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How To Use Modernized In A Sentence

  • The chapel or church claims greater antiquity than any other in that part of the kingdom; but there is no appearance of this in the external aspect of the present edifice, unless it be in the two eastern windows, which remain unmodernized, and in the lower part of the steeple. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • To many people, John XXIII was the Kennedy pope, and Vatican II was his Camelot a glorious, Roman Catholic version of the New Deal and the New Frontier that would move Catholicism from the medieval past into a rosy future of social equality, in which mass would be celebrated in the vernacular, nuns' habits would be modernized, and the popemobile would replace the traditional gestatorial chair as a form of papal transportation. Philocrites: May 2005 Archives
  • The air force and navy were modernised but the army, very much the poor relation, was not.
  • Public modes of conveyance should be modernised.
  • It modernized and industrialized at a fantastic rate, and agricultural production doubled between 1945 and 1974.
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  • Oil had stimulated new industry, cities were being modernized rapidly and ambitious plans promised change in the countryside.
  • The house is unmodernised but totally unspoilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘What a very boring man, obsessed with the first world war,’ he says, all self-mockery, behind his cluttered desk in Private Eye's defiantly unmodernised Soho townhouse.
  • They soon discover that the cheaper end of the market means £375,000 for an unmodernised three-bedroom cottage in the middle of nowhere.
  • There are, however, many cultural barriers to be surmounted on the path toward a unified and modernized Sierra Leone.
  • Take the road of substantial development and take the lead in modernized education.
  • But Network Rail, formerly Railtrack, is concerned that more houses will mean more people using the local unmanned and unmodernised level crossing to reach the town centre and other facilities.
  • Today, Noreum-Machi will stage a captivating virtuosic percussion performance known as Samulnori, a modernized stage adaption of p'ungmul nori, which is a ritualistic celebration which originated from shamanism and animism and which is performed by rice farmers. Latest News
  • The implementation of more intensive and modernised farming encountered the problem of land shortage. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • These measures had a profound impact on some sectors which modernized their production methods to meet the war's limitless demand for arms and munitions.
  • In practical terms, we have reaffirmed our commitment to build the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers; the future fast-jet fleet will comprise the more capable Joint Strike Fighter and Typhoon; we will develop multirole brigades to be able to conduct the full range of tasks with our ground forces; and we will be capable of deploying a modernized all-arms force into the field up to 30,000 strong. The British Lion Will Continue to Retain His Claws
  • Of course we have modernised the notation, for example subscript notation was not used in Parseval's time, and we have also corrected his theorem for he omitted the first 2 on the left hand side.
  • From Shanghai to Soochow city, a typical Chinese walled town, still quite unmodernized, and no doubt the same as it was 2000 years ago. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • On the other hand, it would actually have been much, much better had we left our financial system unmodernized than allowed it to be Grammitized in the name of modernization. anonymous Says: Matthew Yglesias » Brink Lindsey Accuses Progressives of Peddling “Nostalgianomics”
  • In the village pub - unmodernised by any rapacious brewery, although in this decade new roadhouses spread like scabs along arterial roads - Donald hears unassuming rustics quote Shakespeare.
  • Rice, followed-up by Stephanie Meyer, “… modernized and domesticated the vampire, ripping away the traditional narrative from the black-caped, thickly Euro-accented, terror guy you run from, to the handsome, seductive bad-boy next door you want to sleep with,” says Thompson. VAMPIRES- WHY HERE, WHY NOW? | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • They should also be able to give a view on how other swimming and sports facilities can be modernised.
  • The play, of course, was an adaptation of John Gay's The Beggar's Opera, cunningly modernized into an anti-capitalist satire.
  • In due course the main gallery will be refurbished and modernised to provide an important contribution to the cultural amenities of Bristol.
