How To Use Modestly In A Sentence

  • Within a few days of its unveiling Achilles was modestly kitted out with a fig leaf.
  • Modestly clad women appear as newsreaders on TV, while sexually suggestive Hindi film posters adorn shopfronts about town.
  • A sober brick building, unpretentious in scale and design, lies modestly low among lawns at the end of a road with playing fields on either side.
  • I'm on the money train now and am looking forward to a modestly superannuated future.
  • As many facets of the automobile industry have recently declined or grown modestly over the past year, the sales of luxury cars have risen 5.5 percent.
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  • Britain's balance of payments improved modestly last month.
  • Father-of-two Ivan, who lived modestly, struck rich 10 years ago when a distant cousin left him £8 million.
  • What a nice way to show that dressing modestly doesn't have to mean "dowdy" or "drab"! The Value of Clothing in Creating a Mood
  • She cast her eyes down modestly while Jack was talking about her.
  • the dissertation was entitled, modestly, `Remarks about a play by Shakespeare'
  • It will appear from the above statement that this contains an unjust in - sinuation, which the reporter ought modestly to have forborn, especially as he had, while in this city, a conve - nient opportunity for obtaming correct information by applying to any member of the committee of missions. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • The growth outlook is positive on both sides of the Atlantic and bond yields should continue to rise modestly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly it may be said — not as an ingenious speculation, but as a stedfast and absolute fact — that human calculation cannot limit the influence of one atom of wholesome knowledge patiently acquired, modestly possessed, and faithfully used. Speeches: Literary and Social
  • And, no matter how modestly it begins, the effort must be sustainable over the long term.
  • Lucy is a modestly successful artist encumbered with a drunken, hypochondriac father and an uncaring American boyfriend.
  • With a warming Northern lilt and cheekily lit eyes, he talks modestly of the talents that have drawn him from his working class beginnings.
  • Li Faa, from the Chinese angle, was a new woman, a feminist, who rode horseback astride, disported immodestly garbed at Waikiki on the surf-boards, and at more than one luau (feast) had been known to dance the hula with the worst and in excess of the worst, to the scandalous delight of all. THE TEARS OF AH KIM
  • They were linked by a great length of rope modestly coiled at both ends of the row.
  • Father-of-two Ivan, who lived modestly, struck rich 10 years ago when a distant cousin left him £8 million.
  • But what must strike every one who reflects as the most surprising thing in Dr. Strauss, is, that with the postulatum with which he sets out, and which he modestly takes for granted as too evident to need proof, he should have thought it worth while to write two bulky volumes of minute criticism on the subject. Reason and Faith; Their Claims and Conflicts From The Edinburgh Review, October 1849, Volume 90, No. CLXXXII. (Pages 293-356)
  • A dose of modestly positive and stable inflation acts as an economic lubricant, encouraging consumers to spend and businesses to invest in anticipation of that demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Already we have one player, the overmodestly-named Just Andrew, who is tied for 1st in the entire country! And the Colonels have seen enough
  • The woman is dressed modestly in light brown.
  • He added, "It gives me great confidence that work is being done by young artists," clearly referring to the man who stood modestly next to him.
  • Dressing modestly and femininely is one of the easiest and funnest (?) ways to combat it! 18th and 19th Century Country Women
  • She adds modestly, by way of a caveat, that she does not see herself as a screen icon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dave and I are starting a new imprint, modestly called ‘The Collins Library,’ to do hardcover reprints of old, forgotten books.
  • Moreover, through the use of space, light, colour and reinterpretation of archetypal forms such as modestly scaled internal courtyards, it manages to humanize and civilize workplace life.
  • We don't normally intervene in abstruse economic debates, sticking modestly to matters of ethics, aesthetics, priorities and psychologies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Food and drink in restaurants and pubs, where they like to spend a lot of their spare time, have risen only modestly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be impossible to walk by without succumbing to a tub of mellow, unctuous olives, or a modestly priced, sit-down lunch (as opposed to leftovers in the fridge).
  • After the heroic installations of Judd, Flavin and Andre on the lower floors of the Guggenheim, McCollum's modestly sized, wall-mounted works looked, well, dinky.
  • It was a small animal with relatively simple quadrate teeth, a modestly enlarged third metacarpal, and digitigrade stance.
