory drugs, called leukotriene modifiers , that come in pills are reasonable alternatives to the plastic tube. NPR Topics: News
  • The software was unaware of complex character clusters associated with consonant/vowel modifiers in Indian languages.
  • But: marxist "is not a modifier for" quisling "- they are freestanding faults in his panoply of faults. Elections - fresh news by
  • Indexer modifiers like new, virtual, extern etc. are available as stereotype properties.
  • The change in allele frequency at the modifier locus during diploid selection is given by Recombination.
  • In recent years, there have been reports of depression, suicidal thoughts and other psychiatric problems in some people on allergy medications known as leukotriene modifiers - Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Antimalarial drugs or immune response modifiers like methotrexate can reduce steroid dose and side effects.
  • And, as we become familiar with variants of a general perspective, we might wish to come up with new categorial terms or to provide modifiers for the categorial terms. The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism and Culture
  • This is possible because moving can function as an attributive modifier of the head noun pianos.
  • The ring modulator is (a cluster of related) modifier(s), the lowpass filter is another. More contact samples
  • When infinitives are used to modify post-positioned attributives, translation methods can be various according to the semantic relation between modifiers and headwords.
  • Do you have a tack room full of various bits, halters, lead ropes, lunge whips, lunge lines, and other training equipment or behavior modifiers?
  • +_Remember_+ that a noun or pronoun used as an _explanatory modifier_ is in the same case as the word which it explains, and that a noun or pronoun used _independently_ is in the _nominative case_. Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room
  • And very often an indefinite article possibly with some er a noun phrase with some modifier.
  • When we use the expression a London Fog raincoat, we use London Fog as an attributive modifier of the noun raincoat.
  • The chilly campers huddled together "by the fire". adjective phrase appositive phrase adverb phrase misplaced modifier Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • But, as the chemist prefers distilled H2 O in testing solutions to avoid complications and unwarranted reactions, so the Black Woman holds that her femineity linked with the impossibility of popular affinity or unexpected attraction through position and influence in her case makes her a touchstone of American courtesy exceptionally pure and singularly free from extraneous modifiers. A Voice From the South
  • Usage: In food industry, it is used as leavening agent, dough regulator, buffer, modifier, solidification agent, nutritional supplement, chelate agent, flulty agent for bakery.
  • This was explained by the action of rare alleles of autosomal modifiers that can influence or override the sex chromosome genes.
  • Tyvärr trodde jag i min blinda naivitet att man kunde modifiera/ändra i alternativen utan att de redan inräknade försvann. Är här några andra skåningar?
  • We've hired therapists and behavioral modifiers, parent effectiveness training.
  • In contrast, a fully dominant modifier can never invade.
  • Panzer Elite Wirblewind has improved accuracy modifiers against massed infantry.
  • In many of these languages, nouns are composed of modifiers known as prefixes, infixes, and suffixes.
  • You need to apply the stereotype only if you want to set the modifiers, such as new, override, extern, virtual, protected internal, and unsafe.
  • As a player, I totally would like to roll my stats with 3d6, one complete reroll if it sucks too much (no positive stat modifier). Player Empowerment or Player Entitlement? « Geek Related
  • Just as the uni- prefix implies arrogance, multi- implies meekness, requiring Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, to come up with a toughening modifier: “assertive multilateralism.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • To improve the workability of PVC resin various ingredients are added to the resin including stabilizers, impact modifiers, lubricants, plasticizers, biocides and flame retardants.
  • If you succeed all the way through the path, they reroll their reaction with a large positive modifier. Genre Thought: Seduction in RPGs « Geek Related
  • In the process, they created a ‘genre’ of ‘Australian’ film, something like the ‘western’ genre in the United States at the time, inasmuch as it can be identified by prospective viewers mainly as a modifier for other generic substantives.
  • While it is a statistical certainty that some Ecstasy users will present for psychiatric services, the current available data shed little light on whether Ecstasy use is a precipitant, modifier or consequence of psychiatric illness.
