
How To Use Modern-day In A Sentence

  • We believe that modern-day Hitlers have deliberately adulterated the oral polio vaccines with antifertility drugs and … viruses which are known to cause HIV and AIDS," prominent physician Datti Ahmed told journalists at the time. Scientific American
  • The modern-day emphasis is as much on avoiding illness as on enjoying optimal health.
  • The question you have asked is basic to much of modern-day science activity.
  • The imitations were produced by the painter and decorator on the canvas he used daily as a decorator, Lincrusta - perhaps better known as modern-day blown vinyl.
  • The real choice is between becoming a fully fledged United States of Europe, or remaining little more than a modern-day Holy Roman Empire, a gimcrack hodgepodge of "variable geometry" that will sooner or later fall apart. The End of the Euro
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  • Their stories are narrated with sharp adroitness and lessons are drawn that apply to our modern-day craving for supermen and saviours.
  • The current crop of middle to late 20th Century ‘Period Dramas’, all re-evaluate the past through a filter of modern-day attitudes.
  • It's believed that the Botai people of modern-day Kazakhstan were the first to domesticate the horse some 5,000 years ago. Tracking Equine Evolution
  • And the stakes are high - tribal peoples are intimidated, beaten and sometimes killed for opposing modern-day land grabs.
  • But modern-day swimming pool chutes and ponies captured the imagination and attention of the youngsters.
  • the role of computers in modern-day medicine
  • If you want to rub shoulders with the modern-day glitterati, go for dinner at any of the restaurants by the harbour.
  • Outside the train, the concert footage is mingled with modern-day interviews, much of them regarding the political perplexities at the time.
  • By the standards of both Cook's crew and our modern-day colleagues, we were geriatrics.
  • It's a modern-day fairy tale, folks, because, you see, they did get on the telly after all.
  • The modern-day diet has too little fiber in it.
  • They also liked cracked, parboiled, and roasted grains very similar to modern-day bulgur and freekeh. Day of Honey
  • If the courts decided that a slave was merely a modern-day villein, or serf, then his master might be legally entitled to transport him to Jamaica.
  • The Arian crisis, both for its longevity and its melodrama, puts modern-day soap operas to shame.
  • These pieces of posable plastic are not just for kids anymore though; it seems that most modern-day toy companies are cranking out the action figures targeted directly at the geek demographic. GKS Geek Gift Guide 2008! « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • A newly unearthed fossil is the missing link between land and marine mammals: Standing two to three feet tall on legs adapted to wade through shallow water, the 48-million-year-old Indohyus is the missing link between modern-day whales and their land-lubbing ancestors. Science Is Nifty
  • Their modern-day equivalents are merely bureaucratic nonentities completely remote from everyday life.
  • Yes, once again, it was the same Ian Judge staging, an animated, fluent show that mixes up 18th-century period niceties and '50s culture - a tippling Countess languishes on her bed dialing a big, clunky, corded phone, the men at times wear britches and stockings with their buckled clodhoppers, later choosing modern-day suits. Donna Perlmutter: Postino and Figaro: Underclass Heroes Who Usher in L.A. Opera's 25th Season
  • A type of modern-day vegetarian moussaka, these sweet oven-roasted onions are filled with a herby tomato, nut and mushroom mixture, then baked in a rich feta cheese custard.
  • Fittingly, the story of Britain's relationship with its underwear ends with a modern-day corset.
  • After word of Banks' presence spread, he became a modern-day pied piper.
  • This precursor to the modern-day equipment that revivifies countless victims in TV medical dramas was a crude invention, used by the unscrupulous for cheap public entertainment.
  • It is a modern-day fairy tale complete with magic, an ogre, brave deeds, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
  • Jwest is typical of the modern-day know-nothing pride of the nouveaux Klansmen. Think Progress » Poll: Large Number Of Texans Doubt The Theory Of Evolution, Believe In Human-Dinosaur Coexistence
  • The cross-shaped hall resembles an aircraft hangar or perhaps the transept and nave of a modern-day basilica.
