How To Use Moderne In A Sentence
Isaac wast beloved in the eyes of Abraham; and Matt is using early moderne English verb forms agaiyne. wiley Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Centrists Wast $1 Billion on Nuclear Weapons Stimulus
It was a few years later that the decorated building made a last brave stand, Art Deco's Egyptian colonnades and Moderne sunbursts sparkling brashly among dimmer stripped-classical and early modern façades.
'A l'égard des ouvrages d'editions modernes, même celles faites en pays étranger, M. Berryer vouloit les avoir en feuilles: il en faisoit choisir, dans plusieurs exemplaires, un parfait, et il le faisoit relier _en maroquin de choix_; le
Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
For example, in the 1950s many of my parents' friends thought themselves very moderne as they showed off their new butterfly chairs.
Downtown's newest hotel sports great art, moderne styling, 282 luxe rooms, and a rooftop pool, all a stone's throw from the convention center.

Questo "Have a nice Day" è un album che ci dona un Bon Jovi per niente stanco di creare nuova buona musica, un Bon Jovi che non rinnega il suo passato, ma continua a fonderlo con sonorità sempre più moderne, regalandoci uno dei migliori momenti rock del 2005 .......
It is hard to find a term relating to fine arts, but I should think that Art Deco might be one: as far as I know, the style was called moderne when it was fashionable, with Art Deco emerging only with its resurgence about a decade ago or less.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
Both serious wine connoisseurs, Graf and Rydman collaborated with the chairs and bistro moderne chef Philippe Schmidt on a symphony of food and wine that had patrons swooning.
Designed in art moderne style, it has a roof terrace that resembles a deck on a luxury cruise liner.
Times, Sunday Times
But in Mirabeau (Kadhésch) a grand seigneur moderne, when his valet-de-chambre de confiance proposes to provide him with women instead of boys, exclaims, “Des femmes! eh! c’est comme si tu me servais un gigot sans manche.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Pinakothek der Moderne March 6-May 30 www. Paris opera
Time Off in Europe
Claude Perrault, [9] writing in the 18th century, states that "les modernes appellent notre luth barbiton
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
Pinakothek der Moderne Until July 5 www. Paris Photography
Time Off
He created a Gotham City that mixed of deco, expressionist and moderne styles.
Ciao Chiara nelle ricette moderne “shortening” si riferisce a grassi vegetali solidi (idrogenati) che possono sostituire tutto o in parte il burro (o lo strutto) e danno una particolare consistenza ma sono insapori.
Cranberry Sherbet « Baking History
Pinakothek der Moderne; Until March 1; 49-89-2380-5360 www. Nuremberg Toys
Time Off: Cultural Events Around Europe
Like a lot of other post-Vatican II folks in the pews, I miss something in our spare, moderne churches.
There among the moderne vintage items I discovered a simply wonderful Japanese print in a great frame for a steal of a price.
Examples include the Coolidge Corner Theatre, a 72-year-old art deco movie palace in Brookline, Mass., and the Normal Theater, a 1937 art moderne movie palace in Normal, Ill.
The stuff of impressionist painting had been the fleeting glimpse of Ia vie moderne rather than the solid statue.
Pinakothek der Moderne Until June 27 www. Oslo Music
Time Off Europe
Module mit Regalbrettern und Schubladen | Vita Wenn das, was du suchst, darin besteht, Raum zu sparen und darin es mit Luxus und Stil zu machen, bist du sicher durch das Netz auf der Suche nach modernen Möbeln zur See gefahren und die Persönlichkeit und Gegenwart haben. klarer aber die Wahrheit ist, dass der wichtigste Klang die Ideen und immer noch suchen, dass die Preise dich ein bisschen erschrocken haben können.
Anemix – Modular Lighting System for 3D Effects
The French writer, Reybaud, in his "Reformateurs Modernes," published in 1840, made the term equally familiar to the reading public of Continental Europe.
Socialism A Summary and Interpretation of Socialist Principles
The décor is East Village thrift-shop moderne.
Medical History 22 (1978) 25-43 Chalmin L'Officier francaise, 45-48; Jean de Blonay, 1870: Une revolution chirurgicale les origines et le development de la chirurgie civile et militaire moderne (Geneva,1975) 64-65; Linon, Officiers d'administration du service de sant ‚, 41-70; Holmes, Road to
Notes to "Fighting Reformers: The Debate over the Reorganization of The French Military Medical Service 1870-1889." William B. McAllister
La Chapelle, Le Cuisinier moderne, qui apprend à donner toutes sortes de repas…Avec…des desseins de table…en taille-douce, 2nd ed., The Hague, 1742.
The stuff of impressionist painting had been the fleeting glimpse of Ia vie moderne rather than the solid statue.
What really counts is having a trendy moderne camera or a DAW with 900 virtual tracks!
J'aime bien : “Je me suis rendu compte tout dernièrement à quel point il est facile de répondre à une question sans l'avoir lue en entier,” qui est le reflet moderne des vidéo discutions, la pertinence prend des reflet inférieur à la minute, alors que je suis encore entre 5 et 10 mn pour présenter une proposition.
LIFT’08: David Brown Workshop — Teenagers and Generation Y — Climb to the Stars
Some examples follow below, from the quadrilingual Dutch work of the period, Moderne Kerken in Europe en America, which also includes some strange Central European and French monstrosities, not shown here -- though I admit a secret fondness for the etherial openness of Perret's Notre Dame du Raincy, just not all that exposed concrete.
Some Examples of Early Twentieth-Century Scandinavian Church Architecture
Claude Perrault, [9] writing in the 18th century, states that "les modernes appellent notre luth barbiton
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
'A l'égard des ouvrages d'editions modernes, même celles faites en pays étranger, M. Berryer vouloit les avoir en feuilles: il en faisoit choisir, dans plusieurs exemplaires, un parfait, et il le faisoit relier _en maroquin de choix_; le
Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
He later went on to design the moderne iconography in the Bank of Nova Scotia building at 44 King W.
Jones was perhaps best known at the time for having designed the stunning art moderne interior of the cruise ship The Empress of Britain.
Frankenstein: ou, Le Prométhée des temps modernes (Paris: Albin Michel, 1984).
Editions of Mary Shelley's _Frankenstein_
The new V&C is as swizzy and moderne as the old one is homely and fuggy.
The whole collection was about the moderness of New York City, and the modernness of the buildings.
The moderne settings order the space geometrically and rationally while also demonstrating abstract decadence.
The restaurant is in a circular room, pleasantly moderne now.
The building was a prodigious limestone parthenon done in the early thirties in the Civic Moderne style.
Module mit Regalbrettern und Schubladen | Vita Wenn das, was du suchst, darin besteht, Raum zu sparen und darin es mit Luxus und Stil zu machen, bist du sicher durch das Netz auf der Suche nach modernen Möbeln zur See gefahren und die Persönlichkeit und Gegenwart haben. klarer aber die Wahrheit ist, dass der wichtigste Klang die Ideen und immer noch suchen, dass die Preise dich ein bisschen erschrocken haben können.
Anemix – Modular Lighting System for 3D Effects
Some examples follow below, from the quadrilingual Dutch work of the period, Moderne Kerken in Europe en America, which also includes some strange Central European and French monstrosities, not shown here -- though I admit a secret fondness for the etherial openness of Perret's Notre Dame du Raincy, just not all that exposed concrete.
Some Examples of Early Twentieth-Century Scandinavian Church Architecture