  • Some eastern Albertan farmers hold weather modifiers responsible for further disrupting the natural water cycles and dehydrating their already parched land.
  • misplaced modifiers
  • This shows that the modifier gene did not affect Compact trait expression in the female.
  • Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles.
  • The first case concerns the use of a noun as a modifier in a compound.
  • Toutefois, cette situation commence à se modifier et le mouvement ira en s'amplifiant, à la fois parce que la plupart des nouveaux usagers du réseau n'auront pas l'anglais comme langue maternelle et parce que les communautés déjà présentes sur le web accepteront de moins en moins la "dictature" de la langue anglaise et voudront exploiter internet dans leur propre langue, au moins partiellement. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • In fact, keys such as alphanumeric keys are not supposed to be used as modifier keys. AutoHotkey Community
  • -- The Participle used as an adjective modifier, with the words belonging to it, is set off+ [Footnote: An expression in the body of a sentence is set off by two commas; at the beginning or at the end, by one comma.] +by the comma unless restrictive+. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • Preferred modifiers include NaOH, urea sodium dodecyl sulfate, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, and guanidine hydrochloride. Mairi Beautyman: Unexpected Green Hazard: When Your Cat Binges on the Edible Packaging
  • He was so bold as to have his business card imprinted with the single modifier ‘Expert.’
  • Consequentially, once the allele attains a significant frequency, the evolution of modifiers that force the gene to be expressed only in males is expected.
  • To improve the workability of PVC resin various ingredients are added to the resin including stabilizers, impact modifiers, lubricants, plasticizers, biocides and flame retardants.
  • The least complex postmodifier - and by far the most common - is a prepositional phrase.
  • This is a serious look at America's extreme body modifiers - think tongue splitting, elective amputation and the like.
  • You noticed my own careless deployment of anarthrous occupational nominal premodifiers? Hullabaloo
  • When a modified work were downloaded or streamed, both the creator of the original work and the modifier would get a share of the resultant revenue.
  • ‘Chocolate is a potent mood modifier,’ says the author.
  • So the number of words you can create is in fact only limited by your patience - which worked the same way with the English language experiment I conducted during the run to list 100 marathon runners' words for pain using Anglo-Saxon modifiers like 'ow', and 'fucking-ow'. Running the Polar Circle marathon
  • They have to deal with the here and now and be composed of strong nouns and verbs; rarely are there modifiers, such as adjectives or adverbs.
  • They group together relevant action and zone modifiers into a single mnemonic.
  • This last point isn’t at all trivial, in view of the odd property of superlatives that they are acceptable as prenominal modifiers in many cases in which the corresponding simple and comparative forms aren’t: You can say the closest bank to my house but not a close bank to my house or a closer bank to my house than the Deadwood Trust. No Uncertain Terms
  • One approach to these complex verb forms might be to analyse exponents of progressive and perfective aspect (be and have) as modifiers of the bare verb.
  • It's a pity to disqualify the pun, but Pope Pius does not properly portray a postpositive modifier. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 3
  • Emphasizing inherited components by studying concordant or discordant patient pairs with extreme phenotypes, we were able to detect associations of residual chloride conductance and of modifier genes with the CF phenotype.
  • So we have a first cut at a rule of thumb for things to skip: start and end matter (e.g. ifndef, define, endif) access modifiers (public, protected, private) parameter types Reading code aloud
  • In addition, we show that in the case of deverbal gradable adjectives, scalar structure can be inferred from the aspectual properties of the source verbs, providing a basis for predicting which degree modifiers will be acceptable with which participles.
  • Bardic Knowledge: the bard's class level + Intelligence modifier to all bardic knowledge checks, as normal.
  • Texture of the fine-earth fraction is silt loam or loam with gravelly or very gravelly modifiers.