  • Starting in 1969, Formell radically modernized Cuban charanga with electric instruments and funky grooves, and over the decades the band has managed to adapt to changing tastes. Chicago Reader
  • The overall result is an upper chamber modernised with Twitter and iPads but which feels increasingly anachronistic and feudal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The houses should be repaired and modernised; proper plumbing should be installed, and more adequate heating.
  • They've modernized kreplach and smoked fish, giving buzz to Bubbe's best. New Menus Inspired by Jewish Canon
  • Gus's combustible info is relayed in their unmodernized Sunnyside, Brooklyn home, an instantly convincing set -- as are subsequent other shifting locations -- by Mark Wendland. David Finkle: First Nighter: Tony Kushner's Intelligent Homosexual's Guide... Continues Genius Display
  • Soft and natural made from the most futuristic materials possible, this year's trend gives way to the super modern as well as the modernized return of the sixties classics.
  • The Queen Mother and King George also modernised Birkhall's great house and built a new wing.
  • In the northern jurisdiction, grasslands have been collectivized and animal husbandry has been modernized. The Prize in Economic Sciences 2009 - Illustrated Presentation
  • Arms and military equipment in service have at best been overhauled or modernized on a limited scale.
  • The term originated in a French culinary tradition that dates back to the nineteenth century when Escoffier, the great chef and writer, modernized the restaurant kitchen with what came to be known as the brigade system. The City Cook
  • She is full of rustic charm but modernised to include creature comforts such as a sink, fridge and gas hob. The Sun
  • Modernised, urbanised and alienated as many of us are, photographs remind us of nature's many complexities and subtleties.
  • There is also renewed interest in unmodernised 'doer-uppers'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Construction took place between 1804 and 1808 although it was modernised in the 1860's when the outer caponiers were added.
  • Many kinds of economic sector compatible, agriculture, industry and commerce developed together economically, and the modernized quality of traditional economic structure was built.
  • The implementation of more intensive and modernised farming encountered the problem of land shortage. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • It always portrays the Church as powerful, ominous, mysterious, bound to tradition, wealthy, adorned with beauty and majesty, steeped in history, dogmatic and unmodernized, with an iron-fisted attachment to a world gone by, The Music in Angels and Demons
  • Modernized base housing gives would-be renters an attractive home option.
  • New roads and tunnels have been built and public transport modernised.
  • And they're not radically modernised or remodelled cardies, either. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has been painstakingly refurnished and modernised to an extremely high standard, all done in the best possible taste.
  • The refurbishment has increased the size of the library, modernised its facilities and improved access.
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, every single leading Muslim intellectual, except one, was in love with the Democratic West, and saw these modern countries as approaching the Islamic ideal better than their own unmodernized countries. CNN Transcript Jun 24, 2004
  • More troubling is the decision to regularize Elizabeth's writings through modernized spelling and format.
  • As industry was modernized by automation and computerization, workers' skills became outdated or unwanted.
  • Just as historical dandyism took its fashion and performance cues from women, so too did the Hollywood version respond to a new screen woman, who helped create a context for the modernized dandy.
  • The company has the loading and unloading troop which the modernized large-scale warehouse and fine prepares, the company innate goods traffic vehicles 80 remainders, the staff 700 people.
  • The implementation of more intensive and modernised farming encountered the problem of land shortage. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • He specialises in finding sites for self-builders and unmodernised buildings for wannabe renovators. Times, Sunday Times
  • After 1570 another leading architect, John Smythson, modernized the house and added classically inspired fronts to the entrance and to the grand entrance to the hall.
  • The play was an adaptation of John Gay's The Beggar's Opera, cunningly modernized into an anti-capitalist satire.
  • It is an old problem, usually found in unmodernised farming countries.