  • Steve was obviously tall, about 6, and had brown hair which was speckled modestly with grey on the front and sides.
  • Those same homemade tortellini reappear in a thick cream sauce, modestly portioned but immodestly rich.
  • He confesses modestly, "I am a beauty merchant, a trader in song," as he waits for checks from the sonnet and triolet magazines to come in. “I ain't never goin' to work again. . . . I'm plum tired out.”
  • Part of the reason why the alphabetic organization of this novel doesn't finally add up to much more than a modestly entertaining exercise in controlled discontinuity is perhaps that the underlying narrative is so familiar. Experimental Fiction
  • ‘I really felt satisfied with the batik that I'd made, even if it was bad,’ she said modestly.
  • A pearl-gray dress with crimson trimmings, made with a long waist, modestly outlined the bust and covered the shoulders, still rather thin, with a chemisette which left nothing to view but the first curves of the throat where it joined the shoulders. Modeste Mignon
  • He works from an opulent Beverly Hills headquarters, whose inner sanctum was modestly designed to resemble the Oval Office.
  • The city suffered economically from the dissolutions at the Reformation, but revived modestly through silk-weaving introduced by Walloon refugees, and later as a social centre for gentry and clergy.
  • Look at how modestly he lives relative to his wealth.
  • But as a RULE OF THUMB, the dictum is perfectly unexceptionable and modestly useful. Robert Hartwell Fiske strikes me as a prig and a bully « Motivated Grammar
  • The thing is possible: and I can modestly say that in the little effort appended as an example to these lines it has been done successfully; but here must be mentioned the second point in my thesis -- I could never have achieved what I have here achieved in dramatic art had I not harked back to the great tradition of the English heroic decasyllable such as our On Something
  • We are only trying to ensure that students dress decently and modestly, in a way that befits our culture.
  • In short, he had as many offices as Scrub in the play, and went through them all with great dexterity; this of surgeon was, perhaps, the only one in which his skill was somewhat deficient, at least that branch of tapping for the dropsy; for he very ingenuously and modestly confessed he had never seen the operation performed, nor was possessed of that chirurgical instrument with which it is performed. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
  • She modestly suggests that "sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference".
  • Like the lady who commented re hats and gloves, I love the beauty of it all ... and we can reclaim our freedom to dress modestly and femininely, it's our God given right, after all - all the naysayers crow on about their 'rights', let's mount a little revolution of our own, one lady at a time. Painting Inspired Dress # 1
  • It is a modestly decorated apartment of irregular shape, with a mezzanine designed for the use of service personnel on duty.
  • He modestly does not draw attention to the fact that his own work has redrawn the geography of art.
  • Similar in theme to her large, mixed-medium paintings also included in the show, these modestly sized assemblages felt far more potent and concentrated.
  • The two stones by the path were painted yellow; the outhouse was so overmodestly masked with vines and lattice that it was not concealed at all; the last iron dog remaining in Gopher Prairie stood among whitewashed conch-shells upon the lawn. Main Street
  • Long-ago Democratic president Woodrow Wilson, meanwhile, known to most of us as a modestly progressive idealist, is in the right-wing canon America's first fascist ruler. Midterm election results: the fight Obama now faces
  • They are all modestly interplanted with Red Onions to help deter pests.
  • It's also not a life of luxury: He operates a one-man window and eavestrough cleaning company six months of the year, working 12-hour days and living in a modestly furnished bachelor apartment. - Home Page
  • First, parents must ensure that their daughters are modestly attired.
  • Beliefs held by chairpersons concerning employer perceptions were that most of the attributes were modestly important.
  • Initially, I was disappointed to discover that today's PoW is kitted out more modestly and powered not by steam but by diesel.
  • The dark-eyed, black-haired, modestly-attired, and even sober-looking girl, who put out her hand with a very simple movement, and spoke, with considerable self-possession truly, but certainly not with an impudent air, bore but scant resemblance to the "brazen hussey" who had haunted The Golden Shoemaker or 'Cobbler' Horn
  • If Schiller and Goethe dare once to come out of their exile, then Nestroy's plum-pudding jinnee steps in their path, and they of course modestly give way to him. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 09 Friedrich Hebbel and Otto Ludwig
  • Chinese share prices closed 0.43 percent higher as interest in oversold auto and software companies helped lift the market to a modestly positive finish after Thursday's losses, dealers said.