  • The present invention also relates to the use of these compositions such as thickeners, dispersants, plastics additives, adhesives, coatings, flexographic inks, overprint varnishes, and dry cement powder modifiers.
  • These results demonstrate the existence of a class of modifiers of gene expression whose effects are associated with transient changes in DNA methylation of specific loci.
  • For many patients, the leukotriene modifiers remain safe and effective medications in the armamentarium against asthma.
  • The term penny-wise is hyphenated because it is a compound modifier in which wise means smart, rather than a use of the suffix -wise. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • Whenever possible, the interactions were confirmed with additional alleles of each putative modifier gene.
  • A concern to keep in mind when evaluating punctuation marks and other modifiers in digital type is unwelcome collisions and unresolved alignment between letters and brackets, braces, parentheses, quotation marks, and ellipses.
  • The constituent that comes before a head in a phrase to qualify its meaning has the function of modifier.
  • The viscosity grade of a multigrade oil is different at high and low temperatures due to additives known as viscosity modifiers.
  • Follow extra- with a hyphen when it is part of a compound modifier describing a condition beyond the usual size, extent or degree: Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • OOo 3.2 is the verion of your choise for * all* modifier keys (apart maybe from some OS-dependent reserved key's of course) 3.1 Has Smoother Drawing And Usability Tweaks | Lifehacker Australia
  • Lights "of many colors" shone on the pool. adverb phrase appositive phrase adjective phrase misplaced modifier Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • a modifier of the subject, because ----; _rudely_ is a modifier of the predicate, because ----; _The letters_ is the modified subject, _were rudely carved_ is the _modified predicate_. Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room
  • OK, so there's no way a sea breeze is a classic cocktail, but since it conforms to the classic rule - a single spirit base and two modifiers - we'll allow it.
  • However, it does contain one blunder: the phrase penny dreadful does not exemplify a postpositive modifier. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
  • The quotation is an example of an English construction in which parallel modifiers are interpreted in a special way.
  • Sign names and values with modifiers and/or allographs following them should not be be treated as compounds.
  • We won't get into pre- and postmodifiers at this moment.
  • Proper nouns can: when we talk about London fog, we are using London (a proper noun) as an attributive modifier of the noun fog.
  • (Of course, rhetorically is a critical modifier — there are the arguments that the right wants a Court to make law like a legislature as well, but to get there from your comment required assuming more subtlety in your critique than I usually read into a blog comment.) The Volokh Conspiracy » Polling on the Court
  • Stacking up postmodifiers like this is usually a bad idea, especially when adjacent pairs have as strong an affinity for one another as ‘published in 1993 by Peter Steiner’.
  • A.M. Kinloch University of New Brunswick The note on postpositive modifiers in English [XI,2] by Frank Abate was particularly interesting to me. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
  • We get a couple of noun phrases with hyphenated compound prenominal attributive modifiers like outcome-related, real-world, and whole-of-organisation, and that's just about it.
  • Reid noted that the phrase "when approaching from any direction" is a nonrestrictive modifier and can be removed from the sentence. Dropped 'at' in Va. law yields acquittal in school bus case
  • Since Equinox Aspects is not tightly bound to AspectJ weaving only, you could re-use the base infrastructure to hook any kind of bytecode modifier into the Equinox runtime - and reuse the caching of Equinox Aspects at the same time. PlanetJava
  • This is a serious look at America's extreme body modifiers - think tongue splitting, elective amputation and the like.
  • Using multivariate logistic regression we adjusted the crude odds ratios for these variables, also controlling for any identified confounders and stratifying by effect modifiers.
  • Far from being ungrammatical, split infinitives are always an option for modifiers of infinitival clauses, and sometimes the only option.
  • Different kinds of complements and modifiers can often coerce a perfective or an imperfective reading.
  • The child in due course in new contexts uses the modifier with substantives, thereby expressing his desires more clearly.
  • Although the modifier in a noun phrase will often be an adjective, it doesn't have to be.

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