  • Accommodation for boarding and teaching was modernised. Times, Sunday Times
  • On November 26, Noreum-Machi will stage a captivating virtuosic percussion performance known as Samulnori, a modernized stage adaptation of p'ungmul nori, which is a ritualistic celebration which originated from shamanism and animism and which is performed by rice farmers and professional musicians at harvest festivals. Latest News
  • Then there's a modernised version of merengon de guanabana, a traditional dessert made with meringue, cheesecake and creamy soursop. Times, Sunday Times
  • I resent the people who did this simply out of reverence for their ‘god’ (nature) and in pursuance of the ideal that the worship of this ‘god’ mandates: the total abdication or removal of modernized man from the face of the earth, for the sake of “letting nature do its thing.” Wolves Kill 23 Lambs In Oregon
  • In addition to copious notes he modernised punctuation and spelling to make a more readable text.
  • No doubt Coppola and his screenwriter, John Milius, were fully aware of the plot of Die Walküre, the ingenious portrayal of the helicopter gunships as modernized, mechanized Valkyries — the music both romanticizes combat and wryly points out the absurdity of ancient notions of chivalry in a war where the killing is almost industrialized. In the corners of my mind
  • We think we have modernised quite well in this town and in the county.
  • My parents lived all their lives in an unmodernised rented flat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unmodernised property can sell for up to 40 per cent of its modernised market value.
  • It is not just owner-occupiers who are chasing unmodernised homes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies.
  • With the help of his buddies from work (all master tradesmen in their own right) he slowly modernised it and extended it.
  • Due to the wonderful generosity of the parishioners, the Church has been modernised using beautiful and innovative designs.
  • The rump was that part of the factory not modernised by new investment.
  • The lodge cottage and the bungalow have been modernised in recent years and could be used for holiday lets.
  • There's also a nicely modernised 30ft kitchen-diner and a patio garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind the door was a modernized kitchen, all shiny and silvery.
  • The company has the loading and unloading troop which the modernized large-scale warehouse and fine prepares, the company innate goods traffic vehicles 80 remainders, the staff 600 people.
  • To many people, John XXIII was the Kennedy pope, and Vatican II was his Camelot a glorious, Roman Catholic version of the New Deal and the New Frontier that would move Catholicism from the medieval past into a rosy future of social equality, in which mass would be celebrated in the vernacular, nuns’ habits would be modernized, and the popemobile would replace the traditional gestatorial chair as a form of papal transportation. Philocrites: Do liberals remember a mythical Vatican II?
  • It's beautiful, but the house is unmodernised to the point of being uninhabitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is full of rustic charm but modernised to include creature comforts such as a sink, fridge and gas hob. The Sun
  • With fantasy the insularity is even worse: the fantasy reader who has not read the original ancient epic poems of which modern fantasy is merely a variation or imitation runs the risk of being unduly impressed with a watered-down and modernized version of a rich and ancient literary tradition. MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • Nothing here had been modernized, and the full-length mirror on the back of the door was wavery and speckled. DOWNTOWN
  • The revival helped to create an image of a pastoral, mythic, unmodernized Ireland that influenced subsequent writers and artists.
  • To move from unmodernised to modernised is proving to be an expensive business. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have significantly modernised our skills and our equipment to meet the demands of today's society and of a more expectant public.
  • The company is a professional company dedicate to managing modernized office furniture.
  • She is full of rustic charm but modernised to include creature comforts such as a sink, fridge and gas hob. The Sun
  • Trans - Siberian Railroad is a modernized passageway joining Europe - Russia and Far East.
  • She is full of rustic charm but modernised to include creature comforts such as a sink, fridge and gas hob. The Sun
  • All the religions which come out of a pre-scientific world need to be reinterpreted and modernised.
  • Ensured implementation of the landmark Ticket to Work program, which modernized the employment services system for people with disabilities.
  • Healthcare is an unmodernized industry that reinforces the point.
  • Some day I hope to revisit the region and find this natural nesting hollow still occupied by a pair of unmodernized Swifts. The Bird Study Book
  • Its arrival has not yielded a new Constitution, rationalised the party system, modernised justice or overhauled the bureaucracy in any of the ways its advocates hoped it would.