  • She was a quiet woman who wore modestly printed cotton dresses and followed a weekly routine of household chores.
  • Modestly ambitious and highly successfully within its chosen territory, Dead Snow proves to be one of the punchiest horror flicks in recent memory and one of the more capable within its low-budget constraints; the silent, lifeless landscapes make for a chilling tension-builder between each over-the-top set piece, while a memorable third-act shot of a character trapped beneath the snow is more nightmarishly claustrophobic than anything in The Descent. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Modestly, I explained that I was pretty computer-literate already.
  • Ed laughed modestly, waved curtly, turned and exited towards a small blue door under the adjacent stands.
  • She modestly suggests that "sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference".
  • Even though current cash grain prices are only modestly higher than a year ago, the taller prices are slowing export sales.
  • Bohemus saith, to kiss coming and going, et modo absit lascivia, in cauponem ducere, to talk merrily, sport, play, sing, and dance so that it be modestly done, go to the alehouse and tavern together. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • This certainly isn't Dark Knight territory, but for Ritchie, who brings such a unique sensibility to albeit modestly produced double-crossing capers, that is marked success by most accounts. RocknRolla Gets Early Praise - Guy Ritchie Confirms Sequels «
  • He does not take center stage and overpower the content, yet modestly hovers in the background.
  • This week he proclaimed modestly that he was going to become heavyweight champion and then the world's leading promoter. Times, Sunday Times
  • He modestly points out that his future is in the hands of the party's current leader, but his CV and his populist style all point toward higher office.
  • Much of his work in stimulating art activities in the borough was carried out modestly and behind the scenes.
  • Keep the feet joined together, then for the 1st bar, swing the body gently to the left side; 2nd bar, swing to the right, while gazing modestly upon 'les assistants;' 3rd bar, swing again to the left; and for the 4th bar, swing to the right side, looking on the Damoiselle with an 'oeillade defrobée, doulcement et discretement.' Shakespeare and Music With Illustrations from the Music of the 16th and 17th centuries
  • She appears as a modestly clad woman carrying a palm of victory as she tramples on a figure with flaming hair to indicate her triumph.
  • These playthings are not modestly priced: the cheapest is 19.99, and the costliest 49.99. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of the artily converted post-industrial warehouse I had imagined, it is modestly scaled one-bedroom flat set on the top floor of a quiet, modern residential block in the outskirts of Krakow. Evening Standard - Home
  • Although as an adult she lived modestly, having money meant avoiding certain energy-draining compromises.
  • He spoke modestly of his wartime experiences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of his work in stimulating art activities in the borough was carried out modestly and behind the scenes.
  • The vicomte was a nice-looking young man with soft features and polished manners, who evidently considered himself a celebrity but out of politeness modestly placed himself at the disposal of the circle in which he found himself. War and Peace
  • He is preaching to the converted, modestly leaving out the crucial factor: anyone can butcher the standards, it takes an artist of his calibre to honour them.
  • Clad as usual modestly - a violet woolen top and black sports pants, no bijouterie or charms - she seems a trifle mundane; it's her face that shows it all: deep down she's walking on air.
  • She modestly suggests that "sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference".
  • Since it itself is only modestly profitable, the new company starts life in straitened circumstances.
  • It will book a 'nonmaterial' profit on the transaction, which will be modestly capital accretive. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said he had held on to the 160-acre farm originally settled by his German great-grandfather because he had resigned himself to living modestly.
  • "These are just the influences I've had over my life," he says modestly.
  • When workers do make meaningful advances against their local employers by modestly improving their wages or bettering their working conditions, the subcontracts are not as lucrative for the local elites.
  • Farmers have indicated their intention to modestly cut back the biotech share of planted acreage.
  • George Romney (1781, discussed above), where her small muff is centered below her sheathed bosom and her modestly hidden hands suggest another story. Framing Romantic Dress: Mary Robinson, Princess Caroline and the Sex/Text
  • You might advance theories about lucky timing or mysterious audience chemistry, but Barnett modestly credits a more practical factor.
  • Amid the hubbub, modestly-attired women have arranged on rickety tables rainbow displays of vegetables and fruit, and offers of coconut milk and fresh-squeezed juice. Free riding the roads of Mexico
  • Even the four-course menu includes several starters before the first order is served, beginning modestly with beautifully baked shortbread-like crackers and building to a vegetable-filled gougere, a single oyster and a barely cooked soup served in a small glass with a Parmesan tuille for a lid. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • To reduce the deficit, the city council asked the developer to mix 100 modestly sized units with the new commercial spaces.