  • Taking the name for modern-day protests was "what people like me refer to as intertextuality - which other narrative you hook into," Lakoff said. Examiner California Headlines
  • Society nowadays is much more violent than it was 30 years ago and the screens are a modern-day necessity.
  • His 12.5-inch Combat Axe melds Medieval styling with modern-day design cues, bringing the art of chopping up to a new level.
  • What makes me chuckle is how Microsoft Excel has become the modern-day weapon of choice for any discerning would-be Senior Leadership Team ‘member’ – there are spreadsheets for this, spreadsheets for that – hell, they probably even have starched spreadsheets on their beds. Names Will Never Hurt You « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Instead, modern-day social scientists could simply watch the intense psychological discomfort of conservatives when one of their basic tenets (the New York Times is a bit to the left of Kim Il Jung) collides with an inconvertible fact (Times reporter Judy Miller is now completing her second week in the slammer for refusing to rat out her Bush administration sources in the Valerie Plame case). Walter Shapiro: Flying Saucers and Valerie Plame
  • The Whitbread was first run in 1957 and was the forerunner of all modern-day sponsorships.
  • These men are modern-day pirates, bringing terror to the high seas.
  • The methods used have changed little over the centuries and appear quaint compared with modern-day forestry.
  • Those Puritan forefathers generate their fair share of criticism from we their modern-day descendants.
  • In Arzner's subtly altered version, Rosalind Russell's obsessive Harriet is a chilling yet mesmerising figure, and in low-angle shots and mannish attire, looms as majestic and vengeful as a modern-day Medea.
  • It's a modern-day fairy tale, folks, because, you see, they did get on the telly after all.
  • Equally, a modern-day footballer has more sinister issues to deal with. The Sun
  • Now, there's a word you don't read or hear too often when it comes to modern-day sport.
  • The modern-day comedians still look at them as the first and the best.
  • A number of the women had time to develop their minds in between flaunting their bodies, more like geisha girls, or the hetaerae of ancient Greece, than modern-day porn stars.
  • Yes, exactly, in our social media-driven culture, the existential dilemma faced by us modern-day human beings is something altogether far more complex: To Like or not to Like? Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D.: I Tweet Therefor I am: Love in the Age of Homo SM-piens.
  • Bresson's most sublime and devastating vision, "Au hasard Balthazar" 1966, is a modern-day fable about a long-suffering donkey victimized by his owners' pride, greed, lust and sadism. Salvation at the Forum
  • Rhapta was described as a bustling metropolitan area located somewhere just inland from the central coast of mainland Azania, perhaps in the vicinity of modern-day Bagamoyo and Dar es Salaam. 10 It also indicated that Rhapta was the most southerly stopping point along the East African commercial route, and that merchants interested in making a round trip to Rhapta from one of Roman Egypt's Red Sea ports had to be ready to depart in July because that was when the climate cycle necessary to make the voyage began. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • But now it is a vital part of the modern-day footballer 's recovery. The Sun
  • A theatre full of modern-day hyperactive children still laughs and cheers at all the right places.
  • He has been forced into being a frontman for a bunch of modern-day American scoundrels.
  • It concludes with a modern-day Bach chorale in the winds and a restatement of the stately, sonorous string chords from the opening procession.
  • Boat making, silver-smithing, bronze tooling, cloth weaving and basket making are examples of the types of artistry celebrated and emulated in modern-day culture.
  • The first modern-day distillation of essential oil was performed by the Persian philosopher Avicenna (980-1037 A.D.) who extracted the essence of rose petals through the 'enfleurage' process. Xml's
  • Paul Normansell could be described as a modern-day Andy Warhol because like Warhol, he plays around with the notion of artistically tweeking current pop culture icons. TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends
  • A new species of pliosaur, Predator X was probably an apex predator at the top of the food chain, similar to the modern-day great white shark, said Hurum, a palaeontologist at Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo, Norway. Predator X: The Fiercest Dinosaur Yet | Impact Lab
  • The ancient contraption looked as secure from the attentions of a modern-day safebreaker as an open city from an atom bomb. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • For modern-day adherents of the belief that tariffs and not slavery caused the war, the Confederate tariffs serve as a sharp rejoinder.