  • Searches for unmodernised properties have waned by 41 per cent. The Sun
  • It was clear to him that pure, unmodernized Jujutsu (precisely because it had long had as its main purpose the sole issue of victory or defeat) did not comport with the modernizing spirit of the period after the Meiji Restoration.
  • Located in the middle of Bagenalstown the house has been completely refurnished and modernised.
  • Its arrival has not yielded a new Constitution, rationalised the party system, modernised justice or overhauled the bureaucracy in any of the ways its advocates hoped it would.
  • Network Class is constructed by humanist platform, network organization, specialized guidance and modernized services.
  • It has bee modernised with a powerful automatic fog-horn known locally as Moaning Minnie.
  • We consider that the appropriate property type should be unmodernised family sized accommodation with 3 bedrooms or more.
  • Russia's former naval facility of Baltiysk next to Kaliningrad is being converted and modernized to handle an initial 1m tons of cargo a year.
  • The house has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, one en-suite, a drawing room, a dining room, a morning room, a studio, kitchen/a breakfast room, a three attic rooms, a conservatory, a scullery, a cellar and a two-bedroom unmodernised annexe.
  • The ticket hall will be modernised, with a low-level counter for wheelchair users, and there will also be environmental improvements, new passenger information systems, and better signs to local facilities.
  • Finding the unmodernised property to buy is often the hard part, of course. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few weeks ago, President Obama announced more than $3 billion in stimulus grants to improve and "smarten" the national grid pushing the concept of a modernized electricity network into the limelight. Undefined
  • This modernised welfare state has been profoundly shaped by the realisation that large, top-down bureaucracies are rarely the best method of delivering services.
  • The buildings will be modernised and refurbished for the 420 infants and juniors with large open teaching spaces with IT facilities.
  • modernized methods
  • As will be argued, Rushdie's novel can be approached as an instance of a modernized fairy tale utopia, as well as a move from the sheer critique of the present state of things to the anticipatory vision of a more hospitable world.
  • The preliminary agreement to buy 180 planes will include 150 of the modernized A320 aircraft, according to a statement late yesterday.
  • ‘A significant number of the deaths will be because, in this area, houses are likely to be the older, unmodernised terraced type which are not well insulated or fuel efficient,’ he said.
  • Many Poles I meet mention a latent national anxiety about the under-funding of education, and you can see why: whereas plenty of British schools have long been modernised and equipped with mountains of IT, Limanowa's remind me of the shabby-looking place I went to during the depths of the Thatcher years. For a generation of young Poles, travelling abroad is still often the only option
  • The actual percussion lock has been modernized to include a coil mainspring and parts proven reliable and trouble-free.
  • If they had been left intact we would have had a city centre to be proud of with many modernised buildings.
  • Audiology services in Bury are to be modernised under a change of leadership.
  • The best one, though, is defiantly unmodernised. Times, Sunday Times
  • RIYADH: On the sideline of the Global Competitiveness Forum taking place in Riyadh, Al-Olayan Financing Company which manages the Middle East operation of Arabia, a core partner nation in laying the foundation for a strong and modernized global economy, is on the verge of meeting a goal ... diseases. - Articles related to Delegation hopes to boost Pakistan rice exports
  • Although some Chinese cities may now boast some of the most modernized skylines in the world, down at street level one can usually still find the traditional herbal teashop.
  • Sheikh Rifa'a Rafi’ al-Tahtawi was a professor at the still unmodernized al-Azhar University of the early nineteenth century.
  • Patients on wards for the elderly will be the first to gain from the changes which will eventually see all Nightingale wards modernised and an end to mixed sex accommodation.
  • It has not happened yet, because of the unmodernized structure of EU patenting, and narrow-minded EU legislation having left out any funding, grant, or incentive for intermediaries or service companies.
  • I would like to point out that all the old wood pews were removed when the church was modernised and redeveloped last year.

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