  • At most he's guilty of modestly sloppy wording in the first draft of his initial piece about the memo a week ago, a mistake that he quickly corrected.
  • Being youngsters, we sat modestly at the back, never daring to speak.
  • At just £9, the training video is very modestly priced.
  • Alaric had faithfully asserted the just pretensions of the republic to the provinces which were usurped by the Greeks of Constantinople: he modestly required the fair and stipulated recompense of his services; and if he had desisted from the prosecution of his enterprise, he had obeyed, in his retreat, the peremptory, though private, letters of the emperor himself. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Juicy, tender and sinfully rich, I immodestly enjoyed every one when my companion got cold feet.
  • His Adoration of the Magi is modestly inscribed by "the son of Master Rodrigo."
  • Twist the key in the ignition and the engine doesn't so much explode into life as dutifully and modestly clear its throat.
  • Karajan modestly confines himself to initial bows and a last curtain embellished with bouquets.
  • I have so much enjoyed all the encouragement and discussion on dressing modestly and femininely. The Long, Modest Gowns Painted by Peter Severin Kroyer (1851-1909)
  • When I met Tantine, she was living very modestly in a fashionable arrondissement, because a good address is more important than a nice apartment.
  • In later depictions, she is less modestly clothed.
  • Despite his powerful intellect, he always claimed modestly that he was not clever enough to be a cryptanalyst.
  • The film is modestly and precisely made, but combatively, with genuine and not contrived feeling.
  • Above the bead, a slim belt of baggy creases circled her round beneath her bosom and her cleavage was covered modestly.
  • In fact, several modestly scaled constructions were displayed on plywood panels that straddled sawhorses, a presentation that conjured a studio or workshop and underscored the makeshift appearance of most of the work on view.
  • The modern addition is modestly hidden behind the house and is elongated along its east-west axis to optimize passive solar performance.
  • His appeal to Wilson modestly requested constitutional government, democratic freedoms and other reforms for Vietnamconspicuously omitting any reference to independence.
  • On the whole she had lived modestly, with a notable lack of ostentation.
  • A little patience is enough -- patience, which according to Buffon is genius; but which I, more modestly, will call the superlative virtue of the observer. Social Life in the Insect World
  • She was dressed modestly but coquettishly in a pale purple silk gown with tiny flowerets in her flaxen hair.
  • Most of all for me," Gudgin adds modestly, as he looks forward to a retirement trip to Australia before resuming his work on community radio in Havant and voicing talking newspapers for the blind. BBC's Tim Gudgin calls time with: Airdrie United 11, Gala Fairydean 0 | Rob Bagchi
  • The respectable creature, satisfied with his lot whatever it was, arranged our portmanteaux on the little carriage that was to take us into London, as if they were intended to defy the shocks of ages, and received my modestly proffered donation with perfect tranquillity. David Copperfield
  • As such, no further progress will occur until we are able to re-occupy existing sites and modestly expand and densify the network.
  • Her husband is modestly wealthy from the oil business, but their marriage is a complete failure.
  • The path climbed modestly to Chunyang Hall, then descended to Shengui whose lovely wooden pavilion stands on a plinth in a three-sided courtyard.
  • Most of the projects were obviously not the kind of things feasible in a more modestly funded group show.
  • I would probably have to move out here alone and live pretty modestly so that we could save up some money and pay down the debts back home.
  • Many of the old buildings surrounding the approaches to the bridge have been faithfully and modestly restored to what they looked like before the civil wars.
  • Women have to dress modestly, to avoid being harassed by the locals.
  • A knitted shawl clung to her shoulders and covered her bosom modestly.
  • Juicy, tender and sinfully rich, I immodestly enjoyed every one when my companion got cold feet.
  • He opened fire on one of the bombers and saw smoke coming from the starboard engine, but modestly did not claim to have shot it down. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • My modestly earning nephew is divorcing and cannot buy his spouse's share of the marital home. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is preaching to the converted, modestly leaving out the crucial factor: anyone can butcher the standards, it takes an artist of his calibre to honour them.
  • The reproduction of modestly priced studio portraits was done for profit.