  • The glassed-in ice pilot's tower is the modern-day equivalent of a crow's nest, three vertical ladders above the bridge.
  • As such, he confounds modern-day screamers on both the left and the right for whom the warrior code is unintelligible.
  • The modern-day sex symbol has now taken the place of the old-fashioned hero of yesteryear.
  • Some modern-day pagans are polytheistic, meaning they believe in many gods; some are monotheistic (one god); and others are pantheists, or they believe that God is everything and everything is God, according to Web sites devoted to the subject. Homepage
  • If he wasn't putting the hairy tribesmen of Germania to the sword, he was massacring the Gaulish ranks at Alesia in modern-day France or striking terror into the woad-daubed hordes of Britain. Boardroom Conquerors
  • A wide range of vegetable crops are grown, all of which are produced without any of the modern-day chemicals which dominate the lives of today's farmer.
  • The media has been promoting the idea, recently, that supermodels are being replaced by actors as celebrities and modern-day icons.
  • The revisions more accurately reflect translations of ancient Hebrew and Greek versions of the Old Testament and the constant evolution of modern-day language, Sperry said.
  • He suggests that we should learn from empire, so when we go into places like Iraq we appoint a modern-day governor-general who directs military and political operations.
  • This time the modern-day Lady workers were enjoying a string concert and a glass or two of wine (though I suspect some people smuggled in flasks of rosehip tea).
  • This is clearly a book with a western audience in mind, but there are plenty of ideas for the modern-day cook in India too.
  • After an hour (comical bassoon solos over close-ups of the old recreant guzzling some horrible fermented potato-mash lobotomy out of a jerrican, wiping her mouth on her sleeve, belching) of fruitless search, our modern-day pirates head out to sea again, and up the eastern coast of the island. Gravity's Rainbow
  • Something almost subversive, when you consider the modern-day norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far murkier is what did they believe they would accomplish, these modern-day kamikazes with their box-cutters, their commandeered jets and their insane visions of vengeance?
  • My consultants currently read Harry as a modern-day knight, peerless and beyond reproach.
  • Modern-day engines are so much more efficient.
  • Nothing says Shakespeare better than modern-day superheroes bumping uglies in spandex, eh? Spidey love…
  • The Asian culture celebrates the budo lifestyle, which translates to “the way of war,” and fighters are seen as modern-day warriors. Becoming the Natural
  • Not many people know this, but most modern-day cremators are about 30 inches wide, and new furnaces are now being built around 10 inches wider.
  • Unlike their forbears, modern-day Keynesians do not argue just for mollification in the rate of deleveraging. Michael Pento: How Dr. Keynes Killed the Patient
  • Jones is typical of modern-day evangelicalism, which has abandoned any notion of advocacy for the poor and the misfortunate, These people have constructed a whole cult focused on the proper placement and function of the male sexual organ. and instead concentrates itself on gaining wealth and power. Think Progress » Gainesville, FL rejects homophobic ‘No Homo’ campaign and elects its first openly gay mayor.
  • But he admits his pastime is in contrast to that of the stereotypical modern-day footballer. The Sun
  • These modern-day laagers nurture the desire of their mainly white inhabitants to cut themselves off from South Africa and practice local "own affairs". ANC Today
  • Macallan 60 is very dry and rich, smokier than modern-day Macallan, with wood, cinnamon, apple and slight citrus notes, and a long, spicy finish full of malt and smoke. Tony Sachs: The Twelve Scotches Of Christmas: Whisky Picks For Last-Minute Shoppers
  • No-one is under any illusion that drugs are the scourge of modern-day society.
  • Jwest is typical of the modern-day know-nothing pride of the nouveaux Klansmen. Think Progress » Poll: Large Number Of Texans Doubt The Theory Of Evolution, Believe In Human-Dinosaur Coexistence
  • Henry VIII's pursuit of marriage dissolutions ended with rather more permanent and momentous arrangements than such modern-day quests: England rejected Rome, and wives literally lost their heads.
  • The so-called ‘dawn horse’, or Eohippus, was most likely not related to horses at all, but was very like a modern-day hyrax - that is, a rock badger or coney.