  • The worm is spreading modestly and causing only a minimal amount of damage.
  • This week he proclaimed modestly that he was going to become heavyweight champion and then the world's leading promoter. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this miniature from the 1400s, Mary mounts steps to the altar, while behind her file Joseph with a walking stick and a modestly dressed woman with basket and candle.
  • * China will act as a growth counterpole as its economy slows only modestly, from 9.9 per cent this year to 8.6 per cent in 2009.
  • Are readers really allergic to the kind of modestly-ambitioned literary criticism I am talking about? The Biographical Fallacy
  • These unusual (but not rare) malignancies can be managed reasonably with a range of therapeutic options from observation to systemic therapies that are generally well tolerated but only modestly active - from minimally invasive regional therapies generally focused on hepatic dominant metastases to aggressive surgical palliation with multilobe hepatic resection or even liver transplantation. Health News from Medical News Today
  • But as a RULE OF THUMB, the dictum is perfectly unexceptionable and modestly useful. Robert Hartwell Fiske strikes me as a prig and a bully « Motivated Grammar
  • A pair of silver glasses framed her blue eyes and a nice blue dress covered her modestly but was still attractive.
  • In contrast to her, Martha is dressed more modestly in white, with her head completely covered so that only her face is showing.
  • Being youngsters, we sat modestly at the back, never daring to speak.
  • So that disporting myself right modestly continues even into this interview.
  • She sat down cautiously on the red canvas cushions, knees modestly together.
  • Then very modestly he held out his hand for buckshish, and I thought him entitled to two or three piasters .... Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 459 Volume 18, New Series, October 16, 1852
  • What many car reviewers call underpowered, I call modestly powered. -
  • And it trimmed the projection for next year only modestly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The opening sentence of his paper, written with his colleague Jim Watson and published in Nature that year, put it more modestly: "We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid. The Twentieth-Century Darwin
  • His appeal to Wilson modestly requested constitutional government, democratic freedoms and other reforms for Vietnamconspicuously omitting any reference to independence.
  • Despite the uncertainties of the crisis, last year was also the time that Mrs Bell branched out into preparing ready-made meals, a venture which she modestly confesses proved a ‘popular success’.
  • Beautiful as a houri of Paradise, she turned her head modestly away. KARA KUSH
  • At just £9, the training video is very modestly priced.
  • Risk reduction through naive diversification improved only modestly compared with the case where all programs were considered.
  • Sporadic heavy-handedness aside, the film works nicely both as a character drama and a cannily miniaturized epic, a modestly scaled but undeniably affecting fable with lingering moral heft.
  • Girls here dress modestly, and you should remain sensitive to local cultural issues.
  • The publishing firm which carries his name, Calder Publications, modestly proclaims that it publishes ‘the most significant literature of the twentieth century.’
  • Although she modestly ascribes a narrow focus to her study, this is belied by the breadth of the themes with which she engages.
  • A dose of modestly positive and stable inflation acts as an economic lubricant, encouraging consumers to spend and businesses to invest in anticipation of that demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The power of condensation in these images may even be enhanced by the editing, which provides an icon of the obscene/modestly unseen and foregrounds the pornographic aspect of these acts of torture.
  • Despite its monstrous, carceral appearance, the convention centre is in fact only modestly sized by other cities' standards.
  • The rooms are modestly furnished and reflect the rustic charm of traditional Montenegro.
  • They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat.
  • This is the position of Christopher Norris, who modestly but firmly maintains that all anglophone readers except himself have misunderstood Derrida.
  • The first reason for the disconnect is simply that the economic status quo is a lot less ugly for those at the top than for other Americans: Since the late 1970s, while middle-class incomes have grown only modestly, the incomes of the very richest Americans have skyrocketed. Wall Street's attacks could turn President Obama into a true populist
  • Being alone and immodestly dressed is a deadly combination. Protecting Our Daughters
  • But passion became diluted in too eloquent outpourings of “sentiment,” the tragic style revolved in gloom, and this edulcorated form of cortezia modestly concealed, without disturbing, the money interests, while serving the purposes of the human race. LOVE
  • Fletcher sank the most amazing long putt on hole nine, and Riley modestly claimed the eighteenth.
  • Visitors can get a glimpse of the man whose life began modestly on a family farm and whose first job was as a bobbin boy in a cotton mill.
  • In his final years, some time was spent modestly accepting the plaudits he richly deserved.
  • Britain's balance of payments improved modestly last month.
  • I nodded modestly, and remarked that the last time I'd heard it drunk had been by Liprandi's Russian staff after Balaclava, and d'you know, Custer absolutely blubbed on the spot. Isabelle
  • No wafer thin bangles, and modestly diminutive chains here - the jewellery is unabashedly elaborate, studded with brilliant uncut rubies, diamonds and emeralds.
  • Wilkie, who describes himself modestly as a working journalist, then tracked down the poet's widow.
  • Modest and tasteful poverty expressed itself in the speckless cleanliness and the modestly proportioned skirts of her light “print” gown, and in the scanty little mantilla of cheap black silk which she wore over it, edged with a simple frilling of the same material. Armadale
  • These offers increase GAP modestly - representing the premium end users will pay to get what they really want. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • In his book he modestly emphasised the role of crew, co-pilot and rescue teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wilkie, who describes himself modestly as a working journalist, then tracked down the poet's widow.
  • To a bachelor who wanted six dollars for new leggings, tobacco, and spurs, three dollars were given; the same to another who needed a hat; and to a third, who modestly asked for two dollars, four were given with a flowery-worded compliment anent his prowess in roping THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • Although she is clothed modestly and moves with decorum, her song is about her happy anticipation of her wedding night.
  • He lived modestly, pressed for reform and the restoration of churches and monasteries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Financial markets moved after the government said that retail sales rose only modestly in December.
  • The two stones by the path were painted yellow; the outhouse was so overmodestly masked with vines and lattice that it was not concealed at all; the last iron dog remaining in Gopher Main Street
  • Anyone else, or nearly anyone, should have shuddered inwardly, had they the awareness necessary to perceive the dark portent forecast by the neatly typed black ink letters, those svelte and innocent creatures, who stood modestly without calling attention to themselves, against the background of an unnoisy grayish sheet of fine paper. The Pulse-Soldier
  • Praha? zest for life, in myself and others generic scrips and modestly priced remedies staying up to hear this played for the last time this season, in triumph! living in an amazing city asking for and obtaining what I need from VC joy Felix et errabunda XLVI
  • Occasionally the modestly toxic disulfiram (Antabuse ®) is useful.
  • While the artists might modestly resist such acclamation, what has transpired here certainly displays a high degree of artistic experimentation and talent.
  • After getting the loudest cheer of the night, he smiled modestly.
  • It opens modestly enough with a light fuzz and some shifting.
  • Treasurys Prices Fall Treasury prices seesawed before ending modestly lower after better-than-expected economic data and a brighter take on the health of the U.S. economy from the Federal Reserve. GE Arm Leads Corporate Sales
  • A new convert, she confided that she was dressing more modestly because she was afraid the church wouldn't approve of her.
  • She reached up and allowed her dress to fall from her body immodestly to reveal a form at once that of a woman and a hideous manlike fish.
  • Lucy is a modestly successful artist encumbered with a drunken, hypochondriac father and an uncaring American boyfriend.
  • Anything that deals with 5000 years in one volume has to be a synoptic work, says John modestly, for however much one might fill it with scholarly referencing one can but touch the surface.
  • Expedia's shares have ascended from the high teens in July to around $28 recently, though they declined modestly after the company surfaced among potential bidders for online travel agency Opodo Ltd. Expedia, Disney Attract Doubters
  • The city council asked the developer to mix 100 modestly sized units with the new commercial spaces.
  • Indeed, in the wake of much praise for Mayor Bloomberg's defense of civil and religious liberty, let me modestly suggest that he next go to Rome in October and deliver a sequel at Pope Benedict XVI's synod on what the pope recently called the "urgent" plight of Christian minorities in the Middle East. Tolerance at Ground Zero
  • Some people modestly changed into dry clothes before making for home on foot or by car. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The club is in the black, albeit modestly so; its bankers should be amenable.
  • That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house, small and modestly sitting in the midst of all that glory.
  • Alert, modestly large ears complete the ocicat's head.
  • Mr. Peacock's walking bass lines landed unassertively in all the right places, and his solos modestly crooned pizzicato melodies as Mr. Jarrett hung chords above them like Japanese lanterns.
  • But they modestly assure the reader that their registry is not complete.

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