  • Like with most modern-day footballers, it seems to be an illness. The Sun
  • The poet constantly intersperses stodgy Victorianisms with moments of realism or reflection that keep it firmly locked in the present, making the voice of the poems both a relic from the past and that of a modern-day poet joking about relics from the past. Turning Poetic Nostalgia Inside Out « PubliCola
  • That would have been enough for most pampered modern-day footballers to throw in the day job. The Sun
  • Modern-day technology with improved sound projection was seriously getting on my nerves.
  • Despite all this, I've spent my life fighting the label angry black woman because it's a handy way to put a black woman down, modern-day shorthand for telling her not to have ideas above her station. Calling us angry? Michelle Obama and the 'angry black woman' label | The panel
  • Into Great Silence 2005- In this intimate doc, we get a never-before-seen glimpse of the daily lives and rituals of the Grande Chartreuse, an 11th-century monastery inhabited by modern-day Carthusian monks, whose vows of silence and poverty guide them to states of profound inner holiness. John Farr: Getting Religion: The Ten Best Films on Faith
  • Those modern-day prophets, the health and nutrition experts, reckon that getting five portions of fruit and vegetables under your belt should be as easy as pie.
  • What made the 1973 film stand out was that it set its demonic possession in a humdrum modern-day context.
  • It has been called modern-day slavery.
  • Or the continuing "Crusades" - they prefer the word Jihad - by modern-day Islam, the only religion that continues to carry out the killing of non-believers? Catholic group exploits Obama's achievement for anti-abortion ad | RELIGION Blog |
  • One of the photographs in the exhibit was a modern-day pieta, with a hospital nurse holding in her lap an emaciated and nearly-naked patient who had died of HIV/AIDS. Rev. Patrick S. Cheng, Ph.D.: Art, Censorship, and the Scandal of the Cross
  • FIHB Modern-day pato, aka horseball Play Pato in Argentina Pato, aka horseball, is a 17th-century sport that resembles a cross between polo and basketball—using a live duck. A Whole Other Ball Game
  • The Arian crisis, both for its longevity and its melodrama, puts modern-day soap operas to shame.
  • Something almost subversive, when you consider the modern-day norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Modern-day football for all of its media, money hype and merchandising is devoid of characters like Jimmy.
  • Since the nego was a unit of English currency worth about three to the farthing, we can determine that the seller is asking for roughly two groat, one quarter ryal, and ha'penny, which in modern-day US$ is approximately sixteen cents. Passing Judgment: Platitudes, Pictures, and Patches
  • Here, we consider the concept of negative advertising and the effects such practices have on modern-day campaigning.
  • A modern-day musical about a busker and an immigrant and their eventful week, as they write, rehearse and record songs that tell their love story.
  • The theatre, although Grand in name, lacks many of the facilities modern-day audiences have come to expect and staff are the first to admit a visit can be an uninviting prospect.
  • Like the atoms that must be split for a fission bomb to explode, modern-day Lahore is itself divided: between old and new, rich and poor, conservative and liberal.
  • There's a deceased ex-wife who offers advice from the hereafter, a band of escaped prisoners from the 1960s wreaking havoc on modern-day society and a bail bondswoman who learns that she's really a fairy-tale princess. Must Be the Season of the Weird
  • His modern-day company is a shaft of light into a world he once straddled with an unprecedented combination of foppishness and fear tactics.
  • It's a good fit for these books, which are set in an alternate modern-day world, but which also manage to give off a Prohibition era-slash-mobster vibe.
  • Comparing the power surge in rackets and strings to modern-day baseball, he said, "If they had some of the equipment we have in tennis, they'd be hitting the ball 700 feet. All that racket: Players have appreciation of wooden past
  • Alice, the Miracle Worker, was a modern-day phenomenon; why should the past play any part?
  • His only attachment is to his pickup truck, his seaplane and his team of loyal modern-day warriors. The Expendables: Two New Posters, First Trailer Premieres at ShoWest | /Film
  • They described in graphic detail their playground games - modern-day versions of our own ‘kissing games’.
  • And there are some underlying facts about school choice that show some significant consistencies between the modern-day school choice and progressive movements. Malcom Glenn: The Democratic Case for School Choice, and How It's Defying Traditional Party Breakdowns
  • You cannot have a modern-day recovery without the service sector playing its part. Times, Sunday Times
  • He commands the stage like a modern-day crooner, except that he fronts a rock band instead of an orchestra, and wears "guyliner" and feather epaulettes on his blazer.
  • Whereas all of the earlier forms had strong jaws and teeth or horny beaks, the sauropodomorphs had tiny heads and weak jaws and teeth, and used gastric stones, like modern-day birds, to grind up food in the stomach.
  • Moscow and London concluded a non-aggression pact and agreed the bounds of modern-day Afghanistan.
  • Now, there's a word you don't read or hear too often when it comes to modern-day sport.
  • One would've imagined that an ability to distinguish ladyboys from genuine ladies is a minimum requirement for modern-day editorial work.
  • These modern-day steeplejacks do something I would never contemplate - climbing towers and literally hanging off them.
  • The panto is a modern-day version of Cinderella, played out against the magnificent backdrop of Stormont's steps and portals. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Here, she looks at what that ideal meant and looks for modern-day heroes. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who reflect the wide diversity which exists in modern-day Scotland are needed for this vital work.
  • The Year 2000, was a story about how a group of scientists were trying to help save an endangered species of bovine called the gaur by using modern-day cattle as surrogates for clones. BrianKaneOnline
  • Elizabeth, who laughingly calls herself the ‘un-Barbie,’ can and probably will be portrayed as a modern-day everywoman.
  • The explosion that lit up the Siberian sky in a fireball shortly after 7 a.m. on June 30, 1908, is known as the Tunguska event, after the river that flows through the damage zone, and is widely considered the modern-day warning about the dangers slinging through space. ‘Roid Rages Past Earth - The Lede Blog -
  • The deal has been heralded as the first modern-day treaty in the province.
  • Two problematical areas in modern-day criminal law are dishonesty and intention.
  • What made the 1973 film stand out was that it set its demonic possession in a humdrum modern-day context.
  • Gilliam's movie is a modern-day fairy tale.
  • Although comically represented, the works depict sober modern-day issues.
  • The roughly 30-minute tour involves eight stops, all of which depict a different era in mining, progressing to a modern-day exhibit that shows the kind of toothy machines that continuously chew coal out of the black veins inside the Appalachians. Undefined
  • This khanate included Mongolia and the conquered territories that form most of modern-day China, part of Burma, part of India and Tibet. China for the World
  • There is growing evidence that the lifestyle of the modern-day wealthy footballer is unhealthy, unmanageable and out of control. Times, Sunday Times
  • During US occupation of Japan in 1945, the Meiji law banning tattoos was removed, but the social stigma against tattoos has managed to persist, resulting in some of the modern-day exclusions some commenters refered to. Tattoo in Japan Boing Boing
  • You cannot have a modern-day recovery without the service sector playing its part. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something tells me that when Martha Stewart burst onto the scene a few decades ago -- only to watch her celebrity soar as a modern-day Happy Homemaker -- she may not have ever imagined she d be thrust into the high-tech hi-jinks of 2011. Greg Archer: Martha Stewart Moves Into A New Era (VIDEOS)
  • In 1933 Standard Oil of California obtained a concession from the founder of modern-day Saudi Arabia King Abd Al-Aziz Ibn Saud.
  • The question was: how do you translate Quixote for a modern-day audience?
  • It is a modern-day fairy tale complete with magic, an ogre, brave deeds, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
  • Advertisements are annoyingly blared from a neon cityscape that mirrors modern-day Tokyo, minus the flying machines. Eric’s Top 10 Movies That Prove the Future Will Suck » Scene-Stealers
  • Installments of the manga have jumped back and forth in setting from the ancient times to modern-day geopolitics. Anime Preview: Winter 2008/2009 « Undercover
  • The intestines of modern-day Homo sapiens are no longer ideal for digesting meat, as they are so long (almost 28 feet), the meat often putrefies by the time it gets to the end. We Were Warned: NAFTA, the Environment and Swine Flu
  • The description of being drunk on too much wine and going into brothels made me think how little modern-day life has changed.
  • Until these break-out roles for Firth, the two actors had kept up some kind of equivalence, each succeeding as Jane Austen heroes after Grant played Edward Ferrars in Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility, then both tackling the modern-day laddy Englishness of Nick Hornby's world in adaptations of Fever Pitch and About a Boy. Hugh Grant and Colin Firth, the screen's leading Englishmen at 50
  • But he admits his pastime is in contrast to that of the stereotypical modern-day footballer. The Sun
  • Their stories are narrated with sharp adroitness and lessons are drawn that apply to our modern-day craving for supermen and saviours.
  • Using modern-day infomercial creativity, the zipper industry alerted people to problems they didn't know they had -- namely "gaposis," gaping holes between ill-fitting buttons and clasps that exposed drafts and prying eyes to the body underneath. Tove Hermanson: The Secret Sexy Life of Zippers
  • There's a lot of rivalry between clubs in modern-day football. Times, Sunday Times
  • And now that Bruce Sutter and Goose Gossage are in the Hall, it's time we added Smith, who held the record for career saves (478) until modern-day closers Trevor Hoffman and Mariano Rivera passed him. USA TODAY writers reveal their 2009 Hall of Fame ballots
  • No one has ever managed to circumnavigate the globe in an autogyro, which is the predecessor to the modern-day helicopter that was made famous by an appearance in the James Bond film You Only Live Twice. James Bond News :: MI6
  • People who reflect the wide diversity which exists in modern-day Scotland are needed for this vital work.
  • In recent years governments and citizens and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have begun to awake to the problem of modern-day slavery.
  • Because he believes modern-day adventurism of this sort cannot work and is unnecessary.
  • Appret invented a method for preservation by sealing foods in airtight bottles and immersing them in boiling water for varying periods, which led to modern-day canning.
  • Modern-day pirates have traded in galleons and flintlocks for high-speed motor launches and semi-automatic rifles.
  • Also known as the caveman diet, the regime frowns on carbohydrate-laden foods like bread and cereal, and modern-day adherents eat only lean meat, vegetables and fruit. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • A few centuries ago it may not have seemed out of place, but even modern-day American puritans have been shocked by Florida's so-called ‘Scarlet Letter’ law.
  • I'm fascinated by the way that modern-day culture resonates with the whispers, sighs and echoes of ghosts.
  • A theatre full of modern-day hyperactive children still laughs and cheers at all the right places.
  • But on the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola - shared today by modern-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic - sloths survived until about 4,400 years ago.
  • This ancient parrot was small and delicate -- not much larger than a modern-day budgie. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • He is recognized as the forerunner of all modern-day British Prime Ministers.
  • They are the charts of a new frontier, modern-day versions of the maps made before ships circumnavigated the globe.
  • One thing's for certain about modern-day housecleaning - everybody's got a different definition of clean.
  • The modern-day sex symbol has now taken the place of the old-fashioned hero of yesteryear.
  • He listened to lengthy and completely spurious accounts by this modern-day alchemist of how his machine supposedly worked.
  • It is the modern-day equivalent of finding the right cave, keeping it dry and decorating it with pretty cave paintings.
  • The desert area of divine protection is identified as Edom, Moab, and Ammon—modern-day Jordan see Daniel 11:41. Can America Survive?
  • Well, that's how I feel about Jordi Savall, who - he's a guy, actually, who's best known for playing this antiquated, old instrument called the viola da gamba, the precursor to our modern-day cello. Sacred Songs And DJs: New Classical CDs
  • Something tells me that when Martha Stewart burst onto the scene a few decades ago -- only to watch her celebrity soar as a modern-day Happy Homemaker -- she may not have ever imagined she'd be thrust into the high-tech hi-jinks of 2011. Greg Archer: Martha Stewart Moves Into A New Era (VIDEOS)
  • If ever there was a modern-day character to emboy the saint/sinner, hero/villain Janus-faced idea of adoration and deploration then it's Gavin Henson. WalesOnline - Home
  • If there's one thing that marks the era of modern-day economic policy making, it's that the policymakers are increasingly cocooned from personally living with -- and suffering from -- the impact of their decisions (I'd love to watch a few senators travel coach for a month before approving yet another dignity-abasing piece of security theater at the airport). Les McKeown: The Vital Missing Voice in the Economic Recovery Debate Is Someone You've Never Heard of
  • The festival last week was charged with a modern-day energy and a multicultural feel.
  • This novel proves that he is not only a literary Goliath, but also a modern-day prophet who has his fingers on the pulse of the contemporary world, able to predict its vital beats.
  • Midway between the panorama and the four bizarre leonine images is a third panel, showing two lions below a bison that looks directly at them, just as modern-day wildebeests warily eye African lions on the Serengeti Plain.
  • Japanese women used lacquer (a precursor of modern-day hair spray) to secure their elaborate coiffures.
  • The modern-day diet has too little fiber in it.
  • You can see Roman ruins in Turkey, some of the most famous mosaics are from the place the Romans called Anatolia, which is modern-day Turkey. Violet Eclipse
  • The characters in my fable are modern-day versions of Galileo, Newton, and Leibniz.
  • As Macdonald points out, primitive life could have survived global glaciation: "modern-day ice cracks off Antarctica are 'chockablock' with single-celled life-forms," he told National Geographic. The Tech Report: News
  • With government funding, Mr. Porshnev launched a Soviet Snowperson Commission that after 1958 trudged through the Pamir Mountains of modern-day Tajikistan and the Caucasus region. Bigfoot Hunters Detect Signs of the Hairy Beast in Siberia
  • Before establishing control in Britain, the Romans probably forded the Thames in the area of modern-day Westminster, as this was the lowest fordable point in the river.
  • The answer, judging by last week's response to his modern-day doppelgänger, is that they would've embraced him even more warmly.
  • They got over the Danube into Wallachia, which is the southern part of modern-day Romania. Filmstalker: Vlad the Imapler gets film
  • The play is a sad, beautifully written, modern-day tragic love story.
  • There was no fanatical gleam in his eye, no catchphrases, no spin - but still, I left the meeting convinced that I'd met the modern-day equivalent of Noah and we'd better start listening to him.
  • If they are so sublimely oblivious to the daily operations of their firms, why are these modern-day plutocrats paid such princely sums, while the vast majority of employees face stagnating or falling real wages?
  • BOETTCHER: He also referred to President George Bush as a modern-day pharaoh, which is heavily weighted in the Koranic text, a lesson that tells of the failure of arrogance and how the pharaohs fell because they thought they were equals to God. CNN Transcript Nov 13, 2002
  • Simply put, Yunus 'work in leading the charge behind microcredit is the stuff of modern-day saints. How The Free Market Tames Greedy Investors
  • Comparing the power surge brought on by advances in rackets and strings to modern-day baseball, he says, "If they had some of the equipment we have in tennis they'd be hitting the ball 700 feet. Tennis' technological advances have their ups, downs
  • The reality is that in modern-day football the players have all the power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elections are rarely worth defending, and certainly are not the holy things modern-day majoritarians say they are.
  • Jones is typical of modern-day evangelicalism, which has abandoned any notion of advocacy for the poor and the misfortunate, and instead concentrates itself on gaining wealth and power. Think Progress » Gainesville, FL rejects homophobic ‘No Homo’ campaign and elects its first openly gay mayor.
  • These will be men who know their way around a panga, the weapon of choice in modern-day Africa, and I would put my life on the line for them.
  • The trio was under the impression that they were untouchable and would beat the rap and began to transfer their assets to relatives' modern-day off-shore accounts.
  • In addition to bread, wheat was also included in salads with chopped herbs and spices, much like our modern-day tabbouleh.
  • Harlan is a horse-riding, pistol-twirling charmer who seems to have stepped out of a 1950s western and washed up in modern-day Los Angeles.
  • It is difficult to picture Mr. Snell's modern-day counterpart, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, saying anything like